wishfield · 3 years
Hello my favorite human, may I request a fluffy drabble for Reader and Wanda going to pumpkin patch together for the first time? 🎃
Warnings: none, tooth-rotting fluff
The sun was just starting to set when you and Wanda pulled into farm. Every year Clint and Laura hosted a small autumn fair where they had pumpkin picking and small games for the kids. You always wanted to go but never seemed to have the time. Work kept you busy this time of year, but Wanda insisted you take her.
It was your first autumn together; she wanted to do all the festivities with you. And how could you say no to such a cute face?
She wandered down the walkable paths between the rows of pumpkins. She examined each one that peeked out from the giant leafy greens, wanting to make sure she picked the best ones to display in front of your house - because she certainly couldn't put anything in front of her apartment door without getting in trouble. Your house was the only option.
Wanda managed to carry three small pumpkins in her arms before she started stacking them in yours. You finally cut her off when she tried to put on bigger than your head on top of the others.
"Do you think we should get extras for carving?" She asked as the two of you walked towards the check-out line.
"We can carve these ones just fine, but we don't want to carve them until it's closer to Halloween. They'll rot," you reminded her.
"Hm, you're right. We'll have to print out some designs, so they look cute and professional."
You hummed. "We can do that."
She turned toward you and smiled. You swore every time she smiled at you like that, your heart stopped for just a few seconds. She was more stunning when she seemed genuinely happy.
"Thank you for indulging me this season. I'm just happy we get to spend it together, you know?" She lightly kissed your cheek. "I wanna do everything we can to make all the memories."
"And we can," you assured her. "Anything for you."
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wishfield · 3 years
Folks, friends, y’all…. esk*mo is a slur. I understand a lot of people don’t know that, I don’t want to be a dick about it, but I’ve been seeing it in fics. Wanna write “esk*mo kisses”? Just say “nuzzled noses” or something.
I’m not here to call anybody out, it’s been in multiple fics, I’m not vague posting. This is just a psa. 👍🏻
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wishfield · 3 years
awwww this is so goodddd :))
We’ll Be There For Each Other
A/N: I struggled to write this because I kept getting distracted by literally everything on my desk for some reason, but thanks for the request! Based off of this ask!
Here’s a link to my Masterlist!
Warnings: None (Let me know if I need to add any!!!)
Word Count: 950
Summary: “Stay” & “Do you need a hug?” from this prompt list.
Keep reading
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wishfield · 3 years
Ruined Plans
Summary: Wanda's job gets in the way of your surprise dinner plans, but can she make it up to you?
Pairing: Wanda x female reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: This one is fluffy as hell and I think the shortest thing I've ever written. Cute domestic wife Wanda is always fun to write.
Translations: detka- baby
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Everything was ready to go.
The dining room table was set, candles lit to cast the room in a soft glow. The cheesecake you had baked for dessert was in the fridge, next to the chocolate coated strawberries that were setting. You had gathered all the necessities for a romantic bubble bath after dinner, even going as far as to warm the towels in the dryer to ensure they were extra fluffy. There were rose petals spread out over your bed and your favourite pair of lingerie was resting on the end of the mattress, ready for you to put on after your bath. Dinner was in the oven, about twenty minutes remaining on the timer. Soft music played through the speakers to set the mood, and you swayed gently to it as you packed the dishwasher.
You had planned the perfect evening, now all you needed was your wife.
As if she could sense you thinking about her, your phone lit up with a call. Wanda’s face flashed on the screen, the picture of her making you smile. It had been one of the first ones you took of her, snapping the photo on your third date. You had gone to get ice cream, and she held the cone up in front of her as you took the photo, a goofy smile on her face.
“Hey babe,” you answered the phone, wiping your hands on the dishtowel before walking out of the kitchen, “are you leaving now? Dinner should be ready when you get home.” You had planned on surprising her with your plans, hoping to enjoy the night with her.
You and Wanda had bought a house together not long after you had gotten married, and you loved that she came home to you every day. It wasn’t a large house, a modest two storey in the suburbs, but you were excited to start your family with Wanda in the house. You had purchased one with four bedrooms, wanting enough rooms for the children you planned on having together.
