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what-do-i-put44 · 2 days ago
I've been obsessing with Fandomkingdom18's Brother AU so much to the point I've made an entirely different AU inside of their au. So, in honor of my birthday tomorrow, I'll be sharing some The Outsiders x Stranger Things head canons (As well as some head canons in general)
Genral HC's
I feel like everyone kept their ages and semi kept their looks. Darry and Two have brown hair (Two's is a bit more light, kinda red), Steve and Johnny have black hair, Dallas and Soda have blonde (Dallas is platinum blonde, natural) and Ponyboy is the only one with fully red hair and green eyes (recessive trait. His mother carried the gene, but his father didn't.)
Johnny isn't black like he is canonically, but he is a bit tanner than everyone else.
Everyone has freckles, Ponyboy has the most and Steve has the least. Ponyboy has them everywhere, it's one of the red-head traits, Darry and Dallas have a few on their legs and arms, Soda, Two, and Johnny have a few, maybe ten or twenty that go across their cheeks, and Steve has, like, maybe one or two on his back and stomach.
They don't all share a face, but some look more like others. Darry and Two-bit share a very uncanny resemblance to both each other and their dad. Johnny, Pony, and Dallas literally share one singular face, except their noses and eyes are a tad bit different, and Steve and Sodapop are twins so they look the exact same but with different noses.
Ponyboy has green eyes, Darry, Dallas, and Steve have Blue, Two-bit has a grey-ish blue, and Soda and Johnny have brown-ish black.
Pony, Johnny, and Dallas share a room, Soda and Steve share a room, and Two and Darry share a room, but occasionally, Darry will sleep in their parents' room to give Two-bit a lil personal space since they are both fully grown adults.
Dally isn't super tough because he didn't get put in jail as much as he did in canon. He isn't soft though; he still hangs out with Tim and other gangs around the neighborhood.
Johnny never got jumped, he's still a little quiet but he is still a healthy amount of loud.
Darry and Ponys conflict started not ONLY because Darry was so incredibly hard on Pony, but he wasn't super hard on anyone else, and it reminded Pony of when he was younger and didn't feel as wanted.
Steve Likes cars because his dad loved cars.
If you were to genuinely ask Anybody if Steve hated Ponyboy, they'd all say no.
If you were to genuinely ask Ponyboy if Steve hated him, he'd say yes and if you asked him why he'd reply, "What part of me is loveable enough?"
If you were to genuinely ask Steve if he hated Ponyboy, he'd actually be incredibly confused because, sure he was hard on the kid, but nobody could truly think he hated him, right? That was his kid brother after all.
AU Headcanons
Pony, being two years younger than Johnny, was often excluded from sibling outings because he complained too much or 'was annoying'. so, he stopped asking around the age of 8 and became CLOSE friends with Billy Hargrove who, is an ass, but Ponyboy sees him as a replacement older brother for his childhood years, even though he's became much closer to his brothers when he was around 10 or 11.
Ponyboy and Billy met at a skate park. Pony was trying to pick it up as a hobby and Billy was the one who helped him learn how to actually skate.
Billy was 13, the same age as Two-bit, when he met Pony, but he reminded Pony more of Dallas but, well, a bit more dangerous.
Billy wasn't subtle with how much he disliked the name Ponyboy, so he started calling him Mikey and eventually started introducing him as his little brother using his mother's maiden name, Mayfield. (Mikey Mayfield)
Billy hates the Curtis brothers with a passion. Not only because they take credit for everything he practically did, but he doesn't truly forgive them for how lonely they made Pony feel as a kid.
Ponys parents were alive when Ponyboy and Billy became friends, and they often let Pony stay at his house overnight, but they had only ever met the boy a handful of times.
Hawkins is an hour long walk from Tulsa but only a 30-minute bus ride from Tulsa.
Ponyboy had BEGGED his parents to let him go to Hawkins Middle School, so they enrolled him, and they even pre-enrolled him for Hawkins High.
Ponyboy skipped a grade, but Hawkins didn't allow anyone under the age of 14 attend the High School, so he took high school classes, but had to stay for at least 180 days in an actual middle school classroom for attendance.
Curtesy to Billy's wishes, Ponyboy never told his brother about Billy, so they don't know him at all.
Darry tried pulling Ponyboy out of Hawkins Middle school so he could go to Will Rogers with all of his brothers but Pony nearly had a panic attack, so Darry kept him there.
Two-bit, Steve and Johnny HATED this because they were lowkey excited to see Pony experience high school like a normal kid.
Darry was born on January 5th, 1965
Two-bit was born April 1st, 1966
Dallas was born December 12th, 1967
Soda and Steve were born October 15th, 1968
Johnny was born March 1st, 1969
Ponyboy was born July 22nd, 1971
Ponyboy and Johnny's age gap was due to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Curtis had twins AND Johnny to take of, two babies extra than they normally had on hand at once, so they didn't think they could handle another until later.
The reason they decided to not have another one after Pony was because the number 7 was not only a lucky number, but it was Mrs. Curtis' favorite number.
When Lucas and Ponyboy started dating, Pony didn't tell his biological brothers.
