Silent Master of the Winds
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ind. pri. Soren RP blog
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
“ I think you can handle things from here. “ (Soren)
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“If you’re about to suggest something foolish like leaving you behind then you can stop right there.” His voice is unusually curt for speaking to his sibling; yet fear weighed on his chest and sent the words spiralling out with more panic than he wanted to betray. To say the battle had turned chaotic hardly did justice to the unexpected reinforcements on all sides. They’d barely escaped; even now were trying to evade pursuit. Most of their forces had gone ahead, the injured and those remaining to guard them needed to carve a different path. 
“The terrain is to our advantage and there is plenty of place for cover. There is no reason to make that kind of suggestion.” The thought alone was colder than the chill the air had taken, than the rain that threatened to soon be upon them. Since his earliest memory they had been together, survived against all odds together, and he wasn’t going to let that change. “I’ve still a thing or two to learn about handling things from you if my strategy in the last battle is any indication. I’m expecting an analysis of my shortfalls from you later, so do not think I am capable of taking this on alone.” 
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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[If anyone would like a small starter please feel free to like or hmu in my inbox or IMs!]
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
Thor Ragnarok Sentence Starters
“ Last time we saw you, you were trying to kill everyone. “
“ We’re the same, you and I.  “
“ I have to get off this planet!  “
“ We’re gonna get outta here. “
“ As long as the foundations are still strong, we can rebuild this place. “
“ A creepy old man cut my hair off! “
“ So much has happened since I last saw you! “
“ Then I went on a journey of self-discovery. “
“ Then I met you. “
“ It all got too corporate “
“ I don’t hang with them anymore. “
“ How did you end up here? “
“ What are you up to these days? “
“I can’t believe you’re alive! I saw you die. I mourned you. I cried for you.“
“How was I supposed to know? I can’t the see the future. I’m not a witch.“
“ Right here on the sidewalk or right here where the building’s being demolished? “
“ I swear I left them right here. “
“ I choose to run towards my problems, and not away from them. “
“ Because’s that what heroes do. “
“ Well, I was thinking that you drink too much and it was probably gonna kill you. “
“ So, if I’m gonna die, well, it might as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag. “
“ Do you have a better plan? “
“ I still hate it. It’s humiliating. “
“ I don’t know your game, but you can not stop me! “
“ My destiny is to rule all others. “
“ So they’re dead. I’d have liked to have seen that. “
“ There’s nothing wrong with women, of course, I like women. “
“ I think it’s great, an elite force of women warriors. “
“ For once in your life, don’t smash!
“  All his deeds of peace… none of what he did to get it! “
“  I think you can handle things from here. “
“ Now hold still. My hands aren’t as steady as they used to be! “
“ You think you’re some kind of sorcerer? Don’t think for one minute, you second-rate… “
“ I’m not as strong as you. “
“ I just want a chance to prove myself. “
“ I’m not a queen, or a monster… “
“ By the Eternal Flame, you are reborn! “
“ What were you the god of, again? “
“ The revolution has begun! “
“ Darling, you have no idea what’s possible. “
“ Kneel, before your queen. “
“ Do you think it’s right to go back to Earth? “
“A wise man never seeks out war. But he must always be ready for it"
“ Life is about growth and change. “
“ Where are the weapons? “
“ This team of yours, it got a name? “
“ So I’m putting together a team. “
“ Where have you been? Everybody thought you were dead! “
“ It sounds like you had a pretty special and intimate relationship with (item) and that losing it was almost comparable to losing a loved one. “
“ Yeah… it’s probably for the best that we’ll never see each other again.
“ And you and I had a fight. “
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
██▒ He’s battered, but he won’t go down. Scrapes and gashes adorn his frame, as Ike is careful to give their more long-distanced ranged fighters more room . His tactician was no exception, and instead of speaking of tactics like they normally would together, something terse and strained comes from chapped, bloodied lips: “ They don’t recognize at all, Soren . No name recollection, nothing. It’s madness - all of it. I’ve tried everything I can think of to bring some memory, something but all I can do is swing my sword . “ 
There’s palpable frustration and grief in that generally husky, soft tone - now ripe and heated with anger, at himself. Why couldn’t he do more? How had this happened?
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“ Tell me the situation, Soren. What are you thinking about this all, right now?” Spoken between pants, rarely had he been so sorely tested in a while, and he’d give anything to have it not be like this, but until the day is won - and hopefully……is it foolish to hope this won’t end in the death of their comrades? 
“ I don’t….want to believe they’re past saving.” It’s hushed yet firm enough for him, but if there was no option than letting them stay this way would be nothing short of heinous. And then another option became very, very clear … they had no choice but to consider it, didn’t they? It was all flickering in everyone’s eyes - that thought, and the regret that followed. He wipes blood across his brow and waits, fights, and hurts. 
They all are.
"The terrain puts them at a distinct advantage,” Soren’s eyes never leave it, combing for every crevice, every trench that might offer cover, but there is far too few of them. “The power of those bows cut down the centre of the field; and their reinforcements are trying to channel us into its path. We needs put a stop to them if we hope to claim victory.” 
A feat easier said than done. Boulders and crevices impeded mobility, making it impossible to rush them. If only they had more forces at their disposal; a team could clear a path for the others to rush in. But resources were limited and the narrow chamber would allow no more to join. “We needs focus our attacks on cutting through their reinforcements and free a safe area along the sides before the first bows’ strike. Their power seems to emit at a set interval; if we can find its rhythm, we can make better use of the terrain without risking getting caught in its line of fire.”  
It was clear their forces wearing down; the healers only barely able to keep everyone alive, the dancers’ voices all but hoarse with with effort. Soren wished he more familiar with those here. With the Greil mercenaries he had spent years in battle with them, knew each one and their abilities soundly. He’d only been here a handful of months, did not know the limits to which they could safely push their allies without risking their lives. 
