wileymoors-blog · 5 years
Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here. Der Reiseführer stammt von einem deutschen Verlag und ist demnach auf Deutsch verfasst. Damit die Challenge Routenplanung nicht zur Tour de Force wird, solltest du rechtzeitig damit beginnen. Rechtzeitig bedeutet, zumindest ein halbes Jahr vorher.
2. Welche Medikamente müssen Sie bei der Einreise nach Australien und Neuseeland deklarieren?
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Dies äußert sich in Erdbeben, Verwerfungen und erhöhter vulkanischer Aktivität. In Neuseeland liegen einige der aktivsten Vulkane der Erde. Diese befinden sich ausschließlich in der nördlichen Hälfte des Landes, ein Großteil von ihnen ist in der Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) konzentriert, die sich im Zentrum der Nordinsel befindet. , eine große Schwemmebene, die sich gut für landwirtschaftliche Zwecke eignet, etwa für die Viehzucht. Von dieser Ebene aus ragt die vulkanisch geformte Banks-Halbinsel in den Pazifik, die zum Stadtgebiet von Christchurch gehört, der größten Agglomeration der Südinsel und drittgrößten des Landes.
Eine Schachtel Malboro kostet hier 26 NZD. Unter einem Wert von 1.000 AUD kann das Fahrrad zoll- und gebührenfrei eingeführt werden. Darüber muss eine Importerklärung ausgefüllt werden und es fallen Zoll und Gebühren an. In Notfällen, werden Sie kaum Zeit haben, sich über medizinische Einrichtungen, Versorgungsmöglichkeiten oder gar Fachärzte zu informieren. Um passende Einrichtungen oder einen Arzt vor Ort zu finden, empfiehlt sich im Fall eines Falles jedoch ein Blick in die "Yellow Pages". Solltest du Neuseeland während deines „Work and Travel“-Aufenthalts verlassen und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder einreisen wollen, ist das möglich. Dort erfahren Sie von unseren Reisespezialisten alles über beide Länder, können Fragen stellen und erhalten viel Inspiration für Ihre eigene Rundreise in Down Under. Da Neuseeland auf der Südhalbkugel liegt, verlaufen die Jahreszeiten genau entgegengesetzt zu unseren. Die wärmsten Monate des Jahres sind Januar und Februar und der kälteste Jahresmonat ist Juli. Wenn Sie wissen möchten, welchen Zeitpunkt wir empfehlen, um die verschiedenen Landschaften Neuseelands kennenzulernen, lesen Sie weiter und erfahren Sie mehr über die beste Reisezeit in Neuseeland.
Wie sind die Menschen in Neuseeland?
Alle Neuseeland-Reisenden, die länger als drei Monate im Land bleiben wollen, benötigen ein Besuchervisum, offiziell: „visitor visa“. Damit darf man dann insgesamt neun Monate innerhalb einer Periode von 18 Monaten in Neuseeland bleiben; Stippvisiten in andere Länder sind also durchaus drin.
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wileymoors-blog · 5 years
Motorhomes in Christchurch
If you stay here overnight, you will face severe penalties. In order for you to be able to camp wild in New Zealand, your camper must also be "Self Contained" certified. Campers receive this award only if they meet the following requirements. You can stay in one place for 3 days without leaving garbage or sewage (black and gray).
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If you do not have the badge, you will face severe penalties. To choose your New Zealand camper you need to know how many cheap campervan hire NZ people will be traveling. This is a key criterion when choosing a camper in New Zealand. Because not everywhere, e.g. These vehicles are characterized by their compact size and maneuverability. Thanks to the double bed and hotplate, there is no need for convenience. Christchurch Cathedral and parts of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. To date, these have not been built or renovated - you can still see them. All in all, the city exudes an almost macabre charm, which you can hardly escape. We have had the best experience with premium insurance coverage ourselves and also advise you to add roll-over protection in New Zealand. This is the protection in the event of damage to prevent the camper from tipping over, which would result in total damage. We traveled with camper through New Zealand for some time with our husband and children and got to know the country and its people a little better. I can only recommend the camper trip through New Zealand and give you many tips for planning your trip to New Zealand.
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Especially in the campervan.
As an eventful tour for vacationers who want to rent their camper in New Zealand and explore the South Island individually, the romantic fjord Milford Sound offers a great start at.
Here you can visit wildlife parks and reserves, gardens, museums and even a casino.
You can find everything in one place that gives you the choice of vehicle relieved.
One of those places that appear to exist only for the purpose of perfect picture on a postcard.
For more information, see my article on the renting a camper in New Zealand.
In New Zealand it is sometimes really stormy and I find it comforting to have this protection. Easily as soon as you have the idea to rent a camper in New Zealand.