Also, the reason Lucas and Pony were able to come out but Will wasn't was because, well, Will was in love with Mike (We all know that's canon, don't play)
Ponyboy kept the party a secret from his brothers due to bad records and just who they were in general (Eddie was a drug dealer and a D&D player, Steve Harrington is a Soc, El's dad is a cop, etc)
The party calls Ponyboy 'Pony', 'Ponykid', 'Bambi (Derogatory)', and 'Pone'. Mike tried calling him 'PB' once and got smacked.
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what-do-i-put44 · 2 days ago
I HAVE READ MAJORITY OF YOUR FANFICS ALREADY, (in total I now have 37 fanfic tabs open and multiple of them are yours), THEY ARE AMAZING
I've been obsessing with Fandomkingdom18's Brother AU so much to the point I've made an entirely different AU inside of their au. So, in honor of my birthday tomorrow, I'll be sharing some The Outsiders x Stranger Things head canons (As well as some head canons in general)
Genral HC's
I feel like everyone kept their ages and semi kept their looks. Darry and Two have brown hair (Two's is a bit more light, kinda red), Steve and Johnny have black hair, Dallas and Soda have blonde (Dallas is platinum blonde, natural) and Ponyboy is the only one with fully red hair and green eyes (recessive trait. His mother carried the gene, but his father didn't.)
Johnny isn't black like he is canonically, but he is a bit tanner than everyone else.
Everyone has freckles, Ponyboy has the most and Steve has the least. Ponyboy has them everywhere, it's one of the red-head traits, Darry and Dallas have a few on their legs and arms, Soda, Two, and Johnny have a few, maybe ten or twenty that go across their cheeks, and Steve has, like, maybe one or two on his back and stomach.
They don't all share a face, but some look more like others. Darry and Two-bit share a very uncanny resemblance to both each other and their dad. Johnny, Pony, and Dallas literally share one singular face, except their noses and eyes are a tad bit different, and Steve and Sodapop are twins so they look the exact same but with different noses.
Ponyboy has green eyes, Darry, Dallas, and Steve have Blue, Two-bit has a grey-ish blue, and Soda and Johnny have brown-ish black.
Pony, Johnny, and Dallas share a room, Soda and Steve share a room, and Two and Darry share a room, but occasionally, Darry will sleep in their parents' room to give Two-bit a lil personal space since they are both fully grown adults.
Dally isn't super tough because he didn't get put in jail as much as he did in canon. He isn't soft though; he still hangs out with Tim and other gangs around the neighborhood.
Johnny never got jumped, he's still a little quiet but he is still a healthy amount of loud.
Darry and Ponys conflict started not ONLY because Darry was so incredibly hard on Pony, but he wasn't super hard on anyone else, and it reminded Pony of when he was younger and didn't feel as wanted.
Steve Likes cars because his dad loved cars.
If you were to genuinely ask Anybody if Steve hated Ponyboy, they'd all say no.
If you were to genuinely ask Ponyboy if Steve hated him, he'd say yes and if you asked him why he'd reply, "What part of me is loveable enough?"
If you were to genuinely ask Steve if he hated Ponyboy, he'd actually be incredibly confused because, sure he was hard on the kid, but nobody could truly think he hated him, right? That was his kid brother after all.
AU Headcanons
Pony, being two years younger than Johnny, was often excluded from sibling outings because he complained too much or 'was annoying'. so, he stopped asking around the age of 8 and became CLOSE friends with Billy Hargrove who, is an ass, but Ponyboy sees him as a replacement older brother for his childhood years, even though he's became much closer to his brothers when he was around 10 or 11.
Ponyboy and Billy met at a skate park. Pony was trying to pick it up as a hobby and Billy was the one who helped him learn how to actually skate.
Billy was 13, the same age as Two-bit, when he met Pony, but he reminded Pony more of Dallas but, well, a bit more dangerous.
Billy wasn't subtle with how much he disliked the name Ponyboy, so he started calling him Mikey and eventually started introducing him as his little brother using his mother's maiden name, Mayfield. (Mikey Mayfield)
Billy hates the Curtis brothers with a passion. Not only because they take credit for everything he practically did, but he doesn't truly forgive them for how lonely they made Pony feel as a kid.
Ponys parents were alive when Ponyboy and Billy became friends, and they often let Pony stay at his house overnight, but they had only ever met the boy a handful of times.
Hawkins is an hour long walk from Tulsa but only a 30-minute bus ride from Tulsa.
Ponyboy had BEGGED his parents to let him go to Hawkins Middle School, so they enrolled him, and they even pre-enrolled him for Hawkins High.
Ponyboy skipped a grade, but Hawkins didn't allow anyone under the age of 14 attend the High School, so he took high school classes, but had to stay for at least 180 days in an actual middle school classroom for attendance.
Curtesy to Billy's wishes, Ponyboy never told his brother about Billy, so they don't know him at all.
Darry tried pulling Ponyboy out of Hawkins Middle school so he could go to Will Rogers with all of his brothers but Pony nearly had a panic attack, so Darry kept him there.
Two-bit, Steve and Johnny HATED this because they were lowkey excited to see Pony experience high school like a normal kid.
