windguardian · 7 years
To anyone still following this blog
No matter your reason.
This blog is now closed. Ventus himself has been revamped. Anyone still seeing this who wishes to RP with Ven can find him at @ventus-skylar
I will be deleting this blog... eventually, when I get around to it.
Thank you and have a nice day.
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windguardian · 8 years
Witch of Mind
The Witch of Mind. One who actively manipulates and changes logic, reason, and the thoughts on a massive scale.
A mental whirlwind.
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windguardian · 8 years
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These are the blessed earbuds of protection, reblog to have an untangled 2017
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windguardian · 8 years
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Delphine shall be having none of that snobbery.
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windguardian · 8 years
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I’m glad I don’t get asked that.
(This isn’t canon, just a silly bi-product of WYM related idea exploration)
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windguardian · 8 years
Last week the remastered version with extras of the Double Fine Adventure! series came out. It’s a making-of documentary of the video game Broken Age, and it’s the video game equivalent of Russell T Davies’ The Writer’s Tale, it’s THAT wrenchingly honest, entertaining and educational.
The whole series was made available for free last year on youtube. The first episode is mostly about the crowdfunding campaign, but the second one focuses on writing, the fourth on art, the eleventh on music, the twelfth on voice-acting, and so on.
All in all, there’s something for everyone interested in creative stuff, I recommend it. Here’s a 23min highlights selection from the first five episodes, if you prefer to check it out that way first.
If you’re interested in buying the series for the extras, you can see the different options here.
BTW, if you’re interested in working for Double Fine, they’re hiring, and are launching an effort to increase diversity in their staff.
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windguardian · 8 years
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I’m finally starting my adventure in Broken Age!
I’ve been told that it’s a really tough puzzle game so I’m hoping I don’t get too confused playing it!
I’ve also decided that I’m going to do a blind playthrough first and then a 2nd playthrough to mop up any remaining achievements! :D
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windguardian · 8 years
ok tumblr, you seem interested in political activism, so we’re going to have a little lesson in administrative law and how you can force the Trump administration to listen to you for the next four years. 
To condense a semester-long law school course into a blog post: Congress delegates significant quasi-legislative power to administrative agencies, e.g. the EPA. These agencies have a great deal of power to shape your everyday life, but our system of civics education is so abysmal that, chances are, you have no idea what kind of power you hold to shape their decisions.
Administrative agencies have to navigate a maze of laws and procedures in order for the rules they make to be effective and binding. These laws and procedures mean that there plenty of ways the agencies can mess up, and when they do, opponents of a rule can bring legal challenges and invalidate it. (This is frustrating for agencies, but delightfully fun for antagonistic nerds like me.)
When an agency wants to create an informal rule, it has to go through a process called “notice and comment.” Basically, the agency announces a proposed rule and permits the public to submit comments on it. The public includes you. 
When the comment period is over, the agency has to take the comments into account and justify its ultimate decision on the proposed rule in light of the comments. If you submit substantive, meaningful comments that challenge the policy or evidence behind a rule, and the agency fails to acknowledge them and explain its reasoning for its final decision, the rule can be challenged and invalidated.
So how do you comment on proposed rules? This lovely little site called regulations.gov. Really, it’s that easy! You can search for topics that interest you and submit your comments online. And you can do it anonymously! 
So please, check the website frequently and comment when it matters to you, so that your voice can be heard and Trump’s agencies have to acknowledge your perspective. If they fail to take your comments into consideration and disregard the American people, they’ll have to answer for it in court.
Keep calling your representatives and senators about Bannon and the policy issues that concern you, but remember this little lesson in admin law when he takes office.
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windguardian · 8 years
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Happy National Hispanic/Latinx Heritage month! (September 15 - October 15)
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windguardian · 8 years
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Sunken City
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windguardian · 8 years
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AU or something where no one is dead and everything is good but Owen is still an asshole
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windguardian · 8 years
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Epilogue Page 21: Link
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windguardian · 8 years
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Eyyyy I drew Wes, featuring: ghost Wes
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windguardian · 8 years
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After weeks of work, the new website is complete:  http://www.dreamkeeperscomic.com/
Just in time for the flood of new traffic!
This has been sorely needed- for years the archives were out of date on the old site, and the format just didn’t give us the room to showcase all that Dreamkeepers had to offer.
In addition to working archives and better comic page navigation (with arrow keys!) there’s new stuff in the online store, a news page that actually updates, a spot for game content, revamped lore and articles and more!
It’s by no means perfect- I mean, I coded it, so you can only expect so much.  Built for full-size computer screens, I’d advise using the reading app for mobile devices.  E-mail me any goofs and glitches, I might be able to fix ‘em at some point.  But for now, it’ll do- with a snazzier look and more to explore than the old one.   Hop on in and enjoy!
Next up:  Time to prep the Patreon monthly sketch and get Prelude back on track, with a new update this Thursday.  
Then it’s time to get Volume 5 rolling, alongside work on the video game assets- and coming soon, we’ll launch the Whip Plush Kickstarter.    And in the mid-term, it’s time to start pestering distributors to see if we can get Volume 1 in any retail outlets.  
Stay tuned for more news!
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windguardian · 8 years
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Click through for new Maggot Boy page!
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windguardian · 8 years
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Some dash and Trans!danny interactions requested by @valery-vampire
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windguardian · 8 years
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So I recently commissioned wholewheatsins for this ^^^^^^
…and it’s way, way, WAY TOO ADORABLE not to share it!  :D
The AU belongs to vampirequeenoffan (I just wanted to see Parker as a naga, he’s human in the AU)!
Naga Parker and Owen cuddled up in the sunshine!
Thank you so much for indulging my love of fluffy Powen, wholewheatsins!
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