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nsfw dead dove/dark yandere content🪽 22 years old ; mdni❕i own many whore-for-____ accounts!
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 11 months ago
Can't Leave Me
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Pairing: Dark Hawks x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
Female Reader
SUMMARY: Seeing a darker side of Keigo has you rethinking your entire relationship. But it’s not like Keigo is planning on letting you go. 
WARNINGS: Murder; Kidnapping. 
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
His hand rubs comforting circles over the expanse of your back, innumerous apologies being mumbled as he kisses the crown of your head. 
“I should’ve eased you into it. I‘m so sorry, baby.” his tone is apologetic, almost regretful, but you can’t be bothered by that.
Not after what you witnessed. 
The queasiness in your stomach increases, and you swallow hard, closing your eyes in a poor attempt to control both yourself and the wave of nausea that threatens to rise. 
“Next time, I promise I’ll let you know beforehand, ‘kay? No more nasty surprises, I promise.” his cooing has you pushing your palms against the edge of the marble kitchen island, and you take a few stumbling steps backwards.
“I really thought you’d like to see my patriotic work.”
“You…” his golden eyes squint for a second when you dodge his hand from touching your arm, “That man-”
“He’s no one. Just some fucking dirtbag I caught the other day on patrol. No one even cares that he’s gone, if that makes you feel better.”
You look at him in bewilderment, unable to believe his words. Was Keigo - always so sweet and gentleman - trying to convince you that killing people was fine? That it was okay for his basement to have pools of blood and pieces of human limbs?
The pungent smell of fresh blood is still haunting your nose and you scrunch it, remembering the nasty scene your boyfriend presented you. 
When Keigo asked you to come to his house, telling you he had a surprise stored in his basement for you, your mind wandered to the idea of receiving a sweet gift.
Maybe a painting or a bracelet, anything with a romantic meaning. A normal thing. 
But when Keigo took you to his basement, chest inflated with pride at what he called “city scum cleaning” it wasn’t at all what you expected. 
“You’re worrying too much.” he sighs, his wings ruffling behind him. “I’m cleaning the city from the filthy scum, nothing else.”
“They’re human beings, Keigo. You can’t take justice into your own hands, that’s not your job.”
Keigo only shrugs his shoulders, disinterested at your attempt to bring some conscience to him.
“I know this upsetted you, baby, so why don’t we change the subject? How about we start making dinner and then watch a movie? I know you’re excited to see that new action movie, right?”
His proposition makes you feel sick to your stomach for more reasons than one, but the realization that your boyfriend is trying to distract you from the fact that he’s a serial killer is too much.
You need to leave. Immediately. 
But you’re scared. Terrified of becoming Keigo’s new addition to his basement, if he realizes that you’re not on his side. You’re not sure if he loves enough to spare you from such destiny.
You’re not sure of anything anymore. 
You shift the weight from one foot to the other, eyes drifting to the kitchen door. 
“I think…” your voice shakes, and you attempt to clear your throat, “Maybe I should go,  Keigo. I’m not…feeling great.”
His expression drops for a moment, cold anger being replaced with feigned sympathy so quickly that you almost believe you imagined it. 
“Sweet cheeks, if you’re not feeling well, then you can just sleep over.” he takes a minuscule step in your direction, his wings stretching behind him for a moment. Demonstrating their enormous size before he pulls them back.
A not very subtle threat.
“I can prepare a warm bath for you, and then get you in bed with some painkillers. How about that?” 
You shake your head, feeling helpless. 
“No, Keigo, it’s fine, really. I can just go home and-”
“Nonsense. Besides, I don’t like the idea of you all alone in your apartment, especially if you’re feeling sick.” he brushes you off, “I can’t have you puking or passing out when you’re on your own. What kind of boyfriend would that make me, am I right?” 
A few of his feathers gracefully fly in your direction, gently but effectively pushing you forward. 
The conflict inside your mind only fires up, but you’re hardly able to bitterly swallow down all the shabby excuses and useless begging that would only result in angering Keigo. 
Your body bumps against his and Keigo instantly wraps his arm around your waist, replacing the feathers that rejoin his wings. 
He kisses your cheek with an arm tightly gripping your waist, as if he’s waiting for you to bolt and run away. You’d be lying if you say the idea doesn’t seem awfully tempting.
Maybe if he looks away or gets distracted…maybe then  you could take the chance. 
“C’mon, let’s get you a bath, ‘kay? You’re really not looking too good.” 
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The melancholic moonlight hits you in the face, seeping through the locked window. Your eyes are wide open, despite the ungodly time of the night. It’s quiet now, aside from the light cricket’s sounds and the occasional car speeding up through the street.
You barely move your head as you glance towards the fluorescent numbers of the digital clock on the bedside table next to you, careful enough to shift as little as you can.
The arm draped across your waist feels like a rope, keeping you bound to Keigo.
But it’s better than the red wing that lays wide open in all of its immense size, acting as a second blanket to your body, caging you to the bed with its oppressive weight. 
Despite your objections of becoming too hot during the night, Keigo still insisted on covering your body with it, shutting you down with a gentle kiss.
He sleeps soundly, his chest a few inches away from your chest, his deep calm breathing hitting your ear and neck. 
You can’t sleep. Your mind is too bothered, too upset to even consider something as futile as sleeping when there are more urgent necessities. Such as escaping this house. 
Keigo fell into a deep slumber a few hours ago while you remained awake, thinking about your next steps. You have to leave the bed, leave the house, leave him. 
But even the last step seems complicated when you can’t even pull yourself out of the bed - out of Keigo’s suffocating embrace. 
You’re frozen with fear, you begrudgingly admit. Scared of accidentally waking Keigo up and in the process, to wake a side of him that you don’t want to see. 
You have to do this.
The first step is to test the waters.
You take a deep breath, slowly shifting your body, your hand gently pushing his arm down and away from you. Nothing happens.
Your heartbeat speeds up as you embrace yourself for the final step. 
Looking down at the impending problem of escaping the red wing, you take the decision to slide underneath it. 
It’s awkward and embarrassing when you weirdly dive underneath the wing, squishing yourself against the bed as you try to touch the feathers as little as you can. They don’t pulse or move, remaining completely still as you make your escape. 
A relieved sigh gets caught in your throat when your feet touch the floor. Just a little more, you think, bending your body to slide down the curve of the bed. 
Premature hope makes your breathe faster. Maybe you can actually get away.
Oh god, you’re actually going to get away. 
Your whole body freezes for a scary moment when Keigo mumbles a few incoherent words, shifting and turning in bed, but thankfully he remains asleep. You can breathe again.
It’s a bit hard to walk in the darkness, only the dim light of the moon helping you guide yourself, as your feet take baby steps and you prod the walls with your hands until you finally find the closet room.
The door creaks slightly as you slowly close it, and you hold your breath for a moment. Nothing happens. 
You open the light, hoping it doesn’t infiltrate through the door’s crack and search the place with your eyes, looking for your clothes. Keigo kept them there before handing you one of his shirts earlier in the night, saying that it would be more comfortable for you to sleep in his clothes than in your outer clothes. 
It’s easy to find your shirt and pants, both of them tucked away in a corner of the room, the evident contrast between Keigo’s expensive clothing and your cheap casual outfit standing out. 
You quickly put them on, looking around for your purse before remembering that you had left it in the kitchen. Fuck. 
You close the light, and silently leave the closet. 
Your blood runs cold at the sight of Keigo casually standing in front of you, arms crossed in his chest. There’s no anger  in his face - nor sleepiness, you notice - but there are hints of annoyance. Did he really expect you not to try and run? 
“I’m kinda disappointed, I gotta say.” he shakes his head with a tired sigh. “I was really hoping you wouldn’t do anything stupid tonight. Guess I was wrong.”
“I wasn’t-” your words lose strength, and for a moment, the idea of dashing for the door with all of your speed seems incredibly enticing, “It’s not what you think.”
“Yeah? Pfft, c’mon, you seriously think you’re gonna fool me into believing any crappy excuse? Like I didn’t just catch you trying to sneak off on me?” he clicks his tongue, messy strands of blonde hair falling onto his forehead, “But you know what?”
It’s now. The moment he switches the flip on you and beats you and-
“Let’s continue this tomorrow, alright? It’s late, so how about we sleep on this and in the morning, we’ll talk.” 
You look at him, surprised. Isn’t he gonna drag you by the hair to his basement and beat you? 
Keigo directs you back to the closet, watching as you hesitate to change back into his shirt. 
“That was never gonna work, you know that, right?” he says. “It’s not like you could outrun me. I’m too fast for you, with or without quirk.”
When you get back on the bed, his wing covers you once again and his arm pulls you flush against his chest, suffocating you with his presence.
He kisses the nape of your neck. 
“Sleep tight.”
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You wake up startled, mind buzzing with a chilling nightmare. Red blood and sticky viscera follow you even though you rise away from the realm of dreams. 
You breathe in. It was just a dream. 
Distant sounds coming from another room catch your attention and you remain quiet, catching the tiny rays of sunlight that come through the curtains, basking on pacific solitude. 
What are you supposed to do now? Relent and pretend that everything is peachy, to act as if the basement isn’t torture chamber and that your boyfriend isn’t some cold-hearted killer? 
You roll to the side, yelping when your leg gets caught on. 
A chain. 
A soft leather wrapped tightly around your ankle, connecting it to the links of metal that keep you in a short leash. There’s barely any length to it, meaning you won’t even be able to reach the bathroom if you need to. 
This can’t be real. 
You persistently rub your eyes, shaking your head as fear threatens to spill in the shape of a panic attack. 
Keigo wouldn’t do this. He can’t do this. He just can’t. 
Much to your consternation, you don’t wake up. This isn’t some wicked dream, after all. 
“No, no, please, no.” you cry, pulling and tugging on the solid chain with both of your hands. It doesn’t work, despite all the clicking it does. Doesn’t so much as move away from your ankle.
But it does make a shrilling noise and soon Keigo rushes into the room, a worried expression on his face before he understands what you’re doing. 
He plops next to you, firm hands pulling your shaky ones away from the chain, despite you not giving up and you yelp when he uses his strength to expertly twist your wrist, forcing you to let go of the chain.
