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whorefornoodles · 4 days ago
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404+ Palestinians MURDERED in less than a day.
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whorefornoodles · 6 days ago
unicorns and pomegranates
summary: Suna x F!Reader. "Do you ever feel like you were born to serve and die for someone in glorious battle," Suna says, valiantly failing not to flick his eyes back to you. You're frowning at your drink, trying to pick a particle off its rim with a nail. "Sexually, I mean."
"You are not normal," Atsumu tells him.
word count: 1.4k
cw: angst to fluff, friends to lovers, mild objectification, suna has strange inclinations, intoxication, one or two references to sex, …hand mention
a/n: i almost titled this "stop picking fights with knights and come wear tunics with the eunuchs"
You can't believe you were actually looking forward to this team dinner. It's the stupid fancy gala EJP Raijin puts on annually, in a stupid beautiful venue covered in white marble and stupid crystal chandeliers. You'd been so excited when Suna said, offhandedly, I get a plus-one, you wanna come with?
You should've known it would end up like this, feeling self-conscious in your expensive clothes while Suna stands far away and doesn't pay attention to you at all. He's not your date, you're his plus-one, gifted a glimpse into the world of professional athletes for one night only. He expects you to mingle with his friends, maybe even get yourself a real date to the next team event. It's such a stupid, cruel joke of the stars that he's the only one of these talented, handsome men that you want.
You take a sip of champagne and try not to think about it. He'd come to pick you up in his ridiculous fancy red car and stared at you with his inscrutable features and said I don't know, I'm sure it's fine, when you asked what he thought. Glowing praise, you thought, sitting among models and Olympians.
Across the room, Suna is trying to pretend that he is a eunuch. Eunuchs don't throw their best friends over their shoulder and carry them home and make sweet, sweet love to them all night long.
"There's something wrong with your face," Atsumu says.
"Do you ever feel like you were born to serve and die for someone in glorious battle," Suna says, valiantly failing not to flick his eyes back to you. You're frowning at your drink, trying to pick a particle off its rim with a nail. "Sexually, I mean."
"You are not normal," Atsumu tells him, "but yeah, I get the feeling."
They lapse into silence for a moment. One of the guys who came stag walks up to you and jumps into conversation. Suna imagines spiking a ball into his face several times.
"Are you feeling like that because of—" Atsumu starts, but Suna cuts him off with a violent slashing motion across the throat.
"If you say the words out loud, they become true," Suna says. "Shut your fat mouth."
"She does look good," Atsumu muses. "Nice necklace."
"Don't look at her," Suna says. "I actually don't even know who you're talking about. She's wearing a necklace?"
He glances back. You aren't, which soothes his concern that he'd been so distracted by the generous amount of décolletage revealed by your top he'd missed major details of your appearance, which he planned to burn into his memory and then never speak about until he died. His last words were probably going to be "the top button was undone."
"Maybe you would be failing less miserably if you actually talked to your date," Atsumu says. "How did you ask her to be your date without actually dating her?"
"It takes a lot of skill to put yourself this deeply in the friendzone," Suna says. "Someday you'll understand."
"I hope not," Atsumu says with feeling. "Hey, look, they're doing shots."
The rando who’s talking to you is clinking his glass against yours, making unnecessarily intense eye contact. Suna frowns; staring at you like a weirdo is his job. You glance away from your drinking partner for a second, your gazes connecting, and that’s all the invitation Suna needs to cross the room in the space of a split second. He snatches your shot from you with two long fingers and tosses it back, grinning widely at the other man when he’s swallowed.
“That was mine,” you say without vitriol.
“That was vodka,” he says, feeling the warm buzz of it in his belly. “You’re allergic.”
“Not allergic,” you roll your eyes, “just a lightweight.”
It’s true. Vodka gets you way too drunk, way too fast. Why hadn’t you said anything to this other guy? You only ever drink such hard liquor when you’re upset.
