Apartment Witch🖤
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witchcraftvibes · 5 years ago
Date a girl who is an Old God of the forest, whose antlers are coated in moss, whose hooves blend in with the forest floor, who calls the trees to her side as she sings
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
Unmute !
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
Spell to strengthen and enrich an existing love
This is a spell I made for my Boyfriend @witchwithacoffeepot and I, to strengthen and enrich our love so it may last forever. ❤️
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Large Jar
Bay Leaf
Rose Quartz
2 Coins small enough to fit in the jar
Golden Marker
2 Tags
Herb & Crystal to represent you
Herb & Crystal to represent partner
Duct Tape
Take the coins and on the same side of each, write the initials of your states/countries, one on each coin. Use the Duct Tape and tape the coins together, the initialed sides pressed together, and place on the bottom of the jar
Cover the coins with a layer of Mint, speaking your intent as you do so
Add a layer of Rosemary, speaking your intent as you do so
Add a layer of Allspice, speaking your intent as you do so
Take the Bay Leaf and draw the Sigil on it. Place in the jar, being careful to keep it as whole as possible
Take the herbs you and your partner chose, and mix them together speaking your intent while you do so. Add to the jar
Take the 3 crystals and kiss each one before adding to the jar, with the rose quartz in the middle of the three
Rub the vanilla onto the bottom of the cork/lid. Seal the jar
On one side of each tag, write your initials and your partner’s initials. On the opposite sides, draw half a heart, making it so the drawings look like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly. Tie the tags together and tie them around the neck of the jar
Kiss each morning 💕
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
“Legal” Stoner Witch
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Legality of this post varies from state to state and other countries but everything here is 100% legal and no licence required to get where I live (Michigan). However do not do any of these if you are a minor, please. I am also not an expert so please do your own research. Do not replace anything here with treatments by your doctor unless they have given the OK to do so. 
This is also not to shame people who use actual marijuana/THC. This post is for people who want to enjoy the properties of weed without getting high and/or doing something “illegal” because of preference or situation. We are pro weed in all shapes and forms here! I saw a lot of guides/tips for Stoner witches but nothing to help out witches who can’t get their hands on weed if it was illegal where they live. 
With that out of the way, let’s begin! 
A lot of this post will revolve around CBD oil. CBD oil is a chemical compound in weed that does not make you high but it has a lot of physical and mental healing uses, is used medically to treat minor to severe pain, depression, anxiety, acne, and many more as it a powerful anti-inflammatory. It also is what mostly makes you relaxed when you smoke weed. Because of the lack of THC, CBD oil is much more legal in states and countries, even in those where marijuana is not legal.
How to use
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Some of the most common forms of CBD oil is either in full oil with varying doses or in e-liquid juice to vape. They also come in gummies and other foods. I often buy the gummies and pop a few before and after work to ease my anxiety and stress. I also use them to help me go to sleep at night. 
I also have it in vape juice that I either vape or put a few drops on my tongue when I get terrible back pain or plantar fasciitis which helps me to cope with the pain.
Magical properties of marijuana (most from my own thoughts and personal associations) - Meditative, prosperity, healing, psychic. 
Other ways to use legal forms of weed. 
-Hemp seed and/or CBD oil for beauty spells. Use in the bath, as a setter before you put on makeup, or help cure you acne. Use both into homemade bath bombs and toners! 
-Hemp rope for knot magic
-Hemp paper for wishing spells. 
-Hemp paper wraps to add properties of weed to your herbal smokes. 
-Replace Hemp oil for olive oil in your cooking magic. (However hemp oil cannot be used above 180C/356F so don’t deep fry with it) 
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
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The Witch’s Castle in Portland, Oregon. This is one of my go-to places. I’ve had some pretty cool experiences there. 
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
Attn: Witches that work with Herbs...
Just came across this cool site that has over 100 different vintage inspired botanical illustrations for use with common & botanical names for your herbal grimoires! 
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
i miss the era where rapist and pedophile men were rounded up and slaughtered at a festival in honor of the goddess artemis, protector of girls
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
✨🍵Tiny tea spell to feel better 🍵✨
Use whenever you’re feeling less than tip top.
🌷Incantation: “Witch’s brew, witch’s brew, make me feel good as new”
🌷Breathe into the cup to charge.
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
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Old cottages
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
Methods for Spells
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TO BIND- wrap in black thread, drip wax over, or seal in a jar and hide it in the dark.
TO BANISH- burn an effect to ash and sweep off the back door step, cast it out a window, or bury in the ground and spit on it
TO ENCOURAGE-  plant it by the front door/steps, bury by a window, or place it on a windowsill
TO HIDE- place in a jar painted black, cover with cloth and bury, or wrap with a ribbon
TO CLEANSE- bury it in a bowl of  salt, burn herbs and pass through the smoke, or lay it in a moonwater bath
TO GLAMOUR- leave under the full moon, hold its reflection over a mirror with herbs, or 
TO WISH- place before a candle and blow it out, drown a coin in water, or let seeds blow into the wind
TO COMMUNICATE- (with a spirit or deity) - anoint a candle, leave out offerings, or open the front doors and windows
TO WARD- leave part of the spell in four corners, draw lines around the protected area, or plant an object of projection in the north, east, south, and west edges
TO CURSE- spit on it, drag your nails down it, or stick sharp things in it
TO DISCOURAGE - plant or bury by the back door, or burn to ash
TO JINX- say it three times out loud, or say a word the same time as someone else
TO MANIPULATE - use wax, use poppets, or tie several strings to pieces of an effect
TO BENEFIT - light a candle, charge a crystal, or create a talisman
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
Appalachian Folklore, Wives Tales, and Superstitions
Brought to you mostly by my grandparents, but also by my family at large. These are all things I heard growing up in the northern region of Appalachia and wanted to share with y'all. The lore and sayings may vary based on location, family tradition, and other factors, but this is just what I’m sharing from my experiences!
