The Cask Of The Amontilado
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“In Pace Requisant” ( Poe 287)  Humor is illustrated through verbal irony in this quote. When the narrator ( Montresor) says “In Pace Requisant” to Fortunado as he walls him up he is being quite sarcastic as well as being ironic. This is evident because of Montresor’s distaste towards Fortunado. Earlier when Montresor said “ The thousand injuries..”
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“The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to toes in the habiliments of the grave. The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the cantenance of a stiffened corspe.” (Poe,45)
In Poe’s masque of the red death the reveal of the masked figure (later revealed to be the red death) establishes a dark and erie atmosphere. The masked figure looks like a victim of the red death. That puts everyones emotions on edge. The prince and his people were trying to avoid the red death and ignore it in the back of their minds, but everyone is reminded when this figure appears
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“I knew it myself no longer my original soul seemed at once to take its flight from my body; and a more the fiendish malevolence, ginnurtured, thrilled every fiber of my frame” (Poe,13)
In Poe’s “the black cat” the credibility of the narrator is poor. The narrator that tells us the story of the black cat is crazy with severe mental instability. We can not rely on recieving an accurate story either. The narrator has lost his mind and was taken over by a demon like anger after his cat simply scratched him. It is also stated that this man is a drunk; the truth we hear is possibly skewerd because we can not trust him since he is always drunk.
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“I put forward my arm shuddered to find that i had fallen at the brink of a circular pit” (Poe 270)
In Edgar Allan Poe’s The Pit and The Pendulum, the relevence of this quote is that it creates suspense in the story. Knowing the narrator tripped and fell mere inches from the pit scares both the narrator and the reader, since the pit almost caused a painfull death. Suspense is also created by the thought of the upcoming fate of the narrator. Knowing that this dungeon is designed as a death trap for the protagonist makes us anxious and puts our emotions on edge as we discover the upcoming fate for the character.
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