whereelsetovent · 5 years
February 27, 2020
Bored today so i figured I’d search things to do  when bored. I’m a full timer now. Since Dec 1, 2019. Job’s great, life is good. Problem is, I feel like I want a girlfriend? But its tough getttin’ one haha. I’m lookin to get my Lasik consultation on March 9 at king Lasik. Since Shelby’s been there and says they’re good. He’s gonna get his on March 12. So yeah, pretty sweet. Hopefully I’m eligible :d that’s be awesome. Buy some new jeans, and talk to financial advisor, swappin my Daily RSP to high TFSA Would be better. Get that dough $$$
Workin on sign offs. Robbie secord is our new team leaderrrrrr!! which is so fuckin lit. Dave will be leaving in a year or two. Then rob freddie’s gonna take over. which I wouldn’t mind at all. I know phil wouldn’t like it nor Jordan, but fuck it. He’s better than Dave imo. For some reason, i’m tryin to chase after emily. Started a month after the breakup with jean. idk why I keep trying to chase her... partially cuz she’s the first girl thats rejected me, and I mean she’s hella pretty. Right now, she’s in Calgary. stayin there for a few months. but fuck does she not like me. Iuno if i should keep pursuin her man. IU should stop, I did tell her I would. But I just kept bouncin’ back :x. Goin to the gym with Wilson tmrrow. Let em know 4 of us coworkers won $1000 from the lottery, so $250 ea is what I won xD. Talk to you later bobs.
Oh right, we got new dog- hiro. he’s sleepin underneath my chair right now. haha I walked him today. He’s a good boi, but still bites a bit. So we got this coin shaker to scare him and keep his mind off of bitin’ lol
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whereelsetovent · 5 years
September 17, 2019
wholy moly its been so long since I last wrote down... what a whirlwind of events. welp I got the job at Gibsons energy! started july 3, 2019 :DDDD 
Today was pretty good. walked in on jake holding control panel and Tyler wasn’t there xD cuz levi, jarred, and tyler had an argument the day before. Today was good. I did staging today, and phil worked the tops. Staging was nice, only few tweaks had to call Sam from Suncor and CHelsea to make a few changes on product codes. went pretty well. Near the end of shift, jarred put on youtube: modern warfare!! Rob secord mentioned I can buy the beta, pre-order it. play it! and get a refund if I don’t like it!! how cool is that?!?! Anyways, September 23rd is my baby girls anniversary with me :DDD Planning to take her to paint nite!! My first time too. The muttart conservatory apparently is still under construction until 2021!! Was gonna do that, but paint nite is very nice!! Talkt o you later bobby!! Great job on getting the job!! a job I LOVEEE. (planning to get the diesel 1992 placard as a tattoo) 
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whereelsetovent · 6 years
March 4, 2019 Monday
9:51PM, had a small argument with baby. i didn’t realize it was hard for her to finish up her paper. I honestly thought she was talking to someone that distracted her, and that pissed me off cuz she has to take care of herself. Her fucking friends haven’t even finished their report, so she wants to be like her friends and also procrastinate. NOW THAT’S what I fucking hate. Mark, Randip, and stephan are seriously fucking pissing me off, even Hya. They think they’re cool by being lazy, and that affects my baby girl. She feels like if she does too much for the group. She’ll feel too smart, and they won’t like her. I FUCKING HATE THAT. those pieces of shit is making my baby girl feel fucking stressed. 
I love her, even though I haven’t mentioned it to her yet lol. Today was alright, didn’t like the fact that my baby spent 3-4 hours today on her fucking paper. I swear her friends are making her feel stressed. FUCKEN PIECES OF SHT. She deserves smarter friends, seriously, fuckin pieces of cunts niggers.
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whereelsetovent · 6 years
February 13, wednesday
today i woke up earlier than usual, at 7am i arrived at school. Didn’t realize I arrived so fuckin early lol. I did it so I could check out hysys assignment. It was only Josh, Logan, Kelly, that showed up. Hysys assignemnt turned out to be pretty easy lol. Today was the process controls exam, Jay’s class. Jean had 58% on her exam, and when I wrote the exam it wasn’t too bad. hahaa i’m talking to her right now, and I told her i’m writing this diary. Next week is reading week. very excited. and I’m going to Lloydminster with Sexy Baby Princess on saturday for Audrey’s Birthday. gonna be a blast. Laterrr.
