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whatifijustnifeyou · 52 seconds ago
NASA released the clearest pictures yet of our neighbours in the solar system
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Oh and of course us
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Honourable mention
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whatifijustnifeyou · 2 minutes ago
Arte 😍
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whatifijustnifeyou · 4 minutes ago
imagine if werewolf knots were square
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whatifijustnifeyou · 4 minutes ago
average cis conception of gender is roughly equivalent to "every single liquid is either type O+ blood or cold-pressed peanut oil." and you're like "are there not perhaps a handful of exceptions" & they get so mad they start funding nazi militias
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whatifijustnifeyou · 24 minutes ago
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whatifijustnifeyou · 24 minutes ago
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Cops are trained to be bad. Anyone who insists on being good is not welcome.
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whatifijustnifeyou · 25 minutes ago
i simply do not believe that transgender people with weird gender identities are ever the problem
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whatifijustnifeyou · 34 minutes ago
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I don't remember what exactly this was for BUT I do remember that I was thinking about how wwx might've looked fresh outta the burial mounds. I think I was going to use it as a reference for a project or something which is why he's a bit nakey sorry 😔
Rambles from the drawing under the cut:
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whatifijustnifeyou · 54 minutes ago
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whatifijustnifeyou · 54 minutes ago
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whatifijustnifeyou · 16 hours ago
If you answer no, please let me know why, I'm genuinely curious. I don't mean for this to seem like there's one right answer, there isn't, it's just when I post works, I hope to get criticism because I know I'm a flawed writer, and I won't get better if I ignore that. Some people who write fanfiction are absolutely amazing writers, and if they believe that they don't need criticism for their work, then I'm glad that you worked so hard to get there! I just am wired differently. I know a lot of criticism can be seen as hate, and I want to be clear, when I say criticism, I don't mean saying 'this sucks'. I mean an actual look into the work, and pointing out what works, and what doesn't. I would love to get criticism, because it meant my stories were worth thinking about and people think I'm capable of improving.
Anyway I'll focus this post on MXTX authors, because that's the fandom I write in and I want to know what they think specifically
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whatifijustnifeyou · 19 hours ago
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whatifijustnifeyou · 20 hours ago
AHH!! Quickly!! The artefacts have escaped the museum!! 😘😘 This video is adorable :D
These ladies are wearing Tang Dynasty hanfu, the famous "golden age" of Chinese history. Artefacts show that aesthetics during this dynasty favored fuller shaped women, if you've ever seen the figures from the museums these ladies look like exact replicas :D
Video src: 包意凡 【博物馆闭馆时间到,我俩要粗去玩!】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1iJ4m1K7Mq/
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whatifijustnifeyou · 20 hours ago
Thomas: Son, I have a dark family secret I have to share with you.
Bruce nodding: I'm adopted
Thomas: That's not it.
Bruce nodding: I'm actually the biological son of Alfred and Mother, but you raised me as your own anyway.
Thomas: No
Bruce side eyeing him: You stole me from a park when I was little.
Thomas: No! Geez, you think I would pick you out of all the park kids?
Bruce: Hurtful but fair. What's the secert then?
Thomas: We stole your bother Danny from a park when he was little.
Bruce: No! Not little Danny! He likes the stars father! He was innocent!
Thomas: I know! But I couldn't stop Martha or Alfred! Oh my dear son, I have lived with shame for years! I can take it no longer!
Bruce: You must turn yourself in father. Face justice for what you've done!
Danny standing three feet away: I'm was kidnapped?
Martha: Meh, you fell through a glowing portal of death, and when everyone ran away screaming, Alfred and I just scooped you up and took you home. Thomas doesn't believe us about the portal, though, and has been trying to find your birth family for years.
Danny: Is that why he keeps asking for me to do DNA tests?
Alfred: Yes. Master Thomas fancies himself a detective.
Martha: What's so unbelievable about a glowing white-haired teenager falling from a swirling portal of death and shrinking into a few months old human baby due to his terrible injures? Storks bring babies all the time!
Alfred: I just think Master Thomas isn't as well traveled as he should be. I've seen the same protal at least five times back in London.
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whatifijustnifeyou · 21 hours ago
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Federal workers are going off.
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whatifijustnifeyou · 21 hours ago
given all the rising transphobia and shit, we should remember that white trannies are still relatively safe and will be able to endure more escalation more easily, we're not at the top of any shit list even if we near if, trans women of color however are very vulnerable, and we need to remember they're our sisters, not our shields
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whatifijustnifeyou · 21 hours ago
Older Damian from the future for post related reasons: *is wearing glasses*
10yr old Damian: This is outrageous! I am a Wayne! An al Ghul! I would never succumb to such weakness as needing a visual aid!
Older Damian: *so done* Listen, whether you want to admit it or not we are, in fact, a human being. And as such there are only so many concussions we can get before there are consequences.
10yr Old Damian: But father has no such difficulty! And as his son neither should we!
Older Damian: Father is a lying little bitch that secretly wears contacts like the coward he is.
Bruce: *has been outed*
10yr old Damian: *shocked Pikachu face*
Older Damian: *smirks* And besides. Its not like I need to keep up the appearance of being invincible. I'm not even a vigilante anymore. I'm a doctor.
10yr old Damian: *demonic screaming*
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