whosester · 9 months
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whosester · 3 years
honey pls come back say that you missed me and that u are thinking about me all day
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whosester · 3 years
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Reyge except it’s Princess Mononoke
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whosester · 3 years
i just wanna fucking get over it but i dont think i will ever do it. it fuck hurts so much i can barely breath. its so fucking hard live at the moment, i barely have any friend and i know that the ones i have lie all the time to me and dont give a fuck about how im truly am. im so fuck tired of my family and how i dont fucking cant get any job, i cant remember the last time i had money. im trying to always look nice so everyone can see that im over it and that i am better from all the shit that they had done to me, but IM FUCKING NOT. i dont think that ill ever trust someone again and i cant even talk about how ill never fckn date someone again bc of the way the last guy a dated treated me. he made me felt like someone will never fckn love me because im gross n toxic, like every fckn thing that happens to him was my fault . IM JUST SO FCKN TIRED. i wish i was weak to just fucking kill myself. but im not fucking givin up.
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whosester · 4 years
Bearface Brockhampton: HOOOoooOoOOoooYeahh yeah yeah shumnsjjs gyiuioooooha oooh ohgh ohh hagshasjsk uuuu sowiyieuiw yeah yeah yeahhh……
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whosester · 4 years
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wish I never went there.
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whosester · 4 years
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look me in the eyes girl we are not the same
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whosester · 4 years
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lil peep - leanin'
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whosester · 4 years
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whosester · 4 years
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whosester · 4 years
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SKINS (2010) // EUPHORIA (2019)
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whosester · 4 years
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credita lá @brockhamptwn bjs
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whosester · 4 years
This has some real psychic energy attached to it
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whosester · 5 years
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counterparts - debris
please don’t remove source or caption x
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whosester · 5 years
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I want YOU
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whosester · 5 years
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whosester · 5 years
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K12 is out now
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