whisperedgiggles · 1 year
The raspberry war
Also on Ao3!
Steven and Connie were enjoying an afternoon on the beach, taking in the sun and the sweet scent of seawater. Steven was entranced by the GamePal that Connie had gotten him for his birthday, playing a puzzle game about a detective and his potato-loving dog. Connie was reading a tense medical drama that she'd borrowed from her mom's shelf. Whenever the action got really tense, she had a habit of tapping her fingers on Steven's gem, which occasionally drew a giggle out of him, and an apology from Connie. At one point, Steven made an error in judgement. the mistake? Saying "That's the worst cause it only tickles a little."
To which Connie replied. "Oh sorry, I can ramp things up if you want." A dangerous smirk had crossed her face.
Before Steven could take it back, Connie was on him, squeezing and poking his sides, scribbling her fingers around his gem--truly a ruthless tickle attack.
Steven's surprised squeal was eaten up by his rolling laughter as he desperately swatted at Connie's hands.
"Wait! Cohhahannieee Stahhap! Not under the gem! You mohohonster!"
"Yes, yesss," She teased, "A horrible, hungry tickle monster!"
"H-ha-hungry? Do you, ah! Do you want l-like a snahhahack or--"
"Nah, I got this." in a flash of speed that rivaled Pearl in combat, Connie blew a truly dreadful raspberry right where Steven's gem met his stomach. Steven's back arched and he slipped into silent laughter. Connie sat back and let him catch his breath. It took Steven a second to recollect himself.
"Geez Connie, that might have been worse than when Amethyst--"
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" the Amethyst in question shouted as she landed next to them, seemingly coming out of nowhere. "You're not just going to give the title to Connie! Not if I have anything to say about it."
Steven had dealt with many dangerous and terrifying things in his 16 years, butt in this moment, the fear of death hit him like a truck.
"W-wait, Amethyst I didn't mean--"
"What title?" Connie asked, looking around as if to figure out where Amethyst came from.
"Best. Steven. Tickler. I took it from Garnet when he was eight, ain't no way I'm giving it up without a fight."
Steven looked directly at the camera and squinted. Then Amethyst was on him, her hands a blur of ticklish ferocity. Steven tried to crawl backwards and escape, but the gem was too fast for him. She finished off with an evil, dastardly raspberry that once again sent Steven into silent hysterics.
Now the thing about Connie is that she always felt drawn to be the best, possessing a competitive spirit that her parents instilled into her very early in life.
"That all you got?" She challenged, much to Steven's horror.
"Wait Connie you can both--" Unfortunately, the reasonable rest of that sentence was cut off by Steven's roaring laughter as Connie attacked him with another raspberry. And another, and another...and then Amethyst joined in again, meaning twice the raspberries for poor Steven. This went on for some time before Steven finally had his fill, created a bubble around himself, and hamster-wheeled his way down he beach, away from his tormentors. 
Connie and Amethyst regarded each other for a moment, before Connie piped up: "...Tie?"
Amethyst nodded. "Yeah alright. You wanna chase after him to freak him out anyway?"
Connie smiled.
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whisperedgiggles · 2 years
Ear Gliding (Lee!Aang, Ler!sokka)
A short little drabble for the lovely @ticklishfanart! I hope you enjoy it!
Also on Ao3!
Sokka finally got it. He finally understood why kings, leaders, and generals seemed so drained when meeting the public. He’d fought crazy firebenders and guys with exploding foreheads, traveled the continent, survived the allure of cactus juice--so yeah, he’d been through some intense adventures and trials. But there was something about shaking hands and kissing babies that just sucked the life out of him. It wasn’t even that he didn’t enjoy it, to the contrary, being a hero felt great, and he loved the attention. But as he lay there, sprawled out on a surprisingly comfortable cot in a little village where he and Aang had recently finished kissing every single hand and shaking every single baby in sight…wait no that wasn’t right...where was he going with that? Oh yes right, completely exhausted. Maybe he had time for a little nap before dinner…just a tiny one--
“Hey, uh, Sokka? Can I talk to you for a moment??”
Sokka blinked back into half-consciousness at Aang’s voice and turned to see the monk sitting on the other cot in the small hut, looking at him with big nervous eyes. When had he even gotten there? Had Sokka already fallen asleep?
“Uh, yeah Aang, yeah, what’s up?”
Aang hesitated before letting out a quiet sigh. 
“I don’t know if I’m good at this part.”
Oh, one of these talks. Sokka had gotten used to the place he ended up playing in Aang’s life, often offering advice to the younger guy. He was something like an older brother, but maybe more intense because of the constantly-being-in-life-or-death-situations-together bit. Hmm. Older blood brother? Wait no that was too intense. Hmm…he’d come back to it.
“What? What are you talking about, what part?���
“I don’t know…I just…I hadn’t thought about what would happen after we defeated Ozai. There’s so much more to do, Katara is helping your tribe, Zuko is trying to reform the Fire nation, I want to help them, and there are so many little things that I should also be doing as the Avatar, I don’t know, maybe I…”
Whoa, Aang had really big ears. How had Sokka never noticed that before, after all this time? Sure, they’d been busy, but still, how--oh wait, Aang was talking. Crap, he wasn't usually this tired when Aang came for advice. Gotta catch up, what’s he even talking about---
“...Ozai was the easy part.”  Aang finished whatever he was saying with a sigh before falling back onto the cot dramatically.
Sokka took a second to collect himself before dragging his exhaustion-stiff body to his feet and over to sit next to Aang.
“Hey, buddy, it’s alright. It’s a lot I get it. Maybe you should take a little time to relax you know? Do some kid stuff.”