Darry was born on January 5th, 1965
Two-bit was born April 1st, 1966
Dallas was born December 12th, 1967
Soda and Steve were born October 15th, 1968
Johnny was born March 1st, 1969
Ponyboy was born July 22nd, 1971
Ponyboy and Johnny's age gap was due to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Curtis had twins AND Johnny to take of, two babies extra than they normally had on hand at once, so they didn't think they could handle another until later.
The reason they decided to not have another one after Pony was because the number 7 was not only a lucky number, but it was Mrs. Curtis' favorite number.
When Lucas and Ponyboy started dating, Pony didn't tell his biological brothers.
Also, the reason Lucas and Pony were able to come out but Will wasn't was because, well, Will was in love with Mike (We all know that's canon, don't play)
Ponyboy kept the party a secret from his brothers due to bad records and just who they were in general (Eddie was a drug dealer and a D&D player, Steve Harrington is a Soc, El's dad is a cop, etc)
The party calls Ponyboy 'Pony', 'Ponykid', 'Bambi (Derogatory)', and 'Pone'. Mike tried calling him 'PB' once and got smacked.
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what-do-i-put44 · 2 days ago
I kid you not every time in any piece of media, there is something like this, I scream, cry, then I go read fanfics. I also would have dipped if I heard a lovers quarrel
Paul: “you still got that purple and gold madras shirt I gave you? I remember it looked pretty good on you. Really brought out your eyes. And the way it fit across your muscles…..I still scream into my pillow haunted by the image.”
Darry: “yeah, I still got it. I use it to mop up the shards of my broken heart.”
Greases and socs: “………………..”
“…………do we still need to be here?”
“Yeah, kinda feels like we’re intruding.”
“Hey guys? Um, the rest of us are gonna head out….you two can stay here and talk about…….whatever this is.”
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what-do-i-put44 · 4 days ago
I've been obsessing with Fandomkingdom18's Brother AU so much to the point I've made an entirely different AU inside of their au. So, in honor of my birthday tomorrow, I'll be sharing some The Outsiders x Stranger Things head canons (As well as some head canons in general)
Genral HC's
I feel like everyone kept their ages and semi kept their looks. Darry and Two have brown hair (Two's is a bit more light, kinda red), Steve and Johnny have black hair, Dallas and Soda have blonde (Dallas is platinum blonde, natural) and Ponyboy is the only one with fully red hair and green eyes (recessive trait. His mother carried the gene, but his father didn't.)
Johnny isn't black like he is canonically, but he is a bit tanner than everyone else.
Everyone has freckles, Ponyboy has the most and Steve has the least. Ponyboy has them everywhere, it's one of the red-head traits, Darry and Dallas have a few on their legs and arms, Soda, Two, and Johnny have a few, maybe ten or twenty that go across their cheeks, and Steve has, like, maybe one or two on his back and stomach.
They don't all share a face, but some look more like others. Darry and Two-bit share a very uncanny resemblance to both each other and their dad. Johnny, Pony, and Dallas literally share one singular face, except their noses and eyes are a tad bit different, and Steve and Sodapop are twins so they look the exact same but with different noses.
Ponyboy has green eyes, Darry, Dallas, and Steve have Blue, Two-bit has a grey-ish blue, and Soda and Johnny have brown-ish black.
Pony, Johnny, and Dallas share a room, Soda and Steve share a room, and Two and Darry share a room, but occasionally, Darry will sleep in their parents' room to give Two-bit a lil personal space since they are both fully grown adults.
Dally isn't super tough because he didn't get put in jail as much as he did in canon. He isn't soft though; he still hangs out with Tim and other gangs around the neighborhood.
Johnny never got jumped, he's still a little quiet but he is still a healthy amount of loud.
Darry and Ponys conflict started not ONLY because Darry was so incredibly hard on Pony, but he wasn't super hard on anyone else, and it reminded Pony of when he was younger and didn't feel as wanted.
Steve Likes cars because his dad loved cars.
If you were to genuinely ask Anybody if Steve hated Ponyboy, they'd all say no.
If you were to genuinely ask Ponyboy if Steve hated him, he'd say yes and if you asked him why he'd reply, "What part of me is loveable enough?"
If you were to genuinely ask Steve if he hated Ponyboy, he'd actually be incredibly confused because, sure he was hard on the kid, but nobody could truly think he hated him, right? That was his kid brother after all.
AU Headcanons
Pony, being two years younger than Johnny, was often excluded from sibling outings because he complained too much or 'was annoying'. so, he stopped asking around the age of 8 and became CLOSE friends with Billy Hargrove who, is an ass, but Ponyboy sees him as a replacement older brother for his childhood years, even though he's became much closer to his brothers when he was around 10 or 11.
Ponyboy and Billy met at a skate park. Pony was trying to pick it up as a hobby and Billy was the one who helped him learn how to actually skate.
Billy was 13, the same age as Two-bit, when he met Pony, but he reminded Pony more of Dallas but, well, a bit more dangerous.
