Willow Creek
52 posts
Discord-based Werewolf roleplay Mod Applications: Open Member Applications: Open
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
Are you still taking applications
Yes! We are currently accepting member applications!
The link to the information and application can be found here.
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
This is werewolves only, right? No werefox, coyote, ect? Just wondering :)
(Goodness I didn’t get any notifications for these asks!)
Yes! For the moment, we are only accepting werewolves. We will open applications for other species later, but we want a good number of werewolves.
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
We’ve already had some very good applicants accepted, but we are still open for more applications!
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Now accepting member applications!
Nestled between the national parks and the mountains lies the sleepy little town of Willow Creek, Colorado. While it may not have the thrill or nightlife of the other towns, it has something that is rarely seen these days.
Not one, but two wolf shifter packs. Black Water Pack maintains the Western side, and Silver Grove Pack the Eastern side. The town is neutral territory.
However, these aren’t your monster movie werewolves. These are shifters, a group of humans who developed the ability to shift into the form of a specific animal. Wolves are very prevalent, or at least the ones with the most offspring.
The history of the town may be written in stone, but whether you thrive or fall is up to you.
Willow Creek is a Discord-based werewolf/shifter roleplay run by administrators Bie and Calypso (Caly), and moderators Zillo and Arin. Bie’s creative genius led to this roleplay, full of fun, thrills, and danger. With the right balance, a great rp group can thrive—and we’d like you to be a part of it!
As stated above, Willow Creek will be written on Discord, and is going to be done in a multi-sentence/paragraph/narrative/book-style fashion. Everything will be written in a third-person point of view. There are two packs: Black Water and Silver Grove. You will begin with one character, but as time and activity goes on you may obtain permission to create an additional character.
Our rules are listed on our blog, and they are simple. We like to maintain an intriguing, serious writing environment, and a safe, accepting out-of-character environment.
Feel free to learn more:
About || Characters || History || Admins & Mods
Submit your application here!
(Interested in becoming a mod? We have one position left. Submit your mod application here!)
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
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Now accepting moderator applications!
Nestled between the national parks and the mountains lies the sleepy little town of Willow Creek, Colorado. While it may not have the thrill or nightlife of the other towns, it has something that is rarely seen these days.
Not one, but two wolf shifter packs. Black Water Pack maintains the Western side, and Silver Grove Pack the Eastern side. The town is neutral territory.
However, these aren’t your monster movie werewolves. These are shifters, a group of humans who developed the ability to shift into the form of a specific animal. Wolves are very prevalent, or at least the ones with the most offspring.
The history of the town may be written in stone, but whether you thrive or fall is up to you.
Willow Creek is a Discord-based werewolf/shifter roleplay run by administrators Bie and Calypso (Caly). Bie’s creative genius led to this roleplay, full of fun, thrills, and danger. With the right balance, a great rp group can thrive—but we need your help!
While admins are great, two people can only do so much. We may make the rules, but we can’t always be online, and that’s when it’s up to the mods to make sure things run smoothly. Mods will actively participate in the roleplay, know and enforce the rules, make suggestions about new rules to the admins, and have the opportunity to advance the roleplay in various directions.
Do not be intimidated by the thought of two admins and then a pool of mods! What we need is trusted people who can do their job and do it well, maintaining a clean, positive roleplaying environment while having fun themselves.
If you are interested in Willow Creek and have roleplay experience, submit your application here!
We will contact those who we choose once applications are closed.
— Bie & Caly
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
We still have one Mod spot open!
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Now accepting moderator applications!
Nestled between the national parks and the mountains lies the sleepy little town of Willow Creek, Colorado. While it may not have the thrill or nightlife of the other towns, it has something that is rarely seen these days.
Not one, but two wolf shifter packs. Black Water Pack maintains the Western side, and Silver Grove Pack the Eastern side. The town is neutral territory.
However, these aren’t your monster movie werewolves. These are shifters, a group of humans who developed the ability to shift into the form of a specific animal. Wolves are very prevalent, or at least the ones with the most offspring.
The history of the town may be written in stone, but whether you thrive or fall is up to you.
Willow Creek is a Discord-based werewolf/shifter roleplay run by administrators Bie and Calypso (Caly). Bie’s creative genius led to this roleplay, full of fun, thrills, and danger. With the right balance, a great rp group can thrive—but we need your help!
While admins are great, two people can only do so much. We may make the rules, but we can’t always be online, and that’s when it’s up to the mods to make sure things run smoothly. Mods will actively participate in the roleplay, know and enforce the rules, make suggestions about new rules to the admins, and have the opportunity to advance the roleplay in various directions.
Do not be intimidated by the thought of two admins and then a pool of mods! What we need is trusted people who can do their job and do it well, maintaining a clean, positive roleplaying environment while having fun themselves.
If you are interested in Willow Creek and have roleplay experience, submit your application here!
We will contact those who we choose once applications are closed.
— Bie & Caly
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
hewwo?? are you willing to have a character from north dakota uwu
You’re grounded. Blocked. Deleted. Exterminated.
