wind-deity · 6 days
i hate this weird trend in fandom where subtext is seen as a Bad Thing and is only done if the creators are too cowardly to commit to showing something. i hate to break it to you but nuance and layers are what make stories interesting, if you have no subtext then you have a very flat story
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wind-deity · 8 days
It's fun to print at the
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wind-deity · 12 days
My biggest tip for fanfic writers is this: if you get a character's mannerisms and speech pattern down, you can make them do pretty much whatever you want and it'll feel in character.
Logic: Characters, just like real people, are mallable. There is typically very little that's so truly, heinously out of character that you absolutely cannot make it work under any circumstance. In addition, most fans are also willing to accept characterization stretches if it makes the fic work. Yeah, we all know the villain and the hero wouldn't cuddle for warmth in canon. But if they did do that, how would they do it?
What counts is often not so much 'would the character do this?' and more 'if the character did do this, how would they do it?' If you get 'how' part right, your readers will probably be willing to buy the rest, because it will still feel like their favourite character. But if it doesn't feel like the character anymore, why are they even reading the fic?
Worry less about whether a character would do something, and more about how they'd sound while doing it.
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wind-deity · 13 days
Someone today will read Shakespeare’s hamlet and say omg he’s just like me fr. Another person will read moby dick and proclaim Ishmael as an adhd king.
A person grieving for their recently deceased lover reads the iliad and they watch as Achilles rages and rages and god how righteous anger fueld by love is so devastating that it’s ramifications still affect the world several thousand years later.
We might one day settle down and read the epic of gilgamesh and watch as a king has to accept the death of the person he loved the most. One of the very first stories ever written and it was about coping with death, and how to grieve.
We don’t read classics because they’re old, we read them because they remind us that we are never alone. That a character created over 500 years ago struggled with the exact same problems we all still have today. That even a king from centuries past had to deal with death just like me. That’s what makes stories so powerful–they prove to us that we are never truly alone in what we are feeling.
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wind-deity · 14 days
"I'm going to play Dark Urge, I'm going to play a Drow, I'm going to play a Half Elf Cleric of Selune-" No. I grow tired of filling Faerun with hotties and encouraging my party's fatherless behavior.
To remedy this I have made Your Dad, the ultimate 1:1 replica of the average New Jersey father to save the realm and put a stop to my party's sad, horny business.
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And before you can even ask "oh what is the Guardian Your Mom or something" of fucking course she is you fool
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wind-deity · 28 days
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wind-deity · 1 month
sometimes the moral of the story really is just "you cannot go back and what happened to you is going to be with you for the rest of your life. but it's still going to be okay" huh
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wind-deity · 1 month
Anybody else got that Evergiven sized writers block
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wind-deity · 1 month
Big Emperor song for me.
Big EmpTav song, too.
Waho. Got a hit at 'oh poor Atlas, the world's a beast of a burden, you've been holding up a long time. And all this longing, and the ships are left to rust - that's what the water gave us.'
- but also all the water symbolism and imagery.
'pockets full of stones' resonates as a metaphor for 'pockets full of tadpoles' in my head.
'Lay me down, let the only sound be the overflow'
'Cause they took all your loved ones, and returned them in exchange for you, but would you have it any other way? You wouldn't have it any other way.'
'But my love, don't forget me, when I let the water take me.'
I just cannot GET over this song now.
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wind-deity · 1 month
Restoring The Smallest Clockwork
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wind-deity · 1 month
I am the Wind, and I approve.
“true love” this, “endgame” that. what about “compelling dynamic that’s fun to explore”
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wind-deity · 1 month
What’s going to make you happy right now? Is it some cake? Is it a nap? Is it calling your mom? Is it going on a drive and blasting music? Is it taking a bath? Is it reading a book?
Check in with yourself because you deserve that happiness, whatever it is.
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wind-deity · 3 months
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wind-deity · 3 months
some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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wind-deity · 4 months
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Watched the dream lover YT compilation and got inspired so I drew Them.
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wind-deity · 4 months
ADHD at night: I could write a book. I could get my Master’s Degree. I could go to the club and come home with 12 new friends. I could get a job at that club and meet the mother of my children. I could cure every disease and use my wealth to bring world peace.
ADHD during the day: Fold laundry too hard :( Come back next week
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wind-deity · 4 months
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Seen today on walk peace and love on planet earth
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