whispact · 2 months
I’m ready to be yelled at.
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Stop, some voice deep inside of you begged. Stop. You do not need to see; you must look away.
But you didn’t. Dazedly, you approached the slab of icy metal upon which Kyojuro now slept, a sheet half-pulled over his torso.
Like a magnet, your eyes were drawn to the cavernous, black mark notched perfectly between his pectorals.
Apart from his face, Kyojuro’s chest had been your favorite part of him. So warm and sturdy, the perfect place to rest your head after a particularly arduous mission. Warm. The skin beneath your cheek has always been so warm, the heart steadily beating against his sternum had been a lullaby meant only for you, its melody capable of chasing away any and all anxieties and doubts.
So why was there now a hole — dark, round, gaping — punched clean through the middle of your beloved’s chest? How had it managed to mark the precise spot where you’d lain your head only two sunrises ago — as you’d always done?
How was it that you were able to see straight through it, right down to the muted gray of the table upon which he’d been placed?
His heart, the thought echoed from some dark, numb corner of your mind, little more than a whisper. Where did his heart go?
Where was that sweet tune, the one that signaled all was well, that you were safe and sound and loved and warm?
Wrong. Wrong. None of it made sense and all of it was wrong.
Why was it so cold?
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whispact · 2 months
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Five Minutes Early with: bokuto koutarou, kuroo tetsuro
A/N: cute fluffy headcanons based on this post. this might turn into a series for lots of characters bc i adored writing this so much, so if there's anyone you want to see covered in this series let me know! this has not been proofread, i went crazy over this and just needed to type it out and hit send PROMPT: waking up five minutes early to cuddle with you every morning WORD COUNT: 1.1k
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It didn’t seem odd at first that Kotoro “Sleeps Like The Dead” Bokuto had an alarm set for 5 minutes before his wake up one was. You were all too guilty of setting fail safe alarms yourself, so what was there to question about your partner, who awoke for practice much earlier than you, had them too?
When you noticed that he always woke up to alarms, though, his 5 minute early alarm seemed to make less sense.
Bokuto would brush off your questions, your hypothesis as to what the alarm was for, with vague shrugs and eyes that looked at anything but you
You’d see the flush on his cheeks, how it crept to the tips of his ears and the back of his neck, and the sweat beading his forehead. It wasn’t subtle how he dodged your question, which made you all the more suspicious.
On the one hand, this was your Bokuto. The man who wanted to get a full back tattoo of your name after you first started dating, who bought you matching hoodies and nearly donated his whole collection of clothes when you said you liked wearing his stuff. You weren’t worried about what he was doing, not when pictures of you were his every lock screen and social media post, when he’d text you he missed you the moment he closed the door behind him on the way to practice.
No, worried wasn’t the right answer. It confused you, perplexed you, made you wondering what the man who loved you with his entire being was being so secretive about.
It wasn’t until his alarm woke you up that you had the chance to answer your question. You never knew how Bokuto, notorious for tottering around in a sleepy haze until his stomach reminded him he was hungry, managed to not wake you up most mornings. Sure, sometimes he accidentally kicked you as he got up or dropped his entire volleyball bag on the hardwood floor that made such a booming sound you nearly shot straight out of bed from it.
This morning, though, you were woken by the soft beeping you knew to be Bokuto’s ringer. Your own sleepy groan was cut off by Bokuto’s shifting, his hand moving as quick as lightning to shut the alarm off. It only beeped once, something you wouldn’t have heard if you hadn’t already been half awake.
Your partner twists, turning towards you as a tired sigh leaves his lips. His breath was warm as it tickled the side of your face and you couldn’t help but wonder what he was up to as the bed movedever so gently from his weight.
You weren’t left wondering for long, though, when a weighted arm wraps slowly around you. Warmth envelopes you and you instantly understand how he never woke you up. Even awake, the way he pulled you to his chest nearly pulled you into the comfortable depths of slumber.
A content hum rumbles from Bokuto, his forehead ducking to nuzzle against you. His lips were turned to a smile, soft kisses pressed featherlight on any bare skin he could reach. And he stayed like that, holding you comfortably to him, until that fateful second alarm went off.
