Welcome, Drifters! This is a blog dedicated to translating the story and contents, as well as creating a guide to gameplay, for the Wild Arms: Million Memories smartphone game. Ask
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Any chance you could give us the recordings of the earlier events? D : Like the Boomerang one and the ones before that? I joined after that, and I'd like to have the video if anyone else ever wants to translate those.
I’m sorry but I’ve already deleted those to free up storage space once I knew this blog was going on hiatus. There were recordings floating around youtube I believe with an auto translation. So while it’s not the best, you can at least grab the videos and have someone do a re-translation
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Hello everyone, sorry for the silence.
I just want to officially update that this blog is on indefinite hiatus. The translator has lost interest, and I myself have stopped playing the game as of December, due to the grind.
I am sorry to bring unfortunate news. We may or may not come back someday. If anyone else is interested in picking up story translations, then please contact us off anon!
Thank you for the short time, and I’m sorry that we never amounted to much. There is a semi-active discord if you ever have gameplay questions you need answered.
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New event has some Charged Counter mission? How do you trigger it? :o
Use your charge attack (when you tap+hold on your character before release), and release it after the enemy’s red flash attack animation when it flashes white.
Here’s a video example from the official twitter that serves as a good visual guide.
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As of last event and this event, the 5-hit combo has been changed to “kill the boss using an ARM skill” However, non-event stages remain the same.
Thanks for all the help! I do have a few more questions, though, if that's alright. One, what are those monster/item cards we get for? I am assuming you can put the berry in at item slot and use it to heal, but what about the monster ones? And two, is there a translation available for those three goals you can get gems for after every battle? They're even present in events, so having one would be super useful.
They’re basically just there to sell or use as level fodder. There’s also weekly missions that require you to sell 2*/1* ARMs and 1* gear. Refer to wikia for more info on those.
The missions are:-Clear mission with A rank or higher-Get a 5-combo hit-Clear without anyone dying
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Thanks. : D Also, is there any way to link or backup my account, so it doesn't get lost if I have to delete the app?
Also, under Missons, what’s the center tab? I looked at the translated page of missions, but i wasn’t sure. There are a lot of gems being offered there.
The missions stuff can all be found on the WIkia. Look at the translated menus to find out which tab is what.
I can’t write a guide today but yes there is a way to at least save your account details. You’ll need the support ID and to create a password, and keep that information somewhere safe. I will be away from my desk a few days, but I can show detailed steps on how to do so when I’m back at my PC.
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Thanks for all the help! I do have a few more questions, though, if that's alright. One, what are those monster/item cards we get for? I am assuming you can put the berry in at item slot and use it to heal, but what about the monster ones? And two, is there a translation available for those three goals you can get gems for after every battle? They're even present in events, so having one would be super useful.
They’re basically just there to sell or use as level fodder. There’s also weekly missions that require you to sell 2*/1* ARMs and 1* gear. Refer to wikia for more info on those.
The missions are:-Clear mission with A rank or higher-Get a 5-combo hit-Clear without anyone dying
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syberiawinx replied to your post: “Chapter 1, Scene 1-5”:
Do you have a translation for the dialogue in the middle of that battle with the big monster?
It’s just very basic “this monster is so tough, how do we take it down” “use the power of ARMs!”
I think this might’ve been before we noticed the story skip button in battles, aha. But it’s pretty much unimportant in this battle specifically.
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Chapter 3, Scene 3-2
Translated by Sanzenri
3-2 The Girl Who Fell Out Of The Sky
Note: あったかいものどうぞ -> あったかいものどうも is a running gag of Kaneko’s and also appears in Symphogear after its first appearance in WA2. I tried to make it work in English too but ymmv.
Britney: Here you go, something hot.
Lilka: Oof, thanks for the hot something.
Britney: Did you calm down a bit?
Lilka: Thank you. I just panicked a little back there…
I’ve never been good at teleportation magic but this felt different from usual… The spell structure fell apart…
Virginia: Oh, you’re the one. The girl they said fell out of the sky. Nice to meet you, I’m Virginia.
Lilka: I’m Lilka. I didn’t actually fall out of the sky… Tahaha..
Virginia: You’re a sorceress, right? It’s amazing that you can do magic.
Lilka: It’s not amazing~ Anyone can do magic if they study.
And anyway, I still need a lot of experience…
Virginia: I also just started out as a Drifter. Let’s both do our best!
Lilka: Yes, let’s!
That said, I really do need to excuse myself shortly.
Virginia: Aww, are you already leaving? We just met…
Lilka: I’m sorry, I have an appointment.
Britney: I see… Then there’s no help for it. Take care on your way.
Lilka: Thank you very much! Now, if you’ll excuse me –
…. Wha?
Britney: What’s wrong?
Lilka: It’s weird.. It’s like the spell structure is getting canceled, even though the crest is responding properly.
