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The market has changed a lot now you can get more in between colours instead-of everything being blue or pink now there are a few piping up here and there that have started to increase the number of neutrally clothing that could be used for any gender, there are sites like ARKET that base all of there clothing on multiple uses and handing down clothings which is very sustainable and better for the environment they are also a lot cheaper. Another reason this brand is good because they use block colours Whitchurch is better for the baby’s because they get overwhelmed with all the bright patterns and colours.
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Alexander McQueen spring 2010 collection has these beautiful reptilian design on the dresses which I find really links to my project because I want my final piece to have lizards on to link to renewal and growth, I find that the colours he uses are perfect for the collection they are bright colours that go to get her perfectly, I really like the mix of yellows, blues and greens I find that the resemble real reptiles, I find that this really helped me think about what kind of reptile and colours I wanted to show, like how I’m really interested in the yellows.

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My final piece
At first I was really nervous of cutting my fabric because it was my digital print and I didn’t have enough to redo it if anything went wrong so at first i was very careful and precise. I started by placing all of my patterns on the folded fabric making sure I minimalistic cutting and not wasting to much of the fabric, I then drew in tailors chalk all of the information I needed like front or back, the fold line, where I wanted the buttons to go and where everything matched up to. I then overlooked all of the edges, next I matched all the different pieces to each other and using pins connecting them and then sewed them all to get her then I started on facings which I found the most difficult part of the dresses, I then leant how to bias bind the neck line which took me the majority of my time because of how minimalistic the thread had to be this I found was very difficult and long process, and finally I made button holes on the back with a matching button on the opposite side.
To go with my final piece I used the scrap fabric to make a bag/ bib a multi purpose child  accessory it can be used multiple times and for any occasion, I found this was a great way to use waste and create something that can be used in multiple ways instead of buying two different accessories.
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In the 17th century, infants were required to be fully immersed in water for baptism. As such, a new style of christening gown emerged in order that a baby could be unclothed and redressed quickly, then by the 18th century the full immersion had been stoped, this is when the Victorian gowns that are still currently used first appeared these would most likely be silk or satin and the infants would wear petticoats underneath, in the 20th century it changed the fabric to be white linen or cotton which where often covered in floral embroidery and lace.

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My final photo shoot was of my brother wearing my dress, I placed him playing with toys and then outside in his welly boots to show how masculine style pair with feminine style and look decent and somewhat cute if I could change anything I would have done it in a park but unfortunately it was too cold and he didn’t want to wear the dress for too long it’s more of a summer/spring dress not suitable for colder weathers like autumn/winter  
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I have learnt a lot of new and useful skills like weaving which I found was a simple skill to do but turned out really effective and I would love to develop this skill further in the future, there have been many other skill we have learnt but others that really outshone the rest was the `digital prints which I found really difficult to get my head round because digital work is not my strong suit but when I got a hang of it I found it came out rather nicely and I enjoyed incorporating the digital print into my final piece, we also went over some skills we learnt last year like darts and all the different seams which I found really helped me remember and use successfully which helped a lot.
I found that fashion can and is being used as a voice to help make the planet better by eliminating all the hash fabrics and materials that contribute to climate change, I also found out how fast fashion is one of the worst thing for our planet because people use it once then it gets thrown in waste sites which grows and grows with all of these clothes, also the companies making these clothes don’t use materials that good for the planet but use cheap and easy materials which needs to stop, and one of the ways we can help is not supporting these businesses and get clothes from charity stores or go to the clothing companies that that use these better more sustainable clothes.
I was very influenced by early Billie Eilish s fashion because of the way she says no to gendered clothing and sticks to her own style not what society tells us that we should wear, which I found amazing, and her style is a casual cool which I found is awesome.
I was also inspired buy the 16 century and how they had boys in dresses from the ages of two and eight in dresses (which is called unbreeched) it was natural for brothers and sisters to wear the same thing. This was an interesting fact that I didn’t think many people know about but should because its part of our history so it shouldn’t be that weird to see a boy in a dress.
I chose to go down a fashion route, doing a childes garment in a design that is supposed to be feminine and girly not for boys at all and put a boy in it to show boys should be able to do and wear anything they want ad not get judged or ridiculed so I made a digital print that went with both masculine and feminine like a lizard and rose, I wanted to make a design that would make people talk yes but I wanted them to think as well that we are in a time where you can do anything you want and should be allowed. I also did it because children especially little children don’t have a choice their parents or Guardian do, and I wanted to show them that theses a deferent unconventional way.
I used pattern cutting to make an 80s inspired dress for a boy using my digital print and any of the fabric I didn’t use I mad into little accessories like a bag and a bib, I also saved some of this fabric for my portfolio and the rest went into my fabric box for a project I will do later in life so none of it has been wasted. In found that my I did this successfully in my final piece, the only thing I would do better is have a clearer message on it.
I want my work to come under gender neutral children’s wear because I want them to be worn by boys and girls alike, but I found that the only time parents put boys in dresses is for a baptism and theses are defiantly not right for baptism they are a cute days out dresses ideally for summer and warmer days, I did a photoshoot of a little boy playing with a lizard and toys then running around in welly boots to show they don’t care what they look like and they will still have run. I wanted to show how free he felt wearing something not tight and restricting but something he can just be himself in, which is all I wanted when I was growing up watching my sister running and having fun in this beautiful dress while I was in jeans and a t-shirt with boring colour’s.
If I had time I would have embroidered in to the blue and pink top saying boys can wear pink 2, which I found would be more impactful then it being natural, on that top I also had a needle get stuck in the hem of the dress and was too tight to unpick and really obvious and on the dress there’s a small hole on the edge near the buttons so I had to do a stay stitch to try and hide it. If I was to do it again, I would have tried to make a match set of shorts to go with the top and a bib or some other type of accessory. But other than that, I felt like it came out nicely.
I feel like there are a few things I would like to do differently but overall I did fide this project successful it took me a long time to come up with an idea but in the end I did and I was very happy with the theme I chose, but because it took me so long to come up with my theme I was behind and this really disrupted this project but I feel like I came up with a pretty good idea ad I just need to focus on time management and get it done by the deadline, I also feel like I need to work on posting everything I do on the day I do them, I should come up with a clear plan that I used day by day project by project which I have to stick too, I think that would most likely be the best way ti get it done.