Are you upset?
“I’ll buy you another drink,” he promises. He’s glad he took the drink from you. It’s having a strange, dizzying effect the longer he looks at you, your darkened eyes, your parted lips. He reaches up and sweeps the back of his hand just over the curve of your neck, a light touch. He’s pleased when it leaves goosebumps in its wake, a short-lived mark he can leave on you.
“It’s an open bar, dummy,” you roll your eyes. The guy you were talking to has faded into the distance, though you don’t even notice.
He’d meant to stay away from you tonight. He’d meant to be a respectful friend, one who didn’t steal glances at you that he shouldn’t, one who didn’t want to punch out anyone else who looked at you with lust on their face. Every time he steps away, though, you seem to be tossing back another drink, giggling and leaning on a new shoulder, and he’s back at your side, plucking your hand away and glaring at whoever tries to talk to you.
Finally, he follows you down the hall to the bathroom, where you spin and lean heavy on the wall, facing him. Your eyes are bright and teary, all the gloss rubbed off your downturned lips, but he still wants to kiss them, for some reason (because he’s a creep, he scolds himself).
“What are you doing,” you sigh, and he blinks, taken aback.
“Just watching out for you, I guess,” he says. You pout.
“You don’t even care,” you say, voice catching. “You’re hovering like a jealous boyfriend and I don’t even know why.”
“I’m not,” he protests lamely.
“I know!” You explode, pushing away from the wall and wobbling dangerously. He clamps a hand down on your arm and supports your body with his; you are a bamboo shoot and he’s the stake. “I know. You think I’m ugly, you’ll never like me. I get it.”
“What?” Your skin is warm to the touch, and you smell a touch sweet, a touch spicy. He wants to lick the skin behind your ears, where your perfume is spritzed strongest. You couldn’t be more wrong if you declared that Atsumu was going to win a prize for scientific achievement.
“This is stupid,” you say, and oh, oh, no, there are tears welling up and streaking down your face. He pulls you in firmly, playing with the short hairs on the back of your neck. You cry into his chest, even though he’s the reason. “I want to go home. I just wanted to have fun.”
“I know,” he says, voice low, like he’s talking to a wounded animal, “I’ll take you home.” For some reason this encourages a fresh bout of sobbing. “I’m sorry I ruined your night.”
“I just wanted you to think I was pretty,” you hiccup on the last word, and his heart stops.
“I think you’re so pretty,” Suna says. “I think you’re gorgeous. You don’t think you’re pretty?”
“I know I’m pretty,” you say, and he keeps trying to step back, walk away, pull himself out of a situation he has to be misunderstanding. “I thought you did, too, enough to invite me to this stupid thing, enough that I was so excited to pretend we were together or maybe that we would be together for real someday. Fuck, I’m an idiot.”
“You’re not,” he begs you to believe him.
“I thought just because you’re beautiful and you look at me—sometimes—like you want me or something and you touch me all the time, it might mean something. I am an idiot. And a bad friend. I even like your hands, Suna, you’ve made me so crazy I can’t even look at your hands without thinking about your fingers—”
Suna grabs you before you can finish a sentence that will surely land you pressed up against the wall with one of the hands in question in your pants. He says your name, serious, voice grating against all his instincts.
“You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I do,” you insist, looking like you’re going to start crying again. “I—fuck. I love you, Rintarō.”
It’s the final nail in the coffin.
“I’m going to enter noble and valorous combat to prove my worthiness,” he says instantaneously. You peer up at him, expression simultaneously baffled and cutting.
“Nothing,” Suna says hurriedly. “Let’s go home. You should lie down, and tomorrow I need to clear some things up, repeatedly. Possibly for the rest of our lives.”