You hear Wanda sigh on the other end of the line and your stomach drops.
“I’m sorry detka,” she replies sounding exhausted, “Stark wants us to stay for some extra weapons training. I tried to get out of it, but he’s insisting.”
“That’s okay,” you tell her, trying to keep the disappointment out of your voice, “Saving the world is kind of an important job.”
“I promise I’ll make it up to you,” she says, “I hope you hadn’t gone to too much trouble?”
You glance over at the dining room, looking at the decorated table before you answer.
“No,” you reply, not wanting to make your wife feel guilty for just doing her job, “just an easy dinner tonight. I’ll make sure I save something for you when you get home.”
“I really am sorry,” she repeats before you hear voices in the background. She swears under her breath before returning to your conversation. “I have to go now, they’re starting the training.”
“I’ll see you when you get home, I love you.” You try to keep your voice cheerful, despite the tears you can feel building.
“I love you too,” you hear Wanda reply before the line goes dead.
You sigh, lowering the phone from your ear as you let the disappointment wash over you. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, Wanda was often called away unexpectedly for work, sometimes gone for weeks at a time on a mission. You knew it came with the territory of dating an Avenger, but it still hurt all the same.
You knew it wasn’t Wanda’s fault, she often complained about how much she missed you while she was at work, and you knew she hated all the late nights spent training.
You let a few tears spill over, allowing yourself a few minutes to wallow and feel sorry for yourself. It wasn’t often you got this emotional, but it had been a stressful few weeks.
Once you snap yourself out of it, you walk into the dining room, blowing out the candles and clearing the table. You pack the plates away and turn the music off, casting the house into silence.
The timer on the oven goes off so you take out the paprikash, fixing a plate for Wanda before putting the leftovers in the fridge, your appetite disappearing. You take off your dress, swapping it for a comfortable pair of track pants and Wanda’s hoodie, wanting to feel close to her even when she wasn’t here.
Your hair and makeup are still done, but you’re already exhausted after cleaning up downstairs so you decide you’ll deal with it later. You sit on the couch, deciding on resting there for a few minutes. You turn on the tv, lying down as you watch the movie playing on the screen. You feel your eyes growing heavy, and you’re too tired to fight them, the scent from Wanda’s hoodie washing over you.
Just a quick nap, you decide, you’ll finish cleaning up afterwards.
You feel a soft hand on your cheek, jolting you awake. You blink disorientedly, green eyes coming into focus as you adjust to the light. You sit up quickly, looking around for your phone.
“What time is it?” you ask groggily, still trying to clear the haze of sleep from your mind.
“It’s a little after ten,” Wanda answers, crouched on the ground beside the couch. “I’m sorry I ruined your night,” she continues, a guilty look on her face.
“You didn’t ruin anything,” you try to reassure her but she stops you with a look.
“I saw the food in the fridge, sweetie,” she informs you, “that’s not just an ‘easy night’.”
“I was just trying a new recipe,” you say, hoping to ease her guilt a little.
“Hmmm,” she hums disbelievingly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, “and I suppose you were just redecorating our bedroom?”
You close your eyes and groan, realising you hadn’t cleared upstairs yet before falling asleep. You smile sheepishly at your wife, knowing you had been caught out.
“I just wanted to surprise you,” you explain with a shrug, “are you mad?”
Wanda leans in, kissing your lips firmly before resting her forehead against yours.
“At you? No,” she answers before closing her eyes, “I’m a little pissed at Stark for making me stay late at work when I could have been enjoying a wonderful night that my amazing wife had planned.”
“None of that stuff is going anywhere,” you tell her, cupping her face in your hands, “and neither am I. There will be plenty of other nights to spend together.” You kiss her nose gently, her eyes fluttering open as she gives you a soft smile.
You notice the bags under her eyes and you frown as you trace them with her thumbs.
“You look exhausted, baby,” you tell her as her eyes close again. “How about I finish cleaning up and I’ll meet you in bed?”
“I’ll help,” she offers, but you can already see her head dropping as you continue stroking her cheeks.
“Absolutely not,” you tell her firmly, placing a kiss on her forehead. “You go get changed for bed and I’ll be in soon.”
