whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Meal Planning Wednesday - Week Beginning 11/02
Meal Planning Wednesday – Week Beginning 11/02
This week is Valentines week so Thursday we will have a meal separate to the children. We usually get the Waitrose meal deal so we don’t have to spend time putting anything together ourselves. What do you normally do?
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What meals have you got planned?
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Life Lately | Letters from Katy
Life Lately | Letters from Katy
Happy February! I’d say I blinked and missed January but that would be a lie – that month went on for at least 3 months, didn’t it?
I haven’t written a life lately update in forever and after having a little time to think about my blog over the last few weeks I decided I really wanted to make them a regular thing again. I feel like I have neglected my blog a bit the last 12 months but I miss it…
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Tuesday Ten: Get organised and stay in control
Tuesday Ten: Get organised and stay in control
So many people decide that the new year is the time to get themselves organised and in control of their lives. But how do you actually go about it? Tidy the house, start a new diary and hope for the best? You can have all the good intentions but without forming true habits, those plans will soon fall to the wayside.
Today I want to share ten ways to ensure you stay in control of your life and…
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Giveaway: Win the February Box from Box Happy
Giveaway: Win the February Box from Box Happy
Inside: Giveaway for a fantastic gift box from Box Happy. 
You have probably gathered by now that I am all about finding the positive every day. I write in my gratitude journal daily and try my absolute hardest to see the best in each and every situation.
Sometimes though, you do need a pick-me-up, don’t you? Something that brightens your day and gives you that extra boost to keep going.
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Meal Planning Wednesday - Week Beginning 04/02
Meal Planning Wednesday – Week Beginning 04/02
I am trying to introduce more veggie and fish dishes but am really struggling for ideas – if you have any tried and tested family favourites then I’d love to hear them!
Here is what we are having this week…
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Meal Planning Wednesday - Week Beginning 28/01
Meal Planning Wednesday – Week Beginning 28/01
I am a little late with this one as I was so ill last week I couldn’t even bear to think about food! Better late than never though and we really enjoyed the lasagne tonight!
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What is on your meal plan this week? Let me know in the comments so I can get ideas for next week!
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Meal Planning Wednesday - Week Beginning 21/01
Meal Planning Wednesday – Week Beginning 21/01
Inside: My meal plan for the week beginning 21/01/2019
I always do my meal planning on a Wednesday so that I have plenty of time to get the ingredients I need.
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What is on your meal plan this week? Let me know in the comments so I can get ideas for next week!
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Forget the to-do list, this will make you more organised
Forget the to-do list, this will make you more organised
I am not sure when I became a list lover but with age has come an inability to hold on to too much information. Or perhaps it is just the fact I have more to think about compared to my 8 year old self.
Either way, I cannot live without my to-do list. It is literally my brain, on paper. And if I ever lose it? I have no idea what I am doing. Zero clue.
The problem with to-do lists though, is…
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Meal Planning Wednesday - Week Beginning 14/01
Meal Planning Wednesday – Week Beginning 14/01
Inside: My meal plan for the week beginning 14/01/2019
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Not sure what a Cacciatore is? I didn’t know either so found this recipe.
What is on your meal plan this week? Let me know in the comments so I can get ideas for next week!
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Making time for us, starting with Float UK
Making time for us, starting with Float UK
Inside: A review of our experience at Float UK
With three kids, daily responsibilities as parents take up most of our spare time.
From the moment we hear the rattle of the stair-gate on the toddler’s bedroom, we start to plan the day. What clubs are on after school? Is there clean uniform? Shirts ironed? Are we having spaghetti bolognese for the 10th day running?
I get the toddler…
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Meal Planning Wednesday - Week Beginning 07/02
Meal Planning Wednesday – Week Beginning 07/02
Inside: My meal plan for the week beginning 07/01/2019
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Lasagne will be using this recipe – best lasagne I have ever made!
What is on your meal plan this week? Let me know in the comments so I can get ideas for next week!
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
My Perfect7 Renewal Advanced Results
My Perfect7 Renewal Advanced Results
A few weeks ago I told you about a great new product I have been using- Perfect7 Renewal Advanced from Seven Seas. I have had so many people tell me how great my skin is looking lately, so it is clear to see that it works!!
But what do the test results say?
At the beginning of the trial, I had the appearance of my skin measured by a skin analyst. She looked at roughness and wrinkles and took…
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
One dress, 5 ways
One dress, 5 ways
If you saw my 10×10 challenge a while back, you’ll know I am trying to reduce the amount I wear, simply by switching up different pieces to create more outfits. 
It is quite easy to style a pair of jeans 5 ways with different tops etc… but I thought I would set myself the challenge of styling a dress. Turning something that you may only wear once in a while, into a versatile piece that can…
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Feeling festive with White Stuff
Feeling festive with White Stuff
Tis the season… to wear Christmas jumpers and velvet dresses! Hurrah!
I am SO excited that it is December. I mean it has come out of nowhere as usual but at the same time I feel like we’ve been waiting ages to get into the festive spirit. Do you know what I mean?
December brings Christmas parties, trips to the garden centre to meet Santa and a whole load of festive activities that make me…
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Restore your pelvic floor with INNOVO®
Restore your pelvic floor with INNOVO®
A few months ago I shared a, quite frankly, revolutionary product that I’d discovered. I had so many messages to thank me for being so open about my weak pelvic floor and so many people now have a stronger pelvic floor as a result. 
The product?
INNOVO®  from Restore The Floor. Honestly, I cannot rave about it enough as they have given me the freedom to jump and bounce around without…
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Christmas gift ideas for kids
Christmas gift ideas for kids
I don’t know about your children, but mine have far too many toys. And each Christmas they were starting to expect too much and then would get overwhelmed by everything anyway. 
I felt the need to produce a mountain of gifts and then felt completely stressed by the amount of toys that were adding to the already bursting playroom. 
And what for? More mess? More to tidy? More to break?
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whatkatysaiduk · 6 years
Book Review: Enjoy Time by Catherine Blythe
Book Review: Enjoy Time by Catherine Blythe
Do you enjoy time?
I have to say that up until recently I really haven’t.
I spend my days chasing my tail, rushing to and from school, racing to after school clubs and squeezing in a couple of hours work before crashing in bed. 
All for it to start again the next day.
I have been reading self-improvement books for a while now, I have always loved learning and see no reason to stop…
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