A fandom blog that talks about interpretations and theories about the Attack on Titan manga. Not spoiler-free; anime-onlies be warned.
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"attack on titan is a masterpiece, thank you isayama"
with aot finally ended i now am being forced to remember this series except worse, as anime-onlies have been awful to the very end by seeming to enjoy the ending and insisting that eren being treated as an antihero for being Turbo Hitler isnt a problem
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with aot finally ended i now am being forced to remember this series except worse, as anime-onlies have been awful to the very end by seeming to enjoy the ending and insisting that eren being treated as an antihero for being Turbo Hitler isnt a problem
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If you dislike the ending that much then i assume you should stop answering question? I get it you dislike those relationships stuff being canon or fanon, and yes its not focusing on romantic aspect but love and bonding happened in the series.
I noticed you kept mentioning "why do you even care" and then crying like a baby about how you dislike the ending is childish. Gotta say if youre really is a minor then you shouldnt watch AoT in the beginning :/ it wasnt made for children tho. To answer your question people care because some of the characters are their comfort character, a fictional people could change some individuals. We also dont care if youre going to dislike the ending, I personally think the ending describes Isayama the best (always leave the audience questioning)
We've all seen some ships died because he killed the character, thats Isayama special characteristic. Its Very obvious for him to make the ending ambiguous or what? Did you expect rainbows, SC getting married and have children like that? Then your standards is probly too low for AoT
my last post was on july 23rd why are you even here
and how the hell did you get my complaints as meaning i wanted ships to be canon. i laid out my feelings pretty blatantly lmfao who are you and where did you get this weird-ass opinion, have you even read any of these posts
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just don’t be one of those fucks that headcanon levi as asexual “because he’s obsessed with hygiene and doesn’t like filth”. negative points for being one of those weirdos who headcanon him as that but then decide someone can “turn” him ‘demisexual.’
thank fucking god i’ve been obsessed w vinland saga instead n the fandom is too small to have this bullshit
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people probably rely on ur unbiased point of view to answer questions that keep getting fabricated by the internet.
lmao thank you
i just feel like the answer is fairly obvious every time. and usually it's stuff i've answered already. to that anon, iirc the interview was someone asking what kind of women he likes, and he replies 'tall people' as a joke. because he's short.
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What do you think Levi’s sexual orientation is? I think he’s bi, but apparently in some interview there is different translations such as “does levi even like women” or “what type of women he likes” and he ends up saying people.
no offense but who are these people that are like 'hey i gotta send this dead blog who hates aot now a question about who levi's fucking again'
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Explaining in detail how the people we see in the series are clearly Ottoman, Italian, and Germanic is somehow antisemitic lmfao
I looked at this person’s blog cuz I thought it was weird they were saying this while having an AoT avie-- and they’re insisting the Eldians are Jewish because Levi’s name is Jewish. Levi, who’s namesake is the kid from Jesus Camp. From Isayama’s own mouth.
You people need to stop, not everything is antisemitism lmfao
But I don’t know why this person would want the nationalists who commit a genocide so large it can be considered a mass extinction event and then are still nationalists at the end of it, to be Jewish. And say that anyone who believes otherwise is the antisemite. Very uh... Interesting thought process, there.
Attack on Titan is not about Jewish people, goddamn it.
Alright, so, like. I think now that S4 is airing most people understand that the basic ‘AoT is nazi propaganda’ shit is bullshit because clearly the Marleyan propaganda about Eldians being devils was meant to be propaganda, but I hear people make arguments I don’t like still, mainly about Jewish stereotypes and the lack of accountability for Japanese imperialism. It seems this mostly revolves around people incorrectly thinking that Eldians are meant to be a stand-in for Jewish people during WW2, so that’s just what I wanted to talk about. Because it isn’t. And they aren’t.