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whereelsetovent · 6 years
february 4 monday
Started school at 9:00am instead of 8:00am. Since english class wasn’t mandatory anymore, only students that need help with partial draft work attended. This morning wasn’t too bad, the roads weren’t as bad compared to the weather. This week is on average -30C. crazy right? Scientists say it’s because of a polar vortex that’s goin on. Anyways, started the morning with a “Gmorning my sexy pumpkin <3″ to my baby girlfriend Jean Jean, she told me last night that Haya was going for dinner with her friend after the Nisku lab, so Jean who usually goes with her, has to go with her three guy friends instead. Now, what upset me was the fact that when I offered to drive her after class, she mentioned a few reasons why I don’t need to pick her up. Like it’s too far, or that they’ll just drop her off. I guess part of me was jealous. But I mean, they’re just her friends. After awhile, I thought about it and well I mean she’s not married to me, she can do what she wants. Besides, is she the type of person to cheat on you? helll no, she knows if she does. she’s gonna lose me, just like that. 
 first class was intro to project management for two hours. Wasn’t bad, played Geometry wars the whole time. Second class was mette’s environmental pollution class. Handed in my Assignment 1, and we watched The Tipping Point documentary about the developments of oilsands in Canada and its effect. Same boring shit, but nice teacher, likes to tell Logan to stfu. Then came process controls, Jay’s class. Same shit again, except he looked a bit more stressed, which I agreed with Brad. We learned about P I D. proportional mode, PI mode (integral), and PD mode, derivative. Integral apparently has the biggest effect. Increasing gain makes the graph move upwards, increasing the integral allows the graph to be centered, and then slowly increasing the derivative allows the graph to steady out. And then it was hometime.
The entire time I was talking with Jean, texting each other. Today I wanted to change things, started to pick on her height, eyes, etc. we joked on each other the whole day. I mean I started to feel like shes trying to dominate me, so I gotta show her whose boss, this entire week im gonna be mean to her. Until after the three guys drop her off on friday. 
Anyways, that’s it. Came home shovelled the snow, Ohh right today is chinese new years! year of the pig, I mentioned happy chinese new years to Ku Ma
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whereelsetovent · 6 years
january 27, 2019
sooo it’s been awhile, haven’t posted in a loooong time. like 8months. well. here’s whats new I got a girlfriend!! and she’s one of the best things that’s ever happpened to me! Her name is Jean Allison Ariola. She’s actually a girlfriend i’ve never thought I’d get, she’s hella funny sometimes, super sexy, cute, smart, you name it. My mom made her cry once, and I didn’t like that at all. So after I dropped her off at her place, I told my mom what happened, and she felt sorry for what she said. Called my baby jean up and my mom apologized to her. It was wrong of my mom to keep picking on her, and I didn’t like that at all, nobody picks on jean except me. Anyways, It’s been a rollercoaster, yesterday was saturday, I just worked on my partial draft which still needs some touching up. I also was watching gordon ramsay doin the hot wing challenge, some DBZ super series at night (can’t wait for the movie to come out!), worked out at the gym with wilson, except we didn’t really work out. Been a long week for both of us, felt fatigued, so we just headed to the sauna and hot tub instead. When I got back home, I called my baby girl, jean, and surprisingly we talked 3 hours. Just can’t get enough of her. she likes it when I fuck her good. slowly and fast. she likes the little guy when I take pictures and show it to her. mmm she’s so fuckin tasty, I wanna eat her good and fuck her nice and slow. I really like fucking her doggy style. She can make me cum in like 2 minutes down there. Her favourite position was the on top, because she likes it when its face to face. Anyhow, been a while since I’ve uploaded my journal, I Should keep doing this. Jean’s birthday is on January 30. I plan to go to Dorinku on whyte to celebrate her birthday after school, will be fun!
