Rochi || 22 || native: Spanish || learning: Portuguese, Korean, German, Irish
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German Vocab: Encouraging Phrases
Du schaffst das! ~ You can do it!
Ich bin stolz auf dich. ~ I’m proud of you.
Mach weiter so. ~ Keep up the good work.
Gib nicht auf! ~ Don’t give up!
Glaube an dich selbst. ~ Belive in yourself.
Ich glaube an dich. ~ I believe in you.
Es ist nie zu spät. ~ It’s never too late.
Gut gemacht! ~ Well done!
Es wird alles gut werden. ~ Everything is going to be alright.
Niederlagen machen dich stärker. ~ Defeats make you stronger.
Aus Fehlern lernt man. ~ You learn from mistakes.
Lass dich nicht entmutigen. ~ Don’t get discouraged.
Jeder Tag ist eine zweite Chance. ~ Everyday is a second chance.
Du kannst nicht negativ denken und Positives erwarten. ~ You can’t think negatively and expect positives.
Nur weil es nicht jetzt passiert, heißt es nicht, dass es nie passieren wird. ~ Just because it does not happen now does not mean it will never happen.
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Myths, Creatures, and Folklore
Want to create a religion for your fictional world? Here are some references and resources!
General Folklore
Various Folktales
Weather Folklore
Trees in Mythology
Animals in Mythology
Birds in Mythology
Flowers in Mythology
Fruit in Mythology
Plants in Mythology
Folktales from Around the World
Egyptian Mythology
African Mythology
More African Mythology
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
The Gods of Africa
Even More African Mythology
West African Mythology
All About African Mythology
African Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
The Americas:
Aztec Mythology
Haitian Mythology
Inca Mythology
Maya Mythology
Native American Mythology
More Inca Mythology
More Native American Mythology
South American Mythical Creatures
North American Mythical Creatures
Aztec Gods and Goddesses
Chinese Mythology
Hindu Mythology
Japanese Mythology
Korean Mythology
More Japanese Mythology
Chinese and Japanese Mythical Creatures
Indian Mythical Creatures
Chinese Gods and Goddesses
Hindu Gods and Goddesses
Korean Gods and Goddesses
Basque Mythology
Celtic Mythology
Etruscan Mythology
Greek Mythology
Latvian Mythology
Norse Mythology
Roman Mythology
Arthurian Legends
Celtic Gods and Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses of the Celtic Lands
Finnish Mythology
Celtic Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
Middle East:
Islamic Mythology
Judaic Mythology
Mesopotamian Mythology
Persian Mythology
Middle Eastern Mythical Creatures
Aboriginal Mythology
Polynesian Mythology
More Polynesian Mythology
Mythology of the Polynesian Islands
Melanesian Mythology
Massive Polynesian Mythology Post
Maori Mythical Creatures
Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses
Hawaiian Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses
Creating a Fantasy Religion:
Creating Part 1
Creating Part 2
Creating Part 3
Creating Part 4
Fantasy Religion Design Guide
Using Religion in Fantasy
Religion in Fantasy
Creating Fantasy Worlds
Beliefs in Fantasy
Some superstitions:
Read More
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Phrases in korean - communication
영어로 뭐예요? - what is it in english?
한국어로 뭐예요? - what is it in korean?
한국어 잘 못 해요. - I can’t understand korean well.
천천히 말해 주세요. - please speak slowly.
다시 한 번 말해 주세요. - please say it again once more.
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The same doesn’t mean the same: “das gleiche” vs. “dasselbe”
In German, there are two translations for ‘the same’: der/die/das gleiche and der/die/dasselbe.
They don’t describe the same concept of same-ness (Is that even a word? Well now it is). Dasselbe means ‘that exact same thing’ while das gleiche means something like ‘an exact copy of that thing’.
Look at my amazing editing skills these graphics to illustrate the difference:

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Don’t be afraid to have fun as a writer. There’s nothing wrong with just saying “fuck it” and doing something because you think it’d be fun to write. Hell, half my stories originated from that. Like, the current serial story I’m working on, Steel Never Tires, is about mechas in the not-really-middle-ages.
Why are there mechas in a feudal society where the combustion engine isn’t common? Because it’s fun!
If you wanna add in a fact like “beans don’t exist in this world” or something, then go ahead and do it. Don’t take yourself too seriously, writing should be fun! If you wanna do something just cuz, and you can make it work, then nothing’s stopping you.
Writing shouldn’t be a chore, you shouldn’t have to do everything seriously and without a hint of humour. Let loose, say fuck it, and have fun while you’re writing.
