who0psie · 3 years
The Australian vaccine rollout fuck up, from memory edition:
July 2020: Pfizer offers Australia 40 million doses of their vaccine once it gets approved, so they can use us as an example of a quick and effective rollout. Govt says nah, later denies this happens.
Some time after that: at least three people in the govt buy stock in CSL.
A couple of weeks after that: govt announces that CSL has the rights to produce the Astra-Zeneca vaccine in Aus and most of the population will be getting that. It's pure coincidence that there are former govt staffers on the board.
December 2020: govt orders 10 million doses of Pfizer, in what they claim is their first ever discussion with Pfizer.
Early 2021: govt says that 4 million people will have their first shot by the end of March, and everyone will be fully vaccinated by October. Priority is on vaccinating people in aged care facilities (both workers and residents), where 800 of our 910 deaths occurred.
March 2021: govt falls short of 4 million target by 3.4 million. Govt blames Europe and Pfizer for not sending vaccine, Europe and Pfizer come back and say "wtf no". Govt is sending vaccines wherever the fuck they want. Vaccine clinics can't guarantee they will actually have the necessary doses for the people who booked in.
April-May-ish: doctors decide due to risk of blood clots, Astra-Zeneca shouldn't be given to anyone under 50. This is later revised to 60. >90% of Pfizer does have been used, despite govt promises that we are "front of the queue" to get more, we are not. Pfizer getting real sick of the lies. Govt stops referring to "targets" for vaccination and starts calling them "horizons".
June: we've pretty much run out of Pfizer at this point. After a massive aged care vaccination blitz they're finally approaching the levels promised by the end of March. Scotty, our Prime Minister who once shat his pants in a maccas carpark, holds an emergency meeting and announces that it will be mandatory for aged care workers to be vaccinated by September but doesn't offer any explanation on how that will happen. Our next Pfizer shipment is due in December. He also announces on live TV that anyone who wants to can get Astra-Zeneca, to the immediate reaction of "what the fuck, no, who told you that was okay" from prominent members of the medical community, none of whom were consulted with. Press conference is delivered from inside quarantine, as he has just returned from a holiday (he was a non-participating guest at a summit) in the UK while half the country is in lockdown.
Over 4 months in, only 30% of the adult population has received one dose of the vaccine; only 7% are fully vaccinated. I am not part of that fraction. At the current rate, as a healthy under 40 in a non customer facing job I can expect to be vaccinated halfway through next year at the earliest.
This government's rollout makes the SPN finale look like it was well-planned by competent people.
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who0psie · 3 years
i can tell i’m sleep deprived bc i just made myself cry about tutankhamun and i have, like, negative interest in the kid
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who0psie · 3 years
working full time is terrible why do we just accept that having 8 days off a month is normal and okay........ being alive could be cool but we waste it at our JOBS.... sorry i’m just heated about capitalism again i’ll be fine
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who0psie · 3 years
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who0psie · 3 years
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who0psie · 3 years
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Heart Surgery Scar
I was gonna update this to be in Health Life but I figured I’d just make a separate post for now and include it in the next health life update.
Found in Tattoos
2 Swatches / One Healed / Stitched
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who0psie · 3 years
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Child Life Mod
Kids are lacking interactions so I decided to make this mod to add some personality to your child sims! For now this mod includes social interactions and computer interactions but I am working on new traits and aspirations for your kiddos!
Ask What’s For Dinner
Talk About Favorite Cartoons
Talk To Classmates On Computer (Gain Empathy)
Play Voidcritters Online On Computer (Gain Creativity)
Talk About Void Critters
Make Poop Jokes
Talk About Icecream For Breakfast
Talk About Recess
Throw A Tantrum
DOWNLOAD | 5/30/21
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who0psie · 5 years
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who0psie · 5 years
Oedipus: Oracle, what’s going to happen to me?
Oracle: you’re going to kill your father and marry joe.
Oedipus: whose Joe?
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who0psie · 5 years
me joining a discord server- "hello!"
guy named floyd- "hi! would you like a colour role?"
me- "what does that mean?"
floyd- "it means your name gets to be a colour. like how mine is pink for example"
me- "cool ok! so what colors can i have then?"
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who0psie · 5 years
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Slime mold was grown on an agar gel plate shaped like America and food sources were placed where America’s large cities are. 
The result? A possible look at how to best build public transportation. 
I just really like the idea of slime mold on a map of the US. It’s beautiful.
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who0psie · 5 years
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Trump ruins bacon.
Every Trump policy makes things worse.
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who0psie · 5 years
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bitter enough to be true
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who0psie · 5 years
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who0psie · 5 years
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who0psie · 5 years
apparently the EPA said asbestos is “safe” again, which is good news for asbestos memes, and bad news for literally everyone else
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who0psie · 5 years
found this site that lets you like, look at all the radio stations around the world, lets you connect to them and listen in
and obviously you can flit around between all the big stations, but it’s quite fun to go to the isolated green dots
I discovered a new band thanks to a station in cyprus, and now I’m listening to ‘chillout’ music being broadcast from kazahkstan
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