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whorefornoodles · 28 days ago
USA people! Buy NOTHING Feb 28 2025. Not anything. 24 hours. No spending. Buy the day before or after but nothing. NOTHING. February 28 2025. Not gas. Not milk. Not something on a gaming app. Not a penny spent. (Only option in a crisis is local small mom and pop. Nothing. Else.) Promise me. Commit. 1 day. 1 day to scare the shit out of them that they don't get to follow the bullshit executive orders. They don't get to be cowards. If they do, it costs. It costs.
Then, if you can join me for Phase 2. March 7 2025 thtough March 14 2025? No Amazon. None. 1 week. No orders. Not a single item. Not one ebook. Nothing. 1 week. Just 1.
If you live outside the USA boycott US products on February 28 2025 and stand in solidarity with us and also join us for the week of no Amazon.
Are you with me?
Spread the word.
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whorefornoodles · 1 month ago
reblog this to remind the person you reblogged it from that theyre loved
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whorefornoodles · 2 months ago
lgbt (linguine, garlic, basil, tomatoes)
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whorefornoodles · 2 months ago
the second kuroo bursts into the kitchen with your son of fourteen months in his arms, you know you’ve won.
"you cheated!" he accuses with a pointed finger, cradling your baby in his other arm.
your smile threatens to spread across your face as you place the last of your katsu in your airfryer, but you manage to school your impression into something blank. "i don’t know what you’re talking about."
“cheater!” he cries, following you to the sink as you wash your hands and place your cutlery away. your baby gurgles as he does.
“still no clue,” you say, playing dumb as you shake your hands and walk into the living room.
"you know what you did!" kuroo trails you all this while, and you can imagine all 189 cm of him irately bobbing around your house.
you try not to laugh, and wrangle your expression into a blank stare as you sit down on your couch, looking up at him. "i do not."
"you taught him to say mama."
it's the look on his face: the squinting eyes, the exaggerated scowl, and the mussed up hair that makes him look ridiculous. you can’t help it—the corner of your mouth twitches.
"you’re smiling!" he explodes, shifting your son into his other arm. "i knew it!"
your son blinks at the noise, looking from his father to you, and he smiles. extending his arms, he reaches for you. “mama!”
“see?!” your husband wails, and you stand up briefly to take your son before sitting back down. “that’s against the rules!”
“what rules?” you say with a roll of your eyes, unable to help your smile any longer, allowing your son to play with your hair. "mama is a perfectly normal thing for a child to say."
"he couldn't even form a single syllable a week ago!" kuroo snaps, "you coached him!"
you giggle, partly because he was right, but also he looked cute stomping to the armchair and sitting down, crossing his arms and pouting. 
you suppress a laugh at his touchiness, but nudge your son. "baby, where’s papa?"
his eyes blink up at you, then he points at your husband. tetsuro glares at the chubby little hand of his traitorous son.
"go give papa a hug," you say, setting him down. he takes wide steps and bends back and forth on his hips before giving up and speed crawling to his father. 
despite kuroo’s pout, he bends over to pick up his son. 
"you can always try again with baby number two," you remind him.
"yeah, yeah," he grumbles, leaning back so your son can settle on his chest. "you’re lucky you're the love of my life and i can set aside my competitiveness for you."
you chuckle. "hey, baby," you call to your son, and the boy looks back at you, his hands on the collar of your husband’s shirt. you see the affection that opens up on tetsuro's face when he looks at his child, and it makes your heart twinge. "say papa."
your son doesn’t falter, offering you a smile. "mama!"
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whorefornoodles · 2 months ago
i am so tired. can we normalize knowing what plagiarism is and not rewrite another fic author's plots wholesale/entirely scene for scene :'(
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whorefornoodles · 2 months ago
What’s a stereotypical food from ur culture that u absolutely love.
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whorefornoodles · 2 months ago
elon musk basically did a modified nazi salute at the whole ass inauguration and immigration raids in major cities are scheduled for literally tomorrow but just months ago yall were saying that blocking people who voted for trump was a terminally online take
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whorefornoodles · 2 months ago
My dear friend, 🌹
Welcome, I hope you are well. 🙏
I am writing to kindly ask for your support in reblogging my pinned post on my page❤🙏.