Billy wasn't subtle with how much he disliked the name Ponyboy, so he started calling him Mikey and eventually started introducing him as his little brother using his mother's maiden name, Mayfield. (Mikey Mayfield)
Billy hates the Curtis brothers with a passion. Not only because they take credit for everything he practically did, but he doesn't truly forgive them for how lonely they made Pony feel as a kid.
Ponys parents were alive when Ponyboy and Billy became friends, and they often let Pony stay at his house overnight, but they had only ever met the boy a handful of times.
Hawkins is an hour long walk from Tulsa but only a 30-minute bus ride from Tulsa.
Ponyboy had BEGGED his parents to let him go to Hawkins Middle School, so they enrolled him, and they even pre-enrolled him for Hawkins High.
Ponyboy skipped a grade, but Hawkins didn't allow anyone under the age of 14 attend the High School, so he took high school classes, but had to stay for at least 180 days in an actual middle school classroom for attendance.
Curtesy to Billy's wishes, Ponyboy never told his brother about Billy, so they don't know him at all.
Darry tried pulling Ponyboy out of Hawkins Middle school so he could go to Will Rogers with all of his brothers but Pony nearly had a panic attack, so Darry kept him there.
Two-bit, Steve and Johnny HATED this because they were lowkey excited to see Pony experience high school like a normal kid.
Darry was born on January 5th, 1965
Two-bit was born April 1st, 1966
Dallas was born December 12th, 1967
Soda and Steve were born October 15th, 1968
Johnny was born March 1st, 1969
Ponyboy was born July 22nd, 1971
Ponyboy and Johnny's age gap was due to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Curtis had twins AND Johnny to take of, two babies extra than they normally had on hand at once, so they didn't think they could handle another until later.
The reason they decided to not have another one after Pony was because the number 7 was not only a lucky number, but it was Mrs. Curtis' favorite number.
When Lucas and Ponyboy started dating, Pony didn't tell his biological brothers.
Also, the reason Lucas and Pony were able to come out but Will wasn't was because, well, Will was in love with Mike (We all know that's canon, don't play)
Ponyboy kept the party a secret from his brothers due to bad records and just who they were in general (Eddie was a drug dealer and a D&D player, Steve Harrington is a Soc, El's dad is a cop, etc)
The party calls Ponyboy 'Pony', 'Ponykid', 'Bambi (Derogatory)', and 'Pone'. Mike tried calling him 'PB' once and got smacked.
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what-do-i-put44 · 5 days ago
A) Thank you for actually responding
I've been obsessing with Fandomkingdom18's Brother AU so much to the point I've made an entirely different AU inside of their au. So, in honor of my birthday tomorrow, I'll be sharing some The Outsiders x Stranger Things head canons (As well as some head canons in general)
Genral HC's
I feel like everyone kept their ages and semi kept their looks. Darry and Two have brown hair (Two's is a bit more light, kinda red), Steve and Johnny have black hair, Dallas and Soda have blonde (Dallas is platinum blonde, natural) and Ponyboy is the only one with fully red hair and green eyes (recessive trait. His mother carried the gene, but his father didn't.)
Johnny isn't black like he is canonically, but he is a bit tanner than everyone else.
Everyone has freckles, Ponyboy has the most and Steve has the least. Ponyboy has them everywhere, it's one of the red-head traits, Darry and Dallas have a few on their legs and arms, Soda, Two, and Johnny have a few, maybe ten or twenty that go across their cheeks, and Steve has, like, maybe one or two on his back and stomach.
They don't all share a face, but some look more like others. Darry and Two-bit share a very uncanny resemblance to both each other and their dad. Johnny, Pony, and Dallas literally share one singular face, except their noses and eyes are a tad bit different, and Steve and Sodapop are twins so they look the exact same but with different noses.
Ponyboy has green eyes, Darry, Dallas, and Steve have Blue, Two-bit has a grey-ish blue, and Soda and Johnny have brown-ish black.
Pony, Johnny, and Dallas share a room, Soda and Steve share a room, and Two and Darry share a room, but occasionally, Darry will sleep in their parents' room to give Two-bit a lil personal space since they are both fully grown adults.
Dally isn't super tough because he didn't get put in jail as much as he did in canon. He isn't soft though; he still hangs out with Tim and other gangs around the neighborhood.
Johnny never got jumped, he's still a little quiet but he is still a healthy amount of loud.
Darry and Ponys conflict started not ONLY because Darry was so incredibly hard on Pony, but he wasn't super hard on anyone else, and it reminded Pony of when he was younger and didn't feel as wanted.
Steve Likes cars because his dad loved cars.
If you were to genuinely ask Anybody if Steve hated Ponyboy, they'd all say no.
If you were to genuinely ask Ponyboy if Steve hated him, he'd say yes and if you asked him why he'd reply, "What part of me is loveable enough?"
If you were to genuinely ask Steve if he hated Ponyboy, he'd actually be incredibly confused because, sure he was hard on the kid, but nobody could truly think he hated him, right? That was his kid brother after all.
AU Headcanons
Pony, being two years younger than Johnny, was often excluded from sibling outings because he complained too much or 'was annoying'. so, he stopped asking around the age of 8 and became CLOSE friends with Billy Hargrove who, is an ass, but Ponyboy sees him as a replacement older brother for his childhood years, even though he's became much closer to his brothers when he was around 10 or 11.
