Witch blog of trans-boyardee
784 posts
26 years old. Trans man. Gay. Autistic. Married. Lives in Southern USA.
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
Tips for writing spells:
If you want to keep something close, bury it in your back yard. If you want to attract something, bury it under the front door step If you want to destroy its influence, burn it. If you want it to move away and sink, throw it in running water If you want to disperse it to a distance, throw it into a crossroads If you want to fix its influence, inter it in a five-spot pattern If you want it to work by means of spirits, bury it in a graveyard If you want to hide its point of origin, conceal it in a tree If you want it to work in secret, give it in food or drink If you want it to work by stealth, hide it in clothing or on objects If you want its influence to begin or strengthen, throw it East If you want its influence to end or weaken, throw it West If you want its influence to rise and fall cyclicly, float it in a tidal estuary
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
Person: Your writing is so good!
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
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I repel toxic peopleĀ sigil | my sigils
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
Me: *in bed in pink pjs, surrounded by stuffed animals, watching childrenā€™s tv shows, eating candy*
Me: I am a powerful WITCH a child of the NIGHT nothing can defeat me
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
Negative Release Canna-Spell
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While accepting that negativity is all around us and itā€™s going to happen no matter what, we need to also let go. As humans we have a tendency to focus hard on the negativity, in turn it will hold on to us harder. The way people say it just follows some people around, it can and does, because sometimes they canā€™t let go of it either. Time to let go.
- Cannabis of choice, suggesting an indica to produce a calming effect, but whatever is available to you will work. - Smoking tool of your choice (or how ever you choose to ingest)Ā  - Paper and pen - Metal bowl and a safe environment to burn a piece of paper. - black candle in a glass jarĀ  - your altar space or where you feel comfortable doing spell work
- Prep for smoking session, remember to save all your ashes into the metal bowl. If youā€™re eating edibles or using dab you can skip this step. - Light your candle, imagine it calling all negativity that means you harm to itā€™s flame. - While youā€™re smoking, write down the thing you need to let go of. Bad relationship, hurt feelings, judgements, etc. Put it all on there, anything that holds you back spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. - Once youā€™re done smoking and done with your list fold it up and place it in the bowl on top of your ashes. Blow out your candle. - Light the paper on fire and imagine that same negative energy latching onto the flame of the paper, slowly dying out. Once it turns to ash sprinkle the ash into the black candle wax.Ā 
You can reuse this candle as many times as you wish but only for negativity banishment. It no longer has a hold on your nor you on it. Sealed away in wax. Will it come back? It could, but thatā€™s up to you. Will you dig it out and grab a hold again? If you find yourself doing so youā€™ll have to put it back. You are stronger than the negativity, you are in control of yourself.Ā 
Brightest blessings canna-users!
-Your friendly Canna-witch-
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
so many people who practice witchcraft on tumblr believe that itā€™s likeā€¦ inherently a religion, that it canā€™t be secular, that secular witches arenā€™t ā€œrealā€ witches, blah blah blah. please, iā€™m begging you, examine witchcraft outside the lens of new age occult authors or what you read on this echo chamber of a site. take an anthropology class at your community college. please. magic, witchcraft, and religion are three different things. scientifically. culturally. itā€™s okay if you consider your practice part of your religion, but please try to understand that your experiences are not universal, and that for the hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years that humans have being doing those three thingsā€“magic, witchcraft, and religionā€“they have been separate entities (sometimes combined in practice, though!) in too many cultures to count.
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
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Kochut on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Rings tags
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
can you give me some traditional storm raising methods I know beating a rock with a wet rag and invoking the devil raises the wind got any good ones for me also when I do a weather spell do I consider stuff like type of storm/how long it's going to last/over what area do I want it to be?
Some traditional methods to raise storms are:
1)Ā by casting flint stones behind your back towards the west - Iā€™ve never used this method but I have seen others use this method of clicking stones together to bring rain.
2) byĀ flinging a little sand into the air - Iā€™ve actually used this method at one of the local beaches in the area. You can feel the sea breeze pick up the sand and carry it. Then you feel the wind shift and you can smell the briny salt of the ocean as the wind whips up the waves. Dark storm clouds form in the distance and you can watch as it rolls towards shore.
3) byĀ striking a river with a broom - this is meant to send the water from the river into the sky thus bringing rain. Splashing river water works just as well. Swinging a broom in circles above your head in the air is also said to bring great winds and even storms.