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whereelsetovent · 6 years
april 21
today... i’m feeling so god dam fucking frustrated... i dont know where else to vent... god fucking HELL wholy fucking shiet i just wanna fucking break somthing... Jeline is hanging out with a piece of shit tomorrow playing pokemon go... FUCK this is the first time i felt so jealous.... and im pissed off cuz she didn’t tell me she was gonna do this... only when I asked what she was up this weekend only when she said a “friend” hanging out. ffs. and i got word from amy that the sun county rentals are pieces of shit snake cunt red necks. so now im gonna have to look for another place to stay. fucking kristin park the HR operations bitch isn’t doing shit to respond to any of our emails. We sent her a fuckload of emails stating we need HER SIGNATURE for us to continue with accurate background checks. like jesus christ just sign it. it’s not fucking rocket science. so i’m still waiting on that, waiting onmy schedule, waiting next week for this piece of shiet CJ whe ni get to meet his cunt, and i gotta find a new place to live in. Air bnb most likely. and i got fucking 5 more exams to worry about. wholy crap can this get any worst? oh yes it can.  CJ is a unwanted baptised faggot, why the fuck does he want to hang out with jeline when he has a girlfriend? ffs dude, get a new fuck buddy if you even can. jeline is mine, i swear to god u lay a hand on her i will turn you into a midget with a fucking vagina.
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
4th interview today. feb 13
Had an interview today at 9:00am for about 35 minutes. It was with Imperial Oil. How did I feel after the interview? Did not enjoy it on bit. One guy was playing with his laptop. Like go fuck yourself, the other guy was head down, drawing his dick size on a piece of paper. Like. why the FUCK are you here interviewing if you don’t even have the respect to give? For gods sake, and for all the other students doing the interview, put some energy into it. I mean, I myself was fuckin tired as fuck. 3 interviews took a lot out of me, and in the middle of february, they decided to finally do an interview here at NAIT, for christ sake, you aren’t a leading developer for oil sands for long, quit acting like a baby and step up your game and do the interviews early. Jesus. I gave up halfway the interview, they showed no respect, no attention, like the hell I want to work for an oil company that doesn’t give two shits about their employees when the economy crashes. Good luck working there! THANK GOD i got the job at Dow Chemical. Long term wise, it’s a great place to work for. Now the stepping stone is done, and now i’m walking up the stairs. I now must keep my head up and eyes open, it’s going to be one hell of a ride working at the Prentiss site. I just know it. Living alone, with complete strangers around me. Safety and security will be myconcern, and how I interact with the Dow culture will be up to me. I must stay focused at all times. With any opportunity that rises, I must take it. Liam mentioned how they’re doing an entire month of “maintenance” meaning pretty much shutting down the plant for a month. Now, I better take this opportunity to look around, find something to do. Always look productive, and ask people if they need assistance. It’ll do good in the long run. Hey Bobby, I’m super proud of you :) Good luck on the exam tomorrow, and don’t forget. What  ever you say, those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind, don’t matter ~ Dr. Seuss baby. One of my favourite quotes. Hang in there, cheers. Till next time.
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
It’s me again, about a month later. I’ve read the post “afraid of the future”. It was very very very hard to cope at the time. Only had one interview, and it didn’t turn out as well as I’d expected. But you know what happened... as of today, february 5. I got admitted to a co op job position at DOW CHEMICAL. for the summer prentiss site. How. Cool. Is. That?? I am EXTREMELY proud of you bobby. Bobby. You. Did. Great. I have another interview with Imperial Oil next tuesday. Now i’m thinking it might be a little bit tough. My friends have mentioned 14 people just about will be interviewed, and maybe 1 or 2 will be selected. I’m very happy with DOW CHEMICAL atm. Apparently they were very happy with my interview, haha, I’m glad I got dow chemical. Sure it’s not Oil, not as much $$$ but it sure as hell is above average. And vincent’s friend says staying in Red Deer wasn’t so bad (just avoid the Northwest side). I’m hoping things will turn out okay. I’m glad I got accepted into a summer program. I’m very proud of you Bobby :) Oh and about the post on how you don’t deserve Jeline. It feels different now, don’t it. She’s very different from the girls I’ve met. Maybe it’s her maturity... maybe it’s her beauty, maybe it’s her beautiful personality, she’s very cute in her own way. I like that cute butt of hers. haha. Great job Bobby. But It ain’t over yet, step 1 is mission clear. Now it’s on to the next level, the next difficulty: see how Dow Chemical is like, the culture, especially the people. Enjoy being yourself around them. That’s key, they wanna see the real you, so hey, show them the real you okay? xo
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
afraid of the future
Hey, it’s been awhile. I finished my suncor interview a week ago. I’m writing about this because I need to let go of my feelings, I need to confide it somewhere and I’ve chosen to confide it in this post. I like to think of the things I did wrong, I like to think of the things that made it not work, even though I tried my best at the interview. But I want you to know Bobby. That it’s not over, I know it may seem that it’s over especially if you don’t get a summer job. I know it hurts, I know the pain, I know it hurts inside like someones is tearing your heart out. I know you’ve had thoughts of hurting yourself. It’s not good to think that. WHY is it so hard to be patient, I must be patient for the week to be over. partially it’s because of Jeline. I’m afraid of letting her down, I’m afraid of others, I’m afraid of telling her I didn’t make it, I’m scared. I’m really really scared, Amy says the way i told her, everything went well. It sure did. But that doesn’t mean I got the job. I forgot to ask lots of more questions, it looked as if they wanted to get rid of me. idk, phil said they might be racist, cause he was only the  10% or 5% asian in the entire refinery. And that hurts. Be patient bobby, it’s okay. I forgive you. Forgive myself bobby. I don’t know what to say to Jeline, I honestly don’t know. I don’t think I deserve her... when I can’t even get a student co op job? 
