willieappreciationweek · 3 years
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put a spell on me
A Willex HP AU fic written for @fiddlepickdouglas as part of @willieappreciationweek
“Well,” Covington starts, turning and walking back to the front of the room, “I need you to help him.” Willie blinks, follows the professor to the chalkboard.  “Pardon?” “His parents want him to take NEWT level Potions, but he’s struggling,” Covington says almost flippantly, pulling out his wand and waving it, clearing the day’s instructions from the board.  “I’ve been asked to provide a tutor for him.  You’re my top student.” 
Check for the link in the notes!
Taglist in the notes!
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
Here's my gift for @boggie-brainrot for day 7 of @willieappreciationweek!
Sorry it's a little late and kinda short, but I hope you like it!
As Willie walked up Julie’s driveway, they felt nervous for the first time in a while. He didn’t tend to get nervous. With everything that’s happened in his life (and after becoming a ghost), anxiousness usually took a backburner.
When they died, they were mostly concerned with being dead, not worrying about something. Then came Caleb and the Hollywood Ghost Club and there wasn’t any reason to be worried.
But now there was. Because Willie was taking Alex on their first date and he really wanted it to go well. It’s like they were that worried that it would go poorly, he just wanted to make it special. Both he and Alex found something good in the other. And from what he knew of Alex's life before dying and becoming a ghost, Willie was one of the best things to happen.
So, basically, Willie really wanted this to go well. When he reached the garage door, he knocked, not exactly sure what the protocol was for their first date with the guy of their dreams. After a couple seconds, Reggie peeked his head through the grudge, looking slightly confused. He then spotted Willie, “You know you can come in. Actually, it’s probably better if you do it sooner rather than later. Alex is freaking out a little bit.”
Willie frowned. That’s not good. Though not completely unexpected.
When he entered the garage after Reggie, they saw Alex pacing in front of the couch.
“Alex?” he asked.
As soon as Alex heard them, he immediately stopped pacing and looked up, “Willie, hey.
They walked over to him while saying, “Hey, hotdog. You okay.”
“Yeah, kind of. I’m just nervous I guess,” Alex said, running his hand through his hair.
“Well, to tell you the truth, I’m a little nervous, too.”
“Yup. But that’s just because I really want this to go well.”
Alex hesitated for a second, thinking, before responding with, “Me too.”
They smiled, “Well, then, that’s settled.” Willie offered a hand to Alex, “Ready to get out of here?”
Alex took it and added, “Yeah, definitely.
Willie realized as he and Alex walked towards the garage door, that for the first time since becoming a ghost, that he was happy.
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
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willie appreciation week day seven: a gift for @power-of-the-sun inspired by a song recommendation from @theobligatedklutz
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
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last day of willie appreciation week ! gift exchange is today so i drew willie and alex as a gift for the wonderful @oldsmobile-hotdogs !! <333
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
If You Give A Ghost A Cellphone (
They Will Want Your Gender. Sort Of)
This is my Willie appreciation gift exchange for the lovely @hashtagimanartist. It’s a combo written + SMAU one shot. Enjoy!!
The thing with your best friend having ghosts for friends that you could sometimes see was that everyone forgot that no one could see most ghosts. Did that even make sense? Flynn wasn’t sure. The point was, she could see Julie, and Julie could see the boys, and sometimes Flynn could see the boys, but the boys had friends that no one could see, but no one remembered that only the boys could see their friends because everyone had a bad habit of forgetting they were ghosts.
Which was how Flynn became friends with Willie, sort of. Because everyone forgot that no one could see him except the boys.
Obviously she and Julie and Carlos had wanted to meet Willie when they found out that he had moved an entire tour bus into the middle of the desert so Julie and the guys could play the Orpheum. Well - Julie actually wanted to meet him because Alex had the world’s biggest crush on him. Carlos wanted to meet him because he was a ghost. Flynn wanted to meet him because he moved a whole tour bus into the desert for her friend, and that was the kind of energy she could get behind.
Of course, it wasn’t until Willie was literally present in the studio with everyone that they all realized not everyone could see him. Whatever freaky magic that worked with Julie and the boys (like, after the Orpheum she could make the boys visible just by touching them? But only sometimes. It was SO weird) didn’t work with Willie. Alex had translated for a while, which was cool anyways, but it wasn’t the same.
Except, of course, the only option to be able to see Willie was apparently by asking a very gay, very dead ghost magician who wanted to steal the boys’ souls, so that was out of the question.
Honestly, Flynn didn’t know how she got into this kind of stuff.
So the next time they invited Willie over, Flynn came prepared. The walkie-talkies she brought apparently couldn’t pick up ghost voices, but it turned out that ghosts can text (which made sense, since Reggie was always using Carlos’ laptop).
And that was how Operation Befriend Julie’s Ghost Friend’s Not Quite Boyfriend began (Julie said the name was a mouthful. Flynn said they could call it OBJGFNQB for short).
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
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Gift for @lyxchen for the willie appreciation week gift exchange <3 It’s a Willie icon! I hope you like it, i’m sorry it’s so late!! Don’t mind me as I spread Willie in a braid and Willie finger gunning propaganda.
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
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Hii @adhd-disaster-willie ! I had you for the gift exchange and I let myself inspire by this tiny little fic you wrote♡
I hope you like it☆
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
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WILLIE WEEK ➳ day seven – gift exchange for @chaotic-phantom
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
@lunaleonorah hello!!!!! i’m your gift giver for the willie week gift exchange!!! i made you some icons and a collage wallpaper inspired by willie, both with and without him in it :)
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i wish i could’ve done more but i’ve been short on time lately, so there may or may not be a willie-centric fic coming out in the next couple weeks to make up for it lmao
i hope you enjoy it!!!!!
