Writer's Block
37 posts
"A future always begins with a thought."
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whoisshijin · 6 years ago
"Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime."
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
Am I doing something wrong?
Lately, I have been stuck writing a poem for weeks and I neglected writing a weekly post it. Shame.
Anyway, I feel like I need to address an issue which happened to me yesterday. During class, I believe that I got too comfortable with my students, almost like a brother to them (wrong mistake!!). It has gotten to the point that it was okay from them to play around with a teacher. Immediately, I knew that it wasn't cool, at all. I had to back up and pray for myself and these kids. Honestly, it took me there. I had to catch myself and think about what I was dealing with. Then, it hit me; I had to think about it spiritually. I knew something was off and it had to do with me. I got too comfortable in the spirit. One of my armor pieces was missing which exposed me and the fruit of self-control was not producing. That's how the enemy can get you and tarnish your name and the work you put in. Pastor Quincy literally implied that the enemy will wait and allow you to have good things flowing before he takes it all away. Apparently, the enemy is working on me but thank God I caught it. After work, I had to pray some more. Even this morning, too. I read up on Ephesians 6 and I had to remind myself where I was and what I am dealing with. So, for those who are reading this, keep your armor on. Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Annually. Until the day the Lord has called your name, keep your armor on!!! Peace!!
Shijin signing out......
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
Sonshine? Still needs some more light, bro.
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In all seriousness, I love Swoope as an artist. He is dope with his lyrics; definitely when it comes to his previous works like "Sinema" and "WLAK." However, this album was like a "hit and miss." At one point I was jamming to it and then next I get turned off by his other songs like "Flex" and "All the Time". It's almost a comparison to the Migos or Big Sean when it came down to the beat and the flow. It shows a lack of creativity on his part.
Now this may sound a little contradictive of what I said earlier. Swoope also have a knack of sounding like Kanye West...and I love it!! Here's the reason why: Kanye West in the late 90's and early 2000's was his absolute "best". Swoope reminds me of the old Kanye feel, which is positive and full of energy. Songs like "Old Me" to "You Got Me" gives me that good feel.
Yet, this album is not up to par because his flow reminds me of everybody else, the good and the bad. It's a mixture of his sound and other artist. Personally, it could've been better. Still love Swoope though. This album score: 7
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
Pop-Up Prompt!
Write About: Thinking About Your Lover/Love Thoughts
Inspiration: “Love on the Brain” cover by Little Mix Acoustic Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20qlpXsNaXk
There are no rules. Anyone can participate as much or as little as they want and you can make up analogies and metaphors and interpret things your own way, but if you want me to see what you write for the prompt, you have to make one of your FIRST FIVE tags #PardyPrompt so that I am sure to see it on the tagged page. You do NOT have to personally tag me in your posts, and if I ever miss something you’ve written, just shoot me a message and I’ll check it out. Want to write for my Prompts? Check them out here: The Prompts Want to share your piece for my prompts? Use this tag: #PardyPrompt Want to share work that isn’t prompt related? Use this tag: #PoetPardy
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
Keep the "Real Ones"
Let's start off with some real talk:
Last night was really tough because I was hearing words that struck a nerve. The conversation was so aggravating to the point that I wanted to shut off. We (or mainly her) was talking about relationships and consistency. Now, you asking yourself "what does that have to do with you, Derek?" Well, she pointed out the negative "characteristics" I may have or developed. For the sake of the post, I can't go into greater detail, however all I know is that it was literally giving me a headache.
Yet, believe it or not, it was exactly I needed to hear and she was right on some points. I had to reflect on what she implied and I see it too. See, a true friend wants to see you succeed or do better. You must know the difference between encouragement or being scolded. To be quite honest and based on what I know, only a few of my friends, who are in the body of Christ, encourage me to strive better. Those are the "Real Ones" to me. Surround yourself with like minded people. What I mean is that put yourself around positive, encouraging, fun people. It may a few of them, however join that circle. Ain't nothing better than surrounding yourself around blessed people who speaks blessing over your life. So, take this time out and evaluate your friends. Hell, make a list. If their negative outweighs the positive, do yourself a favor and cut them. Same thing in relationships, too. Check your bae. You may have to cut him/her off. Again, this is your boy Derek aka Shijin and be blessed!!!