Ponyboy and Billy met at a skate park. Pony was trying to pick it up as a hobby and Billy was the one who helped him learn how to actually skate.
Billy was 13, the same age as Two-bit, when he met Pony, but he reminded Pony more of Dallas but, well, a bit more dangerous.
Billy wasn't subtle with how much he disliked the name Ponyboy, so he started calling him Mikey and eventually started introducing him as his little brother using his mother's maiden name, Mayfield. (Mikey Mayfield)
Billy hates the Curtis brothers with a passion. Not only because they take credit for everything he practically did, but he doesn't truly forgive them for how lonely they made Pony feel as a kid.
Ponys parents were alive when Ponyboy and Billy became friends, and they often let Pony stay at his house overnight, but they had only ever met the boy a handful of times.
Hawkins is an hour long walk from Tulsa but only a 30-minute bus ride from Tulsa.
Ponyboy had BEGGED his parents to let him go to Hawkins Middle School, so they enrolled him, and they even pre-enrolled him for Hawkins High.
Ponyboy skipped a grade, but Hawkins didn't allow anyone under the age of 14 attend the High School, so he took high school classes, but had to stay for at least 180 days in an actual middle school classroom for attendance.
Curtesy to Billy's wishes, Ponyboy never told his brother about Billy, so they don't know him at all.
Darry tried pulling Ponyboy out of Hawkins Middle school so he could go to Will Rogers with all of his brothers but Pony nearly had a panic attack, so Darry kept him there.
Two-bit, Steve and Johnny HATED this because they were lowkey excited to see Pony experience high school like a normal kid.
Darry was born on January 5th, 1965
Two-bit was born April 1st, 1966
Dallas was born December 12th, 1967
Soda and Steve were born October 15th, 1968
Johnny was born March 1st, 1969
Ponyboy was born July 22nd, 1971
Ponyboy and Johnny's age gap was due to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Curtis had twins AND Johnny to take of, two babies extra than they normally had on hand at once, so they didn't think they could handle another until later.
The reason they decided to not have another one after Pony was because the number 7 was not only a lucky number, but it was Mrs. Curtis' favorite number.
When Lucas and Ponyboy started dating, Pony didn't tell his biological brothers.
Also, the reason Lucas and Pony were able to come out but Will wasn't was because, well, Will was in love with Mike (We all know that's canon, don't play)
Ponyboy kept the party a secret from his brothers due to bad records and just who they were in general (Eddie was a drug dealer and a D&D player, Steve Harrington is a Soc, El's dad is a cop, etc)
The party calls Ponyboy 'Pony', 'Ponykid', 'Bambi (Derogatory)', and 'Pone'. Mike tried calling him 'PB' once and got smacked.
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what-do-i-put44 · 5 days ago
Then imagine if Darry steps on Pony laying on the porch after falling asleep so now Pony has a slight limp an when the gang asks, “Darry did it again, 😢” and so now Darry is explaining he just stepped on Pony in the dark at 2AM
One time Darry gave Ponyboy a black eye.
It was a complete accident. Darry was in the kitchen doing dishes and Ponyboy snuck up behind him as he finished putting a plate away, and (mostly due to their height difference) just absolutely elbowed him right in the face.
It got really dark and swollen, so the gang obviously noticed, and when they asked what happened, Ponyboy was like "Oh, Darry did it, 😔" and gave no further context, so Darry had to quickly explain to them that it was an accident and he did not in fact left hook his little brother in the face.
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what-do-i-put44 · 6 days ago
I've been obsessing with Fandomkingdom18's Brother AU so much to the point I've made an entirely different AU inside of their au. So, in honor of my birthday tomorrow, I'll be sharing some The Outsiders x Stranger Things head canons (As well as some head canons in general)
Genral HC's
I feel like everyone kept their ages and semi kept their looks. Darry and Two have brown hair (Two's is a bit more light, kinda red), Steve and Johnny have black hair, Dallas and Soda have blonde (Dallas is platinum blonde, natural) and Ponyboy is the only one with fully red hair and green eyes (recessive trait. His mother carried the gene, but his father didn't.)
Johnny isn't black like he is canonically, but he is a bit tanner than everyone else.
Everyone has freckles, Ponyboy has the most and Steve has the least. Ponyboy has them everywhere, it's one of the red-head traits, Darry and Dallas have a few on their legs and arms, Soda, Two, and Johnny have a few, maybe ten or twenty that go across their cheeks, and Steve has, like, maybe one or two on his back and stomach.
They don't all share a face, but some look more like others. Darry and Two-bit share a very uncanny resemblance to both each other and their dad. Johnny, Pony, and Dallas literally share one singular face, except their noses and eyes are a tad bit different, and Steve and Sodapop are twins so they look the exact same but with different noses.
Ponyboy has green eyes, Darry, Dallas, and Steve have Blue, Two-bit has a grey-ish blue, and Soda and Johnny have brown-ish black.
Pony, Johnny, and Dallas share a room, Soda and Steve share a room, and Two and Darry share a room, but occasionally, Darry will sleep in their parents' room to give Two-bit a lil personal space since they are both fully grown adults.
