wistfulromancereader · 6 months
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wistfulromancereader · 10 months
being aromantic is like. hey btw you're going to live a life that is the culmination of most of society's worst nightmares. sorry lol ✌️ but then you turn around and take a really good hard look at it and it turns out that living in that nightmare is fucking awesome and you get to wake up every day and take that fear that other people have and laugh and hold it close until it's a great joy for you instead. and being happy is a radical act that you define instead of someone else. and you're sexy as fuck that's just a fact of life i don't make the rules on that one
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wistfulromancereader · 10 months
when you follow the tag "lgbtqia" hoping to find a bunch of funny relatable gay posts, but instead you get porn ads
like bro im asexual please leave
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wistfulromancereader · 10 months
the aroace dichotomy of wanting to be wanted but also not wanting a relationship
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I love watching B99 over and over again. B99 is literally my therapy.
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Review: Boyfriend Material
Overall feelings: missed opportunity for a good book.
The premise was really intriguing and could have made a really fun book but it didn’t quite hit the mark. Luc and Oliver are supposed to be fake dating but it didn’t feel like they were fake dating. It just felt like the beginning of a relationship. Where was the pining?? The wishing that it was real and not just for other people?? 
Also, how did they break up three different times if they weren’t even actually together. It just seemed kind of unnecessary and repetitive and it lost its value at the end. 
I know there is a sequel (that I’m probably not going to read) that will probably get into more of this stuff but I wish there had been more about Luc’s trauma with the tabloids. There was a couple scenes where Luc has panic attacks because of the paparazzi or a written piece but I don’t feel as if he fully resolved those issues. I know that that stuff takes time and he obviously made tons of progress but it still felt unresolved.
Another thing that felt unresolved was Oliver’s history and conflict with his parents and how that affects him as a person and a character. Also, Luc just casually drops that he thinks Oliver has an eating disorder in the last 5% of the book? Maybe its setting up for the sequel but there wasn’t really a need for that to be brought into the story that late in the game. It just didn’t make sense to me.
Also why did Alex get so many scenes? I know that he was meant to be funny but I just found him incredibly annoying.
Another thing that I found annoying was how it was established that Luc is 6′4 at the beginning of the book but later on he’s hiding behind Oliver from the paparazzi and tucking into his side. How tall is Oliver supposed to be??? 6′4 is really fucking tall so unless Oliver is built like giant that means that Luc is walking around hunched over all the time which just irritates me.
There were some things I enjoyed about this book such as Luc’s inner monologue and his friend group, they were great. But in the end they weren’t enough to make up for all of the other things.
2/5 stars
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I love Moe’s Books in Berkeley. It’s several stories but you have to be careful browsing because you can get lost in here for hours.
IG: coffeeandbookss
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“Reading a book is like re-writing it for yourself.”
— Angela Carter
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They don’t have names.
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I love bookshops! 🤓📚📖
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i said this on tiktok but allo society has killed magic and adventure. is killing it. i didn’t want to believe it, but honestly, to them there is nothing my exciting or wonderous than the experience of love and sex, or the pursuit of it, or the memory of it. it is magic. and i am fully, 100% sealed off from it. and i know, i know, intellectually, that there are exciting moments outside of sex & love, but good god on earth, don’t tell me that reading a book or something is supposed to be as exciting as allos make romance sound. that can’t be all there is.
i think that’s actually why aces/aros are into dragons or pirates or whatever: without that endless adventure & bone-deep wonder, what else will quicken my breath & shove my heart into my throat? and don’t fucking tell me to get a hobby. allos have hobbies too, but they don’t live for them.
how do i live life fully? how do i experience the world in full color? what will i look back on at the end of my life? born too late to explore the earth, born too early to explore the stars, born at just the right goddamn time to be devastatingly, horrifyingly mediocre.
anyway. happy asexual awareness week.
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Ok. Ok so I've seen people do this with Homestuck. But I already read Homestuck. So let's try something else.
*leans in close to the mic*
10k notes and I will watch Supernatural
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recent bookstore and cafe finds during a trip to the Netherlands.
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In the comic, Tao genuinely thinks he is being helpful
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But in the show, Tao already knows about Nick and Charlie, so I hope he just very much intentionally cockblocks
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credits: oliviapbells
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