6 posts
anecdotes and stories and letters, oh my!
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wipdoc-blog · 6 years ago
Introducing me
I'm Julia an artist, musician and an avid book reader. (this introduction sound to nice, I do fanart and I can only play the guitar and ukulele) <BR> <br>
wipdoc is a tumblr that was made solely for the purpose of putting out the thoughts inside my head into something more tangible, in a sense. <br><br>
the username was supposed to be wip.doc but adding periods was not allowed. wip meaning work in progress, and doc for document. But now that I though about it I could also say doc for doctor, claiming it!
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wipdoc-blog · 6 years ago
note to self
You can do great things if you won’t let yourself be held back by your anxiety. You are bigger than this, remember what mommy told you. Think about how happy you’ll be when you can finally say what is on your mind. Speak up in class don’t be afraid, it’s better to have tried than to miss out. You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take
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wipdoc-blog · 6 years ago
a short note written on the back of a notebook
First of all I want to thank you for everything, for understanding my faults, my temper, my attitude, and me as a whole. I wouldn’t be surprised if you harbored any resentful feelings towards me, I know I would. Thank you for showing me how proud you are when you think I do great things. I will always be here for you even if I don’t always say it. I’m grateful for all those moments with you. I know that our friendship is a type that can stand through the tests of time and I hope you think the same.
I think that I’m better at expressing myself through writing than I am through speaking. I stumble through my words and have a hard time talking on the spot. But here wuth this pen and paper, I have a safe space. I feel as if I am able to share my thoughts on a deeper level.
It sounds so cliché to say such things but these words have never rang more true to me. Heres to more years of us, from friends, future bridesmaids, and future titas of my children.
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wipdoc-blog · 6 years ago
a letter to [someone]
please never fall in love again
I remember I sent you this song because it reminded me of you. 
I was joking about something and you told me something along the lines of how you don’t always find someone who appreciates the same music you do. Never have I wanted more to go back to the times of mixtapes (hoping you could make me one?) Maybe we could sing for me through the phone, god knows you have a nice voice (speaking and singing). I know it is almost time we say goodbye. I liked sending you songs that not many people know because it feels like our little secret. You sing it around other people but it feels like you’re singing it for me. I’m happy with this. I hope you would still listen to the songs we shared once upon a time, I hope these would remind you of me. 
Please just text me your goodbye. You know I don’t look pretty when I cry.
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wipdoc-blog · 6 years ago
a letter to j.s.
Times may seem tough, I hope you know not to give up. Strive hard and do your best, let your work do the talking for you in time you doubt yourself. Remember you still have your whole life ahead of you. Take the risk once in a while and don’t be afraid to fall. Tell people how much they mean to you, it can mean a lot to them. Love freely because the world could surely use a bit more, but don’t be stupid. 
It’s better to be embarrassed for a few hours than to live with the “what ifs” for the rest of your life. Just tell him. Live in the moment, savor the times you have with your people.   
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wipdoc-blog · 6 years ago
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Mt. Batolusong Tanay, Rizal May 11, 2019
The day started at 3:00 am which was already late for hiking standards. I got to Cubao to meet up with the others at about 5:00 am but we left for Cogeo on a jeep about an hour later because of the late comers. Another one hour jeep ride to Brgy. Sampaloc along with a short tricycle ride brought us to the small registration hut next to the town’s basketball court. It was recommended that we get tour guides because all of us were beginners and there was a possibility we could get lost. 
A long walk through some houses and fields brought us to the foot of the mountain. Mt. Batolusong is dubbed as a beginner friendly mountain but there were some hard parts. Rain showers the previous night made the rocks slippery and the ground muddy. The steps were steep and there were some parts with nowhere to hold on. 
The mountain was divided into three peaks, before reaching the first peak we had to go through five phases. The phases had resting places for short breaks, we were only able to go up to the fourth phase before calling it quits. We saw how much further the third peak was, how we had to trek through the side of the mountain, it seemed so far away. It had gotten too hot at that point because we left too late. The view was still nice either way. There was a big rock on the fourth phase which, according to the guide was a good spot to take a picture. He was right, our camera rolls were full by the time we were done. 
Some time along the way we were starting a dog came with us, the tour guides did not know who the dog belonged to but he was friendly. The dog walked when we walked and sat down when we stopped. When we got left behind by the guide the dog was there to lead us through the way back. The way down was easier although I did slip a few times too many, I was still okay.  Tired and hungry we ate at the small carinderia. Then we went home. 
I had a good time but I do not think I would be hiking again anytime soon. I think of myself as more of a house person than an outdoor person and I think this experience proved that. Despite all of the body aches I would still say I had a memorable experience with my friends, and that is something I would not exchange for anything
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