Dally isn't super tough because he didn't get put in jail as much as he did in canon. He isn't soft though; he still hangs out with Tim and other gangs around the neighborhood.
Johnny never got jumped, he's still a little quiet but he is still a healthy amount of loud.
Darry and Ponys conflict started not ONLY because Darry was so incredibly hard on Pony, but he wasn't super hard on anyone else, and it reminded Pony of when he was younger and didn't feel as wanted.
Steve Likes cars because his dad loved cars.
If you were to genuinely ask Anybody if Steve hated Ponyboy, they'd all say no.
If you were to genuinely ask Ponyboy if Steve hated him, he'd say yes and if you asked him why he'd reply, "What part of me is loveable enough?"
If you were to genuinely ask Steve if he hated Ponyboy, he'd actually be incredibly confused because, sure he was hard on the kid, but nobody could truly think he hated him, right? That was his kid brother after all.
AU Headcanons
Pony, being two years younger than Johnny, was often excluded from sibling outings because he complained too much or 'was annoying'. so, he stopped asking around the age of 8 and became CLOSE friends with Billy Hargrove who, is an ass, but Ponyboy sees him as a replacement older brother for his childhood years, even though he's became much closer to his brothers when he was around 10 or 11.
Ponyboy and Billy met at a skate park. Pony was trying to pick it up as a hobby and Billy was the one who helped him learn how to actually skate.
Billy was 13, the same age as Two-bit, when he met Pony, but he reminded Pony more of Dallas but, well, a bit more dangerous.
Billy wasn't subtle with how much he disliked the name Ponyboy, so he started calling him Mikey and eventually started introducing him as his little brother using his mother's maiden name, Mayfield. (Mikey Mayfield)
Billy hates the Curtis brothers with a passion. Not only because they take credit for everything he practically did, but he doesn't truly forgive them for how lonely they made Pony feel as a kid.
Ponys parents were alive when Ponyboy and Billy became friends, and they often let Pony stay at his house overnight, but they had only ever met the boy a handful of times.
Hawkins is an hour long walk from Tulsa but only a 30-minute bus ride from Tulsa.
Ponyboy had BEGGED his parents to let him go to Hawkins Middle School, so they enrolled him, and they even pre-enrolled him for Hawkins High.
Ponyboy skipped a grade, but Hawkins didn't allow anyone under the age of 14 attend the High School, so he took high school classes, but had to stay for at least 180 days in an actual middle school classroom for attendance.
Curtesy to Billy's wishes, Ponyboy never told his brother about Billy, so they don't know him at all.
Darry tried pulling Ponyboy out of Hawkins Middle school so he could go to Will Rogers with all of his brothers but Pony nearly had a panic attack, so Darry kept him there.
Two-bit, Steve and Johnny HATED this because they were lowkey excited to see Pony experience high school like a normal kid.
Darry was born on January 5th, 1965
Two-bit was born April 1st, 1966
Dallas was born December 12th, 1967
Soda and Steve were born October 15th, 1968
Johnny was born March 1st, 1969
Ponyboy was born July 22nd, 1971
Ponyboy and Johnny's age gap was due to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Curtis had twins AND Johnny to take of, two babies extra than they normally had on hand at once, so they didn't think they could handle another until later.
The reason they decided to not have another one after Pony was because the number 7 was not only a lucky number, but it was Mrs. Curtis' favorite number.
When Lucas and Ponyboy started dating, Pony didn't tell his biological brothers.
Also, the reason Lucas and Pony were able to come out but Will wasn't was because, well, Will was in love with Mike (We all know that's canon, don't play)
Ponyboy kept the party a secret from his brothers due to bad records and just who they were in general (Eddie was a drug dealer and a D&D player, Steve Harrington is a Soc, El's dad is a cop, etc)
The party calls Ponyboy 'Pony', 'Ponykid', 'Bambi (Derogatory)', and 'Pone'. Mike tried calling him 'PB' once and got smacked.
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what-do-i-put44 · 6 days ago
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can we TALK about how abnormally huge darry’s hands are. must’ve hurt like a mf when he slapped pony
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what-do-i-put44 · 6 days ago
I cried, you made me cry, oh god, this hurt, I love it
Headcanon that Darrel did this thing where he would pick Ponyboy up and throw him like half over his shoulder then would walk to his room and toss Ponyboy onto the bed before telling him to go to sleep.
It started when Ponyboy was six and his parents told him it was bed time and he stubbornly crossed his arms and shook his head, saying that he didn’t wanna. After 20 minutes of his parents trying to get him to listen, Darrel had come in and just plucked Ponyboy into his arms and walked him to his bed before tossing him onto the bed, Ponyboy giggling the whole time. Once Ponyboy was fully tucked in, Darrel had put his hands on his hips and asked which story he wanted before going to bed. While all this was happening, Mr and Mrs Curtis sat on the couch, stunned at how easily Pony complied when his oldest brother was asking.
It kept happening, so much so that it became their little tradition. Pony would never admit it, but sometimes he’d refuse to go to bed because he wanted to bond with his brother. That especially started happening when Darrel hit high school and was suddenly at practice, or a game, or a party more often.
