𝓂𝓊𝒹𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑜𝒹 & 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓊𝒹
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book-based & film influenced hermione jean granger; independent, private, selective.est. march 2014, rebooted aug 2018. as written by gina.
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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cheering the packers to victory right now; in the meantime, like this for a starter or message me to plot! 
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Hermione’s interest level in Quidditch was directly proportionate to how many people in her life were currently playing it. To put it mathematically: 
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Thus, if anyone asked her to attend a game and no one she knew was on either side, she’d politely decline. If she were, however, watching Ginny play (as she was at that precise moment), she was as enthusiastic a fan as any. “NICE ONE, GINNY!” she shouted as her friend scored a goal for the Holyhead Harpies. The war had taken much from them, but moments like this helped repair the damage - or at least ensure that it wasn’t so prevalent in their minds.
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After the game, she and Ron went to greet the youngest Weasley sibling, and Hermione wrapped her in an embrace. “You were brilliant!” she complimented her. Hermione may not have cared much about the game if Ginny weren’t in it, but she knew the difference between a talented player and a mediocre one. Ginny was most certainly very high on the “talented” end of the spectrum.  ( @gxt-enough-nxrve ) 
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 6 years ago
okay...I acknowledge that I’m an olderish person with technological someone please help me understand why tumblr won’t let me add pictures to my posts. helpppp meeee
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 6 years ago
&  ♟  patching  up  a  WOUND.  (  NONSEXUAL  ACT  OF  INTIMACY  MEME. ) // @wingardiumlcviosa 
          hands  shake  as  both  lingered  around  the  small  GAZE  that  seeped  a  small  trail  of  a  thick  red  substance  further  and  further  down  her  leg,  the  occasional  droplet  falling  to  the  ground,  puddling  beside  her  feet.  cormac  wasn’t  exactly  the  best  when  it  came  to  blood  if  the  way  his  breathing  quickened  and  the  beads  of  sweat  that  dropped  beside  his  temple  were  anything  to  go  by  but  this  was  his  fault.  without  thinking  properly,  the  material  on  the  bottom  of  his  shirt  were  TORN  away  and  was  used  to  softly  dab  at  the  cut  that  looked  incredibly  sore  which  made  cormac  wince  as  he  tended  to  it.    ❛  i  think  you  might  be  able  to  keep  your  leg,  granger.   ❜  he  attempted  to  lighten  the  situation  but  he  couldn’t  help  himself  from  grimacing  and  his  eyes  looked  away  for  a  moment,  not  being  able  to  bring  himself  to  look  at  her.   ❛  i’m  sorry.  this  is  my  fault.  i  shouldn’t  have  jumped  up  behind  you  like  that.  but  y’know,  i  just  thought  with  everything  you’ve  gone  through  with  potter  and  weasley,  i thought  you’d  be  able  to  handle  anything.  i’m        just  im  sorry.   ❜
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UNEXPECTED seemed to be the word of the day. Anger was her first reaction to being caught  off guard and winding up injured; a normal response, to be sure. “Have you been permanently confounded?” she snapped at him, feeling a bit shaky at the sight of her wound. To his credit, he did spring to action in a mildly altruistic manner. She wasn’t about to reward him for simply being decent, however; if not for his ridiculous behavior, she wouldn’t be in this predicament at all. 
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Her expression did soften as she watched his attempts to make up for his error in judgement. He was clearly uncomfortable, but surprisingly gentle as well. “I can handle things just fine, thanks, but I wasn’t exactly expecting to be accosted today,” she quipped. A heavy sigh left her; she knew she shouldn’t pity him, but he seemed sincerely apologetic. It was enough to earn her forgiveness, she supposed. “It’s all right, I’ll be good as new soon enough. Come on, help me up.” She placed her hands in his so that he might pull her to her feet. “Please.” 
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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AU WISHLIST: Victorian England. Hermione’s muggle parents are more well-to-do than many wizarding ones, as modern dentistry is a luxury only the wealthy can afford. Thus, she’s accustomed to a more lavish lifestyle; she has access to all the books she could ever read and then some, though this hasn’t made her big-headed. Naive, perhaps, and definitely a bit of a know-it-all, but not big-headed. However, when she begins her schooling at Hogwarts, many of the wealthiest students are purebloods, and they don’t all take well to the fact that she’s got muggle parents. Through befriending Harry, Ron, and the rest of the Weasley family, she learns to appreciate the value of living simply. When home, she exposes her friends to the lifestyle she’s used to, as well. 
