whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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     swallowing thickly, the vampire was standing at the mundane’s door, his nerves making him take breathes that he didn’t even need. it had been such a long time since the last time he saw her ( which was the wallace twins’ birthday party ) and after the barbecue at the beach, he was sure that she had been actively avoiding him now. he was hurt and angry but not at her. she wasn’t the one to blame – it was all on adrian and he knew that. up until a few hours ago, he was making sure he didn’t burden her with seeing him as he hadn’t stepped foot in kat’s bar ever since, but after finding the necklace in his drawer, he knew he had to return it to her. apparently, that necklace which he was holding in his hand right now was important to her even though he forgot he even had it since the ball and clearly she couldn’t come to retrieve it. keeping in mind that he had to keep it short and quick, he knocked on the door, lowering his gaze to welcome hers once the door was opened. 
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      “  just a second !!  ”  juliet yelled as she heard the knock on her door, putting her books away and quickly moving to open it      and then she came face to face with his... chest. internally sighing because of the struggle of her height, juliet lifted her gaze in order to see him. adrian. her heart began to beat faster and faster in her chest, just like it always did whenever they were in the same place. everything has been an utter, complete mess between the two and in juliet’s life ever since the attack of that werewolf. but she did expect to see him. she hoped to see him      not when there was a party that pushed them together, but when they were... alone. when her mind wasn’t as complicated as it was before. just like now. lowering her gaze for a moment, her eyes caught the glimpse of...  “  my necklace...  ”  the whisper that escaped her mouth made how happy and grateful she was pretty obvious.  “  i.. i thought i lost it. thank you.  ” her gaze met the brunet’s again, a gentle, thankful smile on her lips.  “  you continue to be a hero, huh ?  ”  the fact that adrian couldn’t see, refused to believe how much of a kind soul he had was just so saddening. juliet remembered always wishing that he could see himself from her eyes whenever she was with him. letting out a small sigh, she took a step back and opened the door wider.  “  can you... come in ? please ?  ”
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.
The Living, Annie Dillard (b. 30 April 1945)
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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      he didn’t want to make a scene here at the bar with other people watching them. august sighed, putting his glass down on the bar and moving toward the redhead. “listen, come with me. i’ll tell you alright?” he wanted to go somewhere more private for this. “i’m attending a ball. that’s what i’m doing here. come on, this way.” he said, starting to lead her toward an empty hallway.
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      juliet almost decided to insist on staying there     but then again, there was no need to make a scene in front of people she didn’t know. ( people that might be dangerous. ) she followed the older man into the empty hallway, and turned to him with anger and hurt in her eyes.  “  but it is NOT just an ordinary ball, is it ?  ”
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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Flower (2017) Directed by Max Winkler
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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    FOR THE MOST PART, THE BALL WAS COMPRISED OF shadowhunters and downworlders. the high warlock certainly wasn’t expecting any mundanes, least of all the little redhead. turning in a surprise, she wasn’t supposed to be here. “little red?” who had brought her here? “i could ask you the same thing darling, who… who brought you here?” august had a feeling he would have to have a stern talking to whoever had brought a mundane to a shadowworld party.
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     the surprise on juliet’s face was slowly turning into anger      and disappointment. she hasn’t seen anyone like her there... any human. but august      he was family. he wouldn’t lie to her for her entire life. ..would he ? “  you didn’t reply to my question,  ”  the redhead argued, insistent on getting an answer first.  “  what are you doing here, august ?  ”
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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     as juliet walked closer, adrian was at loss of what to do. he couldn’t just turn around and leave even though he really wanted to - especially after what had happened. he had no courage to look her in the eye and still try to be like how they were before – when they’d go out together and chat, losing the track of time as they couldn’t even notice hous passing and feeling like only minutes to them. now… now, after how they parted and that look on juliet face, which adrian could name as betrayal, he knew things just couldn’t be the same. but since she was approaching… best adrian could do was to remain where he was and let her determine the distance she wanted to put between them, and not move an inch as he had lost the right to get any closer than she gets to him - he couldn’t place his hand on her back as he guided her through his favorite places in the city, he couldn’t gently brush a red lock of hair out of her face, he couldn’t be brave again and reach to hold and give her hand a gentle squeeze before they parted, like the last time he did. he had lost it all and that hurt a great deal.
