a sam-centric fanblog thing. side to @darthpeggy. sam-centric writer.
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I really hate it when fandoms fight. Listen, Stucky, Sambucky, Evanstan, Stackie are all amazing ships with many talented and creative people invested in them. You can be an admirer of one/more than one, all or none of these pairings. But please don't start another storm of hate and chaos. Please. We have already had enough of those. Now don't drag TFATWS into that mess.
We Can All Co-exist In The Same Place ♥️
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Me: I can’t talk right now, I’m doin hot girl shit
Me: *watches The Falcon and the Winter Soldier trailer for the 100th time*
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Exclusive Look at The Falcon and the Winter Soldier — streaming March 19, 2021 on Disney+
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How Did It Get So Late So Soon?
Summary: Sam and Bucky have been married for years. Sam continues to age yet Bucky stays the same. He finds that forever’s too short when the person you love keeps getting older and you don’t.
Content: Language; Angst; Fluff; Future Fic.
Words: 1,920
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— mythology excerpts (part i.) | R.
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Hey, uh, this literally everything I’ve ever wanted to read. No one needs to write fanfiction anymore?? This is it?? We’ve peaked?? Be still my beating heart!

Nothing Compares to the Real Thing 1/3
There’s such a fine line between one’s needs and wants
Summary: Sam Wilson is a broke-ass journalism student who posed for his roommate’s photographic portrait. Now, at the exhibition, Sam is approached by a man named Bucky who appreciates more that the artwork on display.
A/N: For the Sugar Daddy Square on my SamBucky Bingo Card
Word Count: 1,972
Warnings: Language
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These are the warning tags I’ve listed as I proofread and edit my next SamBucky Bingo Fill, on a quiet suburban Monday afternoon:
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I just notice that sometimes the way these writers talk about Sam is terrible.
I love Sam Wilson. He’s so wholesome and he’s occasionally funny. But the way some people write him into other peoples stories is TRASH.
I enjoy Bucky Fics but when they talk about Sam or even mention it, it’s so clear that he is nothing more than third rate comic relief.
As if he only exists to annoy the rest of the team. And I just rewatched the marvel movies and the most ‘annoying’ people on the team is Steve and Peter. But even then I wouldn’t enjoy reading stuff if they portray anyone in such a negative light as they do Sam.
It’s annoying. I can’t be the only person that notices this.
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i’m having…..winter, sweetheart feelings….
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Do you intend to write more fics with A / B / O dynamics for Sambucky or Samsteve ?? or for both
I might?? I sort of do everything in different moods. So right now I’m still on an art kick.
I left NKWICF on read for like three years before I finished it. So theres always the possibility.
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!!! THEM! I LOVE THEM!! That was hot af, but then they are so soft and sweet. Thank for @siancore for the top tier content early in the morning 👃🏾

A/N: Here’s an extension of these versions of Sam and Bucky. @wilsonsnest and @areubeingserved mentioned they were interested in reading more about them, so I wrote something. This is smutty fluff.
Summary: It’s the night before Sam’s big fight where he will be defending his title. He has pre-fight jitters. Bucky comes over to help him relax. Smut ensues.
Warnings: Explicit
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Hey! Yeah you! Just wanted to say thank you for absolutely ruining my life with “never knew what I could find”. It was a new concept for me but HOLY SHIT! It was so good.. anyway thanks once again
Xhdjddgdish I only saw up to ruining in the preview and got so scared. But honestly this was the sweetest message!
I know the concept isn't one a lot of people are into, so it makes me really happy to hear people enjoy it when it's not their cup of tea. Thanks for taking time out of your day to message me!
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Sam Wilson, Riley’s Death, and PTSD (trigger warning)
One of the very clever things the filmmakers of Captain America: The Winter Soldier do occurs in this short conversation between Steve and Sam:
“You lose someone? "My wingman Riley, flying a night mission, standard PJ rescue op, nothing we hadn’t done a thousand times before, til an RPG knocked Riley’s dumb ass out of the sky. Nothing I could do, it’s like I was up there just to watch.”
Here we learn how Sam Wilson (like Steve Rogers) was forced to helplessly stand by and watch as he lost one of the people closest to him. This scene is also meant to give the impression that Sam Wilson is a pilot, most likely a helicopter pilot. It’s a nice subtle piece of misdirection on the filmmakers’ part. Steve’s dialogue later on affirms that he assumed wrongly because of it:
“I thought you said you were a pilot.” “I never said pilot.”
It’s not just the discussion of flying, of course, but the fact that Riley was taken out by an RPG which is basically the fate of every helicopter in every movie ever. And it’s even more common in video games – taking out a helicopter with an RPG is a cliché at this point.
But in actuality, this is what Riley and Sam were operating:
That’s it. It’s basically a backpack. And Sam Wilson saw Riley take the full force of one of these:
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I know you said this was horny. But it was such a sweet gutpunch at the end it made me want more of them. It was so sweet 🌺

Title: There’s a Sting in the Way You Kiss Me
Summary: Everybody and their mama noticed Sam Wilson. Was kind of hard not to; the man was a star. He was a big deal. He commanded attention wherever he went. And it wasn’t just because of his good looks, it was the way he carried himself: The persistent confidence radiating from him because he knew he was just that good. That he was better than everyone else who stepped into the ring with him. It rang out in the way his shoulders were always squared; the way his confident, bright smile bordered on cocky. The way his head was never bowed. Yes. Everybody noticed Sam Wilson. Bucky Barnes was no exception.
A/N: From a request by @onedday2 for a Sambucky Boxer x Trainer fic. Prompt: Sam should be the sassy, short-tempered boxer, and Bucky should be the coach who is sick of Sam’s attitude and finally does something about it…and then things happen (if you know what I mean). So basically Bratty Sam…
Warnings: Language and Adult Situations
Words: 6,342
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Ugh, this was sweet as fuck. The smidgen of angst with a lot of tenderness and softness to make you all warm and fuzzy inside.
Title: Take a Break
Summary: Sam’s been training too hard, to the point of frustration, and injures himself a little. Bucky takes care of him. BONUS: They were roommates!
A/N: *tosses this light-angsty-fluffy-domestic SamBucky one-shot at you*
Warnings: Language; Hurt/Comfort; Self-Doubting Sam
Word Count: 1,970
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