will2live · 3 years
o btw ignore the whole formatting thingy im trynna get like a new layout n aesthetic n stuff. my friend suggested light academia so here we r!
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will2live · 3 years
Skater!Reader x Obey Me
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submitted by: ME ! and my sk8 brainrot
type: romantic, gn!reader, headcanons
tw: n/a
characters included: the demon brothers! (there will be another post w/ the undateables dw!!)
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He was a little shocked when you came to the devildom clutching a weirdly shaped board with wheels attached to them.
Rather than shocked, he thought it was a little silly. He isn't quite into skate culture, he knows it's a big thing for humans, particularly among western youth.
Whenever you skated around the manor instead of walking, he'd be torn between "must you do that indoors?" and "well, it's certainly more effective than walking."
One accident made him a little upset (understatement) in which you crashed right into him while you were skating.
He slowly learnt to adapt though, he got used to your little antics and has since learned to treat walking in the halls like crossing the street.
Whenever your board broke somehow (whether it be because of a broken wheel or a huge accident that broke it in two, or maybe Mammon sold it) he'd buy you a new one without you even asking for it.
He's jus tlike that, sugar daddy through and through.
He's never tried confiscating your board though, the little smile you have whenever you're mindlessly skating (NOT indoors) brings him joy. A little. Just a little bit-!
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Okay, not gonna lie, he thought it was cool that you skated.
He'd never tell you that- pssh, The Great Mammon, fascinated by some puny human and their little tricks? As if!
Okay but he would sometimes get little glances in whenever you're showing cool tricks to the rest of his brothers.
And he doesn't exactly say no when you offer to show him some tricks.
Or teach him how to skate.
Or teach him skating tricks.
Okay so maybe he does think skating's cool and he does think you're cool for knowing how to skate but is he ever gonna tell you that to your face? Hah! Keep dreaming!
Skating does end up being a fun, casual hobby on the side though after a while of hanging out with you. You two would skate around devildom, having races and just having fun.
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At first, he thought it was kinda boring. I mean, what's so fun about a dumb board anyway? He much prefers his games, books and anime.
But then you showed him a skating anime you found and he's suddenly hooked and interested!
He'd watch skating videos with you, and watch you skate too! Just for fun.
There was one time where he tried to join you but got embarrassed when he fell off the board on his first try.
You reassured him that it was fine, everyone struggles to balance properly on their first tries, heck even you! He didn't really buy it though.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better, aren't you?! I-I mean, you're so good already you probably think I'm pathetic..!"
You somehow, someway, managed to convince him otherwise and helped him through the basics.
He still struggles to do some tricks, especially the more complex or dangerous ones but it's fine! You two still have a lot of fun together.
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He was quite indifferent to your little hobby actually! Though he was slightly interested, just a bit.
He'd customize boards with you! He suggested it one night and you spent the rest of that night looking for designless skateboards the two of you would design together.
He never actually joined you in skateboarding, preferring to just watch and record.
That never stopped you from trying to convince him though, even if it never really worked. Sometimes, he brags about it to other demons.
"[Y/N] is really cool, you know~! They skate, and they're super good at it!"
He'd then show them his countless videos of you doing tricks or just skating. Sometimes, when he's bored and can't sleep at night he'd fall asleep to the videos.
Whether he actually watches it or just listens to the sound of your voice laughing depends on his mood.
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He was actually pretty interested about your whole skating thing.
The concept of a board with silly little wheels attached to it that you ride around the place as BOTH transport, a hobby and a sport is just- it fascinates him.
Especially the tricks. The way you do them so quickly completely fascinates him, he's fascinated, enamored, he's just. Yeah.
Sometimes, when he's bored and you're feeling a little lonely he'd sit at a bench in the skatepark as you do your thing, reading a book. Though sometimes his eyes wander to you.
He's probably indifferent to wanting to try out skating or not. If you ask, he'll try but he won't go out of his way to actually learn how to skate unlike Mammon and Levi.
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He's probably the most indifferent one about it.
He couldn't care less about your hobby, though it can be a bit inconvenient when you two nearly get into crashes but who is he to judge?
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he's tried skating before. I dunno, it just seems like something he'd do.
You probably asked him to skate with you and he would probably go, "Okay." and whether he actually skates with you or just sits there and watches as he eats his chips is.. It's. Yeah.
He listens to you ramble about famous skaters in the human realm while he eats. He finds the way you talk about them super cute and endearing and genuinely enjoys it. Though he doesn't actually care about the skaters themselves.
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He's also pretty indifferent about the whole skating thing.
What he does care about however is the nice little background noise the sound of the wheels rolling on the floor would make.
It's almost like a little lullaby for him, alongside your voice laughing whenever you almost trip or fuck up a trick.
Sometimes, he'd come with you to watch you skate but he always ends up sleeping.
You've tried asking him about learning how to skating with you, and he'd answer with an "Okay." but never actually does end up skating.
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[undateables version upcoming! will be linked once posted.]