     seconds passed and juliet didn’t say a single word. adrian could feel something in him stir disturbingly, something close to fear. why wasn’t she saying anything ?? he didn’t know. surely, if she didn’t wish to speak to him, she could’ve easily avoided him - it wasn’t like he was the one to come to her side. confused and taken aback, adrian first teared his eyes off her, looking down at the ground before raising his gaze once more. for a moment, though, he spent searching for his voice, and in all honesty - courage to speak. “ you look… exquisite. ” funny, the first thing adrian decided to speak about was her, again. it was as if whenever she was around, he couldn’t bring himself to talk about anything else as she’d simply come and sit in the center of his world, making him spin around her hopelessly. he then bit his lip softly, gaze wandering off again and towards the other guests, which reminded him the thing: she was not like them. she couldn’t have gotten an invitation, right ? so, who brought her here ? at the thought of her having a date for the night who had allowed her in making the air stuck in his throat, though adrian managed to play it cool and wet his lips before speaking once again. “ i didn’t think i’d see you here. ”
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    virid orbs focused on his face as the silence between them became more and more painful in every second. the quietness was so unbearable that juliet tried to force herself to find proper words       yet, no words were enough to describe how good he looked, ( good enough to make her feel like she was staring at the beauty of the moon, the stars. ) how she felt like, ( like she was standing on a cliff, waiting to fall. ) or how he made her feel like. ( like he was down there, waiting to catch her as soon as she fell. like he would never let her break. ) however, being the hero that he is, adrian saved her from her suffering and broke the silence between them with words that caused juliet’s heart to beat faster and faster. the redhead focused on only him, and his words     maybe, if she managed to ignore everyone around them, she wouldn’t be as stressed. afraid. you look… exquisite. a surprised    yet soft smile appeared on her lips. did she, really ? the dress charlotte found for her was quite magnificent, but the redhead was pretty sure that it’d look better on someone else. she felt like she was some kind of cosplayer, a wanna-be. like she didn’t fit in.  “  you don’t look bad yourself,  ”  words finally managed to escape her mouth, however, it was clearly an understatement. anyone that saw the way adrian looked would notice that.  “  well... a friend invited me.  ”  she replied, meaning charlotte by the word friend. the redhead looked around in order to find charlotte among the crowd, yet, she ended up seeing people with quite strange features once again. which caused her to automatically ask, “ ..what are they ?  ”  noticing her question might have sounded too rude ( she was literally in a room full of supernatural creatures, standing in front of someone who murdered a supposedly werewolf in front of her days ago, and yet      she was worrying about being rude. ) juliet quickly added.  “  i mean... if you don’t mind me asking, of course.  ”
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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    IT SHOULDN’T HAVE BEEN ALL THAT SURPRISING, to see the high warlock of los angeles at an important party such as this. he had attended many a ball in his time. and what wasn’t even more surprising was seeing him at the bar, sipping a martini that was almost as perfect as the ones he made, almost. he had mingled a little bit as required of him when he had arrived, but then the bar had called to him. taking a long sip, he looked up, recognition showing on his face as the person approached him. “it’s an open bar, it would be a crime if i didn’t test our their bartenders, yes?”
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     as she was left alone ( even if it was just for a few minutes ) juliet’s eyes wandered around the room, until they settled on the very familiar figure that was sitting at the bar, talking to someone.  “  august ?  ”  juliet questioned, walking toward him.  “  what     what are you doing here ?  ”  humans like her weren’t even supposed to be there. and august... he was a human. he had to be, right ?
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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the  Y E L L I N G  shook her awake. head rested comfortably on the shop’s couch pillows, eyes fluttering open. then half a second passed and the banging started. that’s when she slipped off the furniture, all but hitting the side of her hip on the counter as she rushed to open the door.  (  she nearly ripped it off it’s hinges , feeling the silver around her neck throb  ).  ‘  jesus christ , jules           are you okay ? what’s wrong ?  ’
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     “  no     no i’m       ”  the redhead quickly stepped inside, making a quite big effort to hold back her tears.  “  i’m not.  ”  she finished as her ( now teary ) eyes finally landed on her best friend.  “  i was      i was attacked by a... by a wolf.  ”  a werewolf, as adrian said. but how could she even explain that to sofìa ?
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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     adrian originally didn’t want to come – which wasn’t surprising at all. not only did he dislike such big social events but also, the theme of the party, was more likely to ruin his mood even more given how it’d constantly remind him of what he had once and lost many years ago. nevertheless, charlotte didn’t fail to convince him into attending and now there he was, eyeing the crowd. he was mainly indifferent to everything going on around him until his gaze landed on one particular girl walking in. juliet. with her flame hair cascading onto her shoulders which were clad in a fine crushed velvet emerald green gown, contrasting her hair and complimenting her eyes. she was breathtaking. ironically, adrian didn’t even have to breathe at all but he could somehow feel his chest tighten at the glorious sight before him. poor vampire, unable to tear his eyes off the girl as he felt like that naive, pure prince back in the day especially with the whole theme of the ball, he didn’t even realize she had noticed his staring until his eyes wandered back to her face again and their eyes met – and lightning struck. that was the only way to explain all those feelings his body went through as soon as those green gems looked back into his eyes and for the first time in a long while, adrian vincent lancaster was at loss of words, barely even finding his voice as he couldn’t help but mumble, “ juliet. ”
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     it wasn’t quite shocking for charlotte to notice how down juliet was      which, kind of made juliet wonder if she knew about adrian. after all, charlotte was originally his friend, right ? however, even thinking about it was making her brain ache       the reality she knew, she relied on, was completely broken. and for someone like juliet, someone that believes in science    not magic, what she recently learned was a lot to handle. so of course, when charlotte first tried to make her go to this ball that was thrown by people she didn’t even know about, juliet tried to decline it at first. but seeing that the blonde got her a dress and all... well, sometimes it was too hard to reject a friend.       stepping into the ballroom, first, she noticed the guests. guests with inhuman features, abnormally pointy ears... she was so ready to turn her back and go away from there as fast as possible. but then she noticed him, and as soon as their eyes met, the redhead could swear that she could hear the explosions, the fireworks that were caused all by her heart. she felt her heart pounding like crazy in her chest, just like it did the first time they met when he saved her. juliet found herself absently walking toward him, trying her best to ignore the creatures surrounding her. adrian’s presence wrapped her whole body with the feeling of safety, comfort. it was strange in some way      the fact that she could count on him even after everything they’ve been through. but also quite refreshing. juliet looked up ( even with the heels, he was still so much taller than her ) as she finally stood in front of him        yet, couldn’t find any words to say. what could you even say to a person if the last time you saw him you both were in a murder scene ?