“Keigo, please, don’t…don’t do this. I promise I won’t run away, I swear!” you plead, snot and tears pathetically dripping down your face as Keigo pulls you into his lap, a large hand securing both of your wrists. 
“Shh, it’s okay. Everything is fine, it’s all okay.” 
It only makes you cry harder. One of his hands rubs your back while the other holds the back of your neck, pushing your face to his chest. 
“C’mon, don’t cry.  You know how awful that makes me feel.” he presses a gentle kiss to your head, rocking your bodies back and forth, comforting you as if you were a child throwing a tantrum.
“You left me no choice. You were gonna leave me, abandon me like I never meant anything to you.” his voice is almost quiet and you know that if you looked up, his face would resemble a kicked puppy.
It almost makes you feel bad until the stupid chain in your ankle clinks, reminding you that Keigo isn’t a good man. 
“But it’s okay now. I know you’re not happy with… our current situation, but you’ll soon see it my way. I’m doing this for you - for us.” 
His arms tightened around your wriggling body, keeping you close to him. 
“I’m not letting anything get between us. Not even you.”
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 1 year ago
dear god, keigo fucking loves eating pussy.
he was never a huge fan of giving oral until he met you, but the first time that your plush, thick pussy pushed against his tongue and he struggled to breathe? he’d gripped the sheets with a strangled ���oh fuck-” and came right in his pants.
you pulled off him, slightly alarmed from the choked off noise, but you found yourself grinning as he whined at the loss of contact of your wet cunt to his lips.
“mmm, fuck—nah don’t run away, take my tongue like you want to baby..”
and now keigo refuses to fuck you unless he’s made you cum on his tongue at least twice. it’s so annoying, cause he’ll interrupt you at any time with that gentle smile, annoying you until you humor him.
“cmon ma, i’ll make it so good, you know i will.”
keigo really does it more for himself than he does for you. it makes his cock throb deliciously, and his head fill with fog. your pussy does insane things to him, he’d kill to have his tongue lapping at your clit 24 hours a day.
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 1 year ago
“Those are some big words,” he purrs in your ear as he sidles around your body, stalking your immobile figure. “You sure you know what they mean sweetheart?”
“If the words restraining order are too big for you, then you’re an even bigger dumbass than I thought,” you snarl, yet unable to stop your fingers from clutching your drink tighter.
You knew you shouldn’t have came to the house party, but when you both have overlapping mutual friends then it’s either sucking up for a night or living as a hermit.
And you’d rather eat hot rocks than let him know his presence scares you
So you succumb to entertaining him for the meantime, the latter option being to run away screaming while simultaneously committing social suicide. He’s too sly, too under-the-radar to actually evoke some suspicion on everyone else’s behalf. His innuendos, downright lewd videos of him jacking off over your stolen jacket, and constant involvement in any social gathering you’re at are telltale signs that he never got over your initial rejection. You can’t even call it out now because you know you’d be labeled as a hypocrite for leading him on and not being as curt as you should’ve been.
But you can’t really be blamed, not when he has everyone wrapped around his ring-laden fingers.
He chuckles at your bite, and leans in from behind you to coo in your ear.
“You sound nervous, baby. Try saying that again with your full chest, go on, I’ll give you another chance to make me feel like you believe what you’re saying.”
His deep voice is low and raspy with barely-concealed lust, and you realize with a jolt of despair why he chose to come up to you towards the end of the party instead of addressing you in the beginning.
Almost everyone here is drunk, the aftermath of the party evident with loose bodies sprawled around the couches or wobbling over to attempt beer-pong for the umpteenth time.
“F-fuck off,” you try to sound confident and cool but your voice betrays you and comes out as a whine, or worse, a plea. You wince as he simpers at your pathetic state.
He can sense you tense up as he slings an arm around your shoulders and neck casually, and goes for the kill.
“Fuck off?” He mimics the way your voice breaks in a high-pitched obnoxious tone, and tightens his arms over your chest, squeezing your soft bits with more pressure.
You want to move, to push his offensive grip off but the truth is you’re terrified. If you piss him off, no one can come to your help. You’re alone with him in a sea of intoxicated bodies, but you don’t exactly want to roll over and show him your stomach.
“Yeah, I’ll fuck alright,” he snickers at himself, rocking his hips into you.
“But let’s get one thing straight. The only reason we’re not fucking is because I dont want to fuck right now.”
He leans impossibly closer, eliciting a barely-concealed whine from you as his long tongue brushes over your earlobe.
“I wanna play.”
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 1 year ago
the sum of blessings.
pairing hawks | takami keigo x fem reader
word count 2,909
notes had +this thought right after watching squid game. could not get it out of my head (’: for @sunnyfunerals​ who is carrying the bnha squid game au (please read her works +here !!) && please give plenty of love to @ultimatedoodler​ for drawing +this stellar piece of vip keigo!
WARNINGS vip hawks, squid game spoilers, dark hawks, noncon/ dubcon, fingering, public sex/ exhibitionism, power imbalance, the whole concept revolves around dehumanisation, face slapping, choking, slight degradation, praise. no pronouns for reader.
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 1 year ago
Birds of Prey
WARNINGS: yandere, nsfw, noncon, abuse, blood, possessiveness, implied kidnapping, implied imprisonment
A/N: the fic i wanted to post is taking too long, so pls enjoy a not very short, not very sweet, slightly unhinged hawks drabble
read at your own discretion.
yandere ! HAWKS X READER
“You’re mine, you know?”
“You’re insufferable, you know?” 
A laugh, deep and raspy, filled the space between them as his head fell back in surprise. Though, the fingers digging like claws into the skin of her waist betrayed his irritation.
He brought his face to her own, smile turning razor sharp; that ever present glint in his eyes, while entertained, sparked with a dare she was too stubborn to ignore, no matter the ensuing consequences.
“Pretty pretty Bird,” His tongue poked out from his canines, swiping up to lick the tip of her nose, “I’m going to fucking ruin you.”
Rather than recoil in disgust, she leaned closer, fingers threading in his golden locks, “Selfish, mindless, animal,” Each word enunciated with a sharp tug, “Ruin all you like,” Her lips brushed against his ear, and she was met with a pleasured groan, “I’ll ruin you right back.”
“Fuck,” His hips bucked upwards, his clothed hardness grinding against her in a failed attempt to soothe the growing ache, “You promise?”
It was her turn to laugh; it was sharp and spiteful, and she leaned back on his lap to meet his eyes, hands falling to his face to trace the sharp curve of his jaw in resigned admiration, “What makes you think you’ll like it?”
His own hands trailed from her waist to squeeze at the fat of her thighs, fingers sinking like talons as they spread her further, pulling her into him.
“Oh, my pretty Bird,” A hand moved to brush under her shirt, ghosting against the skin, and bringing goosebumps to the surface, “If it’s you,” Dextrous, devious fingers worked their way underneath her bra, “I’ll love it.” 
Despite her resolve, a whimper escaped her lips, and the predator under her pounced, shoving her back onto the mattress below them.
Blood red wings spread behind him, and eyes glowing with the celebration of premature victory, he looked like some harbinger of death, beautiful in all his glory, but come to rip her to shreds, and feast on her insides with that golden smile.
She wasn’t far off, she realized bitterly. Though, her chance at revenge came sooner than anticipated when he dove forward, shoving his tongue past her parted lips, licking the taste of her mouth from inside while he tore at her clothes.
And, steeling her nerves, she bit down, teeth tearing into the intruder, replacing the taste of spit with syrupy copper. Her reward came in the form of a strangled groan as he ripped himself from her.
“Fuck—!” A curse, low and raspy with the interruption of dribbling blood.
The sight before her was enough to send her heart leaping to her throat, embers of satisfaction dying as quickly as they lit. If he had looked like a harbinger of death before, now, with the back of his hand swiping crimson to smear across his cheek, feathers puffed and poised to attack, and hair falling to shadow his eyes, the man above her was a type of demon king she tried to force herself not to regret awakening.
He spat to the side, blood dripping from his lips, and turned back to her with a smile more sinister and sharp than she thought him capable of showing. Slowly, he pulled at his own shirt to reveal a body too sculpted and too pretty to belong to him.
“Caged Bird has teeth, does she?” He breathed, “It’s a dangerous game you’re playing, baby.”
“The only game I’m interested in,” She growled, “Is one where you lose.”
She had already scanned the room when she’d woken up dizzy and groggy and surrounded by a space all too familiar but not her own. He hadn’t even bothered with chains. Cocky bastard. There was no place to go where he couldn’t follow, but she’d be damned if she just laid there and took it.
She held her breath, and the pause between them was interrupted by a low, building chuckle that raised in volume and pitch until he fell forward in a fit of giggles underlaid with a twisted and angry amusement.
Lifting his gaze to hers, she found his eyes burning through her with the giddy anticipation of a hawk playing with its food. The condescension was enough to stroke her own need to fight, and she forced a sardonic smile despite her growing unease.
“What? Too much?” Swollen lips pulling into a sneer, “I thought you said you’d love it if I ruined you.”
He snorted, eyes moving to sweep across her body: fabric hanging in threads from her skin, lacey undergarments serving as her only decoration, traces of his blood smearing her lips, and tears that pooled at the corners of her eyes. Too stubborn to give him the satisfaction of falling. God, did he love this woman.
“Between the two of us, little Bird,” He leaned forward, taking her jaw in a bruising grip, and forced her gaze to his own, “I’d say you’re plenty ruined yourself.”
There was a twitch in her brow that sated his ego, and he pushed forward to give her a peck, retreating with the quickness of a man who had learned his lesson. For now, he reminded himself.
“Though,” Still, he couldn’t help but push, “Not nearly ruined enough.”
And he surged forward, taking her throat in one hand, and forced her backwards into the pillow; her legs flailed while her hands shot up to claw at his own. It was time to give her a little lesson of his own.
He settled himself between her thighs, ripping the last of her coverings to leave her bare and thrashing. Her heels kicked at his back, lips parting in short, sharp gasps.
“Fuck–fucking–” A strangled whine, “Bast–bastard–”
“Come on now, Birdie,” He leaned forward, fingers flexing, “If you don’t have anything nice to say,” Nose to nose, his canines gleaming, “You don’t say anything at all.”
With the twitch of her jaw, she pursed her lips, refusing to consider the consequences, and sent a glob of spit flying right at his face, watching with glee as it splattered under his eye. 