My name is Inas Imad from Gaza, and I am married and also pregnant with my first child. I may lose my child due to extreme hunger and the lack of medicine.😭😭
The situation is very dangerous in Gaza
In short, there are no minimum necessities for human life here. The situation is catastrophic and devastates humanity. Famine is intensifying, poverty is intensifying, goods are running out, and the danger of bombing is all around us.😟
I appeal to you and seek your help to share our story and our suffering through your pages, and to provide us with support and concern.🙏
Thank you very much.
Inas Imad from Gaza
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #425 )✅️🇵🇸🇵🇸
Campaign link🔗⬇️
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whorefornoodles · 2 months ago
Vetted by: 1) gazavetters verified on the list is (#89 ) 2) fiercynn verified on the list is (#22 ) 3) a-shade-of-blue Here and Here 4) 90-ghost Here 5) dlxxv-vetted-donations Here.
Dear Kind Soul,
Life has a way of testing us, and for me and my family, it’s been a test of survival. As we navigate the aftermath of a devastating war, our world has been reduced to uncertainty, cold nights, and endless struggles to find stability.
I’m Ghazi Al Amoudi, and I’m reaching out to you not for luxuries or dreams, but for the most basic human needs—safety, shelter, and hope for a better future.
Due to unforeseen issues, I had to pause my previous GoFundMe campaign and create a new one to ensure all support reaches us without any obstacles.
Here’s the previous link (now paused) And here’s the new link, where you can continue supporting us
Our goal remains €70,000. Thanks to incredible generosity, we’ve raised €3,957 so far—almost 6% of the way. But with €66,000 still needed, we have a long road ahead.
Your support, no matter how small, could mean the world to us:
A €10 donation can help provide clean water for a day.
A €20 donation could bring warmth to our freezing nights.
A simple share of our story could connect us with someone who can help.
🌟 Please join us in this journey of hope: Donate here
Each day, your compassion keeps us going. Your kindness is not just a donation—it’s a lifeline, a promise that better days are possible.
Thank you for being a beacon of hope in our darkest moments. Together, we can turn despair into possibility.
Almost 6% of my long-term goal Reached!
€3,957 out of €70,000
Donations are protected by GOFUNDME
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whorefornoodles · 2 months ago
The ceasefire agreement was reached and joy is floating among the Palestinian people
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whorefornoodles · 2 months ago
🚨 We Need Your Kindness to Survive 🚨
Hello, My name is Mosab Elderawi, and I live in Gaza with my family. Life here has become harder than I ever imagined, and I’m writing this with hope in my heart that you might hear our story.
The ongoing war has devastated my family. We’ve lost 25 family members—each one a beloved part of our lives, taken too soon. I miss them deeply—their laughter, their presence, their love. Every day is a reminder of this unimaginable loss.
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We are now facing daily challenges to survive—things that most people take for granted, like food, clean water, and a safe place to sleep. The harsh realities of life here have replaced our dreams with the constant fight for survival.
Our Current Situation:
💔 Lost Stability: The war has left us without work or a stable source of income. 🍞 Basic Needs: Food and water are becoming harder to afford with rising prices and scarce resources. 📚 Dreams on Hold: Like so many here, my family’s dreams have been replaced by the need to simply survive. 😢 Unimaginable Loss: Losing 25 loved ones has left a void that can never be filled.
How You Can Help:
I’m sharing our story with the hope that someone out there might care. Even $5 can make a big difference for us, and if you’re unable to donate, just reblogging this post can help spread the word.
Your kindness, no matter how small, is something we’ll never forget.
What This Means to Us:
Your support is not about changing our entire situation—it’s about giving us a little relief, a little hope, and a way to keep going. We are not asking for much, and we understand if you can’t donate. Sharing our story is just as valuable to us as a donation.
