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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 6 months ago
ive been following a young man from gaza (medo halimy) on instagram since the beginning of the war. he made amazing videos despite being consistently displaced, throughout all the turmoil and throughout the loss of his family members... for a while now he's been vlogging about planting different herbs in his tent near the sea where he was displaced and trying to cook with them, and he uploaded a new video yesterday to show us how his plants were getting along. after that he was killed by an airstrike at the beach where he was sitting with his friend. now i can't stop thinking about all those plants he grew during a genocide for his family to eat. the plants are still alive but he isn't.
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
The will
There is life Outside my epitaphic mind There is life
I disturbed the peace initially To come and seek a conscienceless quiet I thought my shelter desolate green Yet now I’ve been sitting here, perfectly still Life continues all around me
I am drawn outside My corporeal mausoleum by virtue of eyes That long to See Without any Need of interpretation
There is life Outside my epitaphic mind There is life
The longer I see, the more I see; the more I am attuned to simply being
Life Skitters Crawls, and flies
Exemplifying divine purpose Action without doubt or ruinous assumption
Leaf stripped branches turn the arms Of titanic protectors
They say:
All that wants to be, is And, here All that is, wants to be
Life, the will; a deeply-rooted vocation That only man dares tuck away
I nod to the setting sun
I might belong After all
— 11-11-2022, M.A. Tempels ©
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
Home is
Within the deep of devastation, I find mere ruins and arid soil; Nothing to grow, or build upon Here, where home Is Where the heart is; Where the heart is Home.
No place to shelter water, No place to nurture flame:
All that sparks Sparks for immediate nullification Here, where even Dreams cannot turn vision, As imagination; inspiration, Extinguishes At the first sign Of materializing Into the will of worth living.
Once, love lived.
Now, lost, Every receptor and transmitter Attuned to nourishing creation.
Emptiness is.
Look up:
A dark sky wherein stars long to be born, And live longer than an eye’s blink, And be more than a pinprick, Here, where it hurts The most.
— 9-11-2022, M.A. Tempels ©
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
in flight we never mimic the countless echoes of crystalline people lonely
in hotel rooms narrating romances to motley of gods goddesses multitudes of
birds over market in kremenets
their sojourn a haze
a sign of excruciating sand
of grey tibetan refugees fresh with life but drab in fleeting tones sometimes
something falls through and
we can't fathom what
a brief karakoram for our disturbances much desired in this smog dusk
shapeless as a swarm rudimentary
without soiling the direction of
offspring winds without lingering
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
the inadvertent motherland exhumes lunar eclipse—
pieces of ghalib famished—
language diagrams your concealed lips with nothing behind them—
stardust hurts
your knees in autumnal supplication
in flight an agonist attempts
blue heaven in titanium vines— between our starry expanse unlimned
you repeat that sulfur agonist
is me and you murder—
during climax with refined
papercuts my dim convex self— then abandon it later you escort its
rhododendron boron traces up
your rake sensuality glass shelf
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
रेलगाड़ियों में मेरे शब्द दागे जाते हैं
डायमंड स्टोन नोंक याद रख कर अपरिवर्तनीय के रूप में निर्वाण बोझ है हमेशा के लिए
खुशी हडसन के पास बुलेवार्ड अपने तनाव में बह रही है थूक रही है गुलाब के घाव
पर आप सो रही हैं उग्र प्रौद्योगिकी
और फटी हुई शहतूत सिल्क साड़ी पहने
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
all my villanelles now jeer in manacles with so much effort for your happiness
pursuit like we name every question after gardens of babylon your inktouch
incense bangled water wrists
a hiss of nightdress
and the elephant is smoke
come look how everything bumps into my face and passes through in flight
install a phrase or two
dissect slant snow between
your underarm and an ajar
dissertation that posits divulgence of soul clad in mahogany leather interior
you remain the one
and only one
with the least to lose the one who drinks brilliance of horseshoe
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
you were told straightaway— that i can't fathom—what you
are thinking and you found both of those things—jarring
and a bit insulting—
but you agreed that you
often had no clue about
what you were thinking—and you desired the congruence—
and harmony of when someone understood you instead of
feeling this way and now—
you wonder if that person
who found your ears tiny
is doing well but you casually— brush it aside as sentimental
and manage to extricate—your self from the expectations of
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
the query, the dark, birchwood, an entity, what’s unknown, how i loved you, i laughed like i was a middle schooler, your eyes dark and unharnessed, the horizon hopping from my empty lap to yours, please don’t leave if i was there enough, it’s snowing in lake michigan or it’s not, empty your pockets like someone with a gun is asking, monster finds you in cabrini green, sweet potato casserole, baby, don’t look-
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
Mortal man, handcuffed as when the bright deer gathers on a rocky ridge, when this small possum gathered into my chest shivering and afraid full of thousands of electric shocks like disaster & coal mines but the money is fat and full of perfumed smiles like the American textbooks I once rolled into joints because I could. Let me down only when you have decided not to leave. I will hide by the window and wonder how it is your taillights gleaming so perfectly through the rain splattered glass, the dog licking itself in the corner, vegetables rotting in the broken refrigerator, and miles to go before the respite given to all of us unlucky enough to see it as it is or at least think we do.
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
Smoke Signals
Back out, back from the down out horoscopes run the terror, the timid of teaming like this, the moon on flightless, a memory of how I couldn't know how blind this peacock looks, into the preening, a horror for liking, into images soft and round that echo like pigs flopping in the quiet snow. Wasn't low, wasn't long, in every song that is sung is your face. Forever gave us a fervor for this freaking, the lollipop lies on the gravel stones waiting on someone. Territory peels back, an orange peel looks like sorrow, the hint of fall and lemon zest that's burned from too much stealing looks & sown up tighter than the final cut. Perfect in any purchase the life of the lifeless I can't stop this final act of how to save no one but myself with my own lungs at last in plastic wrap the pulling off is at an end for every one of them moves everyone says SOS in the end zone
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
Laminated Dream
We were cornered outside. The heaven-sent walls, your eyes on the fallen leaves, bank account monitoring, kept clean under the bright cold country sky. Shiny, like many coins, having little value but token vestiges of the system: an exchange of pleasantries and the hand rubbing from lack of gloves. When I'm not myself, I look through the glasses. Tooth by tooth, I can try to lay these names down. Apart of the earth, faded yet pulsing, the convert stabbed into syncope. Many noises will make our hair stand on end. None death-proof, nor life-proof, but if given the chance invincible in the love for mere shimmering. Looking out on a sweet sign of something to swear to. The foam gathers around our chests, the eddy whirls past each of the feet. The sun rises in time.
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
im still crying
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
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Andrea Cohen, from “Isn’t True Love Wonderful?” [ID in ALT]
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 2 years ago
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Herman Hesse, from “Steppenwolf” // art(cropped) by Evan M. Cohen // Mary Oliver, Long Life : Essays and Other Writings // art by Beya Rebaï // Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet // art by María Medem
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 3 years ago
Stumbles out of google docs covered in blood
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whyunicornsfartrainbows · 3 years ago
Fantastic art
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