She nods then and you both stand, walking towards the stairs.
“Oh I just remembered I have to file something for work,” she says suddenly, “can I borrow your laptop? I left mine at the compound.”
“Yeah, it’s in the study,” you tell her absentmindedly, climbing the stairs to the bedroom.
You walk into the room, beginning to clear the petals from the bed. You would tackle the bathroom tomorrow, but for now, you just want to cuddle your wife as you both slept. You place your lingerie set back in your drawers, knowing there was no point in putting it on now.
Suddenly, you hear Wanda’s thundering footsteps on the stairs and it sounded like she was moving really, really fast. You look up as she throws the bedroom door open, her eyes searching the room until they land on you. You feel your heart pick up speed, wondering what had happened to send her into such a frantic state.
She has your laptop in her hands and she walks over until she is standing a foot away from you, her eyes boring into yours. You notice that her eyes are shining with tears and you’re worried that something bad has happened.
“Wanda, what-” you begin to ask her, but she simply turns the laptop around to face you, your stomach dropping at the words on the screen, the document you had created on there earlier staring back at you. You must have forgotten to close the window before you turned your laptop off, and it would have been the first thing Wanda had seen when she went to use it.
Scavenger hunt
Fake lottery tickets
Custom t-shirts
Colour changing mug
Surprise photoshoot
Christmas ornament
Message in a bottle
Flower delivery
“This is like, hypothetical right?” Wanda blurts out, and you look up at her hopeful expression.
You bite your lip and shake your head slowly, watching the realisation dawn on her face. You glance back at your list, the title “How to tell Wanda I’m pregnant” mocking you slightly. Strangely, you hadn’t included accidentally let her find the list as one of the options.
“It’s real,” you tell her, closing the lid of the laptop and taking it out of her hands, placing it on the bedside table. You look at Wanda nervously as she processes the news, waiting for her reaction.
The most radiant smile breaks across her face and she moves closer to you, placing her hand over your stomach. The tears spill from her eyes, and she chokes out a happy laugh. “We’re having a baby?” she whispers, looking at you in awe.
“We’re having a baby,” you confirm, yelping as Wanda suddenly lifts you into her arms, spinning you around happily.
When she stops spinning, she lowers you to the ground gently and you rest your arms on her shoulders, looking into her green eyes that are shining with happiness. She leans in and kisses you sweetly, you can taste her tears on your lips.
“I love you,” she whispers against your lips before she drops to her knees in front of you. She lifts your shirt, peppering light kisses over your abdomen, and you have to strain your ears to hear what she whispers against your stomach that would soon grow with life.
“I love you so much little one, I can’t wait to meet you.”
Taglist: @olsensnpm @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @imfuckinggenius @cristin-rjd @purplemeetsblue @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @marrymemcgrath @yeetus-thyself @lostgreekgod @Likeicareforthis @007giu @royalityofmultifandom @reminiscingtonight @madamevirgo @hopendeath @marvelwomen-simp @lucydiibi @ilovemarvelwomen @iliketozoneout @Fazebaconneggs @when-wolves-howl @domidriana @aileen0174 @queentherich @lostandsearching @bentleywolf29 @peabrain112 @imasimpfornatashamaximoff @chaekhan @emilyprentisslittlewhore @julesweb18 @Majorsun7833 @Zairaaaa @eilarch
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wishfield · 3 years
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summary: moments wrapped in soft touches, and loving whispers.
pairing: yelena belova/f!reader
word count: 800
warnings: just some soft comforting yelena content for your saturday <3 (mentions nightmares and infinity war/endgame spoilers)
a/n: it’s been a minute! but i will never stop writing soft yelena :)
You’re not entirely sure what woke you up from your sleep. Either it was the fact the other side of the bed sat vacant as the covers turned cold. Or the faint smell of the familiar sweetness of pancake mix drifting in through the small crack in the door..
You slowly sat up, rubbing your eyes as you looked towards the window. The golden glow of the rising sun just beginning to peek through the blinds indicating just how early it is.
