fra | she/they | ravenclaw | infp-t ¬ dean winchester & mickey milkovich lovebot
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i miss them.

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I’ve never done anything like this, so idk if it’s good or not.
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I feel so bad for Ste 😭 He lost his sister and Harry broke his heart on their wedding day.
#ste hay#tegan lomax#hollyoaks#ste deserves to be happy#maybe with Brendan#GET HIM OUT OF PRISON NOW
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- Well, it was obvious Tegan was gonna die.
- Happy Lily’s okay.
- Sucks that we have to break poor Prince’s heart to have Romeo and Lily.
- That final scene between Rose, Dee, and Tegan broke my heart.
- “I just got everything I ever wanted.”
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I prefer Harry with James, but I can't stand the fact that Harry's not being honest with Ste. He deserves the truth!
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voglio qualcuno che mi tenga la mano anche se tremo e non sono il meglio
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I hate all of this..
Unter Uns Spoilers (August 20th - August 31st)
Folge 5925 (August 20th) Ringo makes an undisturbed meeting with Easy possible for Spohn. But he can’t sacrifice his relationship for his career. Ringo ermöglicht Spohn ein ungestörtes Treffen mit Easy. Doch er darf seine Beziehung nicht für seine Karriere opfern.
Folge 5926 (August 21st) Jealously, Ringo picks a fight with Easy. But then he suddenly realizes that the cause of their problem is somewhere else. Ringo bricht eifersüchtig einen Streit mit Easy vom Zaun. Doch dann wird ihm plötzlich klar, dass die Ursache des Problems ganz woanders liegt.
Folge 5930 (August 27th) As Easy – for Ringo’s sake – wants to break off the contact with Spohn completely, Spohn brings the big guns in to torpedo their relationship. Als Easy Ringo zuliebe endgültig den Kontakt mit Spohn abbrechen will, fährt dieser andere Geschütze auf, um ihre Beziehung zu torpedieren.
Folge 5931 (August 28th) Easy realizes stunned that Ringo wanted to sell him to Spohn. He is hurt, humiliated and angry. Can he put his feelings for Ringo behind? Easy begreift fassungslos, dass Ringo ihn an Spohn verkaufen wollte. Er ist verletzt, gedemütigt und wütend. Kann er seine Gefühle für Ringo hinten anstellen?
Folge 5932 (August 29th) Ringo has to accept that a hurt Easy breaks up with him, but that’s not the only low blow Ringo has to take. Ringo muss hinnehmen, dass der verletzte Easy sich von ihm trennt, doch das bleibt nicht der einzige Tiefschlag, den Ringo einstecken muss.
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Can I hug Aaron? Please..
Everyone said I was gonna be the worst dad ever. I didn’t. It might sound stupid now but… I had every faith in you.
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I hate my life.
18.07.2016 | 29.05.2017 | 10.11.2017
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E ancora cambio umore se ti penso, E un bel po'che non ti sento, Ma non mi frega cosa stai facendo. Dentro ho un'immagine di te che non parla, L'ho fatta per guardarla, E non voglio rovinarla. E tengo solo il buono Come il tuo profumo, Che mi ha sballato più di ogni cosa abbia bevuto o fumato. E mai nessuna foto renderà giustizia al tuo sorriso, Quando esplode all'improvviso sul tuo viso. Lascia stare domani avrò un altro posto dove andare, E un'altra rima da inventare, E neanche so dove saranno i miei pensieri, Forse sarai solo una luce che illumina il mio ieri.
Articolo 31,Domani (via non-vivo-soprav-vivo)
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