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
Sept 16 2017. small void filled
It’s very rare for people to find something that fills a void. I’m grateful for being one of those people. Never in my life would I be able to be myself surrounded by a bunch of great friends. I’m actually tearin’ up while writing this short. And it’s all thanks to my family, well amy for wanting me to first finish my degree and then get into NAIT chemical engineering tech program. Little did I know, the courses I’ve taken are the courses I want to take. Which in a way boosts my good mood just a bit more. It’ll only get tougher from here on out Bobby. Stay on your toes, you’ll never know if something might catch you off guard. Oh and there’s this girl whose been giving me mixed signals, Christianne. She’s hella cute tho, not gunna lie buooy. But turns out she’s got a boyfriend ferr about a year or two by now? i mean it’s not like i’ve been searching her on facebook and looking through her timeline or anything haHaa. Aaand turns out Ella is attracted to me sooo I guess if I play my cards right I could make use of it heh... smh lawlness. I’m happy for you Bobby, I’ve suffered quite a bit and I’m suuuper happy things are slowly changing for the better. I’m glad I’m in NAIT, I’m glad I’m in Chemical engineering tech, I’m glad I met new friends. Oh speaking of friends, I swear Brad is just like Wilson LOL. LIKE THEY’RE SO SIMILAR. apparently his birthday is tomorrow sept 17, 2017 I believe that’s Virgo? man oh man he’s a perfectionist just like wilson and he knows his stuff too. That’s super hilarious and we get along sooo well man, so weird. glad we’re buds tho. Anyways, cheers mate to a fantastiqo future~ 
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
Pushing forward in life one step at a time
I wanted to improve my English grammar, so I YouTubed a list of videos: Sentence types, fragments and comma splices, Punctuation: colons and semicolons, and most importantly writing effective paragraphs. As I’m watching these videos, I catch myself wanting to make more improvements and what better to make improvements in grammar than to read a inspirational book. The next improvement I made was reading a book “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss. I chose this book because it was a quick 5 minute read yet impactful.  The book initially started with positive vibes how life was after a graduate. Making moves, applying for jobs, posiive feedback all the good stuff. Then came the slumps, which in a few poetic words explained my exact predicament.  “ Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. Except when you don’t. Because, sometimes, you won’t...  The Waiting Place… …for people just waiting.” I was waiting for a plan to drop from the sky and tell me what to do on how to move forward and upward in life. I was waiting for success to land on my lap and feed me happiness, I was waiting for anything good to happen. Which came to ultimately be anyones downfall, is to wait. Somehow that wasn’t for me, I had to escape. The ugliness, the hatred, the slavery. It all had to go away, so I applied to NAIT chemical engineering tech. It gave me a different path to choose than IKEA/ warehousing. I had another opportunity to push forward in life and this time, for the very first time I feel like I’m in charge. Its going to be a tough uphill battle, but from here on out, it’s me pushing forward with everything I’ve got. 
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
Aug 28, 2017
1 week left before NAIT chem eng tech starts, can’t wait.