Like one time when Darrel was 16 and about to leave for a party. He’d kissed his mama’s cheek and told her he’d be back the next morning. As he was about to open his front door to jog over to Paul’s car, he heard his mama tell Ponyboy it was time for bed, and he’d heard the familiar groan that meant Ponyboy wouldn’t be listening. He’d chuckled, and turned around to run up and grab his little brother, laughing harder when Pony shrieked. He’d walked to his brother’s room and tossed him onto the bed like normal, this time pausing as Pony looked up at him like he wanted to ask for something. Darrel sighed before sitting on Pony’s bed and ruffling his kid brother’s hair. He expected Pony to shake him off or smack his hand away not lunge forward and hug him. He held his little brother and smiled when he felt Pony mumble “I love ya Darry” into his chest, before saying a simple “I love ya too, buddy. g’night”. Once he knew Pony was situated, he got up and flicked off the light, smiling as he watched his baby brother snore quietly. He’d said another goodbye to his mama before running to Paul’s car and recounting the story on the drive to whatever shitty party they were headed to.
The next big time was Darrel’s last night before college. It was a bittersweet time for their family, they were overflowing with pride, but they were going to miss him. When it had gotten late, Mrs. Curtis had turned towards her youngest and told him it was time to go to bed. This time, instead of contradicting her or refusing, Ponyboy had simply turned his gaze to his oldest brother, silently pleading for him to do their tradition. Seeing that look in Pony’s eyes made Darrel’s heart hurt, because Ponyboy was twelve now and constantly insisting that he was getting too old for it, but here he was, sitting on the floor, a movie playing on the tv, silently begging Darrel to be his annoying older brother. So Darrel kissed his mama’s cheek, thanked her for the dinner celebration, and told her he could take care of this. When he started towards Ponyboy, his expression shifted to be a mischievous one, before he started tickling his brother. He let him squirm for a bit before picking him up. Once they were in Pony’s room, Darrel stopped and sat down on the bed. He didn’t miss the tears that threatened to spill out of his brother’s eyes, so he pulled him in close. He felt his shoulder start to dampen, then he heard something that took his heart and stomped on it. “I’m gonna miss you Darry, don’t forget ‘bout me ‘n Soda, okay?” Darrel just rubbed his brother’s back and promised him, “I ain’t never gonna forget ‘bout you, buddy, and I’ll miss ya too, every damn day”. That night, Darrel stayed in Pony’s room. And if Soda crept in and tucked himself against his brother too, that was his business.
It stopped happening once their parents died. Suddenly, Darrel was too tired from work and taking care of the house and the gang. Suddenly, what was once playful banter became screaming matches. Suddenly, Pony’s brother was drifting away.
But then it happened again. It was a normal night with the gang, Soda and Pony and Steve were engaged in an intense card game, where in which Soda was obviously cheating but still managing to lose at the same time. Two Bit was sprawled across the couch, watching Mickey on tv. Darrel was in his chair, watching the game and laughing. When he checked the time, he realized how late it was, so he looked at Ponyboy and told him, “alright time for bed little buddy”. Pony rolled his eyes and whined about how it wasn’t that late and couldn’t he just stay up tonight. Darrel gave him a knowing glance but Pony wouldn’t budge. So Darrel got up, pulled Ponyboy up from where he was sitting and threw him over his shoulder. When he got to his brothers’ room, he plopped pony down on the bed, but was shocked when he looked at Pony, who worse a smile with tear filled eyes. Darrel immediately stopped and looked at him, worrying he’d accidentally hurt his brother again. When he asked what was wrong, Pony choked out “‘s nothin, just, it’s the first time you done that since mama and dad died” all while bringing his arm up to wipe his eyes. Darrel sucked in a short breath before hugging his brother tight to his chest and responding with a simple, “I love ya, honey, don’t you ever forget that, okay?” He felt Ponyboy nod against him before he responded with a quick, “‘course, love ya too Darry”.
Maybe they weren’t perfect, maybe they wouldn’t ever be, but they were getting better. Pony was closer to having his oldest brother back and Darrel was slowly becoming Darry again.
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what-do-i-put44 · 6 days ago
Counter argument; Johnny is terrified of girls after Steve talked to him, it says so shortly after Pony and Johnny sit down at the movies and Dally talks to Cherry!
“Johnny wasn’t as innocent as Pony thinks” true, so true.
Some of the “bruises” Johnny had that the rest of the gang just assumed were from his parents were actually hickeys.
Johnny may have been more innocent than like, Dally or Two-bit, but he’s still a 16 year old greaser, he’s gonna get into some shit at some point, he js never told Pony any of it bc he’s silly 🙃
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what-do-i-put44 · 7 days ago
This is how I think now,
Pony, young and naive: I hope something good happens. Pony, now: I hope whatever bad thing happens is at least funny.
