wholenessblooming · 2 hours
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“Sometimes the scariest bridge to burn is the one between you and the person you thought you were.”
~ Tanya Markul
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wholenessblooming · 2 hours
Source: giatoctieuca
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wholenessblooming · 2 hours
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Resting in chaos.
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wholenessblooming · 2 hours
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I witness change, it is every where. I'm I more comfortable today or were things better years ago? Over time this changes and my comfort with my life isn't really important. Have I taken the time to find gratitude and acceptance for the fullness of this life. It isn't all about me but more about we. I'm I only concerned with how change affects me or can I open my heart to include we? Can my view be wider than me, my family, my country? I'm I willing: willing to wait, willing to smile, willing to be decent. Can I not discount that potential, that powerful seed of gentleness, kindness and understanding for not just me but We. May I embrace changes and work for the good of all not one. Let me be love.
K.S. Janes
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wholenessblooming · 2 hours
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Our view pulls at us, draws us inward. Soon we assume it is the only view. As we loosen up the view expands and maybe we prefer ours but can still enjoy another's. Expanding your view connects you to others. Opening you up to seeing more, a seeing that isn't about justifying your view but just finding awareness in the view.
K.S. Janes
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wholenessblooming · 19 hours
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wholenessblooming · 21 hours
"If we don’t act on our craving for pleasure or our fear of pain, we’re left in the wide-open, unpredictable middle. The instruction is to rest in that vulnerable place, to rest in that in-between state, to not hunker down and stay fixed in our belief systems but to take a fresh look with a wider perspective.
The truth is that we’re always in somekind of in-between state, always in process. We never fully arrive. When we’re present with the dynamic quality of our lives, we’re also present with impermanence, uncertainty, and change. If we can stay present, then we might finally get that there’s no security or certainty in the objects of our pleasure or the objects of our pain, no security or certainty in winning or losing, in compliments or criticism, in good reputation or bad—no security or certainty ever in anything that’s fleeting, that’s subject to change."
Pema Chodron, in Living Beautifully: with Uncertainty and Change
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wholenessblooming · 21 hours
"You build inner strength through embracing the totality of your experience, both the delightful parts and the difficult parts. Embracing the totality of your experience is one definition of having loving-kindness for yourself. Loving-kindness for yourself does not mean making sure you’re feeling good all the time—trying to set up your life so that you’re comfortable every moment. Rather, it means setting up your life so that you have time for meditation and self-reflection, for kindhearted, compassionate self-honesty. In this way you become more attuned to seeing when you’re biting the hook, when you’re getting caught in the undertow of emotions, when you’re grasping and when you’re letting go. This is the way you become a true friend to yourself just as you are, with both your laziness and your bravery. There is no step more important than this."
Pema Chodron, in Living Beautifully: with Uncertainty and Change
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Some books stay in your bones long after their titles and details have slipped from memory.
— Ia Genberg, The Details: A Novel (translated by Kira Josefsson) (HarperVia, August 8, 2023)
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Gods Torches I - Kathrin Rank , 2021.
German, b.1967 -
Oil on canvas, 120 x 170 cm.
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Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
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Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
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Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
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If this pops up while you’re scrolling, I wish you unconditional love and massive success.
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this life can be so harsh and cruel and scary. i must cultivate love wherever i can
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Arctotis (African Daisy)
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