willowwitch97 · 6 years
” Why is nobody talking about the fact that the Florida shooting was an anti-Semitic hate crime except for Jews? The school was more than 40% Jewish. The shooter was a part of a white supremacist organization, actively and openly hated Jews more than anyone else, would beat up Jewish kids, etc. The head of the white supremacist organization made a public statement that the organization had nothing to do with the shooting but if he had to guess why Cruz did it, it was because the school was predominantly Jewish. “We’re not a big fan of Jews,“ Republic of Florida Militia leader Jordan Jerub stated in an interview with The Daily Beast. “I think there were a lot of Jews at the school that might have been messing with him.”
It seems like only Jewish news sources are reporting on this and the comments on the articles by non-Jews are sickening. People are saying that “Jews want to be oppressed so badly. He shot up the school because they expelled him, not because he hated Jews.” People are saying we’re “appropriating struggles of people of color” by claiming that he killed Jewish kids because he’s a white supremacist. I’m sorry, why can’t we acknowledge that someone shot up a Jewish school because he was anti-Semitic without it taking away from the struggles of other minorities?
When Jews say we are oppressed, people often respond with “show me real hate crimes against Jews and then we’ll believe you when you say you’re discriminated against,” but then someone who talks about wanting Jews dead shoots up a school that’s mostly Jewish and people still refuse to acknowledge that it’s a real hate crime.
The Jewish community is not a large one. I know people who knew some of those kids, who went to Jewish summer camp with them, whose parents were family friends etc.  Fuck anti-Semites and fuck people who shoot children and fuck people who refuse to acknowledge that people are targeted, assaulted, and even killed for being Jewish on a regular basis. According to the FBI, 1.7% of Americans are Jewish, but last year 54.2% of religiously motivated hate crimes were against Jews and 11.5% of overall hate crimes were against Jews.
If your intersectionality doesn’t include Jews, you’re doing social justice wrong.”
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
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Yoooo lemme bless your dashboard
(Feel free to add your pics too 😏😏)
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
what’s the mood for february?
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
no fats, no femmes, no hunks, no mascs, no twinks, no bears, no tops, no bottoms,
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
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my utopia
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
It haunts me that celebrities are just theater kids that made it
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
when i woke up this morning, my first thought was ‘no one visits my grave anymore’ and i was really sad for a few minutes so i lay on my bed with my eyes shut and then all of a sudden i opened my eyes and was like ‘wait i don’t have a grave what the ****’
are you okay
Am I Ever?
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
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the emojis really made this for me
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
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What happens on Xbox live should stay on Xbox live (via /r/BlackPeopleTwitter)
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
oh my fucking god
so i’m reading this harry potter fic
and every now and then there are words like “arseented” and “marseaging” and “arseistance” and i was trying to figure out what the hell is going on
finally i got to the word “parse” and figured it out
they’re american so after they wrote it they did a find and replace to change every “ass” to “arse”
i can’t stop laughing omg
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
17 year old turning 18 in like a month and trying to milk it while they still can, in an argument with a 18 year old: why are you harassing minors
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
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this 👆🏾
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
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this show was fucked up.
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willowwitch97 · 6 years
So whenever i would watch movies and see The Badass Female Character fighting in various ways, something about it always bugged me. I just assumed it was internalized misogyny that made me dislike characters like black widow and Tauriel and tried to make myself like them.
Then I was rewatching Mad Max Fury Road the other day and I noticed that nothing bothered me about watching Furiosa fight and I realized the problem wasn’t watching women fight in movies that got on my nerves.
Watching the stereotypical Badass Female Character she always has these effortless moves and a cocky, sexy smirk on her face as everything is easy. Watching Furiosa, she grunted and bared her teeth. Her fighting was hard and it took effort and it hurt like fighting is supposed to. For once her fighting style wasn’t supposed to seduce the audience it was to be effective.
I wasn’t disliking these characters because they were women I was disliking that their fighting was meant to remind me they were women. High heels and shapely outfits and not showing effort or discomfort because it’s more attractive to effortlessly lift a long leather clad leg over your head rather than rugby tackle someone.
It’s the same with the Wonder Woman movie too. Fighting is hard and it takes effort, blocking bombs and bullets with a shield makes her grimace and bare her teeth with the effort it takes. She’s not flip kicking bombs she’s yelling and straining, not because she’s weak or bad at fighting but because that’s what it would be like.
I really hope we’re moving into an era of women having fighting styles designed for realism and not how hot it looks for the men in the audience.
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