Danny looked at her as she walked carefully inside. Someone had bad news to share he could just tell it was written all over her bloody face. Laurel was kicked out of the convent for sure, and all because he couldn’t keep it in his fucking pants. Wonderful just fucking wonderful.
And just has she suspected, the damn girl was no longer a nun. Danny sighed rubbing his temples, oh boy, he was in quite the fucking pickle here. He couldn’t help but feel slightly smug at her comment, she was after all complimenting him. “Who could blame you” he joked with her momentarily.
Of course that was short lived when spoke of taking up residence on his couch. “The hell you are claiming that couch missy” he arouse from his chair and walked over to her, eyes glaring.
“What gives you the fucking right” he snarled.
Heated Confessions || Sister Laurel & Danny
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Look, I’m not a fucking buftie, and that’s the end of it!
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He was dreading this talk, with every ounce  of his being. It could go either way to be honest, she could hate him and tell him she never wanted to see him again, or she could say she...well what else could she say. Its not as if Danny gave a rats arse anyways, they known each other a month nearly had sex twice so? it didn't matter to him at all. But if it didn't matter why was he suddenly so nervous seeking her good opinion all of a sudden.
His skin prickled as he herd door open, signalling Laurels arrival. He had his back turned to her as she walked in and boy she sounded angry. I'm guessing it was fucking you, Missy" he almost sneered.
"Hey" he spun around in his chair. "Not my fault your infatuation with me" he couldn't help but smirk, perhaps this would be a fun little game between the two of them now.
His smirk faded as she made her next move. "Now you hold it right there missy" he said moving from his seat. "You don't get to take up residence on my couch unless I say you fucking can, you got that"
Heated Confessions || Sister Laurel & Danny
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Danrel for the ship thing!
Who was the one to propose: Neither, they aren’t the marrying kind.
Who stressed more over wedding planning: See above answer.
Who decorated the house: Danny
Who does the cooking: Laurel
Who is more organized: Danny
Who initiates bedroom fun: Laurel
Who suggested kids first: Oh no you don’t want Danny as a father, no kids.
Who’s more dominant: Uhh Danny likes to think he is.
Who’s the cuddler:  They aren’t really cuddlers.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: I’m not real certain they spoon either.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:  Arguing
Who comes home drunk at 3am: Danny
Who kills the spiders: Danny
Who falls asleep first: Laurel
A head canon:  Uh…pass.
Their relationship summed up in a gif: 
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Do they have any “rituals”? Uh…
Who is louder? I guess it depends what you mean by loud. Danny can scream a house down given the chance.
Who is more experimental? Laurel
Who takes more risks? Danny
Do they fuck or make love? They fuck. They have never made love.
Lights on or off? Both
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? Laurel
Who is more likely to suggest a threesome? Danny
Who comes first? Danny
Who is better at oral and who prefers it? Laurel prefers to give, she’s better at it.
Who is more submissive? Laurel
Who usually initiates things? Laurel
Who is more sensitive? Laurel
Who has the most patience? Laurel
Which kinks do they share? Biting, spanking
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Danny spun in his chair hoping the rage would subside. But alas it wouldn't. "Stupid fucking losers, the whole lot of them, my brother, these fucking nuns especially-" his mind rant was cut off by the door opening. 
One of the club bouncers came barging in. "Mr. Devine" he said panting and Danny turned round in his chair with a glare. "Haven't I fucking told you not to disturb me" he said scowling through his teeth.
"I'm terribly sorry sir but there is a women-" Danny put his hand up to cut him off. "You may send her in" he huffed and turned in his chair. He wash;t looking forward to this talk.