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
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Late night writing session. Usually how my night ends before I sleep.
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
New Year, New Post(s), Same Me. Lol
Good morning to the early birds, and good evening to the owls of tumblr!!!
I realized something today that struck me in a way that I have to be consistent in all the things I do. Yesterday, I dealt with my peers at work and it made me inspire to achieve more than just a paycheck. Granted, it's a small career to start and I am not neglecting it, however I felt like this is the year of making bold moves. I told my friend that I'll make a hash tag #BoldMovesof2k18. What this means is that this year, no matter what you do, it could be writing, music, being a teacher, or starting a business, you have to be bold in all these things. God never gave you a spirit of fear, but a sound mind. I know for me, I am planning taking trips for me and find venues for open mics and live performances and experience something new. It would be dope if this goes viral and I see everybody use this hash tag. Don't take this as a new year's resolution, because it's not. It is more of a goal to achieve and we have all year to make bold moves. Use this time to start thinking, start planning, start moving. Chase that dream and be vigilant. God bless.
(P.S. Working on personal projects too!! Dropping one next week. Stat tuned!!)
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
(Shijin) Another track I want to share. It’s been a minute, but I”m back to it. Enjoy!! 
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
Hey!! Check out my new song I posted. I appreciate the feedback and the positive comments. God bless!! 
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
Hey!! Check out my new song I posted. I appreciate the feedback and the positive comments. God bless!! 
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
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New video “Blk Girl Soldier” by Jamila Woods just has to go viral.
Truly powerful single honors Black women throughout history and celebrates the resilience and Black power.
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
Learn to walk again. Look in the mirror and learn to love your scarred face again, after being singed.
Alysia Harris - “Controlled Burn”
Featuring at Button Poetry Live, May 2017. Help bring Button to you.
(via buttonpoetry)
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
Okay, okay
Its’ going to be okay, right?
         its’ not like I’ll fade soon
         or be next in the grave
         ‘cuz God got me, right?
However, life takes its toll,
         whoever thought life was full
         of trolls under the interstate bridge
         waiting to clock you, so I suggest we burn the bridge,
forgive me, God you still got me, right?
I mean, hell, I just spent my last $5 on gas,
and I’m half full, half empty; I’m simply a starving teacher,
whose lesson falls on death ears
         which irritates,
         and it gets worse from there,
         should I even care?
         So, God you got me, right?
Us black folk are still struggling,
And Obama didn’t do -ish,
Preposterous to those who said he did.
sweet honey ice tea,
taste so good with a pint of oppression,
         sip this and remain silent
         and watch us continue to wage war on
                  drug and gun
and learn to despise you kin and your skin,
destroy your neighborhood,
spend your money on temporary fashion,
neglect your education and your passion
         …Remain in debt,
                  Lord, how did we get here?
I mean, it’s a shame that I have an adverse sense of people,
         who talk behind your back,
         implying that you are whack,
         due to proper delicacy and Ebonics,
                  I guess it’s a negative entity to have knowledge
Its’ even worse when they’re “Christian”
The alter is hot, come and repent, and do it all over again
         Calling others sinner yet you have sinned twice as much
And you honestly believe God’s grace is sufficient?
         God, why have you allowed this?
Waking up late nights wrestling with my demons,
         Anxiety attacks appears to be stronger,
         I can’t breathe…someone please pray for me,
Yet, it falls on death ears, Father!! Do you hear me!?!
         I need you!!
Where are you?
         I can’t because no one seems to understand me,
Not You, my friends, nor my family,
You all think I’m am paranoid, or crazy
         I smile through my pain hoping you see
                  that I need help,
no one is there for me,
so, this .45 magnum to my head; I going to squeeze…
          this .45 magnum I about to squeeze…
                                                         With this .45,
                                                                            I will…
                  3… Now, I am at Peace.
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
you remind me of a garden. melanin rich like the soil. i want to bury my hands in you and feel the coolness of the earth. i want to plant something here inside you. i’ll start with love.
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whoisshijin · 7 years ago
I could make a case an argument for your side but my heart is cold
Haiku #76: Cold Case, © 2017 Sarah Marie Pardy (via sarahmariepardy)
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