Keep reading
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what do you think about the idea that isayama didnt make a levi ship canon because he's a popular character. I've seen this argument everywhere justifying their reasonings for their ships being canon. Want to know from a logical and unbiased standpoint because imo you have the best reasonings
1. isayama doesnt tend to write romance unless it's plot-relevant
2. isayama doesnt like romance and admitted he doesnt like romance
3. isayama's canonical romantic ships are a fucking dumpster fire, who the fuck WANTS any of the ships to become canon after what we got?? the dead lesbian whose lover turns around n fucks a random farmboy? the dude who jacks it to a rock woman and then confesses his love day one when she breaks out when they havent seen each other for years and barely interacted after training? the dude who acts like he hates his adopted sister for years only to throw a fit at the idea that she's not gonna fuck him because he strong-armed her into killing him? the girl who's story was basically ripped from red sonja except isayama went 'ok but what if red sonja actually loved the king after he did all that terrible stuff?' who the fuck is stupid enough to want any of these ships to be canon? i can barely even tolerate remembering this series existed
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would you consider AOT TACTICS to be canon material because some stuff that didnt happen on the manga were shown in the game.
no i dont even think it was written by the author lmao why would you consider it canon, when have games ever been considered canon in any franchise
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Will you look at that? Even the last Guidebook has Levi's description as him being obsessed/dead set on his promise
god who even cares anymore with how bad the series ended. ive gotten a few asks n every time im like why do you care. why. why
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I don't have the interest in the series to argue with this obvious homophobe anymore. She cried over Ymir's death and changed entirely as a person because Ymir left her. Historia's entire character revolves around Ymir. She is closest to her than anyone else. Don't be fucking stupid. This is just blatant homophobia and I don't have the energy to read through a series I now hate just to appease you.
Anyway, it's really clear who this anon was. They were the only person in my activity page while these asks were sent and when I blocked that person's url, tumblr then went on to give me an error saying 'failed to block anonymous' when trying to block the anon. So it's clear to me who it is.
@mrsackermanbrat fuck off
In which chapter did Historia blush with Ymir? I only remember Historia blushing with Eren
go and reread the series because i hate how aot ended and i feel bitter thinking of rereading any of it. it's like asking me if armin ever blushes at annie. what are you talking about. that relationship was not one-sided.
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In which chapter did Historia blush with Ymir? I only remember Historia blushing with Eren
go and reread the series because i hate how aot ended and i feel bitter thinking of rereading any of it. it's like asking me if armin ever blushes at annie. what are you talking about. that relationship was not one-sided.
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Tbh idk why shippers can't let go of the fact that levi doesn't like anyone romantically in aot. Shipping wikia is crazy, they tried to change rivetra to semi-canon 5x and levihan canon so many times as well. They think their ships are canon from side stories, etc. Just because Levi is a caring person doesn't mean he wants to fuck them and get married. If Levi liked petra I think he'd wallow more compared to how he did with Erwin and Hange, and if he liked Erwin or Hange, I think there would be some sort of obvious confession through the manga. Leave the poor man alone is all I say.
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what do u think is the worst part about the aot fandom
it’s a toss-up between the shippers that never shut up about whether or not their ship is literally canon, n the weirdos who think eren did nothing wrong
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I’m not a rivetera shipper, more of an over thinker. People keep sending me stuff and I want to know what it means since I’m neurodivergent and I’m too embarrassed to ask people. Im glad though that I keep u from remembering the ending haha! :)
Ohh lmao. I just recently had some rivetra shippers sending me asks trying to convince me their ship is literally canon so I thought this was a continuation of that. I get a lot of shippers like that on this blog.
I doubt Levi loved Petra, it would have been acknowledged in canon. I vaguely recall the interview you’re talking about, he probably thinks she’s cute just because... She’s cute. Lots of people call me cute too, even when they’re not in love with me. It just comes with being a big-eyed short girl.
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i’m legit angry whenever i think of it. especially when i think of erwin and how it was always foreshadowed that it was honorable that he led people to their death for his own selfishness. it makes me legitimately angry.
i have an outlet w vinland saga. if the story made you angry you should try out that manga, too. it has a protag that is a LOT like eren, except he goes in the exact opposite direction eren does and decides that no, killing is never okay
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When Isayama said that Levi saw Petra as cute what did he necessarily mean by that? Cute as in attractive or cute as in adorable. Like in a sense where he’s attracted to her like romantically? I have no idea
i used to get annoying asks like this ones from eruri shippers. n then from levihan shippers. and now from rivetras....
it’s better than being reminded of how terribly the story ended, at least. please keep sending me these asks so i’m not compelled to be furious at isayama writing a story about how killing people for peace is ok (by the way read vinland saga instead)
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