wildleviosa25090 · 4 years
Remadora - Thread Masterpost
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“Tonks deserves somebody young and whole–”
“But she wants you.”
(( OOC: A masterlist of the remadora threads produced over the last couple of years. I’ll keep this post updated as new threads are added. ))
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wildleviosa25090 · 4 years
While people are inclined to whip out their phones and film when they see something alarming happening, those videos are not always recorded in a way that can be used as evidence in a legal proceeding or to support advocacy tactics.
At the human rights organization WITNESS, where I work as the senior U.S. program coordinator, we’ve learned that video has a greater chance of making an impact when it’s filmed ethically and strategically, and released in coordination with advocacy and legal efforts. Using the camera in your pocket can be a valuable way to ensure the world bears witness to abusive policing and systemic racism, help hold authorities accountable, and advocate for the real safety of our communities.
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wildleviosa25090 · 4 years
i understand that not everyone can donate rn even if they really wanted to. i myself am currently unemployed and cannot donate much more than i already have atm !! not donating is okay - pls don’t feel guilty if you do not have the means to do so.
if donating is not a possibility right now, ive found this 1 hour video you can watch on youtube where all proceeds from the ad revenue will go to an organization to help the cause (more info in the video’s description). op has compiled songs and art from Black artists to listen to. you can leave it on to play in the background or plug in earphones and go about your business as usual. it can’t get more simple than that.
as a fandom that’s known to mass stream, it would be amazing if you could channel that energy into watching this video !!!!!
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wildleviosa25090 · 4 years
So important right now, no one should fear the people who are meant to protect us. No one should worry about doing normal everyday things in fear of being arrested just for the colour of their skin. The way police treat black people is appalling particularly in America but also anywhere where racism still exists, and something needs to be done, so please share donate, sign petitions do whatever you can to show support and recognise our privilege.
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George Floyd was a father, a brother, a son – and he was murdered by a racist cop for grocery shopping while black. The system is broken, and the only way we can fix it is by taking action, now and going forward. 
 If you have the means, consider donating what you can to George Floyd’s Memorial Fund, Black Visions Collective, ACLU Nationwide, Reclaim the Block, or other organizations supporting the safety and freedom of black people.
If you can’t donate, speaking out is free. Be vigilant for racism both overt and covert in your workplaces, friend circles, online communities, and homes, and do not let it slide. Petitions and phone numbers and scripts for calling representatives are circulating right now – get involved.
If you are black and struggling with your mental health right now, there are people who can help. If you’re looking for support, one resource is the Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective.
If you are white and don’t feel comfortable speaking out about issues like this, do it anyway. Use whatever platform you have to amplify the voices of the people who do have the words – especially the voices of black people.
If you are white and feel uninformed, start with the resources listed here.
Whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Don’t let George Floyd have died for that.
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wildleviosa25090 · 4 years
here’s the link to donate to george floyd’s official memorial fund if you are able to contribute. if you can’t donate, please share. being black shouldn’t be a death sentence.
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wildleviosa25090 · 4 years
Being in lockdown really has me bored, so I decided to make my own Harry Potter monopoly ( why isn’t there one already) took me five days but I’m so proud. Here’s a sneak peak, more to follow.
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wildleviosa25090 · 4 years
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Went on a little trip to LA last summer and the dark arts light show in the castle is the best I’ve ever seen, bonus I got a cute badge supporting my house.
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wildleviosa25090 · 4 years
Life at University has kinda taken over but so loving being back on this.
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wildleviosa25090 · 5 years
au where regulus black survived and sirius and regulus spend book five passive-aggressively competing as harry’s mentors
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wildleviosa25090 · 5 years
lucius malfoy always dresses like he just came back from a met gala where the theme is rich and wizardy
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wildleviosa25090 · 5 years
So iconic
will today’s kids ever know how truly iconic Harry Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise was??? Will they ever know how it shaped us as a society?? 