Today we went to cloverdale park? well, it’s by the muttart conservatory cross the 92nd street manmade beach. Was super fun, stayed for about an hour, threw rocks down river, made circles and lobbed rocks inside them, lots of dogs around. I felt really myself and happy that I was there, we made a “rock dam” to see if it’ll stay there the next day we go. Just me, amy and chris went.
We got hungry after and ate these tasty shaved ice dessert at Snowy village. Super packed there, and a few prettty girls were there too. It felt very nice and pleasant eating there. Great for summer dessert. I mentioned restaurants could make a bit more $$ if they had these guys for dessert. Orientation starts on friday, hopefully I can get my parking permit, take a look at classes, and find take a peek into the fitness centre gym. and maybe a yearly handbook while im at it.
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
An awesome motivational read (21 pages approx) gives insight on man...
“ Let a man radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life. Men imagine that thought can be kept secret, but it cannot; it rapidly crystallizes into habit, and habit solidifies into circumstance. Bestial thoughts crystallize into habits of drunkenness and sensuality, which solidify into circumstances of destruction and disease: impure thoughts of every kind crystallize into enervating and confusing habits, which solidify into distracting and adverse circumstances: thoughts of fear, doubt, and indecision crystallize into weak, unmanly, and irresolute habits, which solidify into circumstances of failure, indigence, and slavish dependence: lazy thoughts crystallize into habits of uncleanliness and dishonesty, which solidify into circumstances of foulness and beggary: hateful and condemnatory thoughts crystallize into habits of accusation and violence, which solidify into circumstances of injury and persecution: selfish thoughts of all kinds crystallize into habits of self-seeking, which solidify into circumstances more of less distressing. On the other hand, beautiful thoughts of all kinds crystallize into habits of grace and kindliness, which solidify into genial and sunny circumstances: pure thoughts crystallize into habits of temperance and self-control, which solidify into circumstances of repose and peace: thoughts of courage, self-reliance, and decision crystallize into manly habits, which solidify into circumstances of success, plenty, and freedom: energetic thoughts crystallize into habits of cleanliness and industry, which solidify into circumstances of pleasantness: gentle and forgiving thoughts crystallize into habits of gentleness, which solidify into protective and preservative circumstances: loving and unselfish thoughts crystallize into habits of self-forgetfulness for others, which solidify into circumstances of sure and abiding prosperity and true riches....”
Every move thats made basically the afterthought of a thought. Think good, and good will befall good circumstances. Never really thought of that, it kind of gave me the impression of how I interact with my mom and parents. I think of them as “holding me back” but if I alter that thought and see them as someone caring “tough love” ... but I keep thinking of the negatives I hate how the negatives outweigh the positives ya know? just like me... think good stuff and the bad stuff takes over... it’s actually kind of hard to overcome negatives, and choosing and controlling the thoughts is actually quite difficult to maintain. Nevertheless, even continuing the workout routine/habit is great for self-worth and esteem! Good job Bobby I’m very proud of you, note to self. Lol.
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
Aug 24
Pretty good day, went to go do deadlift with wilson at londonderry fitness center. I snapped a muscle a few weeks ago and the dull pain came back. Feels bad maaan, but he showed me a stretch move : pull your left arm out and it totally worked! I felt wonderful, super sensitive that stretch but because it’s sensitivie it’s workin. Great I went today felt gooood.
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
Mon, Aug 22, 2017
Fun today, went out to river valley. Found a sweet spot in whitemud park? by valley zoo. Found a sweet spot to chill, wet feet on soft mud. awesome. Went to dog park too, amy and chris and brad were able to pet 2 dogs tho lol. got pizza 73 after and watched black mirror episodes. One of em was about extortion. “Shut up and Dance”. the second episodes was Men on Fire. About soldiers getting implants which essentially controls there 5 senses. These so called “Roaches” are actually humans with a seriously bad gene pool but in those soldiers eyes with Mass Implants they see them as monsters. Point is, shoot to kill em all, but they’re actually human. I felt good today, not all bad. I mean I figured out that when talking to someone. See their expressions/passion when they talk. It triggers a reaction and automatic response, I believe that’s a good way to start communicating with others. Figure out what sort of passion is in them when they speak and respond accordingly.
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whereelsetovent · 7 years
August 20, 2017
I accomplished Lucio Masters! 3800~ very close to top 500 in North America! Very proud of myself. Now I wonder if I can hit 3500 masters on competitive SR *thinking face
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