100 posts
I am lazy, irregular, easily distracted, always tired and usually hungry. Any and all questions that pertain to me can usually be answered by some combination of those five problems.
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
I just need to be able to find this quickly later
i’ve been doing my homework on how to break into a writing career and honestly. there’s a Lot that i didn’t know about thats critical to a writing career in this day and age, and on the one hand, its understandable because we’re experiencing a massive cultural shift, but on the other hand, writers who do not have formal training in school or don’t have the connections to learn more via social osmosis end up extremely out of loop and working at a disadvantage. 
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
OOC: Cloak & Dagger Season 2 Finale
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
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Lucifer 1x04 // Whiskey Cavalier 1x08
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
“How do we end up getting married?”
“Figure it out”
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Will getting hung up about his and Frankie’s hypothetical marriage
Bonus: Disappointment
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
Holla, girl if I had money....
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
I was waiting for someone to mention this because I don’t know how to make a gifset
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
Tyrondy / Tyrone x Tandy Deckerstar / Chloe x Lucifer
Shipping aesthetic™: Dangerous men and the women they love
Bonus points if the woman is also dangerous
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
Out of Context Cloak & Dagger Season 2 Finale Promo Images
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^Chris Sanchez on Artstation
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
Baron Samedi
Disclaimer: I am NOT in any way, shape, or form, to any extent, under any circumstances, in any light an expert on, or even very knowledgeable about Lwa/Loa, Vodou, Rada or Ghede.
I only went looking for Samedi(pron. in the trailer Samdy), who is known as the Baron, and various spellings of his name and is the Lwa/Loa of Death and Resurrection. He seems to be depicted much like Doctor Facillier in Disney’s Princess and the Frog- skull/drawn skull on face, top hat and tailcoat, cane sometimes, bone skinny with long fingers, also dark sunglasses and with a cigar or a glass of rum, and with the colors black, white, and purple. As Papa Legba(Tandy called him Papa Mysterious, Chantalle called him “That Which Stands at the Crossroads”) is more to do with life and light(but not only that), Samedi is more to do with darkness or death, but not morbid.
Some of the things he does/can do is heal any mortal wound or illness, break curses and hexes(as well as place them I think) and stop death if he thinks its worth it because he is kind of the gatekeeper of death. If he does not dig the grave, a person will not die. However, I suppose to go with his dark side persona, he is not only fond of smoking and drinking, dirty jokes and foul language, but is, of course, a trickster and will ask for different things in exchange for his help from wearing certain colors to performing full blown Vodou ceremonies. It fits, therefore, that he runs an arcade in the dark domain.
My assumption is that Ty is about to die for one reason or another- my guess is that its Andre after his record shop caught a case of Mayhem, and after Chantalle told him how close he was to ascending to Loa. I think it’s possible that Andre might have maybe tried to put a death hex on Tyrone.
And P.S. in Vodou he is married and his wife is called Mamman Briggite.
my few sources:
https://www.gede.org/lwas/gede.html https://kreolmagazine.com/culture/history-and-culture/baron-samedi-a-loa-of-the-dead/#.XNXre9NKiRs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baron_Samedi
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
Just y’all real quick, real quick, ya’ll.
Copy/Paste from TVguide Cloak and Dagger:
“Two teens in a budding romance discover they both have special powers that complement each other's. Based on the Marvel comic-book series.“
Thank you for your time.
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
Lucifer S5
We open in shadows, grey bits of dust floating in the air until the drop of a heavy, heeled, black boot throws the debris back into the air. A pair of more sensible brown boots strides past and iron gates crash in the background with a cacophonous clatter that echoes into oblivion.
Figures stride by columns made of salt and sulphur, climb stairs and stand- ants in the desolation millennia in the making and still ever expanding. A number lost on the minds of humans counts the eyes- dark and soulless- that pause, aware of an inconsistency, a light, that should not be. The wave of attention ripples out until it reaches the highest point, and a figure of dark regality descents in a dazzling display of feathers unfitting this world. 
The figure stares at the intruders. The first returns his bewilderment with a stare that could turn medusa to stone. The second wavers between welling up with tears and crinkling in a wry smile. This face is marred by small, new scratches and a few aging scars cloaked in the pallor of work hard done and days hard spent; yet nothing could detract from it’s brilliance.
“Ch-Chloe?” The winged figure nearly chokes, taking a step forward. The woman takes a step for him too, reaching up to touch his paled face- he looks so tired, so close to empty. Her caress is intoxicating and his face falls into her hand as she leans toward him, and he stares at her approaching blue eyes. Her lips part and she whispers,
“So... the plan was that you were just going to leave me to explain all those dead bodies in that theatre myself, right? Fly us home- Maze doesn’t have wings.”
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
"Cocoa Revenge"???
Ty a la Cloak & Dagger for Tandy
GreyWorm via Game of Thrones for Missandei
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
Looks like a got two full helpings of Cocoa Revenge coming at me next week. I know one will end better than the other.
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 6 years ago
Andrew Rannells and Josh Gad as Hayden and Damon on Bob’s Burgers
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 7 years ago
Leave it to him to say ‘I love you’ as straight up to her face as he ever will by cutting it with a final goodbye and making sure he said it for her so he could prove he knows, have the last word, and keep her from having to say anything herself.
I weep for the sweet, agonizing torture of anyone who ships this unplatonically.
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 7 years ago
There is not enough time for me to look at the abject repulsed terror on Tandy’s face and the immediate sympathetic “I think I just saw your soul take a kick to the teeth” on Tyrone’s blurry face before I black out and wake up to see her making sure wherever her mother may be he’s still there right behind her when all EITHER. OF. THEM. NEED> IS THE  HUUG THEY CANT HAVE..!.!
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whenisitnottimeforbed · 7 years ago
I only have three characters myself(half-orc paladin, dragonborn barbarian, half-elf rouge) so I havn’t explored much and honestly, I’m new myself too I feel so I’ve been reluctant to jump into anything that mains magic or arcana of any kind because of all the extra you gotta do for it, but have you looked into a fighter class? Monk or knight or fighter or anything like those? It might be a nice change of pace for you and Monk for instance can do some magic I believe so a good dip-that-toe situation.
I need help deciding what kinda character to play next in D&D - still a relative noob (this is my second campaign) so I figured I’d throw out an ask here to see if anyone’s got any recommendations for fun classes to play. I’ve played 2 characters so far - first was a very naughty ranger gnome who had to be replaced because she wasn’t a team player, second was a druid/rogue (kind of a hybrid built mainly by my DM) half-elf who was basically a supernatural private eye. 
Mainly looking for pure class recommendations, I think I can handle the flavor stuff on my own but I don’t know what classes are fun to play - probably depends a lot on builds etc but basically I’m aiming to either be DPS or tank (we have a healer already) and I want to be useful and I want to have strong multiple-target abilities. My previous heroes were bow-focused (because I am and always will be a slut for archery) and it got a lil boring after a while. 
Oh and the new campaign is gonna be in the desert so that’s what I’m going for flavor-wise, something that’ll fit in there. 
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