When you work in kommunal sektor
12 posts
Inom budgetramen
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When the lokal näringsidkare påstår att upphandlingen was riggad to make a särskild leverantör win the kontrakt
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When kommunal tjänsteman has to använda the ärendehanteringssystem
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When the kafépersonal pours new kaffe in the kaffekanna when its still old kaffe in the kaffekanna.
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When the budgetberedning doesn't care about your förslag till budgetäskande that will improve the arbetsmiljö in the kommun.
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When the möte with the enhet that could take a halvtimme instead takes two hours because kollega has to many övriga frågor. 
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When the JO wants to komma på besök at the kommunhus.
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When you come back from the betald semester to the stadshus.
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When kommunal medarbetare thinks that you have time to förklara what an allmän handling is again
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When your kollegor was faster at undvika the chefens fråga who can work late on fredag.
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When you have to listen to how the kommun doesn't have pengar for personalkostnader but you know it has pengar for SKL-konferens for chefer.
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When you get a massbegäran av allmänna handlingar and you know that maskning is gonna ske.
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When you can't have the samma diskussion over again with arg rättshaverist that will JO-anmäla you.
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