willowjewell · 2 years
Cleansing Methods
Cleansing is removing unwanted energies from your space. That can be to either remove energies that are bothering you, such as negative ones, or to bring your space to a neutral state.
Smoke cleansing is great, you can burn things like incense or herbs.
Water cleansing, washing yourself or other objects, spraying charged water. 
NOTE: make sure if you put something in water that it is safe to do so, some herbs and crystals are toxic in water, and some you should not bathe with, please be careful and research this beforehand for safety reasons.
Salt, bury something in it to cleanse.
NOTE: Do not throw salt outside, it dehydrates the Earth and can make it difficult for plants to grow in the area you threw the salt.
Sound cleansing, use a noise of your choosing to cleanse a large space.
Sweeping, literally sweep away the energies you want to go.
How To Cleanse: The Ultimate Guide For New Witches - The Traveling Witch
Step By Step: How to Cleanse A Space (Energetically & Spiritually) (whimsysoul.com)
Five Ways To Cleanse Your Space (Without Cultural Appropriation) – Sparrow Spite
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willowjewell · 2 years
Methods of Protection
This is just a list of ways you can protect your home, research which ones are right for you.
Create a spell to protect yourself/your home/whatever, making sure to use items that correspond to protection.
Place protective crystals at various points/entryways within your home.
Draw protective symbols (such as sigils).
Enchant Jewerly/wear items that symbolize protection.
Burn incense.
Hang witch’s bells.
Create wards.
HERBS AND TOOLS for Energetic Protection (animamundiherbals.com)
Cleanse and Protect your Home — Witch Casket | Witchcraft Subscription Box
The Living Spellbook, Witchy Ways to Protect the Home (tumblr.com)
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willowjewell · 2 years
To begin manifesting you have to have your intention, you need to know what you want. However, you can’t just think about what you want and tell the universe, you have to take action. You can’t just sit and wait for the universe to hand you what you want, you need to meet it halfway, take those baby steps to set those manifestations in motion. If you want to manifest love, but won’t leave your house to put yourself in situations to meet someone new, how is the universe supposed to help you get that love? Set your intentions, make your manifestations, then think of what steps you need to take for those manifestations to become possible. 
How To Manifest Anything You Want, According To A Witch (refinery29.com)
Manifestation Methods That Actually Work, According To A Witch (nylon.com)
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willowjewell · 2 years
Intention Setting
Setting your intention is super important, you are telling the universe, or whatever higher power you believe in, what you want as clearly as possible. Being as clear and concise as possible keeps you from receiving something you don’t want. When setting intentions you should say/write them as if they already exist/you already have them (so no I want, instead I have). You also need to be as specific as possible, down a time constraint you want your thing by. So instead of “I have a new car,” it’s “I have a new car by the end of 2023.” Finally, make sure your intentions are reasonable/within the realm of reality. To send out your intention: you can write it down, visualize, do a spell, or speak it to the universe. 
How To Set A Clear, Powerful Intention & Why It's Important - The Traveling Witch
Practicing Intention Setting in Witchcraft — The Almost Witch
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willowjewell · 2 years
Visualization is a tool used in witchcraft to aid in spells, rituals, manifestations, and more. It is creating images within our minds of what we want to happen, and helps guide us in our workings. Not everyone can visualize though, but you can modify for your needs. A way to do this is by identifying your dominant sense, this is not always sight so spend time going through your senses to figure out which one works best for you. Once you identify this, you can use it in your imagination to visualize with instead. There are other things you can do and it may be useful to check out the links below. There are also some exercises you can do to develop your visualization ability. Here are some great techniques.
Meditation & Visualization in Witchcraft, Paganism & Magic - Wise Witches and Witchcraft (witchcraftandwitches.com)
How To Be A Witch When You Suck At Visualizing - The Traveling Witch
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willowjewell · 2 years
Color Correspondences and Candles
Here are some of the correspondances that are associated with the different colors. This is especially useful with candle magick.