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wildleviosa25090 · 7 years
Heya who would be your own fan cast for everyone during the marauders era?(:
Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Potter
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Ben Barnes as Sirius Black
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Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin
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Jamie Bell as Peter Pettigrew
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Louis Garrel as Severus Snape
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Logan Lerman as Regulus Black
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Karen Gillan as Lily Evans
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Laura Carmichael as Petunia Evans
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Ashley Benson as Marlene McKinnon
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Freya Mavor as Mary MacDonald
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Jane Levy as Molly Prewett
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Arthur Darvill as Arthur Weasley
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Eddie Redmayne as Gideon and Fabian Prewett
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Carey Mulligan as Alice Longbottom
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Jonathan Bailey as Frank Longbottom
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Eva Green as Bellatrix Black
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Natalie Dormer as Narcissa Black
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Alexandra Daddario as Andromeda Black
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Jamie Campbell Bower as Lucius Malfoy
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Jason Momoa as Rodolphus Lestrange
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Nicholas Hoult as Ted Tonks
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Avan Jogia as Rabastan Lestrange 
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Max Irons as Amos Diggory
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Margot Robbie as Rita Skeeter 
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Ryan Gosling as Gilderoy Lockhart
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Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Quirinus Quirell
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Jared Leto as Xenophilius Lovegood (imagine he has blonde hair)
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Cara Delevingne as Pandora Lovegood 
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Hunter Parrish as Ludo Bagman
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Matt Smith as Mundungus Fletcher
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Tristan Mack Wilds as Kingsley Shacklebolt
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Juno Temple as Sibyl Trelawney
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Bradley James as Barty Crouch Jr.
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Amanda Seyfried as Rosmerta
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wildleviosa25090 · 7 years
I always laugh when somebody declares James Potter on the verge of expulsion for his pranks in fic because Malfoy was literally a Death Eater trying to kill the Headmaster and Dumbledore was like “Let’s just see if we can gently guide him away from this” I’m pretty sure the only thing that gets you expelled at Hogwarts is if you have already straight up murdered someone
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wildleviosa25090 · 7 years
They say the death of the Tonks family was the first great tragedy of the wizarding war.
Several muggle news stations reported the terrible accident, a house fire that claimed the lives of a young couple and their newborn daughter. None of them ever recounted the glowing emerald skull that was seen in the sky above, a serpent coiling and twisting from its mouth.
The pavement outside was flooded with flowers for weeks afterwards. But years passed, and old tragedies were replaced by newer ones, more innocent lives and families wiped out in the space of a single night. In the end, the three Tonks were just names carved into stone, the beginning of a long list of innocents.
When the war ended eight years later and Death Eaters began trading names in exchange for leniency, the rumours began. Rumours of a child – a little girl – born to Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange and raised among the shadows of war. But no two descriptions of the child were ever the same. Some spoke of dark eyes and ebony hair that fell in tight curls, some believed her hair was the colour of honey and hung in plaits either side of her face.
One swore it was bubblegum pink.
But the rumoured girl was never named nor found, despite the best efforts of the Auror task-force. The war had lasted long enough and the Wizengamot had no time to chase after rumours, not when there was justice to be sanctioned upon the guilty. The accused were rarely granted trials.
The girl who was not a rumour was eight when fireworks coloured the sky red and green and her mother had screamed until blood coated her tongue. Two days later she ran away into the night, the screams of a young man and woman following her as she fled. They had looked so frightened, so desperate, even though they were evil and deserved the pain that her mother inflicted upon them. The coldness the girl felt in her bones was the same as when the Dark One had called her name in his high, clear voice. If the screaming man and woman bore the faces of evil, what was it she saw every time her mother gazed upon her with those black eyes?
The girl waited for her father’s friends to find her again and drag her back to the quiet, dark house she lived in. But they never came. The girl slept in alleyways and alcoves until one day, she rescued a page of a newspaper out of the fire she had just lit with her fingertips, and saw her parents faces. She saw the faces of the young couple, too – two Aurors by the name of Longbottom. The girl knew enough to know that even if they were not dead, there would be nothing left of them alive, either.
