wickedmysteries · 1 year
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wickedmysteries · 1 year
harley had been keeping an eye on whether... certain people from home had made it in here. as of now, she didn’t know if all of them would - she didn’t know if any would, really, but.. she had selina and yes, the other was good enough company. as far as she was concerned - having one friend who was up to getting into trouble would be good enough, but.. then again - having two would be even better, would it not? right now, she was pretty damn SURE of that. when she saw signs that the other was here? well, it would have been impossible to not be happy.
after all - ivy was a good friend and.. if there had been someone that she could count on for mischief in the past - it had always been her, that was for sure. “now, now, ivy - that the way of talkin’ to a friend? have yah forgotten all about me at this point?” she teased, hand across her hip with a grin. “just to see an old friend. ain’t that allowed or somethin’?” and yes, perhaps she had been looking for some.. entertainment.
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This new world was nothing like her home back in Gotham. It was vastly different, not as gloomy and noir-like. Ending up here, well, it felt almost like a new chance for Pamela to take on the world again. Something new and exciting around every corner. That was until she found out she wasn’t the only Gotham resident who made their way into this world. A pity really. That was why she kept to herself, her plants, and her plans. Word had swirled around that some of her best gal pals had made the crossover long before her, but to her armored ways, she wasn’t sure if these were here gal pals. A smirk curled on her lips as she continued on in her thoughts. 
As the vines danced around the garden, she, slowly, made herself more visible to the blonde. “Harley Quinn, so the rumors were true.” Her brow raised as she raised a hand to bring the vines and plants back to a calmer place. “Forgotten?” Curiosity was peaked by that word. “No, my memories are well intact as I can tell yours are.” Turning sharply on her heel, she flicked her wrist. Vines and plants a like forming a chair. “You know how I am with surprise visitors, Harls.” Another smirk grew into place as she took her seat. “So, how did you know I was here?”
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wickedmysteries · 1 year
Katniss was moving through the street of London on her way back to her place for the day. She was finished with her classes and when she was done she preferred to be alone for a few hours to decompress. At the sight of a woman running towards her, she started to go into a defense position, but noticed she was panicking, not a threat.  Still, she remained cautious.  ‘’Whoah it’s okay! We’re in London right now..’’ This woman had caught Katniss at a bad moment when she was particularly wound up with anxiety. 
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Panic, fear, it all had taken over Jill’s body. When entering a world that she didn’t know, it was just like waking up from Wesker’s mind control all those years ago. Everything was so different. She took a moment and just took a deep breath as she stopped in front of the other woman. She meant no harm or danger, but she couldn’t be sure that the woman knew that.  “L-London? Are you sure?” Another long, deep breath was taken as she looked around. “I’m sorry if I startled you. I just...” Her words trailed away as she turned back to the woman. “I’m not sure.” She admitted as she just stared for a moment, feeling her heart slowing down.
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wickedmysteries · 1 year
Valkyrie cocked her brow at the other. “I’m sorry… Am I supposed to know who you are? Or what the hell a STARS agent is?” Val knew she was new to Midgard but it seemed everything was confusing her lately. She rolled her eyes before gesturing towards the hugeass London Eye. “Does that thing not give it away? The damn name is the name of the city.” But then, she supposed that perhaps… Like herself; the other may be new to all of this. “London, apparently. Some place in England? I don’t know much else.”
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Jill’s brow arched quickly up, almost like her face was showing her defensive nature. “Clearly not.” Her tone bitter, cold even as eh eyed the woman in front of her. “This doesn’t make sense.” Everything from her world was so different. London, to her knowledge, was basically done in by an outbreak at one point. She shook her head. The woman speaking to her seemed almost as confused as she was by her last reply. “I know London, but this isn’t the one I know.” Her gaze fell back on the other. “Does that mean you aren’t from here either?” It was just a guess from the way she spoke about the place
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wickedmysteries · 1 year
Nature was always something that had drawn Pamela in. There was something intoxicating about wandering through a giant forest, hearing those sweet song filled noises from the plants. To her, nothing about where she was mattered much as long as she had access to mother earth, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have her radar up, wondering, questioning. 
The red head leaned down to a crushed plant towards the entrance to her new found hideaway. “It’s okay little one.” With just a touch from the tips of her fingers the plant, slowly, came crawling back to life. That was when she heard footsteps approaching her. This wasn’t Gotham, and it sure as hell wasn’t her garden, but that never stopped her before. 
With just a slight flick of her wrist, vines began to grow all around, swimming throughout the wooded biome. “I do hope, whoever you are, that you aren’t the one that stepped on this beautiful little lily.” She stood, valiantly as emerald hues latched onto the person. “Now, what brings you here?” 
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wickedmysteries · 1 year
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wickedmysteries · 1 year
was she supposed to know her? hyperaware to her surroundings, arya sought for the clue. the pin to drop. she had no knowledge of a jill valentine. and a stars agent? what gods did she work for that she worked under the stars. attentive. every move she made had the little warrior countering. moves she made to draw closer, arya moved away. “apologies, jill valentine. but i don’t know who you are — let alone where you come from.” justification. she needed it so that she didn’t seem so cold. she was working on that. “ — we’re in a place called london. it’s in the land of england. do you have any knowledge of that?" 
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Her eyes narrowed a bit as she heard the who question. Most people, where she was from, knew her just from her face, or they had some idea when she said STARS. Clearly, this wasn’t her home field, where the hell was she? The hardened expression slowly faded from her face as she listened to the other speak. “No one seems to know who I am, or anything, really.” Jill admitted as she pushed her raven colored hair back. “L-London?” Her expression changed to concern, almost as if there was something to fear. “That can’t be. London was one of the cities Umbrella hit...” Her voice trailed off as she got lost in thought. “It’s like a different place...” 
Shaking her head as to not seem too rude, she took a deep breath. “What’s your name?”
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wickedmysteries · 1 year
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there were days that emma almost wished she’d never run for prime minister and won. ever since then, things had been weird. she’d already known that there were many people here that weren’t necessarily here by choice, but she’d never imagined that she and her kids, the queen, and others were in that group. and then there were these.. powers that had decided to manifest herself when she’d always just been normal. she was taking a break from her work to grab a coffee and a snack from down the street when she was approached. “well uh… hi, jill valentine, stars… agent. emma swan, prime minister. you’re in london. did… you just get here?”
It was almost, as if, Jill had been transported to a whole new time, a new life really. That was what had her confused, ready to fight. Her bright hues locked onto the woman as she tried to just take a breath. “Pleasure to meet you, Prime Minister Swan.” Somethings never changed, no matter where she was. From a young age, the agent had always been told to show respect to those in charge. A small nod came from about as she heard the last question. “I was running through the streets of New Raccoon City, and then, I’m not sure...” Her mind trailed off. “This is London, you said?” The quizzical woman rang out as she looked around. “I don’t understand..”
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wickedmysteries · 2 years
    The dark haired agent had moved swiftly through the streets as she began looking around. This wasn’t Raccoon City, and she was still on high alert. A part of her questioned, almost daily, how she got here. Was it thanks to Wesker? Umbrella? The wondering continued heavily as she turned a corner, eyes locking onto someone. “Excuse me, hello!” Jill shouted as she jogged towards them. “I’m Jill Valentine, STARS Agent, can you tell me, where the hell am I?” 
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wickedmysteries · 6 years
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wickedmysteries · 6 years
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