He sighed again, though not sounding nearly as happy as he had been, a quiet “maybe I’ll make it ten” murmuring from him as he rises from bed, pressing a final kiss to your skin.
When you first ask Kuroo what the point of having two alarms set so close together was, he just flashes you a smile, pressing a kiss to your forehead before saying “helps me wake up, that’s all.”
And you believed it, for a while, until you noticed how easy it was for him to wake up from a nap and get straight back to work. You weren’t a stranger to popping into his office during lunch and there were more than a few times where he used his lunch for a quick power nap.
Time and time again Kuroo had shown himself to be someone who is truly awake from the moment he wakes up.
The more you pester him about what those alarms were for, why have two when it was clear he only needed one to wake up, the bigger his smiles get, the more effort he puts into distracting you with little dotes of affection while he brushes you off with. “It’s nothing your pretty head has to worry about.”
Kuroo’s smile is down right crooked when you huff at his non-answer, feeling all too proud in his ways of evading your incessant questioning. One time, he even tried giving you an answer, but saying “You never know when I might sleep past an alarm,” was such a blatant lie that your resulting scowl sent him into a fit of laughter.
He left you wondering, never quite able to find the real answer, for weeks. You had never cursed being a heavier sleeper than your partner until the curiosity had gnawed at you so much you were surprised it hadn't eaten you entirely.
But there was one morning you were woken up early, the crack in your bedroom curtains shining the sun perfectly across your eyes, just moments before Kuroo’s alarm went off.
It was no surprise that he stirred immediately, a quiet hum leaving him as he sat up. You heard an unwilling groan leave him as he stretched his arms wide, listening as they fell back to his lap unceremoniously.
Kuroo hummed again, light laughter being exhaled through his nose as he settled back down carefully, his arms wrapping their way around you to tug you close to him. The warmth of his chest against your own sent your heart racing, the feeling of his overheated thigh pushing between your legs making it hard for you to not push into his touch.
A peaceful silence falls over the two of you, a soft sigh leaving him as he relaxes fully into you. It’s hard to feign sleep with your lover wrapped around you like this, but you let yourself bask in the affection anyways.
When his alarm goes off, you feel his arms wrap tighter around you. Briefly, your pulled even closer to him, a hand moving to cup your cheek as he plants a kiss there.
“This is why I set two alarms, sweetheart.” Kuroo’s voice is rough from sleep in your ear, “Just can’t seem to start my day without a healthy dose of you.”
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whispact · 3 months
2:47 of Movement by Hozier save me 2:47 of Movement by Hozier
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whispact · 4 months
I love!! Intimate bath scenes!! Especially when one character is having a full emotional breakdown!!
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whispact · 4 months
has anyone else ever had a fanfic that just... haunts them? like it's been months and maybe even years since you read it, but it just lingers with you and you can never truly leave behind the imprint it made on you? and maybe it's just a single line, one sentence that you can't shake off, that takes up residence in your mind and stays there, feeding into your psyche and subtly influencing your brainspace and maybe even your writing or other works?
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whispact · 5 months
demon kyojuro
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whispact · 5 months
I beg of u…. Just let them be happy….
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If he could he even still call her that — his fiance.
It did not matter to him if she no longer wanted to marry him — he expected she wouldn’t. But it wouldn’t change how he felt about her: the other half of his soul. Even if she never looked kindly upon him again, she would still be its keeper.
She was still his mate — failed engagement aside, his obligations and devotion to her would remain. He would care for her for the rest of her days; provide for her. She would want for nothing. And when illness or old age finally claimed her, Sanemi would see her receive a proper burial, and then he would wander off into the Netherwood that had brought her to him, and he would greet his own death with open arms.
A life of service to her; truthfully, he couldn’t imagine a better way to spend it, all things considered.
