Atra esterní ono thelduin. Mor'ranr lífa unin hjarta onr. Un du evarínya ono varda. My Other Blog Proud Inherifamily member! The Inheritance Cycle is one of my all time favorite book series. It means a great deal to me. And it is way too under appreciated, so I started this blog to show my love for the series, among other things. A bit about me if you're curious: *My name is Brianna, though I realize there are other Brianna's in the Inherifamily, so as not to confuse anyone, you can call me Bree, Belle, or Robin.* I'm 20. My favorite things are Harry Potter, Doctor Who, The Inheritance Cycle, The Lord of the Rings, and Merlin. I also really enjoy acting, writing, and directing. It's my goal to one day remake the Eragon mo- Wait...WHY ARE WE GOING TO VROENGARD?! Sé onr sverdar sitja hvass! Dragons in Ellesméra
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I am so happy! I finally remembered my log in info for this blog! I haven't been on here in a very very long time. And I've missed it so much. :)
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Haha this made me laugh so hard ;D
(It’s from Chistopher Paolini’s twitter, I just added what he wrote on the image.)
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“I am stronger than the weakness of my flesh.”
- Nasuada, Inheritance, Christopher Paolini (via dontdrinkanddrivejustsmokeandfly)
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Misfortune always comes to those who wait. The trick is to find happiness in the brief gaps between disasters.
Christopher Paolini (via nipi)
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Once again I apologize for slacking on my dream cast...
Not entirely sure if anyone even cares, but... I've been sick, and also so wrapped up in Reichenbach feels and just started reading the Sword of Truth series (which is like a million books! Okay, no it's actually 13, but still, that's a lot of reading.) And also my entire lack of having actors for said dream cast...And also lack of time spent on the internet...Yeah...Anyways, I'll soon be back to posting my dream cast daily again. I didn't mean to stop but other things getting in the way and all of that...
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Alright, alternate idea to your Roran, although I'm not sure if it matters, because my idea and yours are both very similar in talent/looks. Ben Barnes? Right age, beautiful, great actor, experience in fantasy series. Opinion?
I do believe you may be sending this ask to the wrong blog because I have not yet posted my Roran dream cast...But I'll go ahead and give my opinion anyways... I couldn't see Ben Barnes as Roran to be honest...I know a ton of people consider him for Murtagh, which is understandable I suppose. But I also factor in the fact that he has been in a fantasy series, with a prominent role, and I feel like it's...Cheating, in a way. To have repeats like that. I'm not saying it wouldn't or shouldn't happen, I just feel like that would be the same as making Daniel Radcliffe Eragon because he was the lead in a fantasy series, but that's the thing, he was already in one...Bad example, but you see what I mean? Fresh faces, the less known the better, in my opinion. But hey, whoever has the talent, whoever is best for the job, no matter how well known or unknown, should be who gets the part in the long run. /awkward moment when my opinions get too drawn out and no one cares...Sorry.
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I'm sorry that I haven't been posting my dream cast lately!
I've been sick and haven't been spending as much time online, and when I have been online I've sort of been drowning in Sherlock because of reasons. But within the next few days I will be back to posting a dream cast every day till I'm finished. Then I'll finish working on my Eragon screenplay, and post if for you guys, should you wish to read it. I also hope in the near future I'll be able to start attending more tinychats. It's extremely depressing not being able to get to know all of you like I want to. But hopefully I'll fix that soon. Sé onr sverdar sitja hvass! :]
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A commission of the Inheritance Cycle series :o
I can make any book into a necklace, charm bracelet, earrings, keychain etc. Book charms are made from A4 paper, printed high quality and sealed to be water resistant. Check my Ebay for current miniature book jewelry auctions. For customs please read this for pricing, ordering etc.
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This is my version of Blödhgarm
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The monsters of the mind are far worse than those that actually exist.
Arya (via an-otherworld-awaits)
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