He jerked back in surprise, releasing her neck to swipe at the offended cheek. Through a fit of raspy coughs, her chest sparked with a sort of vindicated satisfaction.
Her victory was short lived, however, and a burning smack echoed in the empty space, whipping her face sideways, a ringing in her ears growing to match her blurring vision. The strength of a hero, she thought sarcastically.
It was her turn to spit out blood, before her eyes rolled back to him, angry, but cautious. His fingers worked at his belt buckle, and he shirked off his pants in her momentary incapacitation, entirely unbothered by his own sudden show of violence. 
She did her best to avoid looking at the monster between his legs, and, like any sign of weakness, he seized the opportunity to mock her.
“Fight all you like, pretty Bird,” A hand was back on her throat, tight, but not squeezing, “But you and I both know this only ends one way.”
She knew she was only delaying the inevitable, but the ache of bruised pride burning in her chest insisted on hurting him back. Hurting him more than he would ever hurt her. Because he would hurt her.
Her hands moved back to his chest, pushing as he wrenched her thighs apart, “Fucking villain,” She’d lost her appetite for this game of theirs, opting instead to let her acidic resentment pour outwards, “Get off.” After all, words were her only true defense.
In a flash his free hand took hold of one frantic wrist, “Villain? I can be a villain,” His face twitched in irritation, and her bones screamed under the force of his fingers, “Keep pushing, and I’ll break it.” 
The sudden flip had her hands falling limp, retreating in shock once he released her wrist, and balling into fists beside her head. And as fast as it came, the darkness left him, only that treacherous smugness remaining.
She cursed herself for her fear, put off by the unpredictability of his own emotional landmines. But still, she squared her face back to a disdained neutral, unwilling to show more weakness than he’d already sniffed out.
He pumped at his length, positioning it at her entrance. She was damp, but not nearly prepared enough for the size of him, and he hummed, fingers dipping down to toy at her clit, sending her hips jolting upwards in regretful anticipation.
“Say something nice, baby,” He breathed lazily, “Say something nice, and I’ll make you feel good, too.”
There was a beat as they stared at each other, “I…” She whispered, a growing conflict in her eyes. He leaned down, lips brushing against her own.
“Yeah?” His hot breath spread across her cheeks, “C’mon Birdie, I wanna hear something pretty come from that filthy mouth of yours.”
They were nose to nose, golden eyes piercing into her own, each pair glowing with emotions too loud to speak, “I,” Breathy and wanton, “Would,”
“Yeah? You’d what?”
“Rather fucking die.”
For the hundredth time that night he was taken aback, incredulous laughter his only response as he pulled away from her, eyes snapping back to her own with a promise he’d been eager to fulfill.
“Suit yourself,” And he shoved inside.
A yelp, surprised and pained, “Fuck–!”
He was only halfway in, and rather than let her adjust, he sunk his nails into her thighs as leverage, and forced himself further. She whined in pain, a coat of crimson serving as response around his pulsing length, and he moved to trap her hands in his own, fingers intertwined.
“Tight like a virgin, huh, little Bird?” Once fully sheathed, he set a brutal pace, the head of his cock bruising her cervix with each greedy thrust. His face dipped down to lick a stripe up her stomach, trailing marks up her chest and throat with gnashing tongue and teeth.
“You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” She bit out, trying and failing to pull her hands from his crushing grip, “Wouldn’t know wet pussy if it—mmgh!—if it smacked you in the face.”
He huffed another laugh, “Don’t tempt me, baby,” His hands released her own to dig into the fat of her ass as he pulled her hips upwards and into his own with a renewed violence, grunting as her knees dug spitefully into his sides. 
Her newly free fingers clawed at his back, and despite his earlier threat, he seemed to revel in the streaks of red she tore in the skin between his wings, responding in kind with a hiss of masochistic pleasure.
“Not my fault the only way to get your dick wet,” A sharp, pained gasp, “Is to make a girl bleed.”
There was a glint in his eye that brought back her unease, and one of his sinful hands flew to the space where they met, finger pressing with irritating accuracy into her bundle of nerves. His other readjusted to push one leg to her chest, pausing his movement.
“Pain not a good enough lesson for you?” A too bright smile, “Fine with me,” That gleam in his eye sparkled with a sadistic satisfaction, “How ‘bout we see how many times I can make you cum ‘til you pass out.”
And the thrusts returned, chasing his own pleasure while the hand at her clit swirled in circles and stars, faster and faster until a whine more pleasured than pained escaped her lips.
“Like you–fuck–” She groaned as his fingers sped their motions, cock rocking into her with a deliciously savage rhythm she dared not acknowledge, “Like you fucking could–” A moan, full and long, drowned out her words, and her nails dug crescents into his shoulders.
He only hummed in response, her clit twitching under his thumb, “What’s that, Birdie?” A pulsing ache formed in her gut, “Words, baby, use your words,” Her pussy squeezed against his member in a way that had him groaning.
“Fuck you.”
“With pleasure, little Bird.”
He drew his hips back, pulling out of her dripping entrance to tease the hole with his tip, before diving back inside with unfairly gratifying precision against that spongy, tingling spot inside of her. Faster and faster, her bundle of nerves pulsed greedily under his fingers, and her teeth tore into her lip, trying to will the pleasure away, or, more shamefully, will it to peak.
Suddenly, and without warning, there was a blooming inside her that had her eyes rolling backwards, open mouthed moans raising in volume in an attempt to settle the warm buzzing between her thighs.
Though, she couldn’t find it within herself to care about the knowing smirk that pulled at his lips, too focused on his continued thrusts, and the quick rebuild of overwhelming pleasure.
“What are you–Stop!” A groan as he released her clit in favor of throwing both of her legs over his shoulders, and pressed against her chest, fucking into her at an angle that had her seeing stars, “What are you doing?!”
“If I’m correct, baby Bird,” He smiled, turning to press a quick kiss to her thigh, “You’re still conscious,” She growled as he nipped at the skin, but a particularly harsh push inside her cut the murderous thoughts short, “Which means we’ve still got a ways to go.”
His words were smug, but the growing sloppiness of his movements betrayed his own pleasure. Her eyes widened in realization, and her fingers leapt to pull and push at his back, tearing at what feathers she could reach in an attempt to get him off of her. Get him out of her.
“Not inside,” She rasped, “Don’t do it inside–”
“Hmm?” A mocking tilt of his head, “No? You don’t want me to fill you up?” One hand shifted to deliver a harsh slap to her ass, “Breed you like a needy little bitch?”
“Fucking—get off—get off!” She shrieked, beating at his shoulders, “Fucking psycho!”
“Well, that’s not very nice, now is it?” His hips were stuttering, and before she could stop herself, the words shot out through her lips.
“Please,” A couple stray, humiliated tears as she whimpered his name, “Please, not inside. Please, don’t cum inside!”
“Oh, so you do know how to talk pretty,” He breathed, fingers massaging at her abused flesh, “I was beginning to worry.”
“Please,” She swallowed her spit and her pride, “Please–”
“That’s right,” He was panting now, lips meeting her neck, teeth sinking in to add to the ring of bruises, “Beg me some more.”
Throwing her dignity out the window, she obliged, pleas working in tandem with the savage strokes of his cock, trying and failing to ignore her own mounting pleasure until finally he stilled, pouring deep inside her with a raspy groan, and sending her once again over that dreaded and savored edge.
“What’d I tell you, Birdie?” He ignored the defeated, broken whines that left her while they both returned to reality, “You’re mine.”
As his eyes trailed down the collage of her forming bruises, he was sure he bore his own battle scars, heart strangely skipping at the thought. She was his, but he had long belonged to her. A fact he’d hoard to himself as long as he could.
He caught his breath, readjusting to brush sweaty strands of hair from her forehead to behind her ear, pressing a reverent kiss to her temple before pulling away. It was a gesture entirely too soft, and she could have forgotten it was the monster above her had it not been for his next words.
“Oh don’t cry, my broken little Bird,” That vicious golden grin was back, “I’m not even close to done with you yet.”
Looking down at the ruined little thing shaking underneath him, he felt a type of satisfaction one only gets from dethroning a queen, fight fucked out of her. Not for good, he reminded himself gleefully. His pretty Bird was too stubborn for that. His softening cock twitched to life at the thought.
The flare of her nostrils sent lightning in his veins as she growled, “I’ll ruin you,” The words were venomous, humor sucked out in favor of acidic hatred, but his chest only vibrated with a sadistic urge to play, “I’ll fucking ruin you.”
“Ruin all you like, baby,” Breath wet and hot, shaking with anticipation, “I’ll ruin you right back.”
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 1 year ago
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pairing: keigo takami × reader, side dabi × reader ︴wc: 3.6k
synopsis: he is the best husband you could have asked for. that’s what everyone says, they envy you for being the number two hero’s wife. but naturally, only you and him know what goes on behind closed doors. you get a taste of what exactly makes him so scary in the first place when you attempt to run away one day.
genre/warnings: yandere, angst, domestic abuse, stalking, hawks is really fucked up, smut, rough sex, overstimulation, degradation, choking, usage of slut and whore, mentions of injuries, gaslighting, profanities, implied noncon towards the end
✉️: posting this on my birthday to spoil y'all a little <3 this is my participation for @ilyluffy’s DARK CONTENT COLLAB <3 it turned out a little differently than i had initially planned to, hope it’s still okay! xx
it was love at first sight, really. your and hawks’ love story started in a peculiar way, one that was still talked about whenever you made an appearance somewhere and people recognized you.
you were the luckiest woman on earth, what did you do to deserve him? you, a mere photographer who happened to occasionally take pictures of him and posted them on a blog. it wasn’t your fault that he looked so handsome, he was so photogenic too, and there were many people snapping pictures of and writing about him, given that he was literally a celebrity in japan.
up until one day where your camera’s flash annoyed him, golden eyes narrowing in your direction, just to soften again. he had chuckled, called you the sweetest stalker he’s ever had, and asked for your number in front of bazillions of other paparazzi and reporters.
the rest was history. three years later, you two were already married for over a year. it happened so fast you were barely able to register it, but he had talked you into getting married as soon as possible, because why waste any time, right?