The bouncer ran out to find Laurel. "Miss you may go in now" and he ran off to finish his duties
Heated Confessions || Sister Laurel & Danny
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For some unholy reason that I’m not totally aware of, I have amounted to 700 followers. WHAT? That’s just…that’s just wow to tell you the truth to think that there are actually seven hundred people who are out there and read what I write it is just amazing. Below you will find a list of my most favourite people, the ones who have made my time here oh so enjoyable. The Suns (Senpais) thepiratehero, invisibletotheireyes, jollyrogered, ahbutimavillain, igotyouakeychain, madammayorregina, mighthavebeenoverlystrict, killianxhookxjones neverskydivingagain, puredriven, theselfmadehero, frankensteinmd, crickettherapy, fractuspuer, what-a-complete-fucking-loser, worefishnets The Moons (Friends and Lovers) thedarkwolfslaying, darkheartedhook, ticktock-killthecroc, dragonofallevil, thecharmingprincessemma, im-not-a-what, ryanmillslife, villainsdontgethappyendings, theladynadinerahl, heartofthekxng, angelichandyman, dealxmaker, neverlandsfirstpirate, ofwingsandmagic, kissfromadarling, theprofessorxisin, petitxrouge, rightofmidnight, huntsmanwithoutaheart, augustusbooth, princeofsleepingbeauty, yourelettingusgo, perieratx, shatteredqueen thelxstsavior, drxjackson, kingofhisxship, terriblefairy, legendary-prince-of-thieves, crumblingdisposition heartofthekxng The Stars (People I Love/Stalk from afar and never speak to) reginathequeenofmean, atrue-raretalent, ellen—jane , snakelikecharmer, lankylostboy, dream-shade, asktheneverfairies, outcastedalchemist, dutycallsx, blueeyedcharmfantasy, thevampirecowboy, summerprxncess, princedeadward, wasnearlycalledbaelfire If you’re not on here, my apologies my memory is not super great. Just thank you and really you should all come talk to me more, I’m only a little crazy I promise.  Now last time I said I was going to do a giveaway and I lied, I never did it but I will this time once I figure out me some prizes!
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"It just is Missy" he smirked. "Lets just say this one was more vivid and quite fucking imaginative" he grinned.
"I had a sex dream about you last night"(what-a-complete-fucking-loser)//Danny obviously
Laurel raised an eyebrow. “And this is different from every other night, how?”
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Danny Devine threw down the phone in rage. Stupid bloody fucking nuns. Why did they have to be fucking right. Stupid fucking Nuns. Danny kicked the table the phone lay on top of causing injury to his foot. His next instinct was to clutch his toe and scream. "Fucking hell, fuck, fuck, fucking hell"
Danny had left the convent in rage after his run into Mother Superior. She had interrupted what could have been one of his best lays in a while. Seeing no one else he could talk to about it he called his brother to complain about his atrocious treatment at the convent. It was safe to say his brother had gone insane. Not only did he agree with mother superior but he also sad maybe Danny ought to take up anger management lessons. His brother was absolutely no help at all
Danny hopped around the room clutching his toe for a good five minutes before sitting down in his chair. He was really enjoying his time with Laurel. Sure they only met twice but there brief interaction today was just, indescribable. Laurel was good she was very good and dare he say it seeing her again wouldn't be so bad. In fact he couldn't wait for the little Nun to come strolling back into his office. Well if she was even a nun anymore.
Heated Confessions || Sister Laurel & Danny
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This was definitely making up for this terrible morning. He was going to take a nun in all her purity and this excited Danny, not only that it was going to be right there in a small confessional. One things for sure things were about to get very creative.
His lips left hers and began kissing all the way down her neck. He could here her moans as he continued down. "You like that Missy" he whispered against her neck. His lips then moving back to hers taking in her sweet innocent taste. The thought of deflowering the girl, aroused him more then he thought it would. The sudden urge to have her was growing as the kissing intensified. Her moaning wasn't helping his control either.
Then he herd a familiar creaking sound and light came into the small cramped confessional. he herd a voice and then he was hurdled away from Laurel. That voice. Shit. It was none other then mother superior. Oh fucking shit.