Yellow - abundance, joy, friendship, happiness, wisdom
Orange - creativity, discipline, goals
Red - passion, seduction, courage, strength, change
Pink - love, affection, beauty, acceptance, kindness, sensuality
Purple - intuition, psychic protection, independence, power
Blue - peace, protection, communication, clarity, honesty, dreamwork
Green - growth, fertility, earthly possessions/monetary, abundance, luck
Black - protection, uncrossing, warding off negative energy, banishing, binding
White - cleansing, purifying, can stand in for other colors, attracting, grounding, divination
Brown - Grounding, Finding lost objects, Stability, Material Protection
Silver - Psychic Powers, Purification, Hidden Potential
Gold - Fame and Fortune, Ambitions, luxury
Color Magic: A Witch's Guide to Color Meanings and Energies | Allure
Beginner’s Guide to Spell Candle Magick and Colour Correspondences – ForestofWisdom
Color Magic - Magical Color Correspondences (learnreligions.com)
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willowjewell · 2 years
Days of the Week
Monday - psychic abilities, emotions, intuition, fertility, healing, dream work
Tuesday - energy work, creativity, justice work, spells for assertion, social justice advocacy spells, baneful working, courage, strength, passion
Wednesday - oration or to improve communication skills within a relationship, personal development, shadow work
Thursday - Prosperity and Road Opening spells
Friday - love, sex, beauty, and fertility
Saturday - breakups, ending a relationship or a partnership of any kind, business, personal, etc. as well as banishment, justice, swift karma, and protection spells
Sunday - success, money/prosperity, healing, protection, insight, fame/power, attraction, and empowerment
Sources: https://www.witchswap.com/blog/magick-everyday-working-with-days-of-the-week
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willowjewell · 2 years
These are the herbs that I see most commonly discussed/put into spellwork and their metaphysical/magickal properties/what you can do with them.
Rosemary - protection, cleansing, faithfulness, memory, and as a substitute for other herbs
Lavender - purification, and happiness
Bay Leaves - healing, protection, psychic enhancement, success, wishes
Mint - protection, and love attraction
Thyme - courage, healing, health, psychic abilities, 
Basil - Astral Projection/travel, wealth, protection, love
Lemon Balm - Health and healing (both physical and mental)
Clover - protection, love, money, success
Mugwort - astral projection/travel, dream work, psychic abilities
ATTENTION! Please do not ingest any herb without first consulting with someone who knows their stuff to make sure that it is safe for you to ingest!
Sources: https://www.groveandgrotto.com/blogs/articles/magickal-properties-of-rosemary
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willowjewell · 2 years
These are crystals that I have seen most commonly discussed when I am researching witchcraft topics.
Clear Quartz - Healing, cleansing, focus, clarity, magnify
Rose Quartz - love, compassion, forgiveness
Aventurine - general healing (most commonly used for nearsightedness), calm mood swings, relieve stress, bring inner peace, luck, confidence, creativity
Citrine - removes toxins, removes negative thoughts/energy, brings joy, wealth, and abundance
Amethyst - cleansing, protection, inspiration
Tigers Eye - confidence, strength, grounding
Amazonite - calming, healing
Lapis Lazuli - peace, intuition
Serpentine - healing, protection
Black Onyx - Protection
Selenite - cleansing (including other crystals), clarity psychic development
Sources: https://whitewitchco.com/blogs/news/clear-quartz-crystal-meaning
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willowjewell · 2 years
Methods of Divination
Here is just a list of the different forms of divination, I will go into depth on some of them at a later date.
Tarot Cards
The Celtic Ogham
The Norse Runes
Tasseography (Reading Tea Leaves)
Pendulum Divination
Osteomancy (Bone Reading)
Lithomancy (Stone Divination)
Full Moon Water Scrying
Automatic Writing
Psychic Abilities
Cartomancy (Card Reading)
Dowsing/Divining Rods
Oneiromancy (Dream Interpretation)
Sources: https://www.learnreligions.com/methods-of-divination-2561764
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willowjewell · 4 years
Amulet vs. Charm vs. Talismans
Amulet - used to help bring good luck or protection, often worn on the person it is trying to bring good luck to/protect.
Talisman - object that has magical powers, carried with you, or kept near the objects that they are benefiting. 
