wildrushes · 4 hours
tired of cannibalism as a metaphor for love or sex. can we get into cannibalism as a metaphor for colonization.
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wildrushes · 9 hours
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wildrushes · 1 day
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wildrushes · 1 day
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wildrushes · 1 day
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Quentin Matsys (Flemish, 1466-1530) The Virgin of the Rosary, n.d. Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid
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wildrushes · 1 day
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A very powerful American toad creates ripples in water with his call. [Anaxyrus americanus] [x]
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wildrushes · 1 day
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Divine’s makeup kit filled with his vintage cosmetics including lipstick, lashes and powder (c. 1988).
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wildrushes · 1 day
this 4th of July, please consider donating to some palestinian escape funds that are close to meeting their goal!
1.Urgent Relief : Help Shadi's Family Evacuate Gaza - $12,058 / 15,000 < ONLY $3000 AWAY
(vouched for and vetted on twitter)
2. Help Moayed Escape the War in Gaza to Safety - €3,100 / 10,000
(vouched for and vetted on twitter)
3. Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive - €32,430 / 38,000 < ONLY $5570 AWAY
(verified by @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein)
4. Help Anas family in Gaza- $12,257 / 20,000
(verified and vetted by @/nabulsi)
5. Help two sisters from Gaza to achieve their dreams - €22,108/ 30,000
6. Help My Gazan Family Escape War: Urgent Aid for Surgery - $15,670 / 25,000
(vouched for by Thaer from this separate fund)
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wildrushes · 1 day
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Could Be Different, Julian Adon Alexander
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wildrushes · 1 day
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The Belvedere Torso, Apollonious of Athens, 1st century BC
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wildrushes · 1 day
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Charmaine Sinclair
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wildrushes · 2 days
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John Cage to Merce Cunningham, June 29 1943
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wildrushes · 2 days
Today, July 3, would have been my sister Mariam’s 22nd birthday. She was with my father in Gaza and went missing in October, with no one being able to locate her since. We consider her one of the many beautiful martyrs that became buried under the rubble and are unable to be properly accounted for.
Mariam was the most important person in my life, I miss her every second of every day and it is important for me to use the love I will always have for her into helping the people I can right now.
To honour her memory this year I am hoping to raise money for 3 specific gofundme campaigns:
Dina and her children (CAD)
Noor and Alaa (euro)
Ayman and his family (USD)
These are all fundraisers with very few donations, and ones I have personal connections with. From today until July 31, I am hoping to raise as much money for them in Mariam’s memory.
General Donation Overview:
I use ‘€’ for the currency in this post, but it is the same equivalent for $ USD/CAD (€25 is $25 etc) depending on what gofundme you donate to
Make sure to send your proof of donation directly to me (through asks or messages) and make sure the date, amount and gfm are visible. If applicable, please also send me a mailing name/address
Every TWENTIETH (20th) donor will receive a handmade Palestine themed item (must be comfortable giving a mailing name/address)
For every €1,000 raised I will donate €20 to each fundraiser (all I can afford right now, but amount is subject to change as my financial situation changes this month!)
Specific Donation Amount Rewards:
€5-24 donation - you will have my never ending love and support :)
€25 donation - you will receive all of the above AND I will send you a handwritten message in a card with this medieval Palestine flag print design on it from @werewolf-transgenderism! (support Miles on inprnt here!!)
To receive this you will need to be comfortable send a mailing name/address for the envelope. If you want a different name/something specific in the card let me know! (I will send anywhere)
€50 donation - you will receive all of the above AND be entered to a brand new copy of either the book Men in the Sun by Ghassan Kanafani or The Butterfly's Burden by Mahmoud Darwish
2 winners will be chosen, book choice will be first come first serve for the winners. You must be comfortable giving a mailing address (I will ship anywhere)
€150 donation - you will receive all of the above AND a handmade Palestine themed item (without having to be a certain donor number)
Gofundme Goal Rewards:
If Dina’s fundraiser reaches $2,000 CAD - I will attempt to cook my way through The Gaza Kitchen (I have an older edition) and document my journey/share recipes
If Noor’s fundraiser reaches €2,000 - I will start a virtual book club for books by Palestinian authors (if this happens I will figure out logistics later)
If Ayman’s fundraiser reaches $2,000 USD - I will learn how to crochet (I don’t know how) and will document my journey/giveaway all my (bad) creations :)
That’s it for now, sorry it’s so much info in one post!! You guys raised over $11,500 USD for the fundraising campaign I did in January to honour my father’s birthday and I am hoping this fundraising campaign for my sister can come close to that. As always, please let me know if you have any questions :)
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wildrushes · 2 days
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Olivia Beasley, from JCA Annual 3 (1980)
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wildrushes · 3 days
i think maybe i want to interview members of my family about their lives and compile the stories because i love when my ancestors did that and i can read about their lives
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wildrushes · 3 days
in 2018 i started this journal tag and then only ever made one post in it ig? which i was just reminded of because someone liked that post 2 days ago which is kind of weird of them
but yeah i guess i'll use it again. i dont like forgetting things. i used to keep diaries a lot as a kid for that reason.
so since that post from 2018 i've moved twice, been rejected for hrt for being emotionally unstable, gotten fat, gone through a few pairs of glasses and several worsening prescriptions, gotten a job (although not a Dream Job it's fairly cushy because i'm an office clerk for my parents), changed my meds, worked on my ocd and phobias and mental health in general, gotten engaged, gotten diagnosed with adhd & eds & bpd & cptsd, had my uncle & granduncle & three of my grandparents die, made new friends, done a lot of work bettering my relationship with my parents, still never got on dsp, still in love, happy on and off, started at and dropped out of design school, started at and dropped out of uni several times (im back now! took last semester off but will be going back next semester), joined my university encampment, have been going to protests, joined a revolutionary communist org, got covid once that i know of, turned 20 & 21 & 22 & 23 & 24 & 25 & 26
there's probs more but that's about the gist of it tbh
i hit absolute rock bottom with my mental health in late 2021/early 2022. it was really really bad and i don't know how i survived it. but i forced myself to keep going through the motions while we moved house and im not sure but i think moving house probably saved my life
we'll see if i use this tag now or if i forget and come back to it again in another 6 years
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wildrushes · 3 days
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i call this one “nobody likes you when youre 23”
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