“k-keigo, please-”, you whimpered, clutching the sheets tightly as you tried to lift your body off the bed your husband was fucking you into, wheezing as you cried out, “-please… can’t anymore, t’ hurts!” the only response you got was his strong hand finding the back of your neck, pushing your face further into the pillow as his hips dove harsher against your ass, ignoring how badly your body twitched, way too overstimulated and spent.
blood had already soaked into the sheets from the smack he had delivered to your face, something about you having been too bratty lately and needing to be disciplined, but you lost track of how many times he had beaten you even when you hadn’t done anything.
“didn’t i-”, he grunted into your ear, out of breath, sounding angry as he highlighted every word with a hard thrust, “-tell you to shut the fuck up and take it? you’re my slut, aren’t you? you fucking wanted this, why are you complaining now?” you gagged when his calloused hand clutched your windpipe even tighter, for sure leaving bruises as you sobbed and begged for him to be done soon.
when he was done, he pulled your trembling body into his, leaving you no air, no room to scoot away from what had once been the love of your life, but now wasn’t anything else but a monster. he placed a chaste kiss on the top of your head, sighing into your hair, smiling when his eyes looked over the bruises covering your entire body. if you had seen the look in his eyes through the tears you were shedding, you would have said with certainty that it was a look of pride.
the worst part about being married to someone famous and abusive was that no soul believed you. it was always the same, the moment you tried telling one of your co-workers about how things weren’t going so smoothly between you, or even walked around anywhere with an obvious blue eye or split lip that should be a dead giveaway, you never heard the end of praises delivered to keigo.
he was such a charming man, wasn’t he? especially when keigo took you to work sometimes, holding onto your elbow for support as he made sure you were okay before leaving, laughing about how clumsy you were when you slipped while taking a shower, or fell down the stairs. they believed everything he said. the lies he effortlessly spilled were bought immediately, and you soon realized that there was no way out of this.
there were people who believed you, or acted like they did. those just removed themselves from your life, saying they don’t want to meddle with that, they don’t want to mess with someone like hawks. it was understandable, how could anyone not respect him, or be scared of him, when he loomed over the buildings and skies of musutafu like a dark shadow?
you had started your plans to run away from him right after you two got married and you had threatened him with a divorce in a moment of anger. that day was probably the day where something changed within the blonde, where he saw that you were fed up with his scary, controlling antics, and you wanted to leave. he couldn’t have that, of course.
“you want to get divorced?” his voice was icy back then, though the look in his eyes was telling you that he wasn’t the least bit surprised, “was that why you kept going out, selling the fucking jewelry that i got for you? so you could start a new life somewhere without me?”
you were so scared that you nearly pissed your pants. you had no idea when you started fearing keigo so much, the sweet, goofy man who would never fail to buy you flowers for every date, who would always make time for you despite his busy schedules, who would never fail to make you laugh. now as he hovered over you, there wasn’t a single trace of that man left.
when you didn’t, couldn’t look at him, simply staring down at the floor, he hummed. “fine”, he gave in, making your eyes go wide, “i’ll sign the papers. i can’t force you to be with me, can i?”
you should have known that he would have never accepted that so easily, or at all. the next thing you remembered that night was being whacked down to the floor so hard you couldn’t think straight, the idea of leaving keigo immediately being knocked out of your head. it later turned out you had a heavy concussion.
“listen to me, baby”, he had told you afterwards as you got treated in the hospital after falling down the stairs, his hand tightly laced with yours, “i’m always watching you, every day, every second. the only way you could leave me is if one of us dies, and even then, i would find a way. understood?”
you had understood him clear as day, walking on eggshells ever since, too scared to even say anything to him that could possibly aggravate him. but if you knew one thing, it was that he found something in every single sentence you spoke, twisting the words however he wanted to make you the guilty one.
it seemed like the gods blessed you with some time to recover, to finally breathe, when you woke up the next morning and didn’t feel like he was breathing down on your neck, you knew that he had gone on a mission, which was confirmed as you read a note left by him on the kitchen table.
‘will be gone for a few days. call me if you need anything dove, i love you.’ you read the note with a soaring headache, finger-shaped bruises on your neck and literally everywhere else, a bruised nose and cheek, cringing in disgust at how nonchalant he was about it after and with all he has been doing to you. at times, you asked yourself if he he even realized how he was ruining you, if he even cared, or if he thought it was normal. to this day, you couldn’t figure it out. you couldn’t figure him out. he was like a total stranger.
a sudden fleeting thought came into your mind, planting itself into the middle of your brain as you stood in the lonely kitchen, thinking to yourself.
what if you ran? what if you tried and actually succeeded this time?
what if you left everything behind? he couldn’t do much about it, could he? being on a mission, he’d only notice it once he was back, and until then, you could be in another country. theoretically, yes, but keigo had your passport and all your important papers, so you had no possibility of actually leaving japan. but surely, you could hide somewhere in this big ass country, right?
it didn’t take you longer than an hour to pack all your necessities and to step outside of your shared home, leaving the keys and your phone inside, never to return again. you didn’t bother leaving him a goodbye note, he wasn’t even worthy enough to read a ‘fuck you’ from you. you knew that once you left, there was no turning back. your hands were shaking, the whole situation was unnerving and you were so anxious.
keigo had made sure you had no money whatsoever, having snatched all of it from you so you had nothing to spend, knowing exactly when and where you got money, so you went as far as you could with just a little bit of change in your bag. it was hard without public transportation, but you made it to the outer, a little shadier side of musutafu after the sun set.
it felt like a battle against time, and you tried to run despite the rather heavy luggage on your back, filled with everything you were able to fit into a bag to start anew, unsure of where and how. you were shivering all over, but it wasn’t because of the cold night breeze, but because of the fear that the man you were running away from would appear right in front of you, grinning down at you as his broad wings stretched wide, giving you no chance but to run right into him.
he was always watching you, every day, every second.
would he kill you if he caught you?
so, so many questions you had no answers to, which just decreased your crippling fear for anything that could happen.
you had to hurry, get away, as far away as possible. so that if he came back early from his mission, which he did occasionally, he would never, ever find you again. you would never have to get hurt by him ever again, never have to suffer because of him, you would never lay beneath him so helplessly ever again. he would have no power over you anymore.
while looking behind you the whole time during your panicked run, you crashed into someone, screeching in the process as you tumbled to the ground, dropping your bag in the process. no, no, fuck, it couldn’t be him-
it wasn’t keigo. you would have sighed in relief if the man in front of you didn’t wave a bright red flag right in your face. bright turquoise eyes that shone in the dark, lanky build, stitched face and body. there was no way in hell you wouldn’t remember his face, given how much your husband had to do with villains, and how you worked closely with reporters at a newspaper agency, taking photos of mostly heroes they used for their articles.
standing in front of you was none other than dabi, also known as blue flame. member of the league of villains, a very dangerous organization that had the purpose of making the entire hero regime fall. they hurt, killed lots of civilians, innocent people. he was bad. really bad.
but then again, your husband was supposed to be good. he was a hero, right? good people, heroes, wouldn’t beat their wives and hurt them on a daily basis, right? keigo wasn’t a good person, maybe other heroes were the same, and perhaps, villains aren’t all that terrible either?
you had no idea what to believe. all you knew was that if he wanted to kill you, he would right now. at least it wouldn’t be by the hands of your husband. although dying in a sketchy corner by the hands of a villain didn’t sound too appealing either. you couldn’t do anything but stare, eyes blank.
dabi was crouching down in front of you before you could collect your thoughts, and he gave you a smile. “i suppose you got lost”, he mumbled, voice soothing you unknowingly as he offered you his hand, taking notice of how you flinched, and he raised his thin eyebrow upon seeing your bag. “a runaway? where are you headed?”
he helped you up, his touch lingering long enough for you to feel the warmth seeping through his skin to yours. it felt comforting in a way. a comfort you haven’t been given by keigo ever since you got married. this stranger felt so safe… although he was supposed to be a bad, no, terrible person.
“you’re-”, you gulp upon hearing how hoarse your voice was from all the running, lump disappearing as you spoke up again, “-you’re a villain. are you… going to kill me?” his smile widened at how you weren’t even scared of him. the bruises on your face, the hollow look in your pretty eyes told him that you were just going to accept whatever dabi was going to do to you. words couldn’t describe how much that excited him. he met someone who was just as damaged as himself. damaged, broken people were the absolute fucking best. he had to keep himself from grinning maniacally.
his oddly warm, nearly scorching fingers found your bruised cheek, and you let him stroke the purple swelling with what looked like endearment in his eyes. “i couldn’t possibly kill a doll like you”, he rasped and you felt your chest swell with warmth, was he going to help you?
“i-i have nowhere to go”, you confided in him as you two walked side by side minutes later, he was nice enough to carry your bag for you. he was nicer to you at this moment than keigo had ever tried to be over the past year. dabi listened, noting how you didn’t even question where you two went. you really just wanted to leave your old life behind, huh? even going far enough to trust a lowly villain like him… just how desperate were you? he’d call you stupid if he didn’t know any better.
“abusive boyfriend?”, he questioned, and the way you pressed your lips together tightly in the dark answered it well enough for him. “husband”, you corrected, eyes cast down as he hummed. the places you passed by were eerie, but it was weird how despite you knowing that he could kill you with a snap of his finger, you weren’t nearly as scared as you were whenever you were around keigo. it was comical, even.
when you two entered what looked like a run-down, abandoned pub, he set your bag down, motioning for you to sit down on one of the old, squeaky stools, which you did. “will he come looking for you?”, the man questioned, leaning against the counter right next to where you sat, scarred hand grazing your clothed knee. you nervously picked at your nails, eyes on your lap, “he will. can you help me… disappear? i don’t want him to find me, ever. i’ll do anything.”
he had to try hard to bite back the smile creeping on his stitched lips. you’d do anything. how fucking tempting. for a second, he almost felt bad, he almost pitied you and your situation. you were just a tiny little rabbit running away from your owner, weren’t you? he knew exactly how it felt.
you had no idea what you were getting yourself into with a man like him. hadn’t your husband showed you exactly why you shouldn’t trust anyone? some people just never learn.