Virginia: That seems like a complicated situation… What does it mean, basically?
Lilka: Basically, I can’t use teleportation magic…
Hanpan: Hmm, if you’ll allow an intellectual like myself to advance a hypothesis… Something in the vicinity is interfering with specific spell structures.
Fille: “Something,” meaning what exactly?
Hanpan: I don’t know. Like a ruin or a relic. That must be it.
Fille: That seems like a pretty haphazard hypothesis…
Hanpan: I do think it must be a teleportation spell jamming device. And a pretty strong one, at that.
Lilka: Auuuu..
Fille: But you know, like Hanpan says, if this device is interfering, if we find it we may be able to stop it.
Jack: I also want to get moving already. Let’s just do a quick circuit of the area and make sure there’s nothing weird out there.
Virginia:… Good idea. The solution might pop up surprisingly quickly.
Lilka: Thank you…
Looks like the spell structures for my other magic are working fine. Alright, in that case…
Leaving everything to all of you would give witches a bad name! Please let me come along on your expedition!
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Thanks for all the help. : D So do you up the star level just by normal practicing, or is there a special button or area?
No problem! I edited the post to include a link to menu translations. But on the level screen, you want to hit the 進化 button in the middle. You can only evolve cards that are at max level.
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Glad to hear it. Are the event stories available after the event ends, though? Also, I don't know if you know any gameplay stuff, but figured I'd ask, since I couldn't find any answers elsewhere. Are the gold/five-star cards the highest rarity? There seems to be room for one more star, but I've never come across any higher cards. Also, can you "idolize" cards? Like, combine the same cards to change their art or do something special? Sorry for all the questions!
I haven’t found the event stories available to read after they end; hence why I recorded them for future reference.
5* cards are the highest rarity, but they can be evolved into 6*. You do this by maxing their level, and using five cards of the same rarity as fodder. It’s recommended to use dupes or the 5* Dragon Fossils that can be obtained through a few methods. It doesn’t change their art, however it does give a huge boost to the stats of the cards.
Every card can have their rarity upped by one rarity max. 3* cards need three 3* fodder, 4* cards need four 4* fodder, etc. Note that once you evolve it, they go back to level 1, so you have to re-level them.
One recommended method is evolving dupe 4* to 5* to use as fodder for your 5* cards. Evolved 4* also have pretty good stats if you lack 5* in general.
Side note: The wikia has been updated with menu translations, missions, and now has an ARMs database. You can use it as a reference on how to find where to evolve cards using the method described above.
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Glad someone is doing this? Any plans to do the events, assuming they have stories? I know one is going on right now, so I was wondering.
I have the event stories recorded, so it’s a possibility. Right now our story translator is focusing only on the main story, but ideally I would like to do the events at some point.
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Chapter 3, Scene 3-1
Translated by Sanzenri
3-1 A Familiar Name
Clarence: I see, Lolithia. Lolithia… Lolithia…
Jack: Tell me what you know, no matter what it is. You’re my only hope.
Clarence: I think I have seen that name somewhere before…
Oh, now I recall. At a friend’s research laboratory in the kingdom of Adlehyde.
Emma Hatfield.. She’s a woman studying Lost Technology in all its forms, but she should have researched Lolithia as well.
Jack: Gotcha, Adlehyde it is. I owe you one.
Hanpan: The kingdom of Adlehyde…. In the ancient language, that word meant “light.” It’s a bit of a ways off from here…
Clarence: In that case, Mr. Jack, would you like to head there with our caravan?
If I recall correctly an ancient relic exhibition is set to be held there shortly. It’s been a while, so I was also planning on visiting that city.
Jack: It’s a generous offer, but you sure you’re okay with it?
Clarence: Those of us traveling the wilderness need to help each other.
Jack: Well in that case, I feel bad getting a free lunch, so let me know if you need anything done in the meantime.
I’m a pretty decent fighter and can keep an eye on Rudy and Virginia for ya.
I’ll even test those ARMs of yours.
Clarence: I understand. I look forward to working with you.
Jack: Yeah, same here.
Britney: Aren’t you glad, Fille? You get to travel with Hanpan!
Fille: I’ve been trying to tell you, we’re not like that!
Clarence: Well then Britney, shall we depart for Adlehyde?
Can I leave the driving to you? I have more confidence in your skills than my own.
Britney: I think you’re mistaken, but sure! You can rest in the trailer in the meantime.
Alright, so let’s get our stuff packed in a jiffy! Fille, can you call Rudy?
Fille: Okay~
(There’s a flash)
Britney:.. Hm?
Awawawa! What? What’s happening?
Jack: Wha? Are we under attack already?
Hanpan: No, Jack, this is a teleportation spell. But whoever’s doing it isn’t controlling the dimensions correctly.
… They’re coming!