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My sketch book full of a few of my practical work and pictures-of my practical work from the last project which is on regeneration which is the renewal and growth of something old turning new
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I did a pole on my Instagram to see who would give gender Neutral clothing to their future children and the majority of people said yes it was only one person to say no and their reason was because she thought the colour selection wasn’t the best and it would be easier for her to just buy the gendered clothing which she said was prettier. But other than her it was 44 people to say yes they 100% would if they where pretty or not as costly.
My audience is parents of toddlers and other small children because they are the ones that choose and pay for their child’s clothing, so my designs and products our aimed at them to decide to go down a different road and go for a gender neutral fashion which in the long run can have a positive effect on the planet because even if you have children with different genders they can still wear the same clothes and don’t have to buy a whole new lot of baby and toddler clothes which can not only get expensive but is also horrible for the environment because wearing clothes once then thro img them away is a huge part of climate change.
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Billy Porter is an amazing representation stepping out of the box and saying no to the gender norms, he shows this by his many red carpet events where he will be spotted wearing stunning gowns and heels. He shows that gender doesn’t have a gender and can look great on anyone one of my favourite looks is his feathered tuxedo train at the 2020 golden globes but that’s just one of many that inspire me to not do what people think and want you to do but do something new and get people to start a conversation and change this out dated way of thinking.

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Billie Eilish style is an oversized streetwear inspired look and with this she likes to mix match the well known skater look and a hint mall goth fashion, at the beginning of her career she would be spotted in a oversized T-shirt,baggy trousers, a hoodie covered in the logo of an underground streetwear artist and would wear chunky gold and silver jewellery, which demonstrates the more masculine style with not showing her figure and showing her identity without her gender telling her no

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Feminine style indicates that the characteristic traits of the style are softer. That’s the understanding of society that women need to be soft to do all there wifely duties like keeping a good relationship with there spouse nurture there kids and contribute to there community, when really feminine style shouldn’t be a thing because clothing is just a thing it shouldn’t be labelled this and that, and masculine style has been labels as strong and superior I grew up with “what are you wearing you look like a Jessie” that’s what my family called you if you wore something that didn’t make you look like everyone else or more “feminine
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Using lizards as concept of regeneration because reptiles shed their skin so that they can continue to grow, they do this by growing a new layer of skin underneath their old skin, and then Pierce a little bit of it and start scraping it of using that pierced hole as a starting point I found that this symbolises the start of the sustainable fashion and how it takes time to break through and come off completely but the new skin is there and it’s trying and going to break through.

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In the UK there is estimated to be over 2.34 million two children family, 1.9 million one child family and 768 Thousand families with three or more children. Families with more children rely on hand me downs which lowers the need for fast fashion and cuts costs but this becomes harder because it is now socially unacceptable for boys to wear girls clothes and girls to wear boys clothes this leads to more clothes to get wasted which is not sustainable if people stopped thinking that clothes and colours have a gender.
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Pinks, blues, and other pastel colours came to be for babies in the mid 19 century and at this time neither had become gender Pacific. This was like this until just before World War I there was an article on Earnshaws infants said “ The rule is pink for the boys and blue for the girls. the reason is that pink being more decided and stronger colour is more suitable for boys while blue which is more delicate and daintier is prettier for the girls” and today’s colour scheme wasn’t established until the 1940s
Gender-neutral colours like yellow, white, brown, green and orange which are nice colours but very limited I’m not that out there which can put some people off from going the gender neutral ways Which limits the amount of sales so they go for the boys section or the girls section which can make it a little limiting and make them think they have to buy girl or boy but if they made gender neutral a little bit more broad it can open up the market.

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In the 16th Century boys would wear dresses from the ages of two till eight this is called being unbreeched, it was quite common for boys and girls to have the same clothes like gowns and skirts. After the boys reached the age range they would wear breeches. This ceremony was known as breaching and would be celebrated with a big party.
This is great to show That eight used to be normal for boys to wear dresses and heels but now it’s unconventional  and out of the box when it should be normalised recognised that clothing does not have a gender and it used to be worn throughout history as clothes not just boy clothes or girl clothes 

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