“you’re safe here”, he assured you, and you felt tears welling up in your eyes at how genuine he sounded, “no one comes over here as it’s villain territory.” you nodded, ignoring how contradictory his words were because how the hell were you supposed to be safe in territory of those who killed innocent people? but then again, you were okay with anything as long as you’d never have to see the person who got you into all of this. he didn’t leave you any other choice.
dabi led you into a room in the back, he told you that he always slept there, and he watched as you snuggled into the thin blanket, dozing off almost instantly while azure, hooded eyes peered over you. for you to have to trust a murderer, a wanted criminal, it really spoke volumes about how much you needed help.
dabi had a friend who would surely be thrilled to meet you, he thought while you were grateful for the new opportunity he was giving you. he was so helpful, so nice. life was really twisted sometimes.
days passed, and you were now more than certain that dabi was really just trying to help you. he had brought you food, checked on you every day to make sure you were fine. tonight, you’d leave, having decided that you couldn’t be a burden to someone forever. you’d have to move on, eventually.
“are you sure?”, dabi questioned as he sat across from you, one leg thrown over the other as he looked at you fiddling with the diamond ring on your finger, “you should wait till the sun sets, at least. it’s not safe to head outside at night like this.” there was a bus station where a bus drove past hourly, he had told you, but it would take more than an hour to get there by foot.
you frowned. maybe you should wait until morning. “are you leaving?”, you asked him, slipping the ring off your finger and placing it in his palm, your eyes meeting, “if we don’t see each other… please accept this as a thank you for saving me. it probably cost a fortune. i’m sorry i don’t have any more to give you.”
the man snorted, shaking his head in disbelief. you were so cute. he could see why your husband didn’t want you to leave. if he had a wife like you, he wouldn’t have allowed you to take even a step away from him either. he was sure that if he’d met your husband, they’d be close friends. “keep it, you’ll need it”, he drawled, his face inching closer to yours all of a sudden as his eyes wandered down to your body, “however, you said you’d do anything, right doll?”
before you could register what he said, the door slammed open, taking you aback as dabi’s lips stretched into a bright, vicious grin, pulling away from you. your eyes wandered to who entered this secret place, and you felt your heart stop.
it couldn’t be. how…?
“oh come on, don’t tell me you guys know each other!”, dabi chuckled lowly as he realized, walking towards the raging blonde. you knew very well that he could kill you right now if he felt like it. but he didn’t attack you, not yet, at least. all he did was scoff. “we do, don’t we, dove?”, keigo taunted you darkly, and dabi slapped his hand over his mouth dramatically, making this whole scene seem like a comedy show.
to you, this felt like a whole prank. you had been so close to getting away from that vicious man… you felt tears stinging in your eyes.
you shot up from the stool, inching away as keigo fully stepped inside the bar. “i came back from my mission, expecting my little wife to be waiting at home for me obediently”, he spoke, and you knew you were done for when his frame took in the entirety of the door. you couldn’t escape. you couldn’t, no chance. “but guess what? i see her whoring herself out to my friend, playing hide and seek like a little fucking bitch.”
dabi raised his brows at how scared you looked, you actually started crying hysterically, sobbing like a little kid. he almost found it amusing. man, how much he envied the winged man for having ruined you like this. heroes sure were messed-up people. they were just like villains, just with a better reputation. deep down, they were of the same shitty nature.
“how interesting, hawks”, he commented, “what can i say? your wife is a gem.” keigo was so angry he grinned as you ran towards the door, trying to get past him, just to be caught by his wing, falling right into his arms in the aftermath as he held you, golden eyes staring you down coldly. “i’m sick of your little hide and seek game. did you let him fuck you, whore?”
his words made your eyes go wide. the way he spat them at you like you were literally no more than just a whore in his eyes, not his precious wife how he used to call you. you hiccuped and cried in his grip, utterly scared and defeated, and dabi took you from your violator’s arms, shushing you as you unwillingly weeped into his chest.
“i was going to just now, but you interrupted”, he answered monotonously as if you weren’t even in the room, and you were in utter disbelief, the regret of having trusted a villain creeping up to you as you were now trapped by not only one, but two horrible, fucked-up men, “come to think of it, i’m sad that i let you two meet now. i was gonna keep her forever.”
you could still feel your husband’s eyes piercing through your skull as he shrugged without a care in the world, knowing he’d be putting you through hell for the little game you played with him. by the way you were shaking and whimpering, you knew what was expecting you. “no need to be sad”, hawks waved his seemingly friend off, “she deserves to stay here a little longer, don’t you think so dabi?”
dabi grinned at the blonde’s words, overjoyed with what would come next.
“you can fuck her like the whore she is.”
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
Yandere Hawks Falling In love Headcannons
Paring: Kegio Tamaki x black fem reader
Warings: mention of stalking, drugging, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT.
Summary: How would pro hero hawks fall in love with his darling?
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You and Kegio met at a hero agency, you we’re being mentored by mirko at the time.
When he’s see’s you for the first time, baby never takes his eyes off you Melanated legs in a black dress, exposing your glowing skin through the incoming sun rays.
You’d probably catch him staring at you while talking with Mirko, you smiled at him before approaching kegio after you both got to know each other more.
After a year of seeing each other, kegio confessed his feelings to you by leaving you flowers whenever he wasn’t on patrol and leaves a small note.
He spoils you like crazy Snacks? He’s already has a cabinet full of them. Hair products? He’s already have a bag full of everything you need. Want jewelry? he’s already bought a lot for you. Only the best for his baby
He’ll take out on special occasions like your birthday, and etc. expect for your freedom
He’s stalks you whenever your out cleaning, buying an item mostly anything.
Hawks is a very protective Yandere in general, anyone who hurts you will pay the consequences even if it means killing them.
He’s kidnapping you the same day the incident happened, you wake up in a mansion laying on a huge bed ankle chained to the bedpost. You went into straight panic before kegio came in comforting you, while you we’re fighting him and screaming him to let you go.
He would give personal space for a while and starts to slowly give you physical affection and hoping you do the same.
Anyone who hurts, harass in any type of ways. He’s threatening them on site and comforts you till you feel better.
He won’t non con. He doesn’t need sex to love you when he can kiss you, give you cuddles, watching movies with you.
Kegio wouldn’t hurt you physically or mentally. He wants to happy,safe, healthy with him.
He loves wash days with you, he’s helps you take down your braids, locks and etc. and gives the best hair massages whenever your arms are tried from taking it down.
When Stockholm  syndrome gives in he’s stays more at home with you and congratulations you on not crying and fighting against him when he’s around.
Overall all hawks is a caring Yandere possessive, protective. He loves you he wants you to feel the same.
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
How would Hawks feel if darling didn’t want him touching them while they sucked him off? I’m personally not a fan of being touched when going down on someone so I’m just curious.
He'd be so happy they're willingly sucking him off that he'd grip his hands behind his back or tie them together if he had to. Expect his wings to be fluttering like fucking crazy the entire time though, just because he needs some way to let all that arousal and excitement out if he can't touch you
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
brainrotting in the middle of work because i have a meeting in a few hours and it’s making me meh /:
yandere keigo takami alright?
he has everything in the grasp of his hand, his golden talons which he manifested after gruesome training from the hpsc. after outshining and working unparalled and becoming the #2 hero. he wants to be optimistic towards the world, he really does. he wants to save people, make their lives a better place, be the glimmer of hope they foresee and yearn for. but it has always disappointed him. the world is rotten and as much as it gives him the opportunity to protect, he doesn’t want it.
ESPECIALLY when it comes to you. his adoring little intern in his agency, quirkless, just into the academic domain and oh so gullible. why do you have all these walls around you? is if because you’ve been hurt? by who he wonders… or you just mind your business and don’t like small talk, or any talk for that matter.
weeks turn into months; and hawks now knows everything about you. your family home, how you have a sibling you adore, a pet too eh? of course he is going to know when you want to leave the agency, when you start thinking it feels stagnant and when your conversation with your best friend suddenly lands you a promotion. “weird, kate. i told you i was feeling really weary of my position; imagine i suddenly got a promotion?” you hummed to your bestfriend, not really understanding the depth of how deep you’re into keigo’s little game. how could you? no one in the right mind would think hawks… PRO HERO HAWKS of all people— would have his heart set on a random civilian.
things are fine, nothing really bothers you, or hawks at this point. you are busy with work, he is busy with work, but then— why would you suddenly smile a little too much at one of the co-workers? why is he making your favorite dishes for you, why is he helping you? y/n… you are self sufficient are you not? out of all the people, it should be hawks that holds your shoulder, leans against your cheek and whispers soft nothings of aid. “that’s not how you do it sweetheart, let me help,” as his fingers languidly touch your throbbing clit— that’s the help you need. not this scummy asshole around you hovering like an annoying mosquito.
that is the first time, takami keigo realizes what he feels for you is rooted way too deep to fathom. his senses going ballistic at the thought of losing you someday if he doesn’t make a move. and so he does… calls you into his cabin one fine day, smiles and grins like a young man who’s charm makes people weak in the knees. you know what’s dangerous? a charming man, who knows what to do with it. of course you are going to let him ask you out on a date, of course you are going to be ecstatic about it, of course you are eternally grateful to be treated oh so well by him.
but it’s when the high and the zeal of the relationship stopping, it’s then you notice. you were too blinded by the gold to see it was a cage. too enthralled by the presence and soft assurances of the pro hero to notice it was a grip around your neck. keigo has everything, keigo controlls everything. now? he also has everything that could control you.
“come on, babygirl. don’t be like that, all i said was you can’t go out today. why? whadya mean why? it’s not easy as it is for me to be couped up by work. you want me to get worried about you and not focus on saving, the fucking civilians?”
“ain’t wearing that on my watch lil bird. i mean- if you want to wear that skimpy lil dress might as well let me take it off you, go around being naked in the house. go ahead, i don’t mind. but- (one step) don’t you (two steps) dare, (three steps) go out in that”
“why the hell are you crying? sweet thing, sssh~ s’ gonna be okay. see? i’m not hurting you, am i? i wish you didn’t push my buttons so much baby-“
hell, life is a living hell with takami keigo.