Charm - an item of folk magick and/or superstition
Source: https://witchcraftandwitches.com/witchcraft/terms-amulet/
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willowjewell · 4 years
Amulet vs. Charm vs. Talismans
Source: https://witchcraftandwitches.com/witchcraft/terms-amulet/
Amulet - used to help bring good luck or protection, often worn on the person it is trying to bring good luck to/protect.
Talisman - object that has magical powers, carried with you, or kept near the objects that they are benefiting. 
Charm - an item of folk magick and/or superstition
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willowjewell · 4 years
Sigils are drawings, or symbols, that you create and infuse with your intention to help you achieve a specific goal. There are many ways to create sigils, and it is best to find a method that works best for you.
Sources: https://lonerwolf.com/sigil-magic/
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willowjewell · 4 years
Runes are stones with an alphabet carved into them that are cast and used to prejudice the future and answer questions. A tool in divination that requires your intuition to read and understand the message being conveyed through them. 
Source: https://www.kasamba.com/psychic-reading/what-is-a-magic-rune/
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willowjewell · 4 years
Common Symbols
Solar cross - It represents the sun, the seasons, and the elements. It can be used for ending/casting away old things and beginning in new things/beginnings.
Sun Wheel - It represents the sun, the seasons, fire, and the south. It can be used to celebrate the seasons and to invoke the sun.
Hecate’s wheel - It represents women, transformation. It can be used for invoking change and transformation.
Pentagram - It represents the elements. It can be used for protection.
Ankh - It represents eternal life, the sun, feminine energy. It can be used for protection.
Celtic Shield Knot - It represents the four elements. It can be used for protection.
Eye of Horus - It represents the Egyptian god Horus. It can be used for protection, healing.
Eye of Ra - It represents the Egyptian god Ra. It can be used for protection.
Seax Wica - It represents the moon, the sun, the seasons, the Seax Wica tradition. It can be used for the Seax Wica tradition.
Horned God - It represents masculine energy. It can be used for invoking the horned god, fertility.
Thors Hammer - It represents a powerful unfailing weapon. It can be used for protection, power.
Triple Horn of Odin - It represents ceremony, celebration, the divine feminine. It can be used for celebrating, drawing on the divine feminine.
Triple Moon - It represents the divine feminine, womanhood, the moon. It can be used for drawing down the moon.
Triple Spiral - It represents the earth, sea, sky. It can also be used as a symbol for a country or place (the Isles of Man, Sicily). It can be used for reference to a specific place or to earthy, wind, and sky.
Yin Yang - It represents light and dark, good and bad, duality, balance. It can be used for good luck, balance.
Triquetra - It represents the earth, wind, sky, mind, body, soul. It can be used for any reference to three things you want to tie together.
Sources: https://www.learnreligions.com/pagan-and-wiccan-symbols-4123036
I was having a difficult time putting pictures with this, I hope y’all understand why I didn’t.
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willowjewell · 4 years
The Elements
Earth - Feminine, Cardinal direction: North, color correspondence: green and brown, tarot representation: the suit of pentacles or coins
“This element grounds the magical workings in the here and now — it keeps us present and aware.”
 Air - Masculine, Cardinal direction: East, color correspondence: yellow and white, tarot representation: the suit of swords
“The element of air which is known as can connects us to the realm of the spirit world.” 
 Fire - Masculine, Cardinal direction: South, color correspondence: red and orange, tarot representation: the wand suit
“It is the element that drives this desire.”
 Water - Feminine, Cardinal direction: West, color correspondence: blue, tarot representation: the suit of cups
“This is the element that is a symbol of quiet strength and perseverance. Water also represents a power that builds over time.”
 Source: https://www.learnreligions.com/four-classical-elements-2562825
https://www.mumblesandthings.com/blog/four-elements (also has ideas for activities and spells that you can do with each element.)
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willowjewell · 4 years
The Sun
While you can use the sun’s energy at any time during the day, when it is shining, the sun is considered to help strengthen certain spells during the different times of day, similar to the moon and its phases.
Sunrise: New beginnings, money drawing, and fertility
Noon: charging and power raising
Sunset: power, success, elimination, and binding
Sources: https://medium.com/sweetwitch/whats-a-sun-witch-b95bea1bf0ac
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