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will2live · 3 years
the urge to write southeast asian reader x obm is so strong. i might just do it 👀
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will2live · 3 years
I've been getting back into Nijisanji lately now that Luxiem's debuted bc ooo first male vtubers in nijiEN thats cool n also bc i saw Mysta's tweet about not washing his rice and that like. It made me go like..
"Mammon probably doesn't wash his rice when he cooks too." and thats just stuck with me ever since
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will2live · 3 years
Cooking With Solomon!
submitted by: nobody in particular! :)
type: fluff, gn!reader, fanfic
tw: n/a!
author's note: sorry that this one's super short! i didn't know what i rlly wanted to do for this one so it ended up being short but i rlly wanted to write smthing. send me some prompts or ideas :]!
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"No." you stated bluntly, "You are not going near the kitchen." Solomon's mouth formed a playful pout, "And why not?"
You gave him an incredulous look, shocked at the words that came out of his mouth. "Are you.. Joking..?" You stuttered out. "I'm not! Tell me why I'm not allowed in the kitchen, [Y/N]!"
"Solomon, everytime you try to cook something you always end up fucking it up." You sighed, pulling the man into a hug and letting him hide his face in your chest. "I love you a lot, but your cooking skills are more considered as assassination skills rather than culinary."
Solomon let out a sob in faux sadness, "That's not true. My cooking can taste good!"
"I'm sure it can." You pat his head, feeling a little bad at the harsh words you said. "You just need some.. guidance." Solomon looked up at you. "Then why don't you teach me?"
"Eh?? Uh..!" You're not sure about that.. But, he looks so happy when he suggested that and you really wanna teach him how to cook, maybe then the demon brothers would actually eat his cooking and you won't have to feel so bad and terrified whenever he wants to offer them food and--
"O... Okay." You gave in, earning a smile from Solomon. "Sooo~! Where do we start?"
Ooh boy, let's hope all the effort you put in teaching him pays off.
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will2live · 3 years
Simeon as Your Older Brother !
submitted by: a friend from discord 👍
type: gn!reader, familial, headcanons
tw: nothing!
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Simeon is the mature, doting type of brother. He's the type you could open up to about most things due to his calm demeanor.
If you're part of the LGBTQ+ community, he's the type to be overly supportive but in a cute way that's slightly cringey. He'd buy pamphlets, attend pride with you, wear those "Family of a ___" pins, he'd automatically buy you your pride flag- He's just really proud of you for being brave enough to tell him. He'd research all the labels and their nuances to make sure you're comfortable around him (though he probably would end up finding out he's also a tad bit fruity through the researching too
He's also the type to spoil you- maybe a little too much. You could be looking at a pen for too long and he'd pull out his wallet, ready to ask you if you wanted the pen.
He probably schedules playdates between you and Luke (regardless of your age) because he thinks you two would get along. He constantly babies you because "you're my adorable little sibling!"
Whether you and Luke actually get along however is.. Well, another can of worms.
You can think of him as a karen mom, sort of. He thinks you can do no wrong (an overexaggerration but still fits) which is why he'd go to the moon and back protecting you if anyone ever dares to insult you.
He also has trouble scolding you- you're quite spoiled under his care. He's trying to get better at reprimanding you when you make a mistake though.
Even if he has trouble scolding you, there's one time where he was truly angry at you. You had stayed out for around 2 days over at a friend and forgot to tell him. When you got back, you were prepared for him to unleash pure rage but instead he smiled at you- a creepy, forced smile that you know is bad news, sat you down, a firm hand on your shoulder.
"Care to explain where you were, hm? Perhaps you could enlighten me on why you went missing for 2 entire days without telling your dear brother anything, yeah? What do you think, (Y/N)? Can you? Or are you just unwilling to tell me anything anymore?"
The man never lashed out at you, no no no! This is Simeon. But he was incredibly passive-aggressive towards you for a while- all the pampering and doting and buying you presents he did before, gone. You were definitely careful about angering him after that.
Regardless, you two were very close and you wouldn't want anyone else as your brother- and Simeon wouldn't want anyone else as his sibling either.
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will2live · 3 years
Hello Obey Me Fandom !
Hihi! I’m not new to the fandom or anything (although this account ‘n blog are) but just wanted to say hello.
This will be a writing blog specifically for Obey Me. All ran by me!
-I won’t write pedophilia, rape, abuse, ect. tho angsty situations (cheating, ect.) are a-ok!
-I won’t write anything unrelated to obey me. Crossovers w/ other fandoms are ok ofc!
-I’ll write romantic, platonic, n familial things with any character (except for Luke. I’ll only write platonic n familial things for Luke.)
-sometimes i’ll write NSFW, sometimes i won’t. they’ll be tagged ofc but yknow. If you submit NSFW prompts there’s a chance i won’t answer them !
-I won’t be writing for the new characters for now as I haven’t gotten a feel for them yet but everyone else is free game!!
-I’ll write female, male n gender-neutral readers. If you dont specify which in the prompt i’ll default it to gender-neutral!
Now that the important stuff’s outta the way, hi! I’m Klaus, I run this account. I’m a southeast asian bisexual trans demiboy, i use he/they/vamp pronouns! uhh that’s it, I think? Please send in submissions for me to write :)!
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