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
‘𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤’
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♡ Pairing ♡ Yandere! Hawks x fem! Darling
♡ Summary ♡ A quick drabble of Hawks being a nasty little masochist <3
♡ CW ♡ Dubcon, cum eating, degradation, masochism, yandere themes, toxic relationships
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
hi! if I may request some head canons about hawks or overhaul kidnapping their darlings but the darling just wants to go home and says they hate them. how would Kai and keigo react? thank you if you decide to write it :)
Warning: Kidnapped, Yandere, Delusion, Punishment (mentioned). Note: Thank you for your request! Reader's words are actually cute haha because they will not succeed.
"I just want to go home, Asshole!"
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("I hate you")
I think he would pretend not to hear you.
Yes, Hawks would pretend not to hear. You just arrived in a new environment, after all. You need time to adapt, like flying to another time zone.
You said that you hate him, but it doesn't mean that. You are talking nonsense. He doesn't mind.
In fact, he occasionally makes fun of you, as if you are flirting with him.
"Haha really? OK OK, I like you very much <3".
But over time, he eventually fed up with you. His amber eyes will stare at you coldly, and blood-red feathers will surround his body, warning you to speak carefully.
He saves you before everything happens to you, just as he always does. And your endless "hate" is really hurtful.
What he meant was that, indeed, you can't go out, but you are at least safe and comfortable, and you should be grateful.
Hawks will teach you how to respond correctly to this situation, and he doesn't mind using extreme methods. He has never been a hero walking in the sun, he is used to it, but at least he wants your understanding.
("I want to go home")
Home is actually just a symbol.
He knows this is what you mean to leave.
Is that so good? He is good at tracking and background research. He had investigated it a long time ago, and your home is in no way comparable to his villa on the mountain, and there is no garden, rose bathtub, and an audio-visual room.
He likes the look of you turning every page of the book, your fingers counting the stars, and your eyes staring at the screen. You are under his protection.
If you have to go home, he has no choice. You may find your home turned into ruins in a villain attack.
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("I hate you")
Overhaul thinks you are just losing your temper. He tells you condescendingly to stop this behavior like you are a kid who needs to correct your mistakes.
He doesn't think your resentment is important. Compared to keeping you away from this dirty and crazy world, your personal feelings about him can be ignored.
He won't be angry, just feels pathetic.
Are you struggling? Poor thing. Saying these means you can't refute him at all, and you vent your frustration (Sure, if you really try to prove his point of view is wrong, he won't listen...).
He would punish you for this.
Hate is temporary, and love is more profound and longer than happiness, hatred, and sadness.
He is sure that you will fall in love with him eventually.
("I want to go home")
Overhaul thinks you are a little stupid and cute because you talk about something that will never happen.
You can put forward the requirements for the living environment as much as possible. He may not follow them all, though (actually, he only listens to one or two).
He admits that the lack of sunlight is unhealthy, but the underground labyrinth is much safer than your home.
He tries to control your family and friends and make sure they can never find you.
There are No Heroes and No Villains.
This is the Original World. This is Your Happy World.
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
Wane | Yandere Hawks x Reader
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A/n: Thank you to everyone who gave me ideas about the whole Yandere Hawks ordeal. I'm pretty soft when it comes to the bird, I'm pretty sure I softened here as well. Ugh, I just can't help it lol. Besides, I think this is one of the longest fics I've written until now. I word vomited a lot so bear with that.
Summary: You finally got the chance to escape Hawks, after planning & plotting for months. But the SWAT-trained hero is trained for everything. Even this.
Warnings: Yandere themes, Guilty Keigo, MDNI, drugging, threatening, mentions of non-con, victim-blaming, emotional manipulation, swearing, use of quirk(feathers) as a weapon, blood, cuts, delusionality, hallucinations.
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Keigo was asleep, to be more precise... You carefully put 6 sleeping pills on yesterday's dinner for him. You couldn't look very nervous or on edge. Keigo had promised to trust you once he broke you with his insecurity that you'd leave. You could see he was trying his best, considering you weren't very good at cooking & he ate it and called it 'immaculate'. You didn't feel bad though, more like you didn't let yourself feel bad for doing that to him. You were a person of sane mind, unlike his twisted one. You were doing this because you needed to live free, not caged.
Keigo could feel the haziness of the downers, yawning and his wings droopy. They dragged against the floor carelessly as he stretched his arms. He was wearing his joggers, just his grey joggers. If he was someone you truly loved? You could've drooled for his toned & sculpted abs easily. His lean, powerful well-built physique & beautiful carved back muscles because of his excellent swordsmanship. You knew how dangerously strong he was. Being the #2 hero wasn't a feat any wonted individual could achieve. Especially when you were one of the ill-fated ones that were quirkless. The world of quirks and powers seemed all the more gleaming. "All the more reason that you stay under my wing, am I right babe?" Keigo's words echoed in your head. No, NOT all the more reason to stay under his wing. Fucking bastard— He would do anything to get you to obey him. To crush you under the weight of being quirkless.
You leaned against the headboard, looking at him with your eyes filled with love and admiration just as he wants to see it. He wants you to look at him like he's the only one for you. Like he's carved perfection and you're grateful for him. Someone ordinary like you is bestowed with the love of a hero. Not just any hero... Pro hero Hawks! He feeds you, clothes you, gets you all your favorite little trinkets... It should be the least you can do. Keigo made it pretty clear several times when he's had you against the wall with your wrists pinned to the sides. Predatory pupils slit and widen as he says every word with an eerie pause and smile. "Don't push, my, limits. Sweetie." You won't. Not when his freely falling feathers roam around your body in circles as he clicks his tongue when you've done something wrong. Not when his huge, crimson wings cover your line of sight when he's talking. Never. You are better than that. Your survival instincts are better than that.
He walked over to you, smiling softly and towering over your form. You could almost cut his fingers off if you could, the way they brushed against the sides of your body, slid under your cami, and touched everything he shouldn't be touching. Everything he had no right to even look at. He gently kissed your clothed nipple, heavily sleepy lashes fluttering at you. "I love you, you fucking sexy thing" Normally, this indicated that you are to be folded in the nearest counter, or his study, or over the couch and fucked until you couldn't take it. Until your body would give out. You can't really complain because the after-care almost makes you delude yourself into thinking that Keigo actually loves you. Pathetic, you are truly pathetic at times. But not now, now you had a plan, an escape plan.
You tried not to flinch, not to overreact, and not to be too good as well. He was a genius after all. Little differences like these always reminded you of his Hawk gaze towards your actions. You gulped and leaned in to kiss his cheek. There, soft and easy. Not too much so he thinks you're plotting something. You need to be perfectly balanced between reluctance and love.
The rest of the night followed you like a dream come true. There was no shoving of his member, girthy member tearing you apart. There was no sign of his voice that hurt your ears like molten glass.
You laid your head against his chest, not minding being cocooned by his wings. If you did love him, you'd find them warm, soft & comfortable. Soothing even— but they make you claustrophobic. You despise him & his quirk. Every single cell in your body detests his quirk 'Fierce Wings'. For they were truly fierce, truly merciless and ruthless. They gave him powers you'd never want a monster like him to have. He knows enough from a single feather. A red little soft thing lying around. Enough to even know the slightest difference in your breathing. No amount of surveillance cameras could ever beat that.
You couldn't be hasty at all, it was weirdly torturing... Laying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, all wide-eyed & waiting for him to fall deep into his slumber. It was truly said... Time turns the slowest when you want the unbearable to pass. Hawks was unbearable, truly insufferable. If he isn't fully asleep, the slightest difference in your movements would disrupt him. All thanks to Fierce Wings, his pathetic god-forsaken quirk.
You couldn't track the time, a lot of thoughts hovered in your mind. How will you escape, when should you escape, where will you run off to? The most feasible solution seemed like a Pro Hero's agency. You could run off to one of the top heroes— no, what if they don't help you. What if they call Hawks & tell him everything! Honestly, after witnessing the #2 hero be such a fatal jerk, your belief system was shaken. Maybe you should go for the heroes who have lower ranks. Maybe in the thirties or forties. No, what if they tell Hawks because of the popularity he can get them... It could boost their rank easily. Should it be something you're willing to play with? God— it was so difficult. Too many options to play with, too many cons. Just a single pro, freedom. You were willing to bet everything on it either way.
Your eyes wandered off to his face, his lovely neutral, peacefully asleep face. He definitely looked like he was sculpted by the gods. The eye markings, the blonde fluffy hair, the stubble that made him look just a tad older. He was just 23 after all. Part of you was in awe of him when you first met because of it. Because of how fast he climbed up the hero ladders and was now the #2 hero. Granted he didn't talk much about his quirk, he thought you were snooping around. He was slow to trust. You wished you didn't meet him at all, you wished you weren't swayed by his unending charisma. Earlier, before he kidnapped you and kept you hostage after hearing you wanted to go on a date with some guy... He used to chuckle and pat your head, "Don't be so nosey birdie. It's just a quirk." Whenever you asked anything. His laugh almost felt believable, his friendship felt believable.
Finally, after what felt like ages, you sneakily got up. Twirling and twisting very carefully to get yourself out of the pro's grip. It was like walking on eggshells, your heart was racing dramatically. If he wasn't sedated, it was enough for him to ask you about it. "What's got your heart all racy, babe? Do you love daddy that much huh?" No, bastard. I don't- I don't love you. I will never love you. I will kill you-
After successfully landing on your feet, your shivery palm patted your chest. How pitiful, you were doing one of the tactics he taught you when you couldn't stop crying. To gently pat your chest and breathe. Completely ignoring what made you lose it in the first place, completely ignoring what made you sob with ragged breaths. It was him, he had just sent your best friend to jail. Wrongly accusing him of murder. The league had a part in this, now that you live with him. You think his villainy contacts had a part in that shattering, traumatic experience. Of course, he still won't accept that your friend; who was also about to be your boyfriend after you'd ask him out... Was in fact, innocent. "I'm so sorry, little bird. Part of me is kinda glad in a way you know? I took you under my wing before that leech of a bastard could have his hands on you."
You needed to calm yourself down. Breathe— you need to breathe. Now is not the time to torment yourself with haunting memories of the past. Maybe you can get out of this hell-hole forever. Yes! Look on the bright side y/n. The bright side where his talons can't reach you.