“We’ve only one more chance at this.” Soren states simply. Whether they saved them or were forced to kill them would come later. Emotion had no place on this battlefield; it would cloud his eyes as surely as that darkness clouded the enemies’.  
And that would get them all killed.
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“I don’t know what power compels them, why they don’t remember anything; but before we save them, we must defeat them and to do that we can’t afford to hold anything back. Your sword is what they need right now, Ike. Subdue them first; the rest we will figure out after.” 
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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windy dragon lad with a silence staff
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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“No formation is impenetrable; it is simply a matter of finding the correct approach. Every plan has a weakness, a fault that can be exploited, even the enemy’s. His defences will be breeched and his madness stopped, I promise you that.”
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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fecipher twitter, 1-1-2017:
[Kawade] Happy New Year!  All of us in the staff are going to do our best to bring everybody plenty of fun in 2017 as well! Thank you all for everything!
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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Hey y’all it’s Kait/Paige back at it with another questionable decision! This is a brand new blog for Elena, Ike and Mist’s mother from Fire Emblem 9 & 10. If you could like/reblog this post if you’d like to interact, that’d be great! All follows will come from @dawnpriiestess, as this is a sideblog.
Disclaimer: please pardon the dust as this blog is still VERY much under construction. Bear with me as I get things in order,,
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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fecipher twitter, 20-2-2018: “Wise Man of the Mercenaries, Soren” and “Clever Path-Clearing Winds, Soren”
[Card Showcase] Magic and ingenuity… Both in abundance. Soren, the staff officer and shrewdest member of the Greil Mercenaries, uses his keen mind and deftness for sourcing intelligence to help his allies. Though he is cool-headed, shuns his emotions and is guided by self-interest, it is the man to whom Soren is absolutely loyal, Commander Ike, who reveals in him that which nobody else can. (Illust. Saori Toyota)
Card stats/skills:
B12-015N Wise Man of the Mercenaries, Soren Mage/Cost1 Green/Male/Tome 30ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
“However you wish to proceed is fine. I will do all in my power to ensure that our road leads to success.”
Wise Man’s Schemes [TRIGGER] When this unit’s attack destroys an enemy, draw 1 card. Choose 1 card from your hand, and place it in the Retreat Area.
[ATK] Magic Emblem [SUPP] Draw 1 card. Choose 1 card from your hand and place it in the Retreat Area.
Illust. Saori Toyota
B12-014R Clever Path-Clearing Wind, Soren Wind Sage/Cost4(3) Green/Male/Tome/ 60ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
“Quaking in fear of attack has never been the Greil Mercenaries’ style. Isn’t that right, Ike?”
Mercenaries’ Style [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] If this unit is in the Front Line, until the end of the turn, this unit gains +20 attack.
Secret Tactics [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] Choose as many allies with 80 attack or higher as you wish. Until the end of the turn, the chosen allies’ attacks cannot be evaded by non-lord enemies.
Illust. Saori Toyota
More Fire Emblem Cipher Series 12 translations
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
It’s a lot easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them you’re hurt.
Tom Gates (via help-n-quotes)
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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Get To Know Me Meme:   Favorite Relationships [1/3] ↳ Ike/Soren from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn
“You are so weird…I’ve always depended on you, haven’t I? I need your tactical knowledge. I need your objectivity. You’re not going to leave me, are you, Soren?”
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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best boy for @shinyv! happy belated birthday and a happy new year!!!
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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Ike is here to support his bf in his upcoming voting gauntlet /flex emoji
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
There's a plate of at least five sandwiches fit for an entire day on his plate, set beside a steaming cup of tea . Wrapped in parchment is an ornate tome, far fancier a version of his Rexcalibur than he might have expected . It says, "I heard you might be hungry. This time, the only thing that's changed is I made them myself this time. Remember - I'm always standing by you." No Valentine's Day words, merely his signature. " - IKE."
Most would greet a plate of sandwiches and tea as they might a favoured snack, something made to sate hunger, perhaps indulge their taste buds but little more. Yet the sight makes Soren pause, stills his ever turning thoughts for a moment. 
He knew those sandwiches. 
He’s briefly brought back to days he slept curled in the roots of a tree, when food came seldom and less frequently than the scorn of villagers. A sandwich was the first piece of food he’d been given, by the first soul to ever show him a bit of kindness. Hard times they had been, yet that day… it was still a day he cherished. The day he’d first met Ike. A rare smile sits softly on his lips as he approaches the plate; he doesn’t need the note to know from whom they came. 
He picks up one of the sandwiches and bites into it, though subtly different they are much the same as that day. This piece is eaten more slowly, savoured unlike the one he had wolfed down so desperately as a child he only scarcely tasted it. He sips the tea, still warm and betraying that the gifter could not have been here long ago. It slowly diffuses through him, warming chilled limbs before curling contentedly in his chest. 
Yet despite all this, it is the parcel that surprises him most; something he not expecting. He pulls the paper away to reveal a decorated tome, far more ornate than any he possessed. He can already feel its magic pulsing through his fingers as he quietly inspects it, smile never falling from his features. He knew well what a tome of this quality worth. He must have spent a small fortune. 
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“And I by you.” Soren answers to the empty space, tucking Ike’s note carefully within the tome’s pages. A small reminder what he fought for; though he needed it not. He was reminded every day. he was reminded by Ike’s kindness, by all that he fought for, through his gestures both small and on a scale to change the entire world…  He would stand by Ike through anything.
He would stand by Ike through everything.
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windbranded-blog · 7 years ago
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Soren at Max Level.
I’ll have to figure out how I want to build this man and remarry Navarre as I’m currently trying to boost Zelgius’ stats.
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