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why marrish why?¿?¿?¿?. just another anti marrish blog, enjoy we track the #whyparrish tag. we were whymalia
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
“Marrish: An actual relationship that has developed over two seasons that shows each character having mutual feelings for each other
Stdia: A teenaged boys obsessiveness over a girl who didn’t know him that progressed into a platonic friendship” 
I let out actual laughter at this, and my mom asked if I was okay. So, let’s dissect!
“An actual relationship,” 
WHERE THOUGH? Lmao, Season 5 was a filthy mess of gross hallucinations, a deputy chasing after a high school student, despite being in a position of power, and knowing he doesn’t have control over his powers. Flirtatious banter is not a relationship. If you count the fact that they care for each other, a relationship (which you should! Just not a romantic one,) Then you gotta face the inevitable. Stydia is a relationship too, and since you love development so much, has been developing for 5 seasons. 
“Developed over two seasons,” 
WHERE ??? PART II. They gave each other bedroom eyes in season 4, and gave more bedroom eyes in Season 5, except this time, Parrish has progressed to- *gasp* Wet Dreams! Totally legal, and not triggering, right?
“Each character having mutual feelings,” 
WHERE ??? PART III. Yes, Lydia has flirted, and Parrish has adamantly flirted back. Lydia is a teenage girl who probably has yet to differentiate attraction from feelings, but Parrish should know better. Judging from the hallucinations, it would be safe to assume he’s attracted to her as well. Holland has confirmed Lydia and Parrish care for each other, which is implied by their hand-holding of comfort scene. Where did you get the crazy idea about romantic feelings? 
When they held hands? 
Well, if we’re going to count that, we should probably count the numerous times Lydia has held Stiles’ hand. That’s none of my business though. 
“Teenaged boys obsessiveness,” 
Yeah… 4 years ago. That’s why they didn’t become canon in those early seasons. It would be unhealthy, and they had a lot to face in order to be better characters themselves, before settling in a relationship. I’d say it was one-sided until three quarters of the way through season 2. 
If they have mutual feelings, why have they not gotten together? 
Seasons 1-2, Lydia is very much in love with Jackson the asshat, then she settles into strictly-sexual relationships, in which she meets Aiden. That continues until Season 4, in which Stiles is in a relationship. That’s why stydia hasn’t happened- they deserve better than being together while they’re in love with other people, or having a strictly-sexual relationship. 
“A girl who didn’t know him,” 
For literally 1 or 2 episodes. Lydia Martin known Stiles Stilinski a billion times better than wack-ass Parrish. Take a step back.
“Progressed into a platonic friendship,” 
Yes! Agreed! That is what is so beautiful about Stydia- we have a beautiful story of a teenage crush developing into true, adult love [Words of Jeff Davis himself.] Marrish has developed for 2 seasons? Stydia has been developing since the pilot! It was made very clear Stiles’ still has feelings for her, and many people use this to argue that Stydia is one sided. 
Tell me, has Lydia ever actually gotten to explore the full extent of her feelings for Stiles? When she started to at the dance, 1x11, she was bit, where the torture and the grief began. Many people also love the ignore the fact that Lydia Martin kissed Stiles Stilinski. It has been said numerous times how intelligent Lydia is, so don’t you think she was aware of other ways to break Stiles’ attack?
Everyone is being salty about how they’re gonna laugh when Stydia doesn’t become canon in S5B. Honestly? I’m not expecting it to. It has been confirmed 5B and 6A will be jam-packed with action, and seasons 6B and 7 will explore more on romance and happiness like Season 2. I’ve waited 5 years, I can wait a couple more. 
Either way, please stop writing your OOC bullshit, and actually watch the show. :) 
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
when you’re excited for teen wolf to return but then you remember you still have to see parrish’s crusty ass face
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
People tryna justify nasty marrish sex hallucinations because parrish is ~in love with lydia~ get tf out with that bullshit! Parrish is a grownass man who shouldnt be interested in teenagers. Thats gross and creepy as hell
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
you know what i’m tired of? these fucking hilluaction marrish scenes. i’m tired of marrish in general. and parrish. 
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
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stiles’ reaction if parrish tries to save lydia before him
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
That moment when i’m watching teen wolf season 5b and i’m happy bc scott and malia and lydia and stydia and my dog and my mom and jesus but then jordan parrish appears..
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
Remember when Parrish was just a cute Deputy and that was his only purpose? Can we go back to that! Now he’s just a creepy weirdo who is obsessed with an 18 year old girl. 
I just hate his storyline so much! Like enough with the creepy sex dreams. This could very well be my bias Stydia brain talking, but I’m just not for this character anymore. Like I can’t stand him! Also I feel like the acting is super forced sometimes. Sorry!
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
Parrish didn't want to go because he thought he'd do more harm than good. Not because he didn't want to help. Nice try though.
Doesn’t matter. He’s still irrelevant. 
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
Me after seeing all those disgusting M*rrish scenes:
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
you know what sucks? Parrish was in war when he was 24 right? so now he is older that that probably 25 or over. lydia is freaking 18 he is like his cousin for her. I am okay with anyone else, but not Parrish please. He and his gross dreams like duuh.
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
me about marrish
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
why get p@rrish in this, he might stop in the middle of the mission to have a wet dream about a teenager again
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
parrish(three episodes ago): “I’ll get her out of there even if I have to break the walls!”
parrish(after stiles tells him his plan): “oh wait.. your plan is illegal??”
parrish: “lmao jk nvm”
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
the struggle to keep parrish relevant is real
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
Just when I was actually into this episode p@rrish has to show up again
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
I swear on everything, if they turn this Stydia rescue around and make it about Parrish’s nasty ass saving Lydia, come next Wednesday I will be meeting with my lawyer and putting a lawsuit against MTV and Jeff Davis for emotional distress after I was mislead for months.
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whyparrish · 9 years ago
characters that are more relevant than p*rrish: malia’s nude friend nelson
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