Stretching as you peeled the covers off your legs and stood up, grabbing a discarded shirt from the night before up off the floor and sliding over your head as you walked across the room and slowly opened the door. The faintest sound of humming was enough to make you smile to yourself as you sleepily walked down the small hall out into the kitchen.
Turning to see Yelena nodding along to herself as she flipped the contents of the skillet. Her back to you as you approached her— The slight turn of her head as she looked down at the stove in front of her told you she knew you were there before you ever touched her.
Walking up behind her and wrapping your arms around her waist as you rested your chin in the crook of her neck and sighed.
She moved to rest her head on yours before she spoke,
“Breakfast in bed was supposed to be a surprise.” Yelena’s voice came out soft as she spoke, her tiredness evident in her voice.
“Sorry. Missed you.” You mumbled sleepily as you watched her poke at a pan full of bacon with a fork.
She leaned over and placed a soft kiss on your forehead before you unwrapped your arms from around her and moved towards the coffee pot. Patting Fanny on the head as you passed her, even the ever enthusiastic fluff ball was still half asleep as she sat watching Yelena cook intently.
Silently you two moved around the kitchen in tandem. Her cooking and you starting the coffee maker, pulling plates and mugs out of the cabinets. The sun slowly started to bathe the kitchen and living room in golden light as it rose, the room becoming brighter by the minute.
You wish you could live in this moment forever. Safe and home. Warm sunlight in the slightly chilly early morning air swirling with the aroma of coffee. The involuntary tug of your heart made you sigh as you leaned back on the edge of the sink.
Yelena’s eyes landed on yours as she turned around. A small smile on her lips as she looked over your form before walking over to you and wrapping her arms around you.
“I love you.” Yelena mumbled against your hair. The waver of emotion in her voice was familiar and it made your heart sink slightly in your chest. Then you knew for sure why she was awake before the sun.
Her nightmares. She had them since she was a child, but they had gotten worse since the snap. Seeing friends turn to dust in mid air. Half the world disappeared without an explanation. And just as the new normal seemed somewhat normal again Natasha was gone.
Her worst fear was one she could bring herself to speak about— Losing you.
And moments like this, no matter how sweet, the thought always ended up creeping into the forefront of her mind. Intrusive and terrifying.
You pulled back slightly and moved your hands up to cup her face, a small smile on your face as you looked up into her eyes.
“I love you. So fucking much.” You shake your head slightly and the smile that breaks out into her face makes you laugh as you move to press what you intended to be a quick kiss to her lips.
But as you went to pull away Yelena’s hands cupped the back of your neck, effectively pulling you even closer to her. She lets out a satisfied hum just before she pulls away and rests her forehead on yours, you open your eyes as she moves to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Come. Let’s eat before it gets cold.” Yelena’s voice came out softly as she took your hand and pulled you with her gently.
The small smile stayed on her face as she moved around the kitchen. You tried to commit sights like these to memory every chance you got. Golden and wrapped in soft touches, and loving whispers. You would cherish these moments forever.
However long that may be.
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wishfield · 3 years
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wishfield · 3 years
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AVENGERS: ENDGAME (2019) + Letterboxd, except it’s just the Carol reviews (as requested by @katiecasey)
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wishfield · 3 years
“Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?” fluff with natty coming home to find r in her shirt
"I'm home!" Natasha announces when she steps in the house, "Baby? Hey, is that my shirt?"
“You mean our shirt?” You pout and open up your arms, "Give me hug."
"Pretty sure that's my shirt." Natasha sit on your laps and put her arm around your shoulder. She looks up and down on you.
"Like what you see, Miss Romanoff?" You smirk at her and sit back.
"Yeah, a very pretty shirt you got over there. So, may I ask why are you wearing my shirt?" Natasha strokes your cheek while asking.
"'cause I throw all of mine in the washing machine," You grab her by her waist and lie her down on the couch with you on her chest, "And I missed you, what did do today?"
"Aww, you missed me?" Natasha smiles, she brings you up to her face and start recalling her day, "Well, I went to see Fury in the morning, then I went to the gym, had my training, Yelena called, then I get back to the training, and then I'm here, chilling with my favorite person. What did you do today, my little thief?"
