wgsink · 7 years
Talk to us for help
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wgsink · 7 years
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wgsink · 7 years
Problems Matching Spot Colours
We’ve noticed a recent trend where clients are having issues matching spot/Pantone when proofing, Having dug around for cause we noted the trend in design software is to no longer convert spot colours to CMYK builds using the generally accepted CMYK builds you find in a bridge book. Instead they convert the colour's L.a.b. values directly to CMYK. That L.a.b. conversion is NOT the conversion from any bridge book and will be problematic as you try to match your proof in a commercial printing environment. that Make sure you use CMYK builds from a Pantone Bridge book when you convert your spot colours to process. 
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wgsink · 7 years
Interesting thoughts on spotting colour differences
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wgsink · 7 years
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wgsink · 7 years
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wgsink · 7 years
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wgsink · 7 years
Apple OS Sierra update & Xerox / Fiery Drivers
Please note that we are experiencing a number of issue with clients’ Macs that have auto-updated Apple macOS Sierra to the latest version; finding clashes with certain Xerox/Fiery drivers.
In this instance the Fiery’s printer specific features fail to load, causing problems when printing.
The issue has been escalated to Xerox and we await a fix.
If you could let us know before updating, we’ll advise you on work-arounds.
Many Thanks & Regards
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wgsink · 7 years
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wgsink · 7 years
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wgsink · 7 years
Funny take on Xerox’s ability to translate and share information.
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wgsink · 7 years
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wgsink · 7 years
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wgsink · 8 years
To learn more: www.xerox.com/MobileLinkCapture the power of a Xerox® MFP with your mobile devices. The Xerox Mobile Link app is a mobile app that can scan, fax, email, and print
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wgsink · 8 years
Japan may use recycled metals for 2020 medals -great idea!
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wgsink · 8 years
Brazilians Do Well in London
The UK is doing very well in Brazil at the moment, but there's a Brazilian also doing very well in London too - our very own Leo Simoes.... Leo recently passed his Apple Helpdesk Engineer exam with a passmark of 95%! Please join me in saying 'well done Leo'!
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wgsink · 8 years
How You – Yes You – Can Save Our Planet
It’s amazing how perceptions of green issues have changed when it comes to the workplace.
Twenty years ago, if a company truly wanted to go green and show off its environmentally conscious creds, it meant a massive financial investment too.
But these days, it’s a lot easier and a lot less financially draining to make your company as green as it can be. There are plenty of green options for pretty much any product you can think of, from light bulbs to vehicles.
Here's a few ideas to help you ‘greenify’ your business.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you and your employees are all on the same page. It’s not just about having a green message to put on your email signature, it’s about a way of life – or work. It’s about thinking of the green option every time. If your people want to rally behind environmental approach to their work, it creates a common bond and helps to unify their approach. Each department can consider what steps they could take to contribute to the company’s overall ambition.
Office lighting – Not only a big drain on the grid, but also your your bank balance.  Not everyone is in a position to have solar panels fitted so it is worth upgrading a few of the more lit areas of your office with LED bulbs.  Granted, these bulbs are a more expensive alternative but changing out a few at a time will help. Prioritise which areas of the office would benefit the most. LEDs use a lot less energy, mercury and other toxic gases contained by incandescent and fluorescent lights. They will also last about five times longer than other bulbs.
Water Supply - Add a water filter to your supply. It will cut down the need for plastic, transport miles and deliver fresh, clean water seamlessly for all employees.
Supplier Choice - Consider working with suppliers and vendors that have green credentials themselves. You can bask in their glory, knowing you made the best choice for your company and the planet. And don’t be afraid to do some research to see how long the company has done good things for the environment.
Support - Work with an environmental charity. Good causes need all sorts of help to raise money, so consider trading some services with them or holding a fundraising event to get your employees engaged and spread awareness.
Recycling - Get your employees recycling. The first step is to take employees’ desk bins away and create ‘recycling hubs’ around the office to ensure employees are putting the recycling in the correct bin. Then you can start measuring the amount of recycling you are generating with the aim of increasing recycling rates.
Alternative Products - Just ‘cos you’re green doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice clean. Most cleaning products, sanitisers, washing up liquid etc have green alternatives, so it’s worth seeing if you can replace them over time. Look for very specific claims on the packaging too. For example, something that says “all-natural” or “eco-friendly” doesn’t carry as much weight as a label that reads, “Made with 100% natural, organic and fair-trade ingredients” or, “Manufactured at a plant that has an ongoing plan to reduce carbon emissions through a certified environmental management system such as ISO 14001.”
What We Do - At Wiles Greenworld, we put the three pillars of sustainability (the environment, society and the economy) at the heart of our business and that’s not easy in our industry! Over 25 years we have been on an amazing journey and are now a zero waste to landfill and zero carbon operation.
See if you can spot us as a corporate sustainability case study alongside M&S and E&Y here: http://bit.ly/1XM1Gve
When you choose to work with us, you can be safe in the knowledge that endangered species have not been harmed by our work, and products have been locally sourced.  These are just two of the reasons why we are consistently voted as one of the greenest companies to partner with.
Whether you choose us for our transparent approach to print management, our environmentally alternative office supplies, or our free recycling services you will find that every step has been taken to care for our planet as much as we care about you.
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