The girl was small and quick and quickly grew accustomed to life on the streets. She stole food, wallets, things to sell and re-sell to the same person, only she would change her face in between. Sometimes she met other children without homes, whose eyes were wide and scared and reflected horrors similar to her own. They watched with wonder as she created little green snakes in the palm of her hand and morphed her nose into a wrinkled pig snout. They would gasp and laugh and for a moment their horrors disappeared, and the girl questioned whether muggles really were evil, after all.
When the girl turned eleven, the first letter came. Addressed simply to: Geminia Lestrange, The Doorway to the Abandoned Apothecary, London. It was signed by a name she recognised, whispered angrily in the hallways back where she once lived. She knew Albus Dumbledore was a terrible person, and therefore this Hogwarts place must be full of terrible people, too. She burnt the letter, and every letter that followed – once a week, every week – the flames keeping her warm throughout the nights.
It wasn’t long before men in robes began to follow her down the streets, and she feared the people she knew as The Order had finally come to kill her or else throw her in Azkaban, as they had done her parents. She vanished down alleyway after alleyway, changed her face again and again, and they never caught her. But she was always running.
When the girl was fifteen, she went to steal the wallet of a man with a wooden leg and a clawed foot, but he grabbed hold of the arm she had halfway inside his tattered coat without so much as a glance in her direction. When she met his gaze one of his eyes was dancing in its socket, blue and piercing. 
He asked for her name.
The girl glared at him so ferociously that her eyes turned golden. The man’s face was twisted and scarred but she had seen far worse and simply called him a “mad-eyed freak.” He huffed an odd sort of laugh and let go of her arm, handing her a galleon out of the wallet. “Constant vigilance,” were his parting words.
He appeared every day for the next three weeks, wherever she happened to be. It didn’t matter which face she wore – he always knew it was her. Each time they saw each other, he would ask her name, and she would snarl various insults in response. He would laugh gruffly at her in the way that she hated, and remind her again to be constantly vigilant.
One night, the men in robes used their magic to corner her like a lowly animal, and the girl was sure she would be thrown in a cage with her mother and her black eyes. But the mad-eyed man appeared once more, ordered the men in robes to leave, and they nodded their heads to him and did as he asked. When he asked the girl if she was alright, she had no answer, as no one had ever asked her that before. When he asked her to follow him, she did, as she had nowhere else to run.
Later, she sat opposite him in a deserted London café and ate the first hot food she’d had in weeks. Children couldn’t be sent to Azkaban, he said – not for stealing wallets, anyway. They watched each other silently for a while, and then the mad-eyed man asked for her name again. Perhaps it was the hot food in her stomach, or the way his blue eye seemed to read the secrets inside her head, but she told him. This time, he didn’t laugh.
“Your real name, kid,” he said, “is Nymphadora Tonks.”
Something fluttered in the girls chest as the ends of her hair began to turn purple, and she listened to the mad-eyed man’s story.
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wildleviosa25090 · 7 years
Minnie, dearest, as you probably know, Jamesie has bravely asked Dumbles to the dance and much to our shock, he said YES!!! So I am here on this truly ravishing night to ask if you would like to accompany me, Sirius Black, to the ball so that we may be the best looking couple and show Potter and Dumbles how to really dance *dramatic bow*
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McGonagall: Do you know how to waltz? 
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Sirius: I’m a Black, of course I know how to waltz.
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Sirius: I knew I could count on you. 
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wildleviosa25090 · 7 years
... hey, professor mcgonnagall, what's the best thing your ever done as a cat?
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(( OOC: Remembers that one time she took a shit on Dolores’ desk. )) 
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wildleviosa25090 · 7 years
I’m so excited to finally share this with you guys! Evermore Park is currently in development and we’d love your support, so follow our other social media platforms to stay updated on its progress, and to help make this thing happen! 
Official Website
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