4) byĀ stirring water with the finger in a hole in the ground - my familyā€™s method of bringing rain and storms uses an adapted version of this method however we tend to use water in a bowl instead of water in the ground though both methods work.Ā 
5) by burning rain bringing incenseĀ - My aunt uses this method when Melbourne really needs some rain. She buys an incense called ā€˜rain dropsā€™ made of herbs known for bringing rain and then burns it while standing out in her yard while looking to the sky. Burning ā€˜rain bringingā€™ herbs also works.
6) by dancing, singing and playing musical instrumentsĀ - while this may not seem very ā€˜witchyā€™ this method has been used by multiple cultures around the world to bring rain. Stomping your feet on the ground represents raindrops falling. Singing and the music of instruments represent the wind and the sound of rain.
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
Top 5 Best Goetic Demons for Beginners
(No particular order)
Stolas is great for beginners mainly because he is genuinely kind and helpful. He enjoys partaking in in-depth intellectual conversations. Another thing about Stolas is he has knowledge of all stars and planets. Along with this he teaches the properties of stones and the uses of herbs.
Vassago is probably going to be one of friendliest if not the friendliest demons you will come across. Like many other demons he has the ability to look into the past, present and the future. However he is the most well known for this ability, I think that he may be able to actually see/understand the past, present and future in more detail, or just willing to tell you about it more so than other demons. Along with this he has the breathtaking ability of finding anything that has been lost.
I personally havenā€™t invoked Ipos as of yet. However, Ipos can make people moreā€¦.whole? He basically can help shy people become more confident, average joes (intellect-wise) seem incredibly intellectual, help you become more charismatic and bold, along with helping you keep/ make friends. Another noteworthy thing about Ipos is that he is believed to be the Egyptian God Anubis.
Paimon is very friendly and quite the ā€œcolorfulā€ character to say the least. Paimon gives good familiars and bestows honor. He can reveal anything about Earth to you along with share the secrets of oneā€™s mind. Paimon is good for beginners because he has a loud voice and a very strong presence. This is good for beginners mainly because, more than likely, beginners are not in tune with their psyche enough to see, hear, or feel the demon. So starting with someone like Paimon could make you more aware of how a demonā€™s presence feels like for the future.
Bune is a very friendly demon. She can help you acquire wealth, wisdom, and a degree of sophistication. She has the ability to make even hobo joe a high-society figure through bestowing wealth and wisdom. Also a fun history note: she is believed to have helped ancient Egyptians build their first society through helping them acquire wealth and wisdom. This may be why she regularly appears as a Pharaoh she kind of resembles a Hollywood style Cleopatra.
A more in-depth post on each of these demons will come soon :-)
Best regards,
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
My dash is dead
If youā€™re a practicing witch, please like and reblog this so I can find you!
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
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emoji spell to encourage self love and the manifestation of positive energy.
likes charge, reblogs cast šŸ
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
Southern Folklore and the Trouble of Passing Down
This post may not be of much interest to many, but I wanted to make something to point out the difficulty of taking passed down stories and folklore and translating it to usable practice and show why taking notes and conducting experiments with your practice is so necessary. As my example, hereā€™s how to conjure the devil to you (according to Southern folklore):
Ā 1. Go to a crossroads of four roads for nine consecutive mornings and on the ninth morning the devil will appear and you must physically fight him and, assuming that he letā€™s you go, heā€™ll ask your terms - what you want and for how many years you want on Earth before he comes for you.Ā 
2. Go to a crossroads of nine roads for nine Sunday mornings and on the ninth the devil will appear and play music (with you? against you?) and ask what kind of earthly pleasures you want.Ā 
3. Go to any public crossroads for nine consecutive mornings with a live black chicken and on the ninth the devil will meet you and teach you anything you want to know.
