witchcraftwonders1 · 3 years
just found out i didn’t get into one of my dream drama schools. i have a playlist specifically for Apollo and i asked him for a message - ‘Float’ by KT Tunstall came on. the chorus is:
“no one knows how high i go
or what makes the atmosphere glow
i could follow the narrow road
but maybe i’ll let it all go
and just float”
will forever be grateful i have a patron who looks out for me like he does <3
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witchcraftwonders1 · 3 years
is it even a family christmas party if at least three people don’t ask you to pull out the tarot deck and give them a reading? i swear i love them to death but you do NOT want your secrets aired in front of 10+ people, my deck takes no prisoners 💀
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witchcraftwonders1 · 3 years
me: gods, i wish everyone would stop treating me like a child!! i’m an adult, and it’s so annoying that people won’t talk to me like one >:(
also me: *prays to Apollo before an over-the-phone doctors appointment so i don’t have to be alone when it happens*
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witchcraftwonders1 · 3 years
witchy q&a 🗝
1. what type of witch are you?
I don’t particularly use labels in my craft, so I’d probably say eclectic!
2. what deities do you like to work with, if any?
I worship the Hellenic Pantheon, but I work most closely with Apollo, Artemis, and a deity I’m not comfortable disclosing yet :)
3. have you ever created your own spell?
I have! I tend to find that my intentions are met much better when I create my own spells.
4. what���s your favourite time of year?
That sweet spot right between the end of Summer and the start of Autumn. It’s still hot and sunny, but the spookiness of October is just around the corner!
5. do you have a witch you look up to?
Honestly, Witchtok creators like @chaoticwitchaunt and @aragingwitch on tiktok are huge role models for me <3
6. what makes you feel powerful?
Being called a witch, dark lipstick, the energy of the moon and the sun, divination, my connection to the Gods, and the community I’ve built on tiktok.
7. do you have a favourite myth?
Honestly, I genuinely don’t think I could pick lol.
8. which famous/fantasy witch do you relate the most to?
It has to be Winifred Sanderson. Her vibes, her aesthetic, her hilarious one-liners… she may be a villain, but she’s an icon!
9. are you wiccan?
I explored the possibility when I first started in the craft, but it never really fit or felt right for me. Paganism is more my style.
10. what’s the most unique item you’ve used in a spell?
Oddly enough, a block of feta cheese. Useful when working with the Hellenic pantheon I guess.
11. do you own any witchy books?
I own quite a few, but I haven’t had chance to read them all yet. And I’m always picking up more from WHSmiths (British witch check)!
12. which misconception about witches annoys you the most?
The fact that people think you can’t believe in witchcraft and be smart at the same time - that only dumb people believe in things like astrology and crystals. Like, people, most witches are pretty intelligent after all the research we have to do!
13. have you ever created your own sigil?
I have! It’s one of the things I enjoy doing most in witchcraft, I find the patterns very soothing :)
14. what element are you most drawn to?
I can’t choose between fire and water - they’ve always been my favourite two. Could be something to do with me having only fire and water signs in my big three…
15. do you have a familiar?
I don’t, but I don’t think the time is right for me yet. In the future, who knows?
16. are you part of a coven?
Not currently, I prefer to practice solitary. My witchy friends are more then enough for me! :)
17. what’s your spirit animal?
I am whiter than white, so this isn’t a question I can answer. Instead, I’ll tell you my patrons: it’s a cobra!
18. do you do tarot readings?
I do! I much prefer oracle card readings though, I find them much more intuitive.
19. what’s your favourite witch movie?
I’m embarrassingly basic, so either Hocus Pocus or Practical Magic. I like a movie that’ll make me laugh :)
20. how many crystals do you have?
Too many to count, but I’m always looking to add more to the collection!
21. what’s the most unique item on your altar?
I don’t have a proper altar set up due to housing space, but I have a little sunshine carebear doll that I bought in honour of Apollo :)
22. have you ever enchanted anything?
I have, mostly jewellery.
23. what’s your religion?
I consider myself to be a Hellenic Polytheist!
24. do you have a favourite crystal?
It changes all the time, but recently I’m somewhere between carnelian, rose quartz, and citrine.
25. what are some of your favourite spells?
I do love a focus/productivity spell (as a college-age witch, I’m always in need of a little push to help me get stuff done).
26. what do you like to do to cleanse your space?
I sing! I’m an aspiring musical theatre actress, so cleansing is a perfect way to practice my vocals whilst also giving my space a refresh and resetting the energy. That’s why I enjoy cleansing so much :)
27. when do you feel the most confident?
When I’m accompanied by a good witchy soundtrack - music is an extremely large part of my craft so I love to meditate/do spellwork/pray to a good backing track.
28. do other people know you’re a witch?
I don’t openly display it (other than on my tiktok), but if someone asks then I’ll definitely tell them. A lot of people in my life know - at first it was difficult, but now I’ve found my people, and I’m much happier for it :)
29. have one of your spells ever gone wrong?
Not to my knowledge… a few I tried in the beginning of my craft didn’t work, but I’ve never had one actually go wrong.
30. what outfit makes you feel the most witchy?
A long-sleeve black turtleneck, black jeans, my high-heeled boots (passed down from my wonderful Nana), crystal necklaces and bracelets, dark lipstick, and some sigils doodled on my forearms.
31. have you ever tried astral projection?
I haven’t yet, but it’s something I’d love to look into!
32. do you have any enchanted items?
A few rings/bracelets and a necklace :)
33. what does your altar look like?
I don’t currently have the space/resources necessary for an altar, but I’m hoping that when I move out next year I’ll be able to set one up properly!
34. have you ever seen a spirit?
I believe so…
35. what’s your favourite spell sachet?
I made one for self-love that has really worked well for me :)
36. do you have a favourite sigil?
The first one I ever created: a sigil that means ‘I show myself love’.
37. what’s your astrological sign?
Aries sun, Pisces moon, and Pisces rising!
38. Have you ever interacted with a deity?
Yes I have! Worship is a huge part of my practice :)
39. what colour are you most drawn to?
Black, silver, and blue - I feel like they’re very majestic. I do love a nice sunny yellow though!
40. do you believe in past lives?
I think so, I’m not entirely sure but I’d like to think so.
41. where do you like to practice your craft?
At the minute, I can usually only practice at home, but I also practice in more subtle ways in public. The forest near my house is excellent, and when I perform on stage I feel very magickal.
42. what’s your favourite season?
Autumn <3
43. have you ever cursed someone?
I haven’t, but I’m not opposed to the idea at all - I just haven’t really found the courage yet.
44. how long have you been a practicing witch?
Around two and a half years now :)
45. what drew you to witchcraft?
I’ve always been a little too obsessed with Greek mythology, but after a fateful trip to a ‘myths and magic’ fair near me, I found witchcraft and I’ve never turned back. I’ve found where I belong <3
46. in what moon phase do you feel the most powerful?
It has to be the full moon. I love having time to honour Artemis, and the light of the moon leaves me feeling charged and energised for days afterwards.
47. what’s your favourite holiday?
Halloween, no questions asked! I feel much more connected to my practice, and to be real, I just love all things spooky!
48. do you know anything about your past lives (if you believe in them)?
I don’t, but I’d love to find out more.
49. have you ever done an energy reading?
I haven’t yet, because I don’t have the knowledge. I’d be interested to learn how though.
50. what time of day do you like to practice your craft?
In the evening/at night. Somethings about the dark makes me feel empowered.
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