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what-do-i-put44 · 11 days ago
How did you figure that out? You were supposed to be in the cooler! (This is an awesome idea and I’d like to write a fanfic on it)
Listened to Harpy Hare again and got a tad of an idea
Do you guys ever think that people in Darry's neighborhood blame him for what happened to Dally and Johnny, blame him for Pony and Johnny running away, blame him for the death and blame him for everything because those kids were under HIS supervision and HIS guidance and they ended up dying anyway
Do you guys think while Pony was gone, Soda got dirty looks around corners from strangers because the boy that had run away looked up to Soda the most, everyone knew that
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what-do-i-put44 · 12 days ago
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what-do-i-put44 · 13 days ago
and eventually SOMEONE does SOMETHING, when Johnny got jumped, Randy learns his sister aint his full sister, something okay. But also imagine, a random soc sleeps on their couch because their parents got a bit mad at them. He is ultimate tea/blackmail/mother friend that everyone goes to for everything.
Darry is actually CRAZY for gossip. He eats that shit UP !
You just KNOW that he was messy in high school, because he’d hear even just the smallest rumor and then try to get the full story. Like, he’d hear some girl talking about a pregnancy scandal and him- being boy of the year- would go up to the girl(s), put on a smile, and get EVERYTHING out of them because that is truly the only time he would use the title to his advantage.
And cause he was friends with the Soc’s, they would tell him the gossip on their side of town(and then he’d tell the gang or the ones that would listen). And because I FURMLY believe that he is known all through the east side because c’mon, that’s THE DARREL CURTIS JR. THE GOLDEN BOY FROM THE EAST. THE GREASER TURNED SOC(but not because he could never let himself be that). There was NO WAY he wasn’t known all throughout town- and also the ‘door open to everyone’ thing. Tim Shepard was there one morning, who’s to say nearly the entire east side hasn’t been. He also gets good shit on the greasers. Like, he’d go to bucks to pick up Dally or something, and Buck would say something, and suddenly their-and whoever’s around long enough- are having a three hour gossip session.
And the thing is, he is GOOD with that shit too! He can connect dots faster than others and it’s usually correct. He knows practically everyone so he’s probably always getting new intel(because he is the first person people go to when they hear something).
But no one has ANYTHING on him. Because he’s literally the golden boy. He has almost nothing to hide(except for self eating guilt and being gay), and honestly no one tried to get anything on him because he is literally the only person the east side can trust to turn to, actually(please let me yap about that HC actually. He’s literally like the only loving guardian- minus Mrs.Matthew , no WAY people don’t turn to him) and cause he’s scary and can knock you out with a flick of the finger.
Darry loves gossip.
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what-do-i-put44 · 13 days ago
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what-do-i-put44 · 13 days ago
"I'm here to pick up Dallas." Darry runs a hand absently up the back of his neck, looks past the desk and into the hall where they keep the cells.
He'd gotten the call half an hour ago in the middle of dinner but he'd had a sinkin' feelin' since this mornin'. Dallas had been gone when Darry had woken up, apparently still hacked off over a fight they'd had last night. He should have known really. Dallas' anger was visceral and volatile. An argument with one of the gang easily rolled into a multi-day affair endin' in a trip to the station. Like clock work.
"Last name?" Darry gives himself a shake and returns to the current moment. He blinks at the man behind the counter once, twice. "Dallas? His last name?" He prompts and Darry bites back on his annoyance.
"Winston." He shoves aside his instinct to ask new around here? "Dallas Winston."
The man looks back down over his paperwork and Darry clenches and unclenches the bottom of his shirt to keep himself from reachin' up to grab the back of his neck again. He was gonna throttle that kid. He means it.
"Sorry, I don't have a Winston here." That snaps Darry back and he cocks his head to the side. He'd known the cop that had called him. There was no way they had released the kid without it bein' directly into Darry's hands. "I got a Dallas here but the name's different."
"Blonde kid? Seventeen? Real blue eyes?" Darry ticks off Dallas' most identifiable features without listin' asshole kid with a death wish and an urge to pluck his older brother's last nerve.
The man looks back at his papers and nods to himself. "Nah, that's definitely him. Sorry sir, when we picked him up he was pretty sloshed. Must have mixed himself up. Gave us the name Curtis. Dallas Curtis."
Darry feels the anger drain right out of him. Glory.
He signs the paper the cop shoves towards him with a sigh he doesn't really mean, "That's him. That's my kid brother."
Maybe Darry would still throttle him, but no one would mention it if he held him extra close tonight. And they wouldn't talk about the fact Dallas hadn't touched a drop all afternoon.
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what-do-i-put44 · 13 days ago
Poems a day
It isn’t brave, and it isn’t clever,  to inflict pain on other people forever. Life isn’t all about you. Your life isn’t all about you. That rope hangs your family too,  and those pills kill your friends. The pain, hurt and upset  doesn’t stop when your life ends. So please don’t do it. Please just take a moment to think. People will die with you when you drink that deadly drink. Don’t tell me I don’t understand. Twice I tried and twice I bailed. Twice I tried and twice I failed. Don’t tell me I don’t understand. I came through, and so can you. Let that light at the end of the tunnel be a fresh start. Don‘t let it be the glint of the blade that enters your heart. Think about how many have died. Think about how many have sat and cried. Think again about your selfish suicide.
Poem by Dan Brown
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