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
CLOSED STARTER for @halfseel  !
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      “  sof !  ”  juliet called her best friend’s name as she banged on her door. she needed to talk to someone       she needed to talk to her. immediately.  “  SOFÌA !  open the door      please.  ”
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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      troy freezes. is this – no, it can’t – is it? the name sends a pulse through his body, leaving his gut twisted and tight, the blood slowly fading from his cheeks. he knows what he left behind and he knew that, somewhere out there, that his family were living and getting on with their life and a part of him had eventually come to terms with that. whether it was a natural occurrence or the influence of the clave on his young impressionable mind will never be known, but what is known is that name - juliet ariel whitmore - metaphorically brings the confused male to his knees. “— my sister.”
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     juliet finally let loose, tears rushed down her face as she slowly nodded her head. the confusion, fear, happiness, sadness, anger, surprise      all the emotions that came from his sudden presence was just too much for the redhead to handle. you didn’t see your supposedly dead brother appear out of nowhere every day.  “  how can you be alive ?  ”  juliet questioned, seeking for answers to bring an end to this mess. her whole life      her whole life has changed after his death. and juliet just wished this to be one of her dreams. ( but also, she wanted to run to him, wrap her arms around him in order to show him just how much she missed him. )  “  why didn’t you come back before ? why didn’t you come back for me ?  ”
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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     the back of his wrist moving up to his mouth to wipe the blood absent-mindedly, adrian was unable to tear his gaze away from juliet as much as he wanted to do – out of shame – but the urge to see her reaction was overcoming any other. as the shock faded and the reality that she now had seen what kind of monster he was settling in, the look on his face became one of pure pain, lips pressing together in order to help the aching in his dead heart even though the hurt had been buried deep inside centuries ago, only now being dug out by the girl – especially that one single tear that ran down her cheek. it was adrian - it was because of him that she was crying, and that was enough to make adrian hate himself even more. he did it again, he managed to ruin one good thing in his life. he should’ve seen it coming, nothing ever worked well for him anyway; it was all on him for hoping and wanting to believe that maybe… maybe he could have something nice for once. but life slapped him across the face with the reality once more, and now adrian was left heart-broken. “ you know what. ” he replied, voice rough and deep from his throat as he struggled to even speak. his feet slowly dragging backwards, he moved himself away from the girl, swallowing hard as he shook his head. “ don’t make me say it, juliet… ” he said, voice softer now as it almost came out as a whisper – he was begging her, his eyes pleading as he kept moving away. “ don’t… ”
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         “  no,  ”  the ginger whispered as the distance between them grew bigger and bigger, almost feeling like a cliff now. if she took just one step further, she’d start falling. as if she wasn’t already falling.  “  it      it doesn’t make sense,  ”  oh, the cliché words that she recognized from movies, fictions, were now leaving her own mouth. she remembered how she judged the people in her situation while watching the movies or reading the books about the supernatural. he just murdered someone in front of you, he’s not a human, why aren’t you running ? she’d question         but now ? now she understood why they never ran away. she didn’t just understand it, she felt it in the middle of her heart as her eyes settled on the man.  “  vampires,  ”  finally being brave enough to let the word out, she continued.  “  they’re not real. magical creatures, this     there’s no      there’s no scientifical explanation for that. there’s no explanation for that. this can’t be real.  ”  maybe, if she repeated the words enough, she’d wake up and realize that this was all a nightmare. she was still trembling from the shock that came from the          the wolf that attacked her. juliet wiped away the single tear on her cheek ( yet it was followed by a few others afterward ) and forced herself to look down at what was left from the wolf’s body      her eyes immediately shut down after seeing how mercilessly murdered it was.  “  why’d you kill it like     like this ?  ”  the question left her lips as her eyes remained closed.
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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     her heart pounding away in her chest loudly should’ve made the vampire lust for her blood, forgetting all about saving her to have his mouth on her porcelain looking neck already, tasting the sweet blood that must’ve been in her veins. but instead adrian was just sort of awestruck, listening to the beautiful pattern of it - so strong, so fluttering, so alive.
                                                                                                                              FELL IN LOVE WITH THE LAMB.
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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whiitmore-blog · 6 years
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