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Happy birthday, Hermione!  ♡
“Honestly, am I the only person who’s ever bothered to read Hogwarts, A History?”
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Hermione Granger: soul sister, queen of my heart Happy 39th birthday
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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“Are you planning to follow a career in Magical Law, Miss Granger?” “No, I’m not. I’m hoping to do some good in the world!”
It had been true at the time. The Ministry was a disaster, and she’d had no intention of taking part in the sham. With the war over and Kingsley Shacklebolt at the helm, things had begun to change for the better, so when he asked her about coming to work in the Department for the Care & Regulation of Magical Creatures, she could hardly turn him down. Now there were endless opportunities to do some good in the world, and she would be as tireless in those efforts as she had been in her studies.
Her new position allowed her to travel, and to meet many witches and wizards she never would have known otherwise. It was hectic, but she was new to it and thus couldn’t complain; she’d earn her seniority eventually, and then she and Ron could begin thinking about their future together. The wizarding world was headed in a good direction, though the scars of the past (both figurative and literal) had yet to heal. If she was being honest, she wasn’t sure they would ever disappear completely; she supposed they’d be carrying them for the rest of their lives, and she hadn’t yet sorted out how she felt about that. 
In any case, she enjoyed her job, and the future looked brighter with each passing day; she was happy to focus on that. On this particular day, she was meant to be meeting with someone very important to the division, and in true Hermione Granger fashion, she’d done her homework. “It’s so wonderful to meet you, I’ve read so much about you,” she said, greeting him with a firm, enthusiastic handshake. “I’m fascinated to hear about your work with fantastical beasts - I think this will be an incredibly beneficial collaboration.” ( @bluedblood​ )
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 6 years ago
It’s my brother’s wedding day! Busy weekend ahead, please bear with me.
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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Hermione had always followed the rules; it had become a way of life. If you do as you’re told, no harm will come to you. If you respect our ways, you will not come to suffering. It was an endless refrain in her head and she never dared to make waves of any sort, for fear of repercussion. Many resorted to thievery in times of distress, but not Hermione. Her parents had taught her to keep her chin up, and that there were always other ways to get by. Still, despite every rule she followed and every ounce of integrity in her bones, tragedy still struck. Her parents were taken as slaves, and Hermione was left to fend for herself. 
There was only one option, truly; she had to do whatever she could to help free them, and that meant venturing out of her city. She knew they’d do it in an instant for her, and she refused to abandon them to a life of slavery and torment. So, she packed a few belongings and what little food she had, and went on her way. If she could find a promising job (or a promising marriage, if she truly had to), she could begin working her way upward. 
It wasn’t an easy journey, but it was only the beginning, and she couldn’t give up before she’d  even started. Refusing to steal while she sought out the means to support herself, she resorted to begging or doing small favors for others. Not many would take pity on an elf, but a few along the way did show her kindness with a bit of food or coin. None, however, were willing to give her permanent employ. Her search went on; she sold every possession that was worth even the smallest amount, and she grew wearier by the day, but she did not cease. “Please, good sir,” she said to a passerby - a fellow elf, though not nearly as lowly as she - “Do not dismiss me as others do, I only wish to earn my keep so I might get my parents back. Do you have a job for me?” ( @dalishflame )
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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bringing this around again for the new crowd ;3
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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This has to be a joke. No – a misunderstanding, surely. McGonagall doesn’t have the sense of humor for this to be a joke. Surely, Astoria has simply heard something wrong. Hermione Granger isn’t waiting for her in the library, ready to try and teach her so that she doesn’t end up failing all of her classes, retaking them until she’s eighty, and dying of old age in this school without ever having graduated.
     If she weren’t so desperate, perhaps she simply wouldn’t show up – but she doesn’t think she can survive any more time here than she already must, and so she gathers her things and makes her way to the library, arriving with time to spare. 