Thank you for reading this far. It means the world to us to know that someone is listening. Your kindness gives us strength and helps us believe in a better tomorrow.
With all our gratitude, Mosab Elderawi and Family ❤️
✅️ Vetted by ✅️
@gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #309 )✅️
@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @just-browsing1222-deactivated20 @mothblossoms @aleciosun @fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @camgirlpanopticon @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi @sygol @junglejim4322 @heritageposts @chososhairbuns @palistani @dlxxv-vetted-donations @illuminated-runas @imjustheretotrytohelp
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whorefornoodles · 3 months ago
i love love LOVE when u guys invoke my name in the tags of ur reblogs. it feels so PERSONAL and FUN. like "i liked this liv" or "what a great fic liv" or "what the fuck is wrong with you liv"
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whorefornoodles · 3 months ago
rintarou plays with a bit of ribbon left strewn across the floor, twirling it around his long, lithe fingers idly. it's green and velvety, and slips easily between his digits as he winds it slowly between the valleys of his knuckles, humming a little tune to himself.
as you approach him in the living room by the christmas tree, he looks up at you with a soft, content smile on his face.
"here you go," you say, handing him the cup of coffee you've just prepared, steam curling from the surface. it's in a novelty mug he got you last christmas, shaped like a cute little character from a sci-fi franchise you've loved since you were a kid, and he takes it with an appreciative nod—careful not to spill a drop as the cup passes from your hand to his own.
you take a seat at his side with your own cup of coffee once he's taken his first sip.
"mmm," he hums once he's swallowed the mouthful. "it's good."
"i put some cinnamon in the french press," you tell him, leaning a bit against his arm, your cheek resting on his shoulder as the two of you sit tucked together on the living room floor beneath the tree.
"festive," rinatrou says with an approving nod, shifting so you press even closer to his side, his arm snaking back around your waist.
it's been a slow, easy morning in your nagano apartment. you insisted on opening gifts first thing, because that's what your family always did growing up, and even though rintarou wasn't much of a holiday person to begin with he indulged you without question. it wasn't a grand, elaborate ordeal, just a couple of gifts exchanged between the two of you; some new headphones for rin, some perfume for you, little bits of clothes for each of you here and there. your mother had sent each of you a new pair of mittens (though your card had included an unsubtle but endearing note about how it would be a shame to cover up the new ring you've recently started wearing on your left hand) and rin's sister sent you a popular local tea from the town where she's attending university.
"did you have a nice christmas?" you ask rintarou as he takes another sip of coffee. he hums in agreement, looking down at where you're tucked into his side.
"did you?"
you echo his earlier hum.
"we should clean up," you say, looking around the room at the torn gift wrap and boxes on the floor. "i need to clean up from making the coffee, too."
rintarou dips down and presses a kiss to the top of your head. "you do that, i'll take care of this stuff."
you nod, pulling yourself away from the warmth of his side, pushing yourself back up to your feet as rintarou crawls towards the mess at the bottom of the tree.
you're just about to cross the threshold to the kitchen when you hear him say.
"oh, there's another gift under here."
"what?" you ask, turning back to face him. heat suddenly floods your face when you see him kneeling underneath the tree with a familiar gift in his hands. it's not a very large gift—a slim little package only a bit bigger than the size of his hand—so while you're not surprised it went unnoticed at first, you're mortified when you realize what's about to happen.
"it's for me," he says in confusion after reading the tag, glancing over at you.
"um," you stumble a little over your feet as you try to cross the room towards him. "what if you wait to open that until late—!"
rintarou's finger is already under the edge of the wrapping paper, though he hasn't properly ripped into it yet. he's watching you curiously as you approach him, a glint of something in your eyes that's caused you far too many headaches in the four years the two of you have been dating.
"rin, stop," you say to him, and though you make every attempt to sound firm, the demand comes out more pleading than anything.