Sudden Magical Girl: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I really apologize for being late…
I’m still not used to handling Teleport Gems…
Sudden Magical Girl:… This isn’t the Valeria house, is it. Right.
Britney:… No…
Fille: By the way, who are you?
Sudden Magical Girl: Me?
My name is Lilka, Lilka Eleniak. I’m a Crest Sorceress.
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Chapter 2, Scene 2-10
Translated by Sanzenri
2-10 The Warning from the Past
Jack: Good going, Rudy, Virginia! No exaggeration, you guys got skills.
Virginia: Your swordsmanship was impressive too, Jack.
Hanpan: I know, right? Jack’s a master of a special sword technique named Fast Draw.
Jack: Why are you bragging about that?
Anyway, what are those items you’ve been using?
Virginia: This is called an ARM. The Blue Caravan we’ve been staying with made it for us.
… Do you also find it frightening, Jack?
Jack: Nah, not particularly. Being a Drifter, you’re bound to run into dangerous things pretty often.
Hanpan: Hmm, ARMs. They seem way more powerful than what I knew. Does it pique your curiosity, Jack?
Jack: Well, sure, it’s incredible, but what I want is Absolute Power.
And what I’m looking for is right in front of my nose. Now let’s see what pops up…
… Hey, water just started pouring out of the ceiling like a waterfall…
Virginia: Look, something is starting to appear on the surface of the water!
Old Man Projected onto the Water’s Surface:.. Do not seek.. Lithia…
Virginia:… A person?! It’s showing a person!
Fille: The flowing water is acting like a video screen?!... What’s more, this person…
Hanpan: Right, there’s no mistake. That’s an Elw. This is a video recording left by Elw.
Jack: What’s that Elw thing you’re talking about?
Hanpan: A long time ago from now… A humanoid species that existed on Filgaia.
They were a sophisticated species, with great skill in sorcery that could make the impossible possible, and they fought the demons together with humans. But they left Filgaia for some reason.
Old Man Projected onto the Water’s Surface:.. Do not seek Lolithia. She sleeps in her tomb. Do not seek Lolithia.
Do not seek Lolithia, sealed in a tomb in that land by the departing Elw.
That is Absolute Power…
Virginia: He disa… ppeared?
Jack: Did you hear that? Absolute Power, he said…
Hey, Hanpan. What’s this Lolithia sleeping in her tomb thing? Where is it?
Hanpan: Wait. Even for me, there’s a lot of missing pieces.
Fille: Hmm, Elw… Maybe Clarence would know of a clue.
Jack:… Really?! Say, could you let me meet him?
Fille: I don’t mind, Mr. Jack, but what about the share of the treasure for helping explore this ruin?
Jack: Erk… Well…
It’s fine. We found this much clean water. Please just help us bring it back to the Caravan.
Mr. Rudy, please spread out all the leather bags we brought. It might get a little heavy, but we have such a reliable new helper with us, it’ll be fine. Right?
Jack: Ahahaha… Leave it to me.
Sudden Magical Girl: Ouch! Owowowow…!
The Teleport Gem is still acting up. At this rate who knows when I’ll get where I’m going…
Even though I have no time to waste…
Welp, whining won’t help. Let’s do this one more time!
I’m… I’m totally fine!
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A wikia project has been started by various people for large-scale translation of things such as ARMs, gears, their skills, and various guides. I had originally intended to run it on this blog, but due to my net issues am unable to do so.
You can find the wikia here, though it’s currently barren and a WIP.
Story translations will still be posted to this blog only, however.
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Chapter 2, Scene 2-8
Translated by Sanzenri
2-8 A Familiar Scent
Long-legged Treasure Hunter: Man, coming this far just for this. You sure what that moldy stone tablet said is right, partner?
Blue Wind Mouse: Are you doubting the word of an intellectual like me? That door won’t open unless each of those three switches is pushed at the same time.
Long-legged Treasure Hunter: So we need hands, not intellect right now. Hanpan, any chance you can extend your arms?
Hanpan: I’m not a monster! Jack, if your legs were a bit longer we might have gotten somewhere.
Jack: Haha, you can give as good as you get, huh. There’s Absolute Power in there. No way I could just give up and leave.
Hanpan:… Hold up just a sec, Jack. I can’t believe it myself, but I smell a Wind Mouse nearby.
Jack: Wha? Weren’t you the last Wind Mouse left?
Hanpan: That’s what I thought, but it seems I was mistaken. Well, I can make mistakes too. Very infrequently.
So. Stop hiding and get over here. I know you’re there.
Virginia: We got found out right away.
Jack: Wha?... Competition? Although you look pretty out of it for that…
Fille: Hanpan! It was you?!
Hanpan: My goodness, could it be… Chikuwabu?!
Fille: Stop! Stopstopstop! Don’t call me by that name!