     She isn’t surprised to find Hermione leaning over a book, nor is she surprised that when Hermione speaks to her, it’s with a seriousness that isn’t at all unkind. She shifts, a bit uncomfortable as she tugs at her sleeves as if to make sure that the Mark emblazoned on her left arm is covered, before nodding and sitting down as directed. She waits a moment, then – “I’m, uh, failing Transfiguration. I guess we could start there?” Another beat, before: “Thanks for doing this. I know this is a pretty raw deal.”
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“It’s no trouble, really. I spend enough time studying as it is, might as well have a study partner now and again,” she joked, in hopes of keeping the conversation on the lighter side. Astoria’s sleeve tugging didn’t go unnoticed; Hermione supposed it must have felt terribly isolating for anyone in her position to walk through the halls of Hogwarts now. Though Hermione’s sympathy was not tremendous - it had been their own choice who to align with, after all - it was still present in a small amount. Clearly, Astoria valued her education and wanted to move forward, or she wouldn’t be here at all. That was something she could work with.
“Transfiguration, right. So you’ll be working on human transfiguration. Shall we start with a review on the theory? Then perhaps we can work on the eyebrow color changing spells a bit.” Tonks. The subject brought her departed metamorphagus friend into her thoughts, sending a pang of sadness through her. Tonks had been able to perform that sort of transfiguration at will, and often did so when one of them needed a laugh. Hermione had learned much from her, but not nearly as much as she’d have liked to. “So, we know that humans can be transfigured into inanimate objects, but not whether a witch or wizard would be able to change themselves back without assistance. What would be your theory regarding this?” 
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 7 years ago
It’s my birthday!
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Which is to say, I’ll probably be MIA until Saturday night. See you soon, y’all!
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 7 years ago
So long ago, it seemed, since the war’s end. In actuality only four years had passed, flying by at times but mainly dragging on and on. Re-adjusting to “normal” life was an ongoing (and seemingly neverending) process. Though her life had never truly been what most would refer to as normal, still there had been a sense of stability and normalcy about it prior to the end of her sixth year at Hogwarts. The year that followed was one full of hardship and pain, struggle and near defeat, and though they’d ultimately claimed victory, it hadn’t come without a heavy cost. The Weasleys hadn’t yet recovered from the loss of Fred. Moody's mad eye was forever still. Teddy remained an orphan. 
So much hurt, so much loss, yet also so much progress had been made. She’d found her parents and restored their memories. She’d finished her work at Hogwarts. She and Ron were as deeply in love as two people could be. With the bad, there was good. Darkness and light, coexisting as they always had. It was difficult to push the darkness away. She did her best not to think of it too often, and to remain grateful for the light, but try as she might, the darkness was a part of her now. It had left her scarred in more ways than one 
Normalcy returned at a molasses-like pace, but she fell into a comfortable routine with her new job at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. It was on a seemingly everything-according-to-plan kind of day (which should have instantly made her wary) that she spotted a familiar face on her way home from work.
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“Pansy Parkinson?” The name was barely audible as it left her lips, but their eyes met and it was too late for Hermione to pretend she hadn’t seen her former classmate. So she approached, her hand instinctively resting upon the place her wand was kept. “You’re back,” she stated as though it wasn’t plain to see. “What brings you?” ( @cleverwcrds )
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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Tutor Astoria Greengrass. Tutor Astoria Greengrass? What on earth was McGonagall thinking? Hermione couldn’t possibly. Then again, on the Scale of Horrible Things, this ranked quite low compared to most everything else she’d endured over the years. Perhaps she was being a tad dramatic. Astoria was apparently in need, and the past was the past -- wasn’t it? Slytherins weren’t all bad; statistically speaking, that was an impossibility. The least she could do was give the girl a chance, and if she truly needed help, it would be awful of Hermione to turn her back. So, she consented. 
They were meant to meet in the library at three o’clock, but Hermione had arrived by half two. Nervously, she awaited her pupil while attempting to distract herself with an Arithmancy book. A few minutes before their agreed upon time, a shadow fell over her. “Astoria,” she looked up from her reading and greeted the other solemnly, yet still with a gentle warmth. “Please, take a seat. Is there a particular subject you’d like to start with?” ( @ophelialived ) 
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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Verses are listed here, specify if you wish :-)
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wingardiumlcviosa-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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@cleverwcrds & @dalishflame re-noticed me. i cry.
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