“I don’t think I can do kid stuff anymore, Sokka. People are counting on me.” 
“Weeeell…uh…I’m counting on you to…take care of yourself! Yeah!”
Aang sighed. “Sure, but I don’t want to just abandon the world again, people needed me for 100 years, I have a lot to make up for even still, and I--GAHH! Aha, S-Sokka what are you doing?”
What? What was he doing? Sokka looked around for a moment before realizing that in his vaguely coherent state he’d been absently tracing Aang’s ear. Aang giggled and swatted gently at his hand. 
“Oh sorry, I just noticed how, uh, how big your ears are.”
“Sorry they’re just…do you think you could use them to glide with?”
Aang sat up and looked over at him for a moment, clearly perplexed at the turn the conversation had taken, until something seemed to dawn on him.
“Oh…Oh! Oh, you’re like, really tired! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to complain to you when you were trying to rest I--”
“Wait Aang, are your ears like, ticklish?”
“What? I mean uh, yeah kind of, but--Gahahaha! Wait Sokka--” 
Sokka had gone back in, tracing Aang’s earlobes with spider-light touches, poking at his friend’s neck too for good measure.
“Whoa…I didn’t know you were so ticklish…”
“What are you tahhlking about ahah, you guys, ti-hihihickle me all the time--AHHH SOKKA!” 
Sokka had started poking at Aang’s sides, which unfortunately for him were left exposed by his sash. Aang lost it when he felt Sokka’s alarmingly nimble fingers pinch and squeeze his ribs, and tried to curl into a little ball, pulling his legs up to protect his stomach. However, Sokka simply grabbed one of Aang’s bare feet and started to trace his sole, deftly dodging Aang’s attempts to protect himself with his other foot. 
Aang finally got himself together enough to detangle himself from Sokka’s grip, rolling himself to the meek safety of the other end of the cot. He took a moment to gather his composure and huffed the last of the giggles out of his lungs. 
“Sorry Aang,” Sokka started suddenly realizing that he may have picked the wrong approach, “I was just trying to--”
“No no, it’s okay! I appreciate it, trying to cheer me up, get my mind off things.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, “But I don’t think you can just tickle all of my problems away.”
“Well one; we haven’t tried,“ Sokka playfully wiggled his eyebrows in Aang’s direction, and smirked as Aand chuckled and rolled his eyes in response, “and two; maybe not. But I’d like to point out that part of the whole reason Ozai had to go was that he was making everyone miserable. And ruining the world. And you know…if we can’t enjoy ourselves even after he’s gone it basically means he’s actually still in power.”
Aang was starting to regret convincing Sokka to read more philosophy. 
“Okay fair, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have to deal with my responsibilities--”
“Never said that. But just because you have responsibilities doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy what you’ve done and the wonders of life and all that. Balance remember?”
Aang sat with that in silence for a few beats before nodding slowly. 
“Right. You’re right. Ahh! I’m sorry that was stupid, I got caught up in my head. ”
“It happens.” Sokka stood up and stretched, finally accepting that his nap was over. 
“Y’know,” he continued, “It’s a shame Katara isn’t around, she’s much better at being the stressed one than you are.” 
“Honestly. But I don’t want her to be stressed either, I want her to be happy and relaxed and--Ahh! Sokka nohohoho!” Aang squeaked as Sokka was back at work squeezing his sides. 
“Nope! Not going there again, and I’m not going to let you start gushing about how much you love my sister! No sir!”
“I ahahaha, I wasn’t gushing, gahahaha, I’m sorrryyyy!” And maybe he was, but he was leaning into Sokka as he begged, which was, as Sokka noted, the opposite of trying to escape. So he kept the game going and filling the hut--the whole village really, with the bubbling sound of Aang’s laughter. Finally, an incredibly pleasant (and very awkward) young lady came to retrieve them for dinner.
For the rest of the trip, Sokka would pounce like a rabid Owl-wolf whenever Aang let his thoughts start to spiral again. Aang didn’t complain, in fact, it occurred to Sokka one night that Aang had started trying to get tickled on purpose. Hmm. Maybe he would test that theory.
After some proper rest of course.
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whisperedgiggles · 2 years
Fandoms! (That I've remembered to add so far)
One Piece
Seven Deadly Sins
Spy x Family
Jujutsu Kaisen
Avatar the Last Airbender
Steven Universe
Centaurworld (don't have the desire to write for it but it deserves love)
The Dragon Prince
Adventure Time
The Amazing World of Gumball
Danny Phantom
Transformers (I'm well acquainted with most of the shows)
Marvel/DC: Too many specific characters and series and continuities to list (partly because I'm lazy) (Special mention to the Wayne Family Adventures)
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whisperedgiggles · 2 years
Be chill!
Minors, feel free to read my SFW material, but please avoid my N$FW work. (which will be tagged N$FW)
Requests will open and close periodically and I have the right to decline a request for any reason.
I don't generally enjoy roleplay, especially if I don't know you, so let's not, please.
My Askbox is always open so feel free to say hi! Politely of course!
If you end up wanting to write/draw/do-a-little-dance for/about one of my OCs, just ask first, I'll more than likely be very supportive.
DNI if:
You're someone who has a "Hate Hang-up" (Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, one of the many different flavors of religious intolerance, classism...) this is not the blog for you, and I will drag you.
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whisperedgiggles · 2 years
My stuff!
Before you interact
So yeah! I'm going to start getting back into the swing of writing for the fandoms I enjoy, and am down to take requests, especially as I want to build up a bit of a library of my work!
If you have a request, please pleasantly specify:
Add in a scenario if you want to speed things along (I get lost in the brainstorming phase lol) and I'll see what I can crank out!
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