Will Write for Food
3 posts
Well maybe you are too confounded by this life we live and want to cover all the important things like reading until the sun rises (far too often), knitting random shit, and exploring. Hiya, the name's Reid. -------------Here I want to share my experiences and thoughts and little projects, and just my story in a new way. Always feel free to talk to me about anything!
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whostolemypen-blog · 8 years ago
We met at the wrong time. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. Maybe one day years from now, we’ll meet in a coffee shop in a far away city somewhere and we could give it another shot.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 2004 (via goodreadss)
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whostolemypen-blog · 8 years ago
A Book Review
So as my first one of these I’d like to say that I love reading. I love the process of it, the boredom that usually will take me to that kind of wanting-to-escape feeling, the smell of new books, the expressions on people’s faces when they’re really living in the story instead of just reading the words on the page. That is the type of atmosphere I live for and each of these little reviews will just be me trying to spread some of the love around. I’m not sponsored or anything, just someone interested in analysis. Please tell me what you think and if you’d like me to do one of these for a particular book in the future!
Howl’s Moving Castle --by Diana Wynne Jones
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If you are, by any means, a reasonable person with a reasonable appreciation for quality film, you know about Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle. Maybe you are this type of person and just haven't had a good enough friend to recommend this to you, or the circumstances haven't aligned, or your existence is just clouded by bad luck and if that is the case, GO WATCH IT PLEASE. The film version of this beautiful story comes together by the masterful work of the Studio Ghibli team to create a world of clever magic, wonderfully written dialogue, and characters that you will fall for. All the music is gorgeous and the art of the film is just really stunning. I've seen it maybe a couple thousand times and still want to cry when Howl tells Sophie her hair looks like starlight. It's just that wonderful. (It also doesn't hurt that in the English version of it, Howl is voiced by Christian Bale…)
When I found this book, I was walking through Powell's city of books in Portland (my honest-to-goodness heaven)  for the first time with my older sister. Of course I would've picked it up and ran out of the store screaming if I had just seen it, but unfortunately, I am quite vertically challenged and didn't see this little gem perched on a top shelf. I heard my sister gasp 'there's a book!?' as she pointed up to it. She, like a few others, was brought to see the film by my undying love for it and I quickly ran over, snatched it up, and quickly started for the checkout, ready to pay anything to take it home with me.
This is one of those stories that you could cuddle up with and devour in one sitting. Say it’s raining outside and you've just made your coffee or tea and you need something that is gonna lift your heart a bit, this is certainly one I would recommend. It doesn't matter if you are a child being read this as a bedtime story, or a ninety-year-old woman (you'll get the joke when you read it), or lost somewhere in between, this book will make you smile and laugh and shake your head at Howl's ridiculousness and Sophie's frustration with him constantly. There is magic-filled action, mystery, just enough romance, and unending drama. All the characters are fully developed and there is quite a bit more plot and backstory included in the book than the movie. Although the two don't exactly align, I was fully satisfied with both and will be so happy to clear a space for this one on my bookshelf. A very light and joyful read for all.
Link for the precious film
Buy the book here!
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whostolemypen-blog · 8 years ago
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