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Visitors rave about the towering mountains, the arable land, enchanting fjords and beautiful beaches, which are also ideal for surfing. But this nation in the South Pacific offers more than just a spectacular backdrop. The roads and infrastructure are very well maintained, the residents are friendly and the country has a fascinating flora and fauna. If you want to stay with your camper in Christchurch, you should pay attention to the necessary permission. The best parking spaces here are the numerous campsites and camper parks in the area in and around Christchurch, which offer a stay for several nights.
How many people travel by campervan through New Zealand?
Our direct and convenient price comparison helps you to find the right motorhome in Christchurch quickly and safely - at an affordable price. There are currently no New Zealand competitions, but check out our social media pages to stay up to date. A 'dairy' is a corner shop with basic groceries, ice cream, newspapers and the like. In small towns, the local 'Dairys' have as much information as visitor centers. Christchurch is located approximately in the middle of the east coast on the South Island, which makes the place an ideal base for a holiday in a motorhome. Motorhome Republic supports travelers in choosing the right model from 34 vehicle fleets with all types of vehicles, from cheap campervans to luxury motorhomes. You can just drive to nearby areas like the Banks Peninsula or Hanmer Springs for a few days or take a 2, 3 or 4 week trip and visit all areas down to the south to Bluff or up to the north to Nelson, and of course everything in between. Explore New Zealand's breathtaking natural landscape at your own pace and in complete freedom. The lakeside towns, Rotorua and Taupo, are easy to reach with a day trip and are centers for recreation in nature and offer a lot of fun for holidaymakers with mobile homes. The Bay of Hawke's Bay and the beautiful wine growing areas it contains, as well as the Central Volcanic Plateau located in Tongariro National Park, are not far away. With its three gigantic and wonderful peaks, it is a great place for a visit in summer and in winter, because you can hike there equally well, but you can also do winter sports. In the cold months, however, we recommend heated motorhomes! Lord of the Rings - lovers will also recognize Mount Ngauruhoe, which is better known as Mount Doom.
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wileymoors-blog · 5 years
New Zealand: cheap motorhome rental
From Auckland, you can also start a nice tour of the island or explore part of the North Island and take the ferry to the South Island. Motorhome rental in Auckland If you want to travel in New Zealand by motorhome, you shouldn't take a long way on the day of arrival. Because the flight takes at least 24 hours and you will also be tired due to the time difference. It is best to rest in New Zealand on the first day, or drive a short distance to the nearest campsite. If you place particular emphasis on maximum comfort, you should rent a luxury motorhome.
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Where can you camp "wild"? How much is the diesel tax for RVs?
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What insurance do you recommend for renting a camper in New Zealand?
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The older models discarded by Maui are listed under Britz. Britz thus also belongs to the THL group. Keep in mind that campers and RVs in cheap campervan hire New Zealand New Zealand almost always have to be driven on paved roads. Otherwise the insurance coverage expires. Exceptions apply in some cases. You want to travel flexibly with a campervan in New Zealand, take a rest on the way and prepare your own food on site. From Christchurch to the Southern Alps, the Marlborough Sounds, Kaikoura to the most beautiful glaciers and the Doubtful and Milford Sound. The 230 wineries of Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa and Marlborough wine regions are connected via this travel route, Wellington and the Marlborough Sounds are absolute highlights. Regardless of whether you choose your destinations spontaneously on site or would like to plan your own route before the trip, the itravelNZ travel app offers a wide range of information about the top sights in the country, including directions and reviews.
Basic rules when renting a motorhome
These sites are located in nature reserves and are usually very cheap.
Where can you "wild" camp? ?
Sure, why not.
How was that again with Freedom Camping in New Zealand?
Autumn Even in autumn, from around March to May, there are not many tourists on the island. Although summer is already over, it can still reach up to 23 ° C by mid-April. From around mid-April, the nights especially cool off.
When is summer in New Zealand?
You can travel New Zealand all year round. Of course, it is particularly beautiful in spring and summer. In New Zealand this is from September to February. Fall begins in March.
Great overview! We booked with tropics last year, everything was pretty easy. Incidentally, the car was “only” 3 years old. And the landlord does not take one-way fees when booking Auckland-Christchurch or vice versa. Start your self-driving adventure with America's premier RV rental company, Apollo Motorhome Holidays. Plan a side trip to the port of Otago to spot penguins, seals and sea lions in the wild. Book your motorhome - from small to large, with or without all-wheel drive, numerous equipment options and various miles packages to suit your taste.
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wileymoors-blog · 5 years
Entdeckung Campervans Nz (2)
Our way led us back to the somewhat boring Highway No. 1, but this time we drove north. And so it happened that after a few hours we got back to Christchurch, where we had only started a week ago. And one day before ANZAC Day, a New Zealand holiday.