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tokyo + seoul, how i miss you so 🌙✨ ig: studylustre // caaarolt
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I want to learn a second language but it seems so freaking hard
It is difficult and will take a long time, but it’s so, so rewarding! Languages are kinda like tattoos, once you have one you want to get them all… But yeah, I studied French (at the university level) for 7 years, and I feel like there will never be a point where I say to myself, “I’m done learning”. Then again, everyone is like that with their native language, too! You just have to go into it knowing that it’s going to take a lot of time and effort. :)
Funny things that start to happen when you learn another language:
You learn more about your first language by comparison
Understanding a joke for the first time is amazing
You can meet more people you couldn’t have communicated with before
Travel is easier
You can access more knowledge (that hasn’t been translated)
You can say you are multi-lingual
When you get to the point where you distinguish accents it’s like you understand an inside joke
Sometimes you will try to say something in your native language, but can only remember the word in your second language
If the languages are related, you might say the word in your native language, but with the phonology (accent) of the second language. The other day I read the word “catastrophe” and the book was in English but I said it in my head with a French accent, and I was so confused?
Your vocabulary gets bigger (again, especially if the languages are closely related)
You learn more about the culture and history of the people that the language comes from
Idioms in other languages? Funny
Same goes for slang. Slang is a beast
I’m sure there are more things, this is just off the top of my head.
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25 No/Low Cost Self Care Acts
1. Have a drink from your favourite cup/mug. Coffee. Tea. Hell, even plain water is nicer when it’s in your fave mug (and you’re probably dehydrated rn so get on that). Allow yourself the couple of minutes to drink it in entirety. 2. Visit the library. Seriously. Nothing says quiet me time like the quiet couches and a novel in a library. 3. Look up some topics on iTunes U and read up on them. You’ll feel accomplished when you learn about a new scholarly topic. 4. Check over your resumé. Anything need to be updated or polished? Do that now, it can come in handy if an opportunity comes knocking. 5. Call a beloved family member or close friend. I just called my aunt for the first time in a little while and honestly you feel a lot lighter and a lot warmer. 6. Listen to ASMR, Binaural Beats, or guided meditation. There’s ASMR and meditation videos on youtube for pretty much any need– general relaxation, reassurance, mock spa days… 7. Volunteer at the local animal shelter. Volunteering is proven to make you feel better about yourself, petting animals helps lower your blood pressure, and nothing compares to the love and gratitude from a dog or cat. 8. Randomly browse Wikipedia or WikiHow. Clicking the random article is always an adventure– probably a laughable one, but you might learn something new. 9. Clean out your closet. It’ll feel like a lot of weight is off your shoulders, and you can sell or donate pieces that are still in good shape. 10. Write out a list of things you like about yourself. It can be tricky at first, but write down whatever comes to mind, even though it may seem trivial. Put the list away for times when you are being too hard on yourself, or need some self love. 11. Movie night. Obviously. Netflix, Hulu, library… A lot of thrift and secondhand stores often have really cheap DVDs. Re-watch your faves, allow yourself a guilty pleasure, or choose something that looks laughably awful. 12. Have a bonfire. Check your local fire codes beforehand, first. A bonfire or a fire pit is extremely soothing, especially wrapped up in a blanket. 13. Meal Plan/Prep. You’re probably going to be cooking anyway, so setting aside a day or half a day to prep meals ahead of time helps free the rest of your schedule. 14. At-Home spa day. Wash your hair. Trim your nails. Soak your feet. Exfoliate. 15. Write letters. Especially to your grandparents if you’re emotionally close– it will make them feel really loved. 16. Sleep in or nap. No explanation needed. 17. Bake cookies or make eggless cookie dough. One serving of edible cookie dough uses only spoonfuls of ingredients you probably have at home. 18. Wash your pillowcases and linens. This is especially good if you’re like me and the depression is real. Washing sheets gets neglected but the feeling of fresh sheets makes everything suck a little bit less. 19. Forgive yourself. Acknowledge that past mistake that’s been eating you alive and accept the fact that you can’t change the past. You’re still growing, still learning. 20. Keep a happiness journal. Before bed, write three things that made you smile that day. Life won’t seem all that bad, and it’s a good way to de-stress. 21. Shamelessly sing and dance along to music you enjoy. That song you would TOTALLY kill on lip sync battle? Own it. 22. If you like makeup/skincare, go to your local sephora or drugstore that has a beauty section. Sephora does free mini makeovers if it’s not busy. At the drugstore makeup counter, ask the beauty questions that you’ve wanted answers to. 23. Remember to say “no.” Declining to do a favour or go on an outing you can’t currently justify or afford does not make you a bad person. It means you have boundaries and deserve respect. 24. Watch some game shows. Lots of channels have them, and there’s plenty of compilations on youtube. 25. Let it out in writing. Sometimes having it all out in black and white can make solutions easier to realize. I believe in you all! Remind yourself that you’re a good person, and a bad bitch 💕
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카드 사용가능 we take cards (lit. cards are possible to use)
카드 card, credit/debit card 사용(하다) to use 가능(하다) possible, possibility
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@ my followers: y'all are cute and i love you
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Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina
#look at my beautiful country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i've been there its so......ahhhh#aguante mi pais wach
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Spot on example sentence in my grammar textbook.
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i have goals. and i have plans. but if those things don’t work out, it doesn’t mean i’m a failure. it just means i have to recalibrate and reassess. if one goal isn’t met it doesn’t invalidate all the other goals i will have in my life time.
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