Now while I have no interest in conjuring the devil at a crossroads Iā€™d have a hard time of it if I was. Although there are some consistent elements - the nine mornings spent at a crossroads - thereā€™s a lot of variation here, and this is a mild example of the kinds of wild variation in folk stories and magic practices. Ask five different individuals and youā€™ll likely end up with five slightly consistent but quite varied stories. In some instances it can be easy to see the main patterns and pull out the core elements from there, but in many cases it can be impossible to note any kind of consistency when it comes to what youā€™re actually supposed to do, not to mention all of the details that might be left out intentionally or unintentionally - are there words to speak while at the crossroads? is there a trick to besting the devil physically? is there a better time of morning to conduct this? etc.Ā 
These kinds of unanswerable questions mark the moment where the individual practitioner must become a scientist willing to conduct multiple and varied experiments over time, documenting findings until they discover what works. And this is part of what makes witchcraft a practice, an ongoing constant search and series of experiments to locate results and effective methods and means through layers of misinformation and misunderstandings. So, if something isnā€™t working make note of it and turn to the experiment again.Ā 
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
Frequently Used Terms
This is a short guide to all the terms commonly used in the spirit companionship community. If you have any questions about the words or definitions, please donā€™t hesitate to contact us! (Note: All of these definitions are made in regards to our personal practices, and may not always fit for everyone!) Last updated 10/23/2018.
Altar- A place to leave offerings to a spirit or deity.
Anchor- An item that a spirit uses to better connect with their companion. Definition by @will-o-the-witch (their post about anchors).
Astral- A name to that refers to any realm or dimension that is not ours.
Automatic Writing- Allowing a spirit to take partial or full control of your hand or arm to allow them to write. A method of spirit communication.
Banishing- The act of removing a spirit from a specific area.
ā€‹Bilocation- A method of astral travel or projection that requires someone to split their attention between the physical plane and the astral.
Binding- A method of creating a a link between a spirit and an anchor and vessel. If properly done, a binding can be altered or destroyed by the spirit or companion if necessary.
Bonding- The act of spending time with your companion.
Calling- A feeling sent out by a spirit to show interest and draw a companion to them.
Channeling- The act of allowing a spirit to take partial or full control of a body part or full body in order to allow them to communicate. Often used in relation to automatic writing.
Companion- Interchangeable term to refer to a spirit or human in a companionship. Used in these definitions to refer to the human.
Companionship- The practice of working with spirits in a certain relationship format (friendship, mentorship, romantic, sexual, etc.)
ā€‹Conjurer- Someone who conjures spirits.
Conjuring- The act of calling forth a spirit. Typically done in a non-invasive way that allows the spirit to show up only if they want to.
Contract- An agreement between a spirit and a human, often for an exchange of services for offerings or goods.
Discernment- Judging information to determine the accuracy and legitimacy of it.
Divination- Using tools or objects to predict possible outcomes or communicate with spirits.
Egregore- A thoughtform created from the thoughts and energy of multiple people.
Energy- Property of objects that can be transferred to other objects or changed in form.Ā 
Entity- Typically means a living spirit that did not appear due to a death. (IE. A spirit that was born on the astral and is still alive).
Exorcism- The act of removing a spirit from a specific area or person. Another term for banishing.
Familiar- A spirit or animal that acts as a guide for witches or those on a metaphysical path.
Ghost- A spirit that was previously living. Often used in regards to human spirits.
Guardian- A spirit that provides protection.
Guide- A spirit that helps guide someone through their path.
Horsing- Allowing a spirit to take partial or full control of a body, with consent. Similar to possession.
House Rules- Guidelines and rules created by a companion, to be followed byĀ the spirits while they are currently in/at a specific location or working with them.
Interfacing- Interacting or talking with a spirit while channeling them.
Intuition- The ability to know something without previous exposure to the knowledge.
Keeper- Old term for a human companion. Not commonly used.
Keeping- Old term for companionship. Not commonly used.
Offering- A gift or item meant for a spirit.
Possession- The act of a spirit taking control of a body, either forcibly or with consent.Ā 
Servitor- Similar to a thoughtform, created to preform a specific task or job.
ā€‹Spirit- A term used for both entities and ghosts. A non-corporeal being.
Summoning- Another term for conjuring.
Thoughtform- A thoughtform is a being created by a human using energy and thoughts.
Unbound- A spirit that is not currently bound to any anchor or vessel.
Vessel- An item that a spirit uses to better connect with their companion.Ā Another term for anchor.
Visualization- Creating a mental image of something.
Warding- Putting up some sort of protections, often used to protect a specific place or person.
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
ā€œa period of prosperous personal growth is headed my wayā€
like = charge
reblog = cast
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witch-boyardee Ā· 6 years ago
Do not be afraid, in ritual, to be undignified, to be strange, to express what is animal and taboo and shameful in your desires. To express emotion, to be ugly, to get dirty.
Ritual - most especially ecstatic ritual - is about finding and expressing the power of your deepest, rawest, wildest self. That doesnā€™t look pretty, it is not what society asks us to be, but that is not what witchcraft is about.
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