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also neat (in the German sense) but with less equipment. Ferry crossing north / south island with the Interislander ferry. I. d. R. Contact our customer service if you have any questions, we will do our best to answer all of your questions and look forward to hearing from you. Transactions between travelers and private landlords are not only secure, but also very transparent. The rental prices are set by the landlords themselves and are generally well below the prices of commercial landlords. Say goodbye to your car and lock yourself up before handing over the keys to our nice staff. Check the vehicle carefully and make sure that you have packed all personal belongings and removed the garbage. World. With the takeover of the motorhome, we dive into - admittedly comfortable - vagabond life with limitless freedom. Worth and it will always be worth it to us. With the following photos I would like to give first impressions of the country. Including if the vehicle is returned in a clean condition and empty with the toilet / waste water tank. GAS vehicle is picked up with a full gas bottle and must be returned with a full gas bottle.
Just make an appointment by phone or on the Internet and drop off your car there.
Initially, sheep served exclusively as a wool supplier, since the 1880s, when export by refrigerated ship was possible, additionally as a meat supplier.
We wish we had more time to explore this beautiful and somewhat neglected part of New Zealand.
With around 268,000 km², New Zealand makes up a little more than two thirds of Germany's area.
The new Maui River motorhome is perfect for up to 6 adults or families. A change to the booked package can be made free of charge on request, however the then applicable surcharge is payable. If the vehicle is not returned to the agreed rental station and / or at the agreed time, the lessor will charge the corresponding fees. Possible within the THL group (Britz, Maui, Mighty) in Australia and New Zealand to receive long-term discounts. Reduced prices are available on request. This new way of traveling makes your discovery tour or recreational trip in Germany individual, personal and also a little cheaper. Mighty campervan Did you fill up? The nearest petrol station is at Russley Road 661. Refuel there before heading to our Christchurch Airport branch. Century Polynesians settled here and that they are the ancestors of the Maori. The tenant is responsible for compliance with the national road traffic regulations with regard to Right-hand / left-hand traffic, speed, toll and parking regulations are responsible for determining and complying with them accordingly. All direct costs as well as follow-up costs e.g. in the form of a processing fee from the landlord are to be accepted and borne by the tenant. Further north we stopped in Westport for the night, where we found a nice parking space on the beach. Surrounded by smaller sand dunes, some curious wekas and chickens, we spent a quiet night together with some other campers. We had already visited Wanaka once in 2011, but only stayed for one night. Our goal this time was to hike a bit in the area around the city. In addition, the weather in Wanaka was much better than on Mt. Cook, one of our must-dos for this trip, as we hadn't come there on our first camper tour through New Zealand.
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September 1893, New Zealand was the first country in the world to introduce women's suffrage. the country was called Nova Zeelandia (Latin) or Nieuw Zeeland (Dutch) (as the province of Zeeland), based on Australia, which was called Nova Hollandia or Nieuw Holland. New Zealand - Wikipedia
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wileymoors-blog · 5 years
Cheap motorhomes and campers in New Zealand, also as a fly-drive offer
When comparing prices, pay attention not only to the amount of the rents, but also to the equipment and the age of the campervans. Do a search or a camper comparison for New Zealand (or another campervan hire New Zealand country) at the top of this page. Even with your Class B driver's license (purchase from 01/01/1999) driving a motorhome with a total weight of over 3.5 tons is permitted in New Zealand. In our camper ABC New Zealand we have put together the most important travel information for you. In principle, you can therefore drive your motorhome in New Zealand with a German driver's license. Officially you need an English translation for this. You should therefore have an international driver's license issued for your New Zealand motorhome holiday. Always have both your German and international driving licenses with you. New Zealand just cast a spell on me. I love the unique nature and beautiful landscapes. I especially liked the Doubtful Sound. When I look through the photos and see all the New Zealand photos on Instagram, I always get wanderlust again and again. Had I told my friend three years ago that we were flying to New Zealand and Australia via Canada, he would have thought I was completely crazy.
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During such a tour, travelers drive in their own car or rental car and retire to the attached living area in the evening.
On your trip with the motorhome along the coast, you will also discover penguins and whales and dolphins frolicking in the sea.
Especially during Christmas and New Year's Eve, prices are disproportionately high.
This estuary is one of the most famous tourist attractions. li >
Rent a motorhome and spontaneously drive from a waterfall to the next metropolis.
The country is home to a lot of farmland and forests, but since it is very small, you are never too far from an inhabited area with facilities and visitor centers.
There are around 30 dolphins with whom you can swim in the nature reserve. Nearby you will also find a penguin colony in Flea Bay, with a little luck you may discover some. The most expensive form of camping in New Zealand is on a private campsite. Depending on the equipment of the campsite and the season, there are costs of around 30-50 € for 2 people. With our price comparison you can compare the camper rental New Zealand.