You stared at him with utter disgust, some of it was also for your own self. You won't accept it ever, won't accept that his monstrous, manipulative self was able to earn a soft spot in your heart sometimes. Whenever he came home injured, saving people. You could almost feel pity for him. Whenever he took a leave from his work to religiously take care of you when you were down with a fever, you could almost say you were flattered and in awe. Fuck that, you'd choose your freedom over anything else. Even hell must have its perks on some days. Keigo was attentive to you, made you feel heard & seen more than anyone else, you'd give him that. But he also broke you, shattered your body and mind like no one else could. You'd never forgive him for that.
You tiptoed away from the California king-sized bed, the master bedroom that you were forced to share, and towards the outer segment of the house. The first thing you needed was to drink some water. Bubbling anxiety had made you parched. Stop turning back and checking up on him again and again y/n! He is not awake. Stop wasting time!
After downing the whole glass of water, you sighed in relief. you did feel better. Just a bit. But it was enough to keep your mind sane, & that's all you needed to escape. You've been planning it for months, making mental notes of everything you need to take with you to leave, notes of how sometimes Keigo drugged you when you became a little over bearable and kept it on the highest shelf that was locked. How the key went back to one of his pockets as you lost consciousness. It was hard to steal the key, it usually was in his khaki pants. Starting to do the laundry for him seemed like the perfect option. Every single day, you lost hope. Every single day the key wasn't in there... But you waited diligently like one waits for their prayers to be answered... Waited for Keigo to be careless. And one day, he was...
Keigo wasn't big on cash. Never... You couldn't possibly steal his card either. That would be the epitome of dumbness. You could sell the jewelry he bought you. But with all of them having his initials, feathery design; it was safe to say that they were all designers. Maybe some low-class peddler would give you the not-so-right amount for them. Worth it!
You took all the necessary things you could, the jewels gifted by him that you hated were being put to good use now. You can't bother to change clothes when the question is of life and death after all. You rushed out of the house, the lock needed to have meddled with just right. You didn't know the passcode, even after months of being with Keigo. He wasn't dumb enough to keep it something like your birthday, or the day you met. They changed frequently as soon as he saw you eyeing him as he returned from work. The next day, it was a different code. You can't even put to words, the defeat that coursed through your veins all these months when you tried the previous night codes the next morning after he was gone for work. That fucking pathetic sly fucking- Bastard... Suits him to be flaked out like that. Suits him to be left alone like that.
You opened the door, closed it, and changed the code from outside. A funny parlor trick for that piece of shit. Even though you knew that the reason he likes his nest sky high is the windows. You walked, one step, two steps, three steps... And then you ran. Covering your face up, even though you knew he could recognize you instantly from the cameras, you ran.
You reached outside, panting and supporting yourself with your palms on your knees. It felt, good. Momentarily though, because you had a lot to do, but it felt good. You were thankful that Hawks kept you hidden. No one truly recognized you. You were as normal as any other person.
What you didn't and couldn't expect that the SWAT-trained hero woke up minutes after you left. He had an achingly dry mouth, side effects of sleeping with 6 of the sleeping pills. Everything around him felt dizzy, he couldn't focus on anything. He was hazy, drowsy- Wait! Where were you?
His pupils pinned in sheer panic and rage, mighty wings stretching and puffing up and hundreds of feathers leaving at once, scattering throughout the house and shattering the window glass, flying outside. "Fucking hell- you fucking pathetic slut." Keigo's rage was knowing no bounds. You betrayed him, he trusted you. He thought you were making progress, you betrayed him. You betrayed him, you betray-
You kept walking, looking around everywhere suspiciously & trying to ignore the burning anxiety in your chest. You'd soon find a cab y/n. Don't fret about it, you'll find a cab & it'll be over. You'll be far, far away from this place. Maybe today was the last time you saw his face.
Keigo on the other hand, was going feral. Impatient and feral and desperate for your presence. The rage inside him was soaring by each passing moment. "Wait until I find you y/n. Just wait." He growled under his breath, feathers picking up inhumane speed to scan the whole vicinity of the neighborhood.
His jaw slacked when he found you, teeth grinding against each other aggressively enough to seem it would unhinge his jaw. His heart was racing too, not in a good way. The panic he felt was like nothing else. He hasn't felt this vulnerable, this defeated, this betrayed. He had no time for playing games, he wanted to fly there himself and bring you back. Not when all his feathers are out, hunting for his prey.
Maybe a little prey and predators game won't hurt. He needs to remind you that he's here. He's always going to be here. A single red plume found its way around the nape of your neck. God— His rage was overriding his logic. He wants to slit your throat for betraying him. He wants to slit the driver's throat for trying to take you away. No, a civilian. He's a hero, he can't do that to a civilian who's doing his job. His job of taking you away! Damn it! No- still his job. No-
The feather skimmed across your neck, caressing your skin softly. That was it, that was the moment. You froze in place, the driver looking at you awkwardly for instructions as to where you'd go. "Listen, girl, it's late. Do you want to go or not?" He was getting testy. Of course, you had no words of your own, they fell deep into despair and darkness. The crippling fear of what's going to happen to you now was enough to veto everything else. Even your breathing. It grew ragged, shallow, and hoarse. Only this time Keigo won't feel pity for your so-called fearful panic attacks.
He smirked, having you realize how frail & pathetic you are was step number one. Getting the driver to leave in confusion was done by your fear. Good, at least you saved him an impulsive kill. "But— but— the dose—" you whimpered, shivering and watching the red plume dance in front of your eyes. It revolved around you, having turned pointy & knife-like. It reminded you of how powerful Hawks really was. A single feather was enough to kill your worthless, quirkless self. It was also enough to destroy any confidence you had in yourself as well.
Soon, other feathers joined, they all rotated around you as if it was Hawks himself sizing you up. They acted on his will after all. You didn't move an inch, your feet went cold, your spine went cold. You knew there was no running from this. Suddenly, one of them sliced your forearm with a cut. "AH-" your hand reflexively touched the area of impact, witnessing horrifying red. Then came another just below the apple of your cheek. You flinched and whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut. Your shaky legs began to move. You needed to run. Keigo wanted you to run, he already has begun with his ways.
Your panic had already made your legs heavy to lift, but you ran. Ran back towards the penthouse with the feathers chasing you, slashing through your supple skin at every contact they could find. Part of wanted to scream & shout for help, but you knew Keigo would kill both you and whoever stepped up for it. Your lungs were burning, your feet were cramping from the sudden, unprepared run. Your body was crying from the tormenting cuts of the feathers on your chest, shoulder, waist, forearm, back, calves.
You were reduced to a pathetic mess, a panting, crying mess & yet you knew that he was just getting started. His rage was cold, brutal even. You wanted this to be over, you kept going back until you reached the elevator. Bloodied, shivery fingers staining the button you hastily pressed for the top floor. "Shit- shit- Keigo, please—" you kept begging throughout your way as the elevator went up. You knew he could hear you, the false hope of him feeling pity for you was all you clutched onto. Until you saw him sitting on the couch of the drawing-room...
"Welcome home, sweetie." He never looked so terrifying. You thought you have seen the worst of him, this was something else. His pupils were almost shinny at the lamplight beside him. The golden rings mirrored his rage so well. You were cowering in fear. Almost enough to feel like throwing up. "Please, I'm sor—"
"Ah ah ah, not a word." The icy tone of his voice racked through your veins. All the odds were against you. Everything was against you. He got up, spreading his wide wings in front of you with one flap. The sound of it and him taking a step near you made you impulsively step back.
"You're a very good runner I must say." He walked towards you, thumb inching closer and wiping the blood off the cut on your face. You flinched at his touch but didn't dare lean away from him. You don't need any more trouble than you're already in. "What if... We give those pretty legs a looooonnng rest." His cold smirk met your blanched face. "Yeah?" He licked a strip of your blood, enjoying the loud sound of your heart racing at his every action.
"Listen, Keigo, please. Please I'm sorry I'm just- I'm really sorry I won't ever- I won't ever I promise I swear on"
He rolled his eyes, quite irritated with how swiftly you spitted out your defenses. His hand positioned in your head gently, ironic with his behavior as he leaned in and subtly brushed his lips against yours. It was sickly twisted, it was giving you hopes to latch onto again. Maybe if he's kissed me this softly, I can vouch for forgiveness. I can—
The rest happened too quick for you to decipher. The gentle hold on your head turned into a clasping, ruthless pull onto your hair, tugging your head back as his kisses rose in fervor, muffling your painful whimpers against his tongue. Two of his versatile feathers slit your Achilles tendon, rendering you off balance with a scream that tore apart from the depths of your throat, lavishly, hungrily eaten by him.
You'd fall down, if not for Keigo's sudden grip onto your waist. The kiss made you bleed now, his canines dug into the soft flesh of your inner lips. The moment Keigo left you, you fell down like a used rag on the bloodied floor. To say that the cuts that Keigo gifted you weren't deep would be an understatement. You were bleeding too much, way too much. Maybe he wanted you to be weaker, to not be able to walk & to be pale, weak, and dependent.
He sat down on the couch, raising a brow. "What? Told ya your pretty legs need some rest didn't I?" Your heels were also bleeding, it was messy, painful & humiliating to look at him. "I think maybe, we should play a little game. It would be called, Y/N is stupid..." he deadpanned, unforgiving towards your broken body. You've had enough, you were bleeding enough. Enough for everything to turn hazy, enough for you to see black spots in your vision, enough to make whatever Keigo's saying echo as you lost your mind to nothing-ness.
"It'll consist of me punishing you for breaking my trust, cheating on me like that. And we'll play this game again & again until I get bored." Keigo daunted, furrowing brows when he couldn't see the desired fear into his eyes with his statement. His rage was clouding his vision as well, clouding it enough for him to not notice the damaging slashes onto your body.
You fell onto the floor with a thud, limp, almost lifeless. "Tch, weakling." He cursed under his breath, finally the fog of his rage lifting at the sudden thought of your health. He got up, scooping you in his arms & calling a doctor. Of course, it was an HPSC hired physician, he needs to keep his mouth shut about Hawks' new torture shenanigan. He patched you up, gave him a warning about too much blood being lost and the impending weakness of your body after, chances of you being Anemic & left. Keigo would've turned a blind eye to it thinking you deserve it, if not for the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was guilt. He hasn't done much to you, he should've done more. He's not satisfied, he's not sure you've learned your lesson. Besides, you'd recover, right? Why is he feeling guilty for doing that to you when you trampled upon him always. Rejected him always!