"Hmm, let me think." You rest your head on her neck, "I had bread and salmon for brunch, then I watched TV, study, had a headache, then I nap and then I wait for you to come home. Oh, and I do the laundry."
Natasha looks down at you, "Did you take meds? Does your head still hurt?"
"Just a little bit, it's okay, Nat." You calm your worrying girlfriend and rub your face against her.
Natasha press a kiss on your hair, "Will a bubble bath together makes it better?"
"A bubble bath together?" You grin, "Yeah!"
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wishfield · 3 years
give natasha romanoff back to me RIGHT NOW
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10K notes · View notes
wishfield · 3 years
Reblog if you think Pansexual is a valid sexuality
And not just “fancy bi”
Like if you if you think it’s not. I am proving a point goddamn it.
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wishfield · 3 years
wanda or yelena fluff with reader who has bad seasonal allergies and “blames the bees and their stupid pollen” but in fact really loves bees
Yelena had come home from work early that day and after weeks of basically no interaction she was determined to make it up to you. You loved the outdoors. As long as the temperature was right and all mosquitoes were absent. Yelena was very aware of this love of the outdoors and it landed you in an adorable picnic.
After a meal full of your favourite foods Yelena had wrapped her arms around you pulling your head into her lap. Her expert hands gently messed with your hair and soft lips kissed you. You giggled trying to catch the lips that kissed all over your face with your own. She innocently dodged until you finally caught her. You grabbed her upside down face holding her in a deep kiss.
“We’re both upside down,” she says with a smile but sadness flicking behind her eyes.
You frown ready to comfort her but then you feel your nose tingle. The pressure of an oncoming sneeze builds up and you jump away. “achoo,” rubbing your nose you smile apologetically at her. “Sorry Lena, didn’t want to sneeze on you. Stupid bees and their stupid pollen”
You turn to her, seeing both her hands on her face wide eyed. “AWEEEEE Y/N that was adorableee,” she moves close to you and hugs you tight.
You frown and playfully push her away. “Is not.”
you cross your arms and pout at her. She just laughs and leans forward kissing the corners of your mouth. You can’t help but smile and hug her.
“I’ll tell you a secret. I actually love bees. But I have horrible allergies and have to keep away from them.” Yelena just ruffles your hair and laughs.
“I’m sorry moya lyubov. How about this,” her eyes get wide and she looks at you. “ we get you some allergy medicine and then maybe just maybe we can get a hive here at our house.” Your jaw drops and you tackle-hug her to the ground.
You kiss her over and over saying “thank you” after every kiss. She smiles brightly and holds you in a longer kiss. “Of course baby, anything to make my lover happy.”
(I’m so sorry this took so long to complete 😅😅 but here you are)
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wishfield · 3 years
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we should start taking beloved archetypes for male characters and using them to make female characters.
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wishfield · 3 years
Alright! So! I was looking up info about the leading actor for “Shang-Chi”, Simu Liu.
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Because why not?? And not only does he have 2 dogs but he has Instagrams for them.
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Where he posts pics like this:
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And come on! How can we not trust the future of the MCU with people like this at the forefront?? Not to mention that he will be the first Asian superhero headlining for the MCU!
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wishfield · 3 years
mine is "oh my dayyys" or simply "oh fuck you/off"
my favorite thing to say as a reaction to stuff is “dear lord” i say it at least 10 times a day
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wishfield · 3 years
bdsjjxhsjdnsjjdsjjdjd i love thisss
safe in your arms
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Yelena belova x reader
warnings: this is just pure fluff
a/n: this was supposed to be a short fic based on a dream i had yesterday but its a bit longer. I might write a part 2 about the morning after :) so let me know if you want to see that.
word count: ~1K
“Nat, you can’t be serious!”
“I am Y/N. As I said, this is my trailer and thus my bedroom and I am not going to share.”
“So what are we supposed to do? Sleep on the couch?!”