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whispact · 6 months
I will ALWAYS love to read From Me To You by flying_raijin on Ao3. It perfectly encapsulates how I've felt about myself in my 20 odd years of life. It reflects my thoughts on life, good days, bad days, how I think, and how I want to be. It's not even only the romance part, like, the romance part is perfect in itself, but GOD DAMN, does it hit home even after reading it over and over again for something close to 2 years. This god damn fanfiction makes me tear up everytime I read it. I don't remember their handle on here, but I would give the world for the author of this fic. I don't think I've ever found a better chubby reader fanfic :))
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whispact · 7 months
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It's my 7 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳 W H A T
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whispact · 9 months
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Don’t forget…
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whispact · 10 months
i love bodies and faces. reblog if you have a body or a face
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whispact · 10 months
hi uhm I saw your requests were open so could I please ask for sanji comforting his chubby s/o with self-image issues? I’ve been feeling pretty insecure about it lately so… yeah, sorry to bother you, feel free to decline of course, it is not obligation. I wish you a safe and nice day lemon!
A/N: sorry this isn’t longer, but i hope it helps xx sending you love and hugs nonnie GENRE: light angst lots of comfort WARNINGS: none CHARACTER: blackfoot sanji x reader PROMPT: comforting self esteem issues WORD COUNT: 0.6k
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“My love?” The soft spoken words brought you back to the present only after they were spoken several times. Sanji’s hand was weary as it reached for you, his fingers tracing your back lightly. You could feel the gentleness, the hesitation in his touch, caused by the lack of understanding to what he walked in on.
You had been sitting in front of the mirror, eyes in a daze at the blurred form looking back at you. Quite some time had passed since you last looked clearly at yourself, now just sitting, idly staring but not seeing what was in front of you.
Sanji hadn’t been worried until the call of your name went seemingly unnoticed. How his footsteps as he walked into the room when unacknowledged, how you didn’t even seem to know he was there until he stood right next to you.
“Please,” The soft skin of his hand against yours pulled your gaze from the mirror, to how he now intertwined your fingers with his, “Tell me, are you alright?” The nod you gave him did not seem like enough to convince him, a sigh leaving him as he knelt down before you. “Darling, I can’t help if I don’t know what you’re feeling.” You could hear the worry heavy in his tone, the adoration melding with the concern as clear as day.
A sigh leaves you and the cook falls silent, wanting to give you all the room he could to say what was on your mind.
“Why me?”
The two words floated in the air as Sanji blinked at you, not quite able to wrap his head around your question. His thumb stroked circles along the back of your hand as he searched his brain as to what you could mean, though when he didn’t respond you choked out an elaboration.
“Why did you choose mean?”
“How could I not have chosen you?” Sanji’s response was instantaneous, unwavering and sure. His hand held yours tighter, unconsciously wanting you closer to him as worry settled in his stomach.
“How could you have?” Your voice grew a stressed, anguished edge to it as you continued. The cook listened, quietly let his heart break as everything that had been weighing on your mind tumbled out in a waterfall of words. His hand continued to squeeze your own periodically, as though he had to physically stop himself from cutting your worries short, wanting to let you say everything that had been bringing you down.
When you finished talking, tears running freely down your face, Sanji let go of your hand in favor of wrapping his arms around your waist and letting his head rest on top of your thighs. The hold he had on you was tight, almost desperate as if he feared you would be gone should he let go.
“You, my love, are everything to me.” Sanji’s voice sounds strained as he tried to hold back tears. “I cannot imagine anything that you could do, that you could say, that could happen to you, that would make me love you even a fraction less than how I love you now.” His breath is warm against your legs as a sigh shudders from him, “You deserve to be told every day, every second just how wonderful you are.”
When Sanji tilts his head to, he has to move his hand to turn your jaw down towards him. “The world grows brighter with every second you are alive in it,” He lets the back of his knuckles brush your cheek, “With you, the sun shines brighter, the stars glimmer more beautifully, the ocean waves sing songs more beautiful. All because you are here to enjoy them with me.”
Rising to his feet, Sanji presses a lingering kiss to your forehead, “You are more valuable than anything this world has to offer. The One Piece, the All Blue- nothing holds a candle to how important you are to me.”
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whispact · 1 year
There also needs to be a button for “this is the 5000th time I’ve read your fic because I’m having a horrible day and this is the only thing in the world that always brings me happiness.”
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whispact · 1 year
Reblog and put in the tags the name you go by online and how you came up with it
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whispact · 1 year
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whispact · 1 year
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💛Love Cook💛
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whispact · 1 year
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Hobie & Pavitr 🕷️🕸️ my two favs
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