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wildshub · 3 years ago
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Shoss: [ yelling ]  The Eves: ...
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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                   Wakey wakey, sunshine and seawater!
TIME: DAY 18, Morning LOCATION: Beach
The Eves sprawled out on the beach after last night's festivities are in for a rude awakening. Those with their bodies nestled comfortably against the sand are greeted with a giant wave of seawater to the face.  The tide has risen by an incredible amount since last night. Even those in the cave aren't safe. Water is slowly starting to sweep in. Time to gather the inventory you can and get out of dodge, Eves! It's clear you can no longer stay on the beach without risk. Seems a group meeting is in order.
Credit to Gray for this idea <3
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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                                          Introduce Yourself
TIMELINE: Before the flight TASK STATUS: Optional
Write a self-para of your character filming an introduction video for the Dawn of Eve retreat. What would they say? Where would they film it? Do they want to do this at all? How much effort they put into it is up to them. It could be done on phone, camera, whatever feels most right. The only instruction they’re given is: What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
Credit to Gray for this idea <3
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wildshub · 3 years ago
Psych Evaluation
tw: talk of suicide 
shane sat, staring at the person in front of her, just as she had the two men who were interviewing her earlier. she assumed this was more bullshit to try and gaslight her in to thinking any of this was natural. shane knew better than to fall for it, at least she thought so. so here she sits, continuing her silent treatment. 
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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Physical Health
*Tell me about your sleeping habits over the past month. Have you noticed any changes? Difficulty sleeping? Restlessness? What was it like before you were on the island?
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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jenny thewlis psych evaluation : 061401
layout is a little different than erin’s, still long as hell im so sorry.
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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Physical Health
Tell me about your sleeping habits over the past month. Have you noticed any changes? Difficulty sleeping? Restlessness? What was it like before you were on the island?
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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erin walsh psych evaluation : 013001
this is long as hell im so sorry
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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                    What do you remember from the flight?
All of these questions about the flight you were on has you thinking back to your time on the plane. How it felt when you boarded, seeing the others for the first time... That introduction and those stupid icebreakers they made you do. You didn’t think you would but you kind of miss them –  the other Eves. Maybe more than you’d care to admit. It’s lonely in your room. And boring. So, so boring. There’s actually nothing better to do than think back to the first time you all of you were together for the very first time.
Boarding – The Eves were seated according to their surnames. (Click HERE for the seating chart. Credit to Chuckles for this.)
Orientation – Once all of the Eves were seated, a video is played on the big screen about the Dawn of Eve retreat, what it stands for and what the Eves have to look forward to in Hawaii. After this, the flight attendant goes down the aisle handing each one of them a Welcome Mocktail and their Swag Bags (Click HERE to review what was inside.)
Icebreaker – After giving the Eves drink their mocktails and a bit to go through their bags, a PowerPoint is then shown on the big screen. It reads ‘ICEBREAKER TIME!’. The following slide provides instructions for what the Eves have to do. Introduce yourself! State your name, where you’re from, a hobby you enjoy and what you’re most excited for in Hawaii. (This is where I imagine Erin was like oh hey they didn’t mention pronouns and thinks to include it and so basically everyone ends up saying their pronouns.)
For a more fast-paced and real-time experience, we will be using Discord again! Under the IN-CHARACTER category, you’ll find a new channel entitled #day1-plane where you can post in character.
To post in character, you’ll first have to register your character through Tupper. You can find a tutorial for that HERE and you can register your character and test out Tupper in the #bots channel under the IGNORE-THIS category.
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wildshub · 3 years ago
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                                               Psych Evaluation
Answer as if a professional is asking your character these questions. If you feel like your character would be rather tight-lipped on the answers, feel free to publish a second version of the task in third person so you can explain the current state of your character’s psyche.
Physical Health
Tell me about your sleeping habits over the past month. Have you noticed any changes? Difficulty sleeping? Restlessness? What was it like before you were on the island?
How would you describe your appetite over the past 5 weeks? Have your eating habits changed in any way? What was it like before you were on the island?
Prior to the island, could you tell me about any times over the past few months that you’ve been bothered by low feelings, stress, or sadness?
How frequently have you had little pleasure or interest in the activities you usually enjoy? Would you tell me more?
Autonomy, Choice, and Control
How often during the past few months have you felt as though your moods, or your life, were under your control?
How frequently have you been bothered by not being able to stop worrying?
Tell me about how confident you have been feeling in your capabilities recently.