“You are a smart person Y/N you’ll figure It out”
And with that, Natasha closed her bedroom door and left you and Yelena standing in the trailer’s small kitchen. Natasha, Yelena and you had only been together in the trailer for one day now but they were getting on your nerves, especially Natasha. Natasha and you were friends? Partners? Acquaintances? She basically came to you if she needed to cross the moral grey line for a S.H.I.E.L.D mission, you did her dirty work but you have known each other since before Nat’s time at shield, you two go way back. That’s also why she annoyed you way more than her blonde sister. Because of the Sokovia accords, Nat was on the run what meant that they now were also looking for you. You met Yelena in Budapest while looking for Nat and that’s also how you two ended up here, in a beat-up trailer in a remote part of Norway.
“For fucks sake!”
There was only a small couch in the trailer, not even big enough for one person. You looked at the Blonde Russian only to see two very tired eyes look back at you. Yelena hadn’t slept in two days because she didn’t trust you enough to sleep around you, so while the two of you drove all the way to Norway she would just stare out the window instead of getting some sleep.
“I’ll go sleep in the car” you sighted. You wanted to make sure Yelena could get some rest, she deserved it.
“But it’s almost freezing out there” Yelena answered.
“Yeah, well do you have a better idea” you replied. “Just get some rest, I’ll be fine”
And with that you stepped out of the trailer into the cold night air and made your way to the car.
What you didn’t know is that Yelena did start to trust you. In the couple of days she had known you, you had been nothing but kind to her. You were a tough and cold person on the outside but when you were taking care of her that coldness would fade away. The way you gently touched her leg as you were patching up the wound on her thigh or the way you would look at her every now and then while you drove the car to make sure she was okay. It did something to Yelena, she hadn’t felt that kind of affection or any affection for that matter in a long long time.
3:35 am
That’s what the dashboard clock read and you were freezing. You hadn’t slept, not really but now the cold was getting unbearable so you made your way back to the trailer to get some warmer clothes. You didn’t want to wake Yelena up so you searched through your bag as quietly as possible looking for your second hoodie but you couldn’t find it anywhere. You were getting irritated (because you swore that you had put it in your duffle bag) when you heard Yelena moving on the couch. You looked over to see the blonde shivering in her sleep wearing your black hoodie. You wanted to get mad at her but you couldn’t. She just looked so cute wearing it and you didn’t blame her for putting it on, it was cold as fuck. You saw the blanket on the ground that must have fallen of her and so you knelt down beside the couch, picked it up and put it over the sleeping blonde. You were about to just waltz into Natasha’s bedroom to grab a blanket for yourself when Yelena woke up.
“stay” she said in a whisper so faint you could barely hear it, softly grabbing your wrist.
“what?” you asked, wanting to make sure you heard her correctly.
“Stay with me” She said again. “I am so cold” Yelena said almost with desperation in her tone.
“Okay” you answered “okay, I’ll stay”
The couch was way too small to fit the both of you but it didn’t matter. You laid with your back to the backrest of the small couch and Yelena cuddled up to you with her head resting on your chest. Yelena would never in a million years thought that she would allow herself to get so close to another human being but here she was, moving impossibly close to you, wearing your warm hoodie and feeling safe in your arms.
“I thought Russians didn’t get cold” you joked.
“well this one does” the smaller woman simply answered. Both of you laughing softly.
“And I thought you said you would be fine sleeping in a freezing car if I remember correctly. But here you are” Yelena mocked back at you.
“Oh shut up. You were the one that asked me to stay, I can go if you want.” “’No!” Yelena said in a serious tone “Don’t go”
You gently grabbed Yelena’s chin to make her look at you. “I am not going anywhere Солнце (sunshine)”
Yelena’s eyes went wide after hearing the Russian nickname fall from your lips and she just looked at you for a moment. Seeing if you were sincere, that you had really meant what you said, that she could trust you. And that was in fact all she could see in your eyes. No lies like she was used to, no fake love, just you actually caring for the woman.
You were still holding her face with one hand when Yelena moved closer, noses touching, lips almost brushing against each other. You were the one to close the gap, softly kissing her. No words were spoken between the two of you after that. Yelena fell asleep on your chest, feeling the happiest she had been in a long while. You fell asleep not long after her caressing her back and holding her close.
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wishfield · 3 years
Where the flowers bloom, I’ll follow you
Wanda Maximoff x Fem! Reader
synopsis:  ‘ you were the reason for the fluttery feeling in her chest. You were the reason why her heart beat faster when you walked by and greeted her with a pretty smile, how she felt when you held her, cuddled her close at night by the warmth of the blankets covering you both.’