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
Willie Appreciation Week
Day 7
For @willieappreciationweek gift day I got @fairylightsandrainydays!!! I was very excited to get you rainy, I really hope you like the gift!
So I did a little drabble about how Willie doesn’t like touch and made you a drawing!
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To fall or Rise
Sometimes Willie doesn’t like touch, they would rather do anything else. He always thought that this would be an issue while in relationships but when they met Alex; they never had to worry about not being enough.
“Don’t worry, I’m the same too, there’s nothing wrong with just wanting to be in the same room and spending time but not wanting to touch.” Alex would always say whenever they didn’t want to hold hands or kiss.
However some part of Willie, the part that Alex said was never true, would whisper that Alex was lying. That someone as great as Alex would want someone better.
But although it was hard sometimes, he tried to believe the best in Alex and that Alex’s words were always true. For how could they not be true, when Alex always gave them space and listened to his rambles about space.
It was hard to say no, they wanted to believe in Alex but sometimes it was easy to think that his inner voice was right.
But time and time again Alex proved that his words were true. Even from something as giving Willie an extra inch while sitting together because they weren’t in the mood for comfort; or when he didn’t want a kiss but just wanted hugs and Alex would give them the best hugs.
It wasn’t perfect, and both of them still had moments where they had to work to fight through insecurities, but it was perfect enough for both of them.
For Alex and Willie had the most important thing that helped. They had each other. Together.
One of my favourite things about Willie is his crazy socks so I made you a drawing of rain drops socks because I think that they would’ve worn them!
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
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Willie Appreciation Week Gift Exchange
- for @willexxmercer
I drew something for the Willie Appreciation Week for you, I really hope you like it!
(I know you haven’t watched „Luca“ yet yes I was the anon who asked you that but I thought you might like the drawing anyways. If you have the opportunity (and time and energy of course) I highly recommend watching it, there are some really cool Willex parallels)
I hope you got to appreciate Willie this week!
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
Polaroids of a Pretty Stranger turned Boyfriend
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Hi @caspianjames​ this is my gift to you! I really liked the idea of polaroids of Willie and Willex moments so I thought I’d make these for you!! 
for @willieappreciationweek ‘s gift exchange
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
Willie Gift Exchange! @k-padfoot39, some songs are old, some are new. Willie skateboards and listens to these songs! :)
Playlist link
Songs include...
18 -Anarbor
Say It Ain't So -Weezer
Ramblings Of A Lunatic -Bears In Trees
21 Guns -Green Day
Heart Of Glass -Blondie
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
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willie appreciation week: gift exchange
walk in your rainbow paradise strawberry lipstick state of mind i get so lost inside your eyes would you believe it?
you don’t have to say you love me you don’t have to say nothing you don’t have to say you’re mine
honey i’d walk through fire for you just let me adore you
for @dahliahs
i got you for the gift exchange so here’s willex x adore you by harry styles. hope you like it!
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
Title: Things That Don't End
Ship: Willex with background Flarrie, Boggie, and Juke
Word Count: 3536 (multichapter, ongoing)
Summary: There are things about not-out-not-proud-ace-case Willie Covington that he'd prefer to keep close to his chest. And then an email falls into the lap of a boy who knows exactly how to use it, and all of Willie's secrets are threatened with exposure. So Willie's being blackmailed: if he doesn't play matchmaker for random lacrosse bro Nick, their identity, every nook and cranny of it will become public knowledge. Even worse, the privacy of Shell, the name of the boy they've been exchanging emails with -- and just might be falling for -- will be compromised.
And then there's the fact that Willie's friend group seems to be falling apart at the seams, and the constant correspondence with Shell becomes more and more constant and more and more flirtatious, and suddenly Willie's in a complicated situation that they never dreamed they'd be forced into. Now Willie, who's always known that secrets are best kept, has to figure out a way to make their secret his own, more than it's ever been -- before he loses the chance, without messing everything up with their friends, losing control of theirself, or dropping the ball just on the edge of great possibilities with the most incredible boy they've never met.
Written for @willexmagic for @willieappreciationweek
Beta: @sunsetphantom
Taglist (ask to be added/removed) under the cut!
@mercer-baudelaire-contraire @random-nerd-3 @malecacidd @a-mere-chaotic-queer @sunshine-stars @sapphossidechick @pineappletheatrekid @julieandthequeers @cucumbers-and-olives @homeinabookshelf @adhd-disaster-willie @angelwiththeblue-box @sunsetcurve123 @justacitybard @lunaleonorah @understandably-odd @demon-babies @sunsetphantom @cinnamonstickrayofsunlight @on-irratia @kybee1497 @angela-feelstoomuch @ddepressedbookworm @caspianjames @k-padfoot39 @angelofarts @sunsetcurbed
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
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WILLIE APPRECIATION WEEK > gift exchange ( for @exo7falcxn ).
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willieappreciationweek · 3 years
willie’s walkman - a playlist
here is my gift to @thearsonistunderyourbed for willie appreciation week!
this is what i imagine would make up willie’s theoretical walkman as a teenager, given what we know about him from the show and information from booboo
it’s largely alternative ‘80s, e.g. post-punk, synthpop and new wave, but there’s some artpop, citypop and glam rock from the ‘80s or around the ‘80s as well!
listen on spotify here
tracklist under the cut
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