wintersoldierleo86 · 17 days
(I don’t know if you’re still doing asks, but if you are, then yay! I just found your fic the other day and I’m liking it so far. Keep it up.)
Hiii, so I saw that picture of what you look like without your uniform and I gotta know, how’d you get that crack in your plastron? I know being a super cool agent is a very dangerous job, but your shell is hard and it must’ve been QUITE the mission, to get an injury like that!
…And if you don’t remember getting it, do you ever wonder how it happened? A mistake in the cloning process, or maybe training too hard? ((Or a giant pink alien.))
Either way, if it’s too personal, I don’t need to know. I’m just curious. :3
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86: It’s like, I got my shell, right? That protects my back alright. But my front is all cracked and vulnerable for… some reason. But, the vest makes up for that! So no need to wonder and get a headache!
(A/N: Thank you for the ask! Asks are always open! 💖💖💖)
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wintersoldierleo86 · 17 days
Hey, agent 86, can you draw? if so, can you show us something? :D
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86: Tah-daaaah! I drew me, cause, I like me! I’m like one of those Italian renaissance artists people. I bet this would go on a fridge if we had one.
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wintersoldierleo86 · 1 month
He’s such a good boy *head in hands* I just want him to be cherished!!! How can I cherish the boy??? I want him to feel so loved and validated!!! My mama heart breaks for him!!!!!! 😭
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86: T-Thank you very much citizen! Your appreciation is much-um-appreciated! I-uh-I don’t really need like, payment, or anything like that. But, if you insist, I would take a hug. Thank you again!
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wintersoldierleo86 · 1 month
whats training like? is it fun?
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86: Cause, like, my whole thing is to help fight mutants. So, the nerds put me through a lot of tests to see how much mutants can take. That way they know how much firepower they’re gonna need.
There’s lots of records now on how long I can last doing stuff! Like, how long I can stay in the hot or the cold. Or how long I can keep running, and how long I can stay awake. That sort of thing. And of course, training to resist torture. I’m super tough now! Didn’t used to be, but I got there!
But that stuffs boring anyway!
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wintersoldierleo86 · 1 month
*hands you a jalapeño*
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86: Um… Thank you…? Neat? Gonna be honest, I’m not quite sure what to do with this lol
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wintersoldierleo86 · 1 month
Does 86 know I would kill for him
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86: I’m always happy to hear from my fans! But you need a license to kill >:3 And, sure, I haven’t had to use mine yet. But I have it!
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wintersoldierleo86 · 1 month
What’s your favorite color?
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86: You know, that shade of green everyone sees in their dreams. That one! That one’s nice.
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
I've heard through the grapevine that you have watched some fine cinema! What's your favorite Lou Jitsu movie?
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86: Like! How could I possibly choose?! Between “Punch Chowder” and “Crouching Shrimp, Hidden Tiger Prawn” and—and they’re all so amazing! The way Lou Jitsu is always able to find a way out of any situation to save the day is so inspiring! Like—! Like—!!!
I guess if I had to pick a favorite, it would be “J. I. T. S. U. for Justice”! Where he has to fight against this like, this evil version of the EPF! Omigosh it was AMAZING!!!
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
Seina (my oc) walks towards you and shares the dumplings with you! 🩵
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86: Are you a yokai?! A mutant?! A mutant yokai?! With a plate of something that smells amazing!?!?!
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
does your arm have cool features?
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86: Wow! Ha! Like! I gave the nerds like, hundreds of fun ideas to do with the arm. And it turns out! Bomb in it the whole time! And it blew up on those turtle mutants maybe!
... I hope that they're--uh--hopefully! Right! Yeah! Hopefully blew up! Cause they were like, you know! Villains and stuff.
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
what do you do in your free time (if you have any??) for fun? do you have something to amuse yourself with, like maybe comics?
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86: Naah, I don't really have access to stuff like books or comics. The only reading I do is for like, mission briefs or learning more about humans.
When I'm not training or doing tests, I got my own room to hang out in. It's got like, all the things that a room has. Like an observation wall for Bishop to throw me food through, and a bed! I looove sleeping omg. Stuff is so nice when you're asleep.
I usually only take showers. I like them extra hot. But sometimes I get to use a tub and that's the best. I love soaking in hot water.
But outside of that? My favorite thing to do is improve! It's the best feeling in the world when I improve and really impress the nerds. Even though it sucks going through training, I know it's gonna pay off once I can really impress Bishop.
(*Note: The image above is a dramatization of his experiences.)
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
Can asks contain photos?
Yes they can! 💖
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
(Ky is finishing up the next round of questions, but we’re almost out! Please send in more asks! I gotta keep Ky fed!)
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
least favorite thing about the epf?
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86: It’s like, no job is perfect! But, you know, I was literally made for this job! So I’m just… uh, doing my best!
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
Opinions on pineapple pizza?
(Also, I just read the story so far, it's so underrated I love it)
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86: I mean, you guys keep hyping up pizza. And I like pineapple alright. And food is food. Like… I’d eat it? Obviously? But it’s no secret hot cocoa combo.
(Yaaaay!!!! Thank you so much for the kind words!!! So happy you’re enjoying!!!)
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
No way! You made a Winter Soldier AU with Leo too!! I have one I call The Red Slider. I posted some of it on a03 but it’s not my main project at the moment.
Wow ideas really get around!
:DDDD!!!! Omg that's wonderful!!!! I love the many many cakes! I also understand the many many projects lol. I think I'm personally juggling anywhere between 4 - 7 projects at any given moment.
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wintersoldierleo86 · 2 months
Chapter 3
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