"Excuse me" Danny said enraged. "Get out of your sight?" he said "Have you fucking no idea who your fucking addressing here you fucking idiot nun?: he said moving closer to her. "My brother happens to own this fucking establishment and he also doesn't take to kindly to fucking nuns like yourself. So if he were to here about this then you would be thrown out on your arse faster then you could shake a fucking stick at." Hi voice now cold and menacing. "No one. orders, Danny Devine around. No one" and he pushed the women out of the way and took off.
Heated Confessions || Sister Laurel & Danny
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The next few minuets were a blur to Danny. One minuet he was, well flirting with a nun then the next second he was kissing her. He could feel her finger nails digging into his chest and it just made him get even more aroused then he was before. Her touch was no his oxygen and he could feel himself slipping away in submission with each passing second
He gained control back when he felt Laurel pulling them into a confessional. Did that mean she wanted to go further did she really want him like that? they had only known each other a month. Danny didn't seem to care though nor did Laurel for all that mattered was them and the feeling of lust he was sure she also had in this moment. He didn't waist any time pinning her down and pulling himself on top of her, his lips never leaving hers.
Heated Confessions || Sister Laurel & Danny
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A kiss. His first kiss and not only that but a kiss from a fairy. He blushed scarlet. "Do you feel the same" he said quickly before he could change his mind
unf - Lawrence // this surprised me xd he isn't this forward but what the hell. Lets go with Fairyland Au cuteness? (whatacompletefuckingloser)
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"You really think so?"
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"I'm giving up who I am everything I ever loved Tink for you all for you. In a way yes I'm dying Lawrence is gone and in his place will be Danny the only guy you seemed to care about. And if you did die Tink I would die too, you mean that much to me and that's why this is goodbye I'm doing whats best for you"
"I would still die for you"(Lawrence Waters) - whatacompletefuckingloser *sad cuz this has kinda already happened you know with the town line kinda*
"That’s not true, Lawrence. The next time you’ll see me, you will have no memory of who I am or what we meant to each other. To you I’ll just be a nobody; If I died you would bat an eye at my obituary and feel sad for a moment because I died so young but that would be it."
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Did he really just say that? How stupid can I be? " I you see.. well.. I.. just" he said blushing like an idiot.
unf - Lawrence // this surprised me xd he isn't this forward but what the hell. Lets go with Fairyland Au cuteness? (whatacompletefuckingloser)
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"You really think so?"
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"You got no fucking proof" he smirked
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(whatacompletefuckingloser) Hot Damn!
"You would say that, Danny."
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"True pain never goes away. I may lose my memories but I will always have this lingering feeling of sadness no matter how deeply buried within me" Tink needed to understand at he was doing this for her, he loved her and only wanted to give her what she wanted. "Don't pretend you didn't like it. i know you did." he said with a sigh. The things you had to do for love. "I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid the love I have for you ins't what you want"
"I can't give you what you want, Tink. I can't" he wasn't going to stay around and watch his world crumble. He hoped his brother wouldn't resent him either after this. "I don't push you away. I push myself away. I can't give you what you need" he said a tear falling. "I need to do this not just for you but for me. I can't stay here and watch my world crumble" the ring on in his hand plummeted to the ground with a thud. "A memory of Lawrence" he whispered back to her
"If you truly love them, you must let them go." (whatacompletefuckingloser *Lawrence*)
"Really? Because that sounds like you’re setting yourself up for a bunch of unnecessary misery. If you love someone, you should fight tooth and nail to get them back home to you where they belong."
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Lawrence looked at her, his eyes wide with curiosity and fear. "I'm sure..you might be" he said nervously. This fairy didn't seem all that bad. He assumed he was told to stay away from them as they might bring harm to him, but this one seemed nice. Though throughout his life Lawrence learned it was the quiet ones you had to watch out for
"I am happy, I think I am anyways" he said hanging his head. He sighed. "Thank you.. she was my only friend and I just can't believe she's gone" he said trying not to burst into tears. He never really had a real cry about it yet and it certainly wasn't going to happen for the first time in front of a complete stranger.
And The Servant Meets.... || Lawrence & Tink || Once Upon a Servant Boy Verse
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