Warnings: none, unless you count fluff with a bit of angst is a warning and mentions of depression and loss. 
Word count: 2.3k
So today I woke up, looking at soft adorable gifs of Wanda and I got this idea and I felt like writing fluff and angst today and here is what came from that. this is kinda with emo! soft! Wanda. and idiots in love. ALSO you have powers ;) because why the hell not. Who wouldn’t wanna have cool powers? 
Translation: Ľúbim ťa - I love you.
Do not repost/translate my work anywhere or claim them as your own. If you see my work anywhere other than tumblr please let me know.
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Wanda knows that everyday won’t always be like this. 
She won’t have to wake up every morning with an empty feeling in her chest, feeling less human everyday, and the loss of something that has recently been taken away from her life and she doesn’t know if she will ever recover from that pain. 
She doesn’t know if she could bare to lose anyone else. That’s why she currently locks herself up in her room, away from everyone. 
Keep reading
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wishfield · 3 years
this is so good!
Silent thoughts - (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
A/N: I don't own any of the characters in this fic, they belong to Marvel.
Warnings: none.
Summary: When Wanda has trouble controlling her powers, she decides to seek comfort in the arms of her dearest friend.
A/N (2): @xxxtwilightaxelxxx Just as promised, here's some Wanda fluff! Enjoy your day!^^
This is the best I could come up with after so long of writers block😅 Hope you all like it!
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You were genuinely surprised when someone knocked on your door that night. Half of the team had recently arrived after long, exhausting missions across the world, and the others were fast asleep already.
It was nearly midnight when the sound startled you awake, and you slowly approached the door, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
“Wanda? Is something wrong?” You asked the distressed girl, frowning.
“Can I- Do you- Can I stay with you tonight?”
“Yeah, of course.” You muttered, moving aside to let her in.
It’s been a few months since Wanda joined the team after the fight against Ultron and Sokovia’s destruction.
You two met during one of your sleepless nights. Roaming the hallways of the compound, hoping that you could wipe the gruesome images of the latest mission from your mind, you found the sokovian girl sitting in the common room.
The short interaction that surged soon was followed by many others, leading to a beautiful friendship.
“Are you okay?” You asked once both of you were comfortably lying tangled into each other. You could feel her relax the moment her skin came in contact with yours.
“It’s too loud…” The brunette whispered in return, burrowing her face in the crook of your neck.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s too loud.” She repeated. “Everyone’s thoughts, their regrets, their nightmares… I block them most of the time, but sometimes I can’t help it. It’s overwhelming…”
“I’m sorry.” You muttered, rubbing her back in an effort to offer some comfort, but the young witch shook her head.
“You’re quiet…” She trailed off.
“Is that a good or bad thing?”
“Most of your thoughts are silent, it’s nice. Peaceful.” Wanda explained. “It’s like I can finally breathe when I’m with you…” Your heart fluttered as the brunette moved slightly to hold you closer.
The next few hours were spent enjoying each other’s company, fond memories shared along with heartfelt happiness lighting up what started as a sorrowful night.
As time slipped by though, you couldn’t help but notice the tiredness creeping up on Wanda.
“It’s really late, we should try to sleep.” You pointed out, feeling her nod in response.
“Okay, good night (Y/N/N). Thanks for being here.”
“Of course, I-”
“You are my safe place…” She whispered, letting out a contented sigh as she snuggled even deeper into you.
You forgot how to breathe for a moment, too caught up in the moment to even think of an answer before Wanda fell asleep.
A smile slowly crept it’s way across your face as a warm feeling took over your chest. Tightening your hold on the sleeping girl, you placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
“I’ll always be here for you, Wanda. Sweet dreams.”
Maybe someday you’d get enough courage to confess your feelings for her, but for now, you’ll keep those silent thoughts.
You’ll keep being her safe haven.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!):
@marvels-writings @rooskaya-yelena @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @myfavoriteficss (unable to tag at the moment, sorry) @trikruismybitch @romanoffwhore
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