• Give the first pinch of a freshly baked loaf of bread to the Good Men to keep them happy. • Deaths and births always come in threes. • Spin around in a circle three times before you walk in the front door to confuse any spirits that are following you. • Don’t throw your hair out! If a bird builds a nest with it, you’ll have migraines. • “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailor’s warning.” • If the leaves on trees are flipped over with their backsides showing, rain’s coming. • If you hear a dog howl at night, death is coming. • If you’re giving someone a wallet or purse as a present, put money in it to ensure they’ll never financially struggle. • Spirits can’t cross running water. • Cats and dogs won’t enter a room where spirits are present. • Carry an acorn in your pocket for good luck, a penny for prosperity, and a nail for protection. • If you’re having nightmares, put a Bible under your pillow. They’ll go away. • Take a spoonful of honey to keep your words sweet. • Keeping a pot of coffee on ensures a happy home. • It’s bad luck to walk over a grave. • A horseshoe hung above a door ensures good luck. • A horseshoe in the bedroom staves away nightmares. • If your right hand itches, you’ll soon be receiving money. If the left itches, you’ll be paying it. • Wishing on a star works. “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” • When you have a random shiver, someone just walked over your grave. • If smoke from a fire rises, expect clear skies. If it rolls along the ground, expect storms. • Rosemary near the door provides protection. Lavender provides peace. • “A ring around the sun or moon, rain or snow is coming soon.” • Wind chimes and bells keep spirits away. • Seeing a cardinal means unexpected company. • For that matter, so does dropping silverware. • Rubbing a bit of potato on a wart helps it to go away. • If the soles of your feet itch, you will soon walk on strange grounds. • Black eyed peas, greens, and/or pork and sauerkraut should be eaten on New Year’s Day to welcome good luck and good fortune. • Driving a nail into a bedframe or crib will drive away curses. • If your ears are burning, someone’s talking about you. • If you dream of fish, you are or will soon be pregnant. • Listen to the wisdom of children, they see and know more than we think. • To dream of death means birth, to dream of birth means death. • To cure a headache, crush some mint leaves in your hands, cup them over your mouth and nose, and breathe in a few times. It should help. • Placing a fern or ivy on the front porch protects against curses. • In a vegetable garden, never plant the same plants in the same spot two years in a row. Rotate where they are, and you’ll save your soil. (Note: this is a real thing called crop rotation, and is actually kind of important) • A black bird (Raven or crow, doesn’t matter) on the roof or a windowsill is an omen for death. To avoid it, you have to scare it away without using your voice before it caws. • Say a prayer when you pass a coal mine for the lost souls still in the mine. • Thank the land and the Lord with every successful hunt or harvest you have, for nothing is guaranteed.
These are a few of the folklores, wives’ tales, superstitions, and sayings that I’ve heard growing up (and still living in) in Appalachia! I encourage other Appalachian witches, cunning folk, and general inhabitants of the Appalachian region (and just the mountain range at large) to share whatever bits you’ve heard over the years! I just wanted to share a bit with y'all to give you an insight into some Appalachian lore, my own practice, and maybe give you some things to research and incorporate into your own practice! 🌿✨
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
Everyday Magickal Actions
Some people (like me) don’t have the time, resources and/or energy to perform complex spells or rituals every day. Some common causes of this are:
Busy life
Chronic illness/pain
Financial insecurity
All of these are very common problems in the witch community, and it’s perfectly fine not to have a huge collection of crystals or sacrifices for the gods! There are many simple, low-energy ways to perform witchcraft that are no lesser than the above practices. Here are some ways to practice the craft this way:
Stirring a drink counter-clockwise banishes negative energy
Stirring clockwise embues energy of your choosing (just focus on it while you stir!)
Saying hello to plants/animals in the wild will increase your connection with nature
So does cleaning up litter on the side of the road.
Tap gently on the palm of your hand with your index finger helps with anxiety and concentration, and is a good way to stim without drawing attention, for those of you who do so
Put bugs gently outside instead of squishing them. They are smol beings, protect them.
Set a small portion of your food aside for any god/deity/faeries/spirit to eat (or just as an offering to the universe).
Throw a sprinkle of moon water (water that’s been left out under moonlight) on a plant to help it grow!
Sigils are literally a life saver. Make some!
And sometimes, just sitting and feeling the energy of the universe around you is a magick unto itself. So don’t be hard on yourself! You are magick, and magick is you; you don’t have to prove yourself to the universe: it’s already chosen you!
Oh, and say hello to the cherry blossoms, they will hold something special for you in return.
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
I knew it was coming, I knew it was due, but I’ve been watching this show since it started, spent more than half of my life invested in these characters, and the actors who played them, so letting go feels like losing a part of me. Thanks for 15 years, Supernatural.
It’s an end of an era.
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witchcraftvibes · 6 years ago
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