Hanpan: Oh, sorry. I made an uncharacteristic mistake. It’s been so long, I forgot.
Let’s do this again. My goodness, could it be… Fille?!
Fille: I could do without the comedy act… But it’s been a long time, Hanpan.
Jack: So basically, you guys followed Hanpan’s scent to the inner sanctum of this ruin.
So partner, is Fille your you-know-what?
Hanpan: Jack, you sound like an old man. I went on an adventure with Fille, a long time ago. Was there any romance? I forget.
Fille: I wonder? I do recall you causing me a lot of trouble.
Hanpan: Hold it… For the sake of your and my inner peace, let’s stop this line of discussion now. Anyway, Fille, glad to see you’re doing well.
Fille: Fufu, you really haven’t changed. But I’m relieved to see you in good health.
… Well then, shall we go back now?
Virginia: Huh? Leaving just like that? Fille, you were also very excited about it.
Fille: Mi-miss Virginia!
Hanpan: Oho…
Jack: That’s right. It’s a bit too early to go, boys and girls. Rudy and Virginia, was it?
You guys at all interested in exploring this ruin?
Virginia: Huh? If I said I was completely uninterested that’d be a lie, but…
Jack: In that case, wanna help me out? You can have an equal share of the loot.
Hanpan:… Wait! Say we find Absolute Power, are you planning on splitting it equally?!
Jack: Does it look like we have a choice? She’s your friend, if you ask nicely we can negotiate, right?
Fille: Oh dear, I can spy the petty adult machinations from here… What should we do, Rudy?
[Dialogue options]
[Let’s help]
[Let’s go home]
[Let’s help]
Jack: Awright! Rudy, I owe you one!
[Let’s go home]
Jack: As a Drifter, passing up on the treasure in there sounds like a bad plan to me. So cmon, cmon!
Virginia: Rudy, let’s explore just a bit more.
Jack: Virginia, you said it! You’re going to be an awesome Drifter. I guarantee it!
Virginia: Really?!
Jack: Now that that’s settled, let’s get cracking. Rudy, you stand over there, and Virginia, you go over there.
We push the switch on the count of 3. Alright- 1,2,3!
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Chapter 2, Scene 2-7
Translated by Sanzenri
2-7 Ruins of Memory 1
Virginia: Fille, how is it?
Fille: I smell it strongly from the inner depths.
Another Wind Mouse may really be here!
[Explore the dungeon and kill the boss]
Virginia: Someone’s there!
Fille: It might be a Drifter looting the ruins. Take care.
Virginia: Let’s get a bit closer and see what they’re up to.
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Chapter 2, Scene 2-6
Translated by Sanzenri.
2-6 Detours are Part of the Fun of Traveling
Fille: The scent of water’s getting pretty strong. I think we’re almost there.
Virginia: Just getting water in the wilderness is a struggle, I see..
Fille: That’s why maps showing where to find forests or bodies of water are so valuable to people crossing the wilderness.
Although it appears that Crest Sorcerers can magically generate their own water.
Also, recently, machines that automatically scour the landscape have been developed.
Virginia: Wow. Fille, you know a lot.
Fille: Not at all. There’s still plenty I don’t know.
Virginia: By the way, you introduced yourself as a Wind Mouse, but what’s a Wind Mouse?
Fille:.. Huh? Asking that out of the blue… I think we’re a type of lower-level spirit, but…
Virginia: Rudy, do you know what a lower-level spirit is?
[Dialogue options]
[Of course I do]
[Never heard of ‘em]
[Of course I do]
Virginia: I see I still have a lot to learn…
[Never heard of ‘em]
Virginia: Oh you don’t know either? Then there’s no way I would know.
Fille: A lower-level spirit is (a part of) the energy of the natural world that’s taken an individual form and personality.
… Is what I’ve heard, but quite honestly, I don’t really understand it myself.
It’s been several hundred years since I last met another Wind Mouse, after all…
I may be the last of us.
Virginia: Several hundred years… I can’t wrap my mind around that time scale. Aren’t you lonely by yourself?
Fille: I do get lonely.
But I have Clarence and Britney.
Virginia: I see.
Fille:…. Fuwawawawa! I’m shocked! Could this be possible?
Fille: Um… um! I can smell a compatriot from that ruin that’s falling apart over there!
Virginia: Ruin that’s falling… You mean that whole in that cliffside? Is there a Wind Mouse living in that ruin?!
Fille: That’s… We’ve passed this area so many times!
Virginia: Fille, let’s go!
Fille:…. Huh? But, but…
Making a detour to a ruin that might be dangerous for no reason..
Virginia: You said it’s been several hundred years, right? If there’s one of Fille’s friends there, I’m sure they’d want to meet you!
Fille: Maybe…
Virginia: Let’s just explore a tiny bit, and if it’s dangerous we can leave right away. So let’s go!
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