--- Calypso
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
Are you willing to have two characters with similar personalities and hobbies but different backgrounds?
Well I suppose it depends; we value diversity in our characters. It’s hard to roleplay with 10 versions of the same character. There’s a difference between characters who enjoy the same things, and characters who are versions 2, 3, 4, etc. of one character. 
Essentially, we’d likely review the character and see what in particular is similar/different. For example: it’s difficult to rp with two super Edgy Mr. Brooding McMoody characters, y’know?
As in real life, people have similar personalities. Perhaps try to diversify best you can in at least hobbies. So long as the characters aren’t carbon-copies and do have differences, you should be okay.
--- Calypso
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
how do we know if we have been accepted?
We will message you via tumblr and let you know that you have been accepted! 
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
How many applications did you guys receive?
So far we have gotten about four applications~
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
Do you inform those who've you declined?
Yes! If we come across any applications that concern us, we will message and give the applicant a chance to edit their application first! So, either way, you will hear from us!
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
When's the soonest we can expect a response? I don't mean to rush you though so you can take your time I was just wondering.
Well our mods either work or are in school, so we don’t always have a lot of time where all of us are online together. THUS, communication takes a bit of time, since we want everybody to be on the same page! 
HOWEVER, we are hoping to start letting people know here tonight or tomorrow morning, so keep an eye out in your inboxes!
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
I don't think I've ever been more nervous submitting an application in my life lol
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We certainly don’t mean to cause any extra stress haha! We’re all a pretty chill group, and we are just as nervous about people applying so it’s all good! 
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
Can mods have characters?
Yeah! We encourage our mods to have characters, so that they can have fun with this group as well! They’re a part of the group too!
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
Lore: The first shift
Upon reaching the age of 16 (with a few very rare occurrences happening at 15 or 17), a soon-to-be shifter will experience their first shift on the night of the first full moon after that birthday. They will feel agitated during the day, and instinct will drive them to seek out an isolated place for the evening. Often times this involves going out into the woods where few to no other people go. 
When the full moon reaches the highest point in the sky the shift begins. The first shift is painful and uncontrollable. The body is bent and forced out of it’s human shape and into a wolf shift. Most consider it to be one of the most painful experiences of their life. However, once it is complete, the shifter is not mindless. They are in complete control of their minds and bodies in both forms. 
At the end of the night, shifters manage to figure out how to shift back. This shift, and all shifts afterwards, are stiff and a bit uncomfortable, like getting adjusted at the chiropractor. Strange, but not painful. They are famished when they shift back, and afterwards their caloric intake is increased because their metabolism has shot up. The main changes that happen after the shift are increased metabolism, increased healing speed and capability, and more efficient calorie utilization.
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
Is one person allowed to submit two applications for two different characters? I submitted one, but I might want to change it...
At the moment we are asking people to only apply with one character, however, feel free to IM us and let us know what you’d like to change! If you’d rather a different character than the one you sent in, or if you just want to make a few changes, let us know and we will see what changes can be made!
— Calypso
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
Out of interest, what are the colour variations of canis lupus and other wolf subspecies? Thank you for your time :)
Colour variations per wolf species:
- Gray wolves (Canis lupus) can have coat colours or colour combinations ranging from black, grey, white (though never a “pure”, bright white as seen in domestic dogs), brown, blonde, “silver”, reddish/orange. The Gray wolf has a lot of subspecies, and each subspecies has it’s own variation in colour. Some can come in all colours named above, whereas other Gray wolf subspecies for example only come in white. 
If you want to know the coat colour possibilities of a certain Gray wolf subspecies, you can easily find that online.
Some colour possibilities in Gray wolves:
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Entirely black [X]
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Black and grey [X]
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Different shades of grey [X]
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Very light grey [X]
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High contrast [X]
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Little contrast [X]
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Grey white black brown [X]
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Brown/reddish with whites and blacks [X]
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Brown and black with some greys [X]
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Brown and black [X]
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Light brownish/sandish [X]
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Blonde/yellowish [X]
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Silverish [X]
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White [X]
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White with some grey and/or black variations [X]
- Red wolves (Canis rufus) always have a combination of the colours orange/reddish, brown and grey, with black markings, along with some white parts and some black parts like in the tip of their tail:
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- Ethiopian wolves (Canis simensis) are orange with white, with some grey/brown and black markings:
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All of the depicted coat colours above of course can have lots of variations - especially the darkness/brightness and contrast. No wolf looks the same. It’s very difficult to map out all the different possibilities, but this gives a good overview.
Also, here’s a nice chart with pictures of some wolf subspecies that shows the typical coat colour for each subspecies.
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willowcreekwolves-blog · 7 years ago
Will you be contacting us on our URL or discord to inform us of we are accepted? Do you by chance know when you'll be picking?
We will contact you via tumblr, and will link you to our discord group. As for when, we are planning to keep the applications open until we have a good number that the mods are comfortable with. For now, we are looking at each applicant as a team, and messaging them after we decide. So, as they come.-Bie
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