"what did you get for me?" he asks, a lilt of mischief in his tone as he peels up the corner of the wrapping paper ever so slightly.
"it's nothing important," you insist, falling to your knees beside him and trying to cover up the present with your hands. "you can have it later."
"but it's christmas now," he counters, slipping the gift out from your hands and holding it away from you. "plus all the other presents are opened, it'll be lonely under the tree all by itself."
"rintarou," you groan, tipping yourself face first into his chest to hide your shame. the telltale sound of wrapping paper tearing tells you that as much as he might love to indulge you, he delights in tormenting you even more.
"what is this?"
you refuse to pull yourself away from his chest.
its quiet for a moment. you hear some shuffling, and you can clearly picture rintarou turning the little package over in his hands as he scrutinizes it.
"was this supposed to be for me?" he asks after a moment, clearly confused.
you don't say anything.
you don't even move.
"did you fall asleep?" rintarou teases you, rubbing at your back as you keep your face hidden against his chest.
"no, i died," you answer, but the words are muffled by the material of his hoodie.
"oh no, not on christmas. how tragic," he drawls jokingly, but you don't laugh.
"why did you buy me a present i don't understand just to get mad at me about it?" he mutters when you don't respond to any of his beckoning.
finally you separate yourself from his sweatshirt to peer up at him resentfully.
"it is for you," you mumble under your breath, answering his earlier question. you snatch the package out from his hands, tucking it against your chest with your arms crossed over top of it. "but i'm the one who's supposed to wear them."
you watch the realization dawn on rintarou's face. if you weren't so hideously embarrassed, you might even find it in yourself to laugh at the almost cartoonish expression of enlightenment.
"oh," he breathes. "oh."
suddenly he's in your face, dipping down to meet you at eye level, his nose brushing yours.
"you got those just for me?" he asks, and you can almost taste the cinnamon on his lips.
"yeah," you answer quietly, and he kisses you to muffle the little groan the slips out of his lips at your answer.
with one hand cradling the back of your head, rintarou lowers you back onto the ground, slotting himself between your thighs as they part to welcome him. his tongue slips between your lips to meet your own, the warmth his hands gliding up over your hips towards your chest.
you don't resist as he slips the little box out from your grasp.
rintarou pulls away, and you look up at him from your position on the floor as your chest heaves. the look in his eyes as he appraises the gift lacks any of the confusion it had a moment prior, replaced now with a heady, palpable lust.
he turns the box around towards you, and you have no choice but to look at the silky sheer tights in their luxurious packaging.
"this is a very thoughtful gift," he says to you quietly, his voice low and a little strained. the bulge in his gray sweatpants, which has only gotten larger since his moment of realization, does not go unnoticed by you.
"it's easy to buy gifts for a pervert," you mumble, hiding your face under your hand.
slowly rintarou lifts your hand from your face, and you watch under heavy lidded eyes as he lifts it to his mouth, kissing your knuckles tenderly—right over the ring he put there a few days prior.
"are you gonna put them on for me?" rintarou speaks into your skin, his lashes fluttering in a way that might seem sweet if the circumstances were different. you take the package from him, slipping your fingertip under the lip of the packaging to pry it open.
you glance up at him again.
rintarou laughs breathily as he meets your gaze, and you catch a glint of teeth biting down into the plush of his lip like he's trying to restrain himself.
there's a sudden thickness in your throat. a knot in your stomach. anticipation thrums just underneath your skin, prickling up to the surface with every gentle touch of his hands.
you tilt the opened package back towards him.
"don't you wanna put them on me yourself?"
he'll be the one tearing them off you in a few minutes anyway, so he may as well enjoy them while they last.
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whorefornoodles · 3 months ago
back in the village (my parents hometown) and i’m wearing my dead great uncles shirt to sleep bc i’ve run out of clothes. uncle please forgive me.
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whorefornoodles · 3 months ago
smoked many many cigs tn merry christmas to all and to all a gn
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