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Information about the facilities, costs and current reviews of guests. How was it again with Freedom Camping in New Zealand? I have summarized everything you need to know about it for you here. To give up a little convenience - even on vacation - saves costs and is guaranteed to bring more beautiful experiences in New Zealand. With an honest & fair rating you help us and other readers. You certainly don't want to do that after your arrival. However, if you rent the motorhome for the South Island, the trip will likely start in Christchurch. Botanical Gardens and the Canterbury Museum, which provides insight into the life of New Zealand's natives, are just two of the highlights there. There are also cities on the North Island such as Auckland and Queenstown that you can visit when renting your motorhome in New Zealand. And would you have known that the origins of the picturesque “Shire” of a well-known film lie here?
RV rental in New Zealand: seasonal differences
Because you can save a lot of money. The remaining amount must be paid either in advance or at the camper pick-up in New Zealand.
How many degrees is it in Australia in winter?
Best time to go to the South Seas Cook Islands. Favorable: May to October. Fiji. Favorable: June to October. French Polynesia including Tahiti. Favorable: April to October. Micronesia (Palau, Saipan, Guam, Marshal Islands) Favorable: December to April. Caledonia. Favorable: April to November. Solomon. Inexpensive: Samoa. Inexpensive: Tonga. Cheap:
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wileymoors-blog · 5 years
Camp Smarter With These Simple Hints - Tips And Ideas
Camp Smarter With These Simple Hints, Tips And Ideas Camping is an activity that can be enjoyed by the entire family. Whether you're taking a family trip, or heading out to the wilderness with some close friends, camping can bond you to your loved ones like nothing else. However, there are many things to consider before venturing out on your next New Zealand camping trip. Although it is not an essential part of your back country camping gear, a machete is something that you may consider packing depending on where you are going. It is a very versatile tool in the wilderness. You can cut a trail, hack bamboo and vines for shelter, cut coconuts for water, chop firewood, and even use it as protection against wild animals. You don't have to be a boy scout to be prepared, if you plan to go camping in New Zealand. One of the first rules is to be sure to tell somebody where you will be. If there isn't an exact location to give, then give a general idea of major roads nearby or even GPS coordinates if you know them and give a timeframe of when you plan to return. Purchase a quality tent. It can be tempting to score a good deal on a tent, but you want to find something that can hold both you, your family members and your belongings. Try visiting a store that specializes in outdoor gear. They tend to have well-made products that will last for a while. Avoid any wildlife you may come into contact with. Bears have become a fairly large problem with campers. In some parks they have been known to rip open the trunk of a car to gain access to food. Raccoons are also a big problem in many campgrounds. Not only are they smart and can gain access to your food supplies easily, but they can carry disease as well. If you have a new tent to take on your New Zealand camping trip, you should set it up at home before you go on your New Zealand camping trip. This will let you know that you're not missing pieces from your tent and that you know how to pitch your tent in the right way. This also makes setting up your tent at the campsite a much smoother process. When camping, periodically do a tick check. Look for any brown or black spots that have just appeared on your skin. Ticks attach themselves to the skin without causing too much of a disturbance, so be sure to check yourself and your companions for ticks after spending time camping outdoors. Bring bug spray. If you forget your bug spray on a New Zealand camping trip, you will deeply regret it. Try a few different bug sprays ahead of time. Find something that works and doesn't irritate your skin. You also want to make sure that it isn't so greasy you'll be unwilling to sleep in it. When you have a campfire, be certain that someone is monitoring it at all times. Summer's weather and dry campsites can be potentially hazardous conditions for fires in unwanted areas. Take turns watching the flames, and be sure to keep a bucket of water and dirt handy to put out any fires. Learn how to pitch your tent ahead of time. First-time tent pitching can take time, and you may get frustrated if your first time is at the actual campsite. If you practice doing this ahead of time, it will be a breeze to do once you get to your destination. Make sure you always have a source of clean water with you. When camping, you can't always trust that a natural water source is clean enough to drink from without boiling the water first. So keep a canteen filled with water at your side during any daily adventure. In the evenings, boil any spring water for ten minutes to create clean water reserves for the next day. A great tool to take whenever you go camping in New Zealand is duct tape. Duct tape is a very versatile tool that can be used from anything to mend broken tent poles, to patching up tent holes, all the way to serving as a band aide if you get a cut. Many people fail to plan properly in order to ensure that they get a good night's sleep when camping. The temperature difference between the ground and Maui campervans your body can be quite different, even if the weather is warm. Make sure you bring the proper sleeping gear to make your evening comfortable for you. As you now know, camping, while lots of fun, does require quite a bit of know how and preparation. Make sure that you are prepared for anything that may be thrown your way by implement the tips you have just read in this article. Using this tips is a great way to ensure you have an enjoyable trip.
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wileymoors-blog · 5 years
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campervan blenheim nz
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