Let’s talk about how often you have felt satisfied with yourself over the past few months.
Hope and Hopelessness
How often over the past few weeks have you felt the future was bleak?
Can you tell me about your hopes and dreams for the future? What feelings have you had recently about working toward those goals?
Relationships and Belonging
Describe how ‘supported’ you feel by others around you – your friends, family, or otherwise. 
What is it different on the island? Did you feel more or less supported?
Let’s discuss how you have been feeling about your relationships recently. Did you make any significant relationships on the island? How do you feel about them?
Tell me about any important activities or projects that you’ve been involved with recently. How much enjoyment do you get from these? 
Were you particularly involved with activities on the island? Did you want to be?
How frequently have you been doing things that mean something to you or your life?
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wildshub · 3 years ago
jenny thewlis: bunker day two
It’s a new day ( or so you’re told ) and you’re brought in for another interview. Agent Wilkes and Dr. Hessman are sat waiting for you on the other side of the table like the day before. “Hello again,” Agent Wilkes greets. Dr. Hessman smiles at you and nods his head instead of saying anything. His notepad is out though and there’s a folder tucked beneath it. You wonder what’s inside.
“Thank you for joining us again today. We know you have a lot of questions,” Agent Wilkes says once you’re seated. “We weren’t the most forthcoming regarding the details of your circumstance yesterday and we intend on clearing those up today. We just needed some time to get all of the details in order. I believe once you’re aware of what we’ve found, you’ll understand why we’ve been so… reserved.” Agent Wilkes has his own folder and he opens that up and takes a look at the papers inside of it before speaking again …
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wildshub · 3 years ago
TW: Blood, description of dead animals, frantic praying, etc.
The interview room isn’t the most inviting. It’s cold. There’s cement everywhere you look. A metal table is situated in the center of the room. There’s a single chair on one side of it –  the side closest to the door. On the other side, two men are sat next to each other waiting for you. One is in a pressed suit. The other in a thick sweater. 
“Hello,” the one in the suit greets. “Thank you for joining us. We just have a few questions for you.” The men introduce themselves. The one in the suit is Agent David Wilkes, FBI. A stoic and authoritative – though not unkind – professional from the looks of things. The man in the sweater is Dr. Parker Hessman. He doesn’t appear very threatening with his thick-rimmed glasses but he’s a trauma psychologist and it’s never good when one of those are around.
“We’ll start off easy,” Agent Wilkes begins. “Just some preliminary questions as we don’t want to overwhelm you. Let’s begin shall we?”
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wildshub · 3 years ago
erin walsh: bunker day two.
It’s a new day ( or so you’re told ) and you’re brought in for another interview. Agent Wilkes and Dr. Hessman are sat waiting for you on the other side of the table like the day before. “Hello again,” Agent Wilkes greets. Dr. Hessman smiles at you and nods his head instead of saying anything. His notepad is out though and there’s a folder tucked beneath it. You wonder what’s inside.
“Thank you for joining us again today. We know you have a lot of questions,” Agent Wilkes says once you’re seated. “We weren’t the most forthcoming regarding the details of your circumstance yesterday and we intend on clearing those up today. We just needed some time to get all of the details in order. I believe once you’re aware of what we’ve found, you’ll understand why we’ve been so… reserved.” Agent Wilkes has his own folder and he opens that up and takes a look at the papers inside of it before speaking again …
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wildshub · 3 years ago
The interview room isn’t the most inviting. It’s cold. There’s cement everywhere you look. A metal table is situated in the center of the room. There’s a single chair on one side of it –  the side closest to the door. On the other side, two men are sat next to each other waiting for you. One is in a pressed suit. The other in a thick sweater.
“Hello,” the one in the suit greets. “Thank you for joining us. We just have a few questions for you.” The men introduce themselves. The one in the suit is Agent David Wilkes, FBI. A stoic and authoritative – though not unkind – professional from the looks of things. The man in the sweater is Dr. Parker Hessman. He doesn’t appear very threatening with his thick-rimmed glasses but he’s a trauma psychologist and it’s never good when one of those are around.
“We’ll start off easy,” Agent Wilkes begins. “Just some preliminary questions as we don’t want to overwhelm you. Let’s begin shall we?”
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wildshub · 3 years ago
bunker interview part two
shane sat across from the men for a second time. she’s told that it is the next day, but she doesn’t believe them. this whole experience reminded her of when she was in the hospital and how she had to trust everything the doctors were telling her, only this time, she knew these people didn’t have her best interest in mind.
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