He sat on the edge of the bed, wings that held so much power faltering at the vulnerability. His hand reached to cup your face, thumb trailing over the band-aid on your cut. "Why can't you just love me?" His voice was low, barely even a whisper. It felt as if his little self came back to him, staring at what he did, staring at Keigo, judging him.
She's just like mom, isn't she? She hates us. Is that why you did that? Little Keigo spoke to him, causing the 23-year-old pro to look at his younger self, holding the Endeavor plushie. "Nah, she loves us. She will... Love us."
Yeah, you think she won't tell you to die? Like mom did to me so many times?
"No, she doesn't mean it. Even mom didn't mean it."
Keigo went to sleep beside you, staring at your face, thanking himself for being awake at the right time. Thanking fate for making you quirkless, the sleep inhibitors he gives you don't work for him with the same intensity either. Of course, you don't need to know that. He didn't let someone like recovery girl come and heal you, you needed to feel the pain of the wounds given to you. You need to see how nice he is going to be even when you put him through that. You'll see how supportive he'll be in helping you walk, bathe, everything. Yeah, that's how things should be... You, in awe of him. You, loving him. He's willing to try any means necessary. From tomorrow...
From tomorrow, as soon as you wake up...
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
Yandere!Hawks x Broken!Reader
Summary: Hawks regrets breaking you.
Warnings: yandere themes, injury mentions, blood mentions, physical and emotional abuse mentions, suicidal ideation, attempt mentions, forced captivity
Word count: 1.1k
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The cool glass pressed against your forehead. The nightlife never got boring from up here. The lavish apartment Keigo had kept you in was dark, dinner ice cold on the table by now. He’d warned you it was going to be late by the time he got home, but you decided to wait nonetheless.
He would’ve expected dinner at 6 anyway, late or not. The cameras still watching your every move. You had prepared dinner, as usual, the routine he’d molded you to fit, it was something Keigo credited to you becoming a perfect housewife.
You hated it.
Your previous attempt at finally being free of the cage he’d put you in still throbbed. You were—quite literally—caged in like a common parakeet. It didn’t help that he called you “dove” either. Now, you couldn’t even really breathe properly without threatening to pop the stitches in your back.
You could feel the gashes stretching as you leaned forward against your knees. Keigo’s handiwork serving as a blatant reminder that if you were going to try and fly away, you would have your wings clipped.
Not that you ever had wings in the first place, nor the ability to fly. However, diving headfirst off the balcony was enough of an 'escape' attempt for him to punish you. Two deep gashes on either side of your spine, held together by string and pain. The marks were a reminder that death as a freedom was torn away, the pain being more than you could ever handle.
You couldn’t get out of bed for two days post punishment, the bruises from the beatings adding on to your pain. Keigo made sure to smother you with kisses and care before returning to work, a reminder that his punishment was "for the best".
You didn’t want to try and escape again. Besides, a bird without wings had no reason to leave the cage, right?
Your thoughts were interrupted by a thump on the balcony. A familiar jingle of keys and a jiggle of the door handle, and suddenly he was home.
“Hey there, little dove,” Keigo chirped, discarding his gloves and jacket on the dining chair. His eyes surveyed you, then the room, “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to dinner, since it’s probably cold, do you wanna order takeout?”
You stayed quiet, he’d never offered to order anything, always insisting you should cook. Was this a trick?
When you didn’t answer, Keigo strode across the room until he was in front of you. His hand was placed firmly under your chin, yanking your jaw up to meet his gaze.
His hardened features suddenly went soft.
Keigo searched your face for any sign of defiance, any hint that you’d try to hurt him, or yourself, but there was none of that.
“Dove,” Keigo started, “I asked you a question.”
You swallowed roughly, struggling against the position he was holding you in.
“I-it’s ok, I can just remake it.” You offered, trying to push yourself up and off the windowsill.
As soon as you stood he stopped you firmly by your shoulders, still searching your face, your body. To him, something wasn’t right.
“What’s up with you?” He asked blatantly.
You froze, was this another trick question?
“I..” you started, not being able to tear your eyes away from his gaze, “I’m just hurting.”
You answered honestly, not sure if that was what he wanted to hear.
He sighed, rubbing his hands up and down your arms, making you wince.
“It’s ok if you don’t make dinner tonight, dove, we can order in Chinese food or something. A new restaurant just opened up down the street, would you like to try that place?.” He asked softly.
It was your turn to search his face for any hesitation, any sign this was a trick, but there was nothing.
You slowly leaned into his chest, searching for warmth, for any hint of love that would show you he wasn’t upset with you.
Keigo gently wrapped his arms around your waist, careful not to hurt your back any further. This softness was your answer. He placed a soft kiss on the top of your head.
In his mind, Keigo felt bad. Images of you screaming and crying under him as he used his own feathers to cut into your back, only minutes after he had laid several strikes on your entire body. He remembered your sobs for hours after your punishment. Rocking back and forth while he stitched you up and bandaged you until you cried yourself to sleep. Today marked one week since it happened.
Keigo could sense a change in your demeanor since the moment it happened. You were more submissive now. He didn't have to ask you to clean up or make dinner anymore. It was done without asking, often better than he expected.
You clung to him now, afraid of his next move.
"Dove," He started, pulling away from you, "I'm serious this time, we can order food. I know you're not feeling well."
"Keigo, it's fine-"
"Y/n." He shushed you once more. "It's ok."
You accepted defeat, realizing he wasn't going to let up.
"I'll order as soon as we clean you up." His hands slipped under your jacket, tracing over the wounds.
Taking your hands, he gently pulled you towards your shared bedroom. You were instructed to lay face down on the bed, removing your jacket to reveal the array of bandages underneath.
Keigo sent his feathers to retrieve medical supplies while he cut the old bandages off your body.
Both of you were silent as he carefully cleaned up some of the stitching and dried blood. God there was just so much it felt like you were coated in a thick layer of it. It was painful, too. Dealing with gashes that large and so many bruises had Keigo wincing at the sight of his work.
He also took into account how many times you whimpered or winced at his touch. No doubt about it, you really were in pain, so much pain. As he finished rebandaging your back, he took into account the dark bruises that had yet to show any signs of improvement. God, how hard did he hit you?
You didn't really move as Keigo put away the supplies and walked around the bed, laying on the sheets with you. He was on his side, wings hanging off the bed as you stared at each other.
You didn't even notice you were crying until he frowned at you. He pulled you into him gently, letting you cry out whatever you were feeling.
Internally, he hated himself. Keigo didn’t like this new you. There was no fire inside you anymore. He was happy to have a housewife, but not at the cost of you losing yourself.
Keigo wept silently as he held you, realizing how badly he had broken you.
He never intended it to be like this.
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
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swords !
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
“I hate this…” Darling says looking uncomfortably at the mirror before looking away as Hawks rails them.
Hawks pouts and slows his pace to a more gentle (albeit deep) rock of his hips, and cups their cheek with his hand.
"Angel, don't you wanna see how pretty you look?"
He leans down to kiss their neck and run his fingers through their hair before trying to slowly tilt their head back to face the mirror. When they start to resist, he stops for a few seconds and then moves to tilt their head again. He makes eye contact with them in the reflection as he smiles and nuzzles their cheek.
"Don't we look so nice together like this?"
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
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Time to take down the mistletoe
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whore-for-hawks ¡ 3 years ago
Yandere Hawks/Keigo Takami Headcanons
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What Makes Him Fall for a Darling?
He wants his life to be slow and easy-going and stress free.
So he’ll feel drawn to someone who has a very ordinary life, someone with a good sense of humor or a general easygoing air about them.
He’s big into domestic fluff. He wants to come home to you buzzing about the kitchen, making his favorite meal. He wants to surprise you in the morning with a fancy breakfast in bed. 
Does He Kidnap His Darling?
He doesn’t want to kidnap you. He wants your relationship to be as “normal” as possible, which means he will do his best to be a “normal” boyfriend and court you genuinely.
But after a while, the gradually constricting, controlling tendencies start to show; he’ll get jealous and above all, paranoid that someone might target you. 
If you try to leave him, he’ll manipulate you into staying.  He’ll promise to change (he won’t); he’ll promise to stop controlling who you hang around (he’ll just get better at being sneaky); etc.
If that doesn’t work or you reject his offer to change–well, he can always lock the house down until you come to your senses. 
And if you won’t enter into a willing relationship with him from the start? I mean, he’s Hawks. It’s not like anyone is going to search his place for a missing civilian.
How Does He Treat His Darling?
He wants your relationship to be normal and loving and sweet. He wants that so, so bad. Anything less than the semblance of normality will make him stressed out, and the point of being around you is that it makes him feel more relaxed.
So he’ll try to act like a “good boyfriend” for you. He’ll make your favorite meals and let you have the remote during Netflix binges and rub your back when you get sad.
In his mind, it’s up to you whether or not you’re tied up or free during all of this. 
If you act docile, he will lay on the charm. Presents, cute outfits, whatever you want–its yours. If you return any of his affections and be a good partner for him, he’ll even see about letting you go outside with a tether.
If you yell at him, insult him, struggle, etc, he’ll be patient. But only for a short while. His smile will start cracking once he gets tired of you telling him he’s a fucking creep.
Strike a nerve or fight him for  too long and he’ll start dishing it right back: you’re having a couple’s quarrel, so why shouldn’t he be allowed to return your “bitchy” behavior?
How Does He Punish His Darling?
Hawks wouldn’t “punish” you in his mind, because he thinks you’re in a relationship and boyfriends don’t “punish” their partners.
You do have fights, though. Most of them are started by you being ungrateful and really fucking rude, to boot.
Punishment? No way. Giving you the silent treatment, cold shoulder or screaming right back in your face? Definitely something one half a couple might do during a fight.
In your case, if you’re under lock and key, getting the silent treatment and cold shoulder might mean missing meals, not getting to shower, or losing your mind from a lack of social interaction.
The only exception is running away. If you run away, you are in deep shit. He’ll handcuff you in the bedroom while he prepares the basement or a special room where you can stay chained up and totally dependent on him for a few weeks while he tries to get over your betrayal.
If you try run more and once… well, let’s just say: don’t. He would hate to clip your wings. 
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