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Degrade me softly
Call me pathetic, in hushed tones, with love in your eyes, while you run your hands along my body until I shiver
Tease me for how little effort it takes to make me whimper, to make me small and obedient
Tell me I’m stupid, but I make up for it cuz I’m pretty
Make me beg and then tease me for how desperate I am
Tell me dumb boytoys like me don’t need to think, I just need to be soft and make pretty noises for you and grab your shirt and do what you say
I’m your boy, throw me on the bed and hold me down because you know I’m soft and weak and of course, if you told me not to move I’d lay still as long as you wanted
Make me your boy, your pretty toy, tell me how much you love my whines and whimpers and how well I obey
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I’ve been having this fantasy of keeping a boy tied, blindfolded and gagged in the closet, ready to be used and abused whenever I please. He would have a thick vibrating plug to keep him constantly on edge, but I would be the only one to bring him pleasure or deny it as I see fit
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Los latidos de tu Señora son como los silencios que has de escuchar.
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boys being shy about wanting to be dominated? so hot. the little blush on their cheeks when they have to ask for something. when you make them describe what they want, and they squirm just a little, so hot so hot so hot
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*wakes you up by sucking on your clit*
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A boy: *is acting really cute and just being himself*
Me: Is this a prey?
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fumée de la mémoire
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Hm I want to jokingly slap a boy across the face and then laugh at him when he gets hard from being slapped and then slap him harder
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spreader bars is something we have never talked about even though they are super super hot
like where the sub/bottom gets edged and overwhelmed and they want so badly to twist away and close their legs but it’s obviously not working. Just helpless and at the mercy of the dom/top *kisses fingertips*
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Date a boy who makes you feel like vampiric royalty like you deserve.
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learning how powerful it is to say “this is